heroes and villians

92 Pins
CRYart-UK - Student, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Scarecrow by =TLishman I think the scarecrow is the scariest villain. Sure, you can argue that the Joker's psychological problems are sadistic and creepy but... The scarecrow makes you scared. I'm terrified of being scared and I'm terrified of my worst fears. So this guy, he's terrifying.
47. Scarecrow by ColourOnly85 on DeviantArt
47. Scarecrow by ColourOnly85.deviantart.com on @deviantART
Batman's Villains by Philip Tan
Mr. Freeze by Philip Tan....I wonder your wondering why I don't have the movie version of this villian...well the movie was horrid...and arnold was a terrible choice to play Mr. Freeze.
The Joker- a great villain always has a philosophy yet he stands truly unique and triumphant as the ultimate agent of chaos. His insanity reveals a dark hidden truth about the human condition as he attempts to escape the behavior shackles of our made up moralities by going against every shred of instinct and commonly accepted behavior. A visionary.
USUAL SUSPECTS - BATMAN VILLIANS IN 1920'S MUGSHOTS – Harvey Dent | 268715" by Jason E. Mark
The magic of the Internet
The Joker as a mugshot from the 20s! Drawn by Jason Mark
Geek Art by Livio Ramondelli
Batman: Mr. Freeze by Livio Ramondelli - One of the few villians I actually feel really sorry for; poor Mr. Freeze. :(
What Are You Afraid Of?