Pickup car

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テントと車中泊のいいとこ取り!「軽トラキャンプ」がじわじわ人気に! (2ページ目)(2ページ目)
悔しいけど、カッコイイ!まさかの「軽トラキャンプ」スタイルが今の最前線!?|CAMP HACK[キャンプハック]
Carpenter, plumber, architect or electrician? Kallie has your bakkie covered for any job!
What can we do for you? STANDARD CANOPY WITH STANDARD FRAME A Standard frame means that it cannot carry weight on the roof and is only for coverage. It includes left, right and rear flexi-glass windows where only the left and right side windows can roll up. The following optional extras can be added: ➡️ Side awnings ➡️ Side awning drop sides ➡️ Tent poles ➡️ Tent pole ropes ➡️ S/C Roof rack ( Can carry 400kg – 600kg on the roof ) CBCC 🚙 The authority in canvas canopy manufacturing #canopy