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I don't really understand these things. Even if Harry was sorted into Slytherin or whatnot he'd still look exactly the same? There is no rule saying that all Slytherins are blonde and scary looking and physical traits do not, and should not, change a Hufflepuff into a Gryffindor or even sway the Sorting Hat's decision in any way. << I hear what you're saying but I'm not understanding it. I'm focusing on hot Ron looks as a Ravenclaw. <3 Guess we just take the good looking ones #RavenclawPride! <3
Aquí algunas escenas detrás de cámara de 'Yo soy Betty, la fea' que te harán morir de la risa
Matthias Schoenaerts One of my favorite "looks" from, "Far from The Madding Crowd." Gabriel is what first made me adore Matty...