Thomas jefferson quotes

Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Honesty and Fulfilling Your Duty -
20 Famous Thomas Jefferson Quotes #sayingimages #thomasjeffersonquotes #thomasjefferson
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The Most Patriotic President Quotes of All Time
The Most Patriotic President Quotes of All Time -
Have we drifted so far from the spirit of our revolution that it now sounds alien to us. Our founding documents were drafted at the height of Enlightenment thought. If we are now moving away from the Enlightenment, where are we going. Is anyone even asking?
John Adams On The Most Useless Thing of All....
90 Miles From Tyranny : John Adams On The Most Useless Thing of All....
"I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." ~Thomas Jefferson