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Handgemachte Zeichnungen / Portraits on Instagram: "Heute mal etwas ausführlicher 🎄 Was soll ich als nachstes zeichnen? #zeichnung #zeichnenlernen #drawing #kunst #künstlerin #zeichnenlernenfüranfänger #anfängerzeichnung #kunst #drawing #bleistiftzeichnung #weihnachtszeit #weihnachtszeichnung #weihnachtsbaumzeichnen"
Tawnie Jeanne on Instagram: "Day 44 of the “ugly” sketchbook! This exercise is so fun whether you are an artist or not. Not only is it fun but apparently it can be really helpful! According to the Vancouver Visual Art Foundation’s website, “Neurographic art creates a mindful, meditative, yet aware state through the creation of new neural connections when engaging in this art form.” People use this technique to actually help them with all sorts of issues, anxiety, etc. They will take an issue or something they are thinking (or overthinking) and write it on the back of a piece of paper and then flip it over and make neurographic art on the other side. After they finish they flip the paper back over and see if they have any new insights about the problem. Worth a shot! And if it doesn’t