Papers by Hayrettin Akdeniz
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2012
To investigate the relationship between severity of illness and hospitalization with the presence... more To investigate the relationship between severity of illness and hospitalization with the presence of leukocyturia and bacteriuria in outpatients with heart failure (HF). Four hundred three patients admitted with the diagnosis of HF to cardiology outpatient clinic were included in this study. According to New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, the patients were divided into two groups to be group A (decompensated) as stage 3 or 4 and group B as stage 1 or 2 (compensated HF). All subjects underwent standard 12-lead ECG and echocardiography. In all patients, full blood, biochemical tests as liver and kidney function tests, full urinary analysis (FUA) and thyroid function tests were analyzed. Mid-stream urine for culture was taken for the leukocytes number > or =5 mm3. The mean leukocyte number (MLN) in urine of patients was 16.56 +/- 13.63 in Group A and was 3.74 +/- 5.31 in Group B (p < 0.000). The moderately positive correlation was found between the MLN and NHYA cla...
Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2003
Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis manifesting itself in various types all over the world. A ... more Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis manifesting itself in various types all over the world. A 23-yearold male patient, who referred to the Emergency Unit of Yüzüncü Y›l University Medical Faculty, suffered from fever, sweats, anorexia, fatigue, headache, myalgia, hiccups, nausea and vomiting, oliguria and darkening of the urine beginning 15 days before. Leptospiras were seen by dark field examination of the preparations from urine samples of the patient that we were informed to be a building worker in Istanbul. In the serum samples taken from pre-treatment period, we have found a positiveness against Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae Wijnberg strain at a titer of 1/3200 by method of microscopic agglutination test (MAT) in Etlik Veterinary Control and Investigation Institute. The patient who was determined to have acute renal failure and hepatic function disorder was discharged from the hospital after treatment with a complete recovery.
Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2008
Typhoid fever can affect many organ and systems as well as being manifested by multisystemic invo... more Typhoid fever can affect many organ and systems as well as being manifested by multisystemic involvement. In this paper, we present a case of typhoid fever presenting with cloudiness of consciousness, psychosis, pancytopenia, acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, typhoid hepatitis, toxic myocarditis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. The patient, recovered with medical treatment without any damage.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 6, 1995
Objectives: Monocytes (MO), macrophages, and microglia have a central role in the central nervous... more Objectives: Monocytes (MO), macrophages, and microglia have a central role in the central nervous system inflammation of multiple sclerosis (MS). During clinical activity in MS, MO activation markers increase and some interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels are elevated. Our aim was to determine levels of absolute MO count and percentage in peripheral blood of MS patients during the attacks. Methodology: We assessed the percentage of MO by examining the blood smears in 28 patients with definite MS, in 20 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and in 20 healthy control subjects. Results: The mean value of absolute MO count in MS patients, CVD and control groups were as 606.67± 170.52, 746.50±414.76 and 360.00±109.54 respectively. The mean values of MO percentage in MS patients, CVD and control group were 8.34±2.61%, 5.56±2.48% and 5.36±1.50% respectively. The mean percentage of MO was significantly elevated in MS patients compared with the both groups of CVD an...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2003
Leptospiroz, tüm dünyada çeflitli tipleri ile yayg›n olarak görülen bir zoonozdur. Yirmiüç yafl›n... more Leptospiroz, tüm dünyada çeflitli tipleri ile yayg›n olarak görülen bir zoonozdur. Yirmiüç yafl›ndaki erkek hasta, Yüzüncü Y›l Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Acil Servisine; 15 gün önce bafllayan atefl, terleme, ifltahs›zl›k, halsizlik, yorgunluk, bafl a¤r›s›, kas a¤r›lar›, bir hafta önce bafllayan h›çk›r›k, bulant›-kusma, idrar miktar›nda azalma ve idrar renginde koyulaflma flikayetleri ile baflvurdu. ‹stanbul'da inflaat iflçisi olarak çal›flt›¤› ö¤renilen has-tan›n idrar›ndan haz›rlanan preparat›n karanl›k saha incelemesinde leptospiralar görüldü. Hastan›n tedavi öncesi al›nan serum örne¤inde, Etlik Merkez Veteriner Kontrol ve Araflt›rma Enstitüsü'nde yap›lan mikroskobik aglütinasyon testi (MAT) ile Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae Wijnberg sufluna karfl› 1/3200 titrede pozitiflik bulundu. Karaci¤er fonksiyonlar› bozuk olan ve akut böbrek yetmezli¤ine giren hasta, yap›lan tedaviden sonra flifa ile taburcu edildi.
Türkiye klinikleri tıp bilimleri dergisi, 2010
Ocak 1995-Ağus tos 2008 ta rih le ri ara sın da Yü zün cü Yıl Üni ver si te si Tıp Fa kül te si İ... more Ocak 1995-Ağus tos 2008 ta rih le ri ara sın da Yü zün cü Yıl Üni ver si te si Tıp Fa kül te si İnfek si yon Has ta lık la rı Ser vis in de bak te ri yel me nen jit ta nı sıy la ta kip le ri ya pı lan ol gu la rı mı zın klinik ve la bo ra tu ar bul gu la rı nın ret ros pek tif de ğer len di ril me si amaç lan dı. G Ge e r re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön n t te em m l le er r: : Hasta la rın de mog ra fik özel lik le ri, anam nez le ri, fi zik mu a ye ne ve la bo ra tu ar bul gu la rı dos ya la rı nın ta ran ma sı ile el de edil di. Bak te ri yel me nen jit ta nı sı; kli nik açı dan me nen jit şüp he li ol gu lar da, beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) 'nın mik ro bi yo lo jik, bi yo kim ya sal ve se ro lo jik, merkezi sinir sistemi (MSS)'nin rad yo lo jik tet kik le ri ve an ti mik ro bi yal te da vi ye ver dik le ri ya nıt la rın bir lik te de ğer len di ril me si ile ko nul du. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : İki yüz dört ol gu nun 96'sı ka dın, 108'i er kek, yaş or ta la ma sı 30.8 ± 13.9 idi. Olgu la rın %33'ü akut bak te ri yel me nen jit (ABM), %44'ü tü ber kü loz me nen jit (TM), %23'ü bru sel la me nen ji ti (BrM) idi. Baş ağ rı sı en faz la gö rü len semp tom olup (%80), ABM 'li ol gu la rın %89.5, TM'li ol gu la rın %71 ve BrM'li ol gu la rın %74.5'in de mev cut tu. ABM 'li has ta la rın BOS kül tü rün de S. pneu mo ni a e %13.4, N. me nin gi ti dis %7.5 ve S. au re us %3 ora nın da izo le edil di. TM'li has ta la rın %20'sin de asi do re zis tan bak te ri gös te ril di. BrM'li has ta la rı nın %10.6'sın da BOS' tan, %17.2'sin de kan dan B. me li ten sis izo le edil di. Mor ta li te ora nı ABM için %13.4, TM için %14.4 ve BrM için %2.1 idi. S So o n nu uç ç: : Tü ber kü loz me nen jit böl ge miz de di ğer bak te ri yel me nen jit ler den da ha sık gö rül mek te ve yük sek mor ta li te ve mor bi di te si ile dik ka ti çek mek te dir. Bru sel la me nen jit ler ise kli nik ve la bora tu var bul gu la rı di ğer bak te ri yel me nen jit le re gö re da ha si lik sey ret mek te dir. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Me nen jit, bak te ri yel; tü ber kü loz, me nin ge al; bru sel la A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : We ai med to ret ros pec ti vely eva lu a te our ca ses fol lo wed up in de part ment of In fec ti o us Di se a ses, Me di cal Fa culty of Yü zün cü Yıl Uni ver sity with the di ag no sis of bac te ri al menin gi tis bet we en Ja nu ary 1995 and Au gust 2008 in vi ew of the ir cli ni cal and la bo ra tory fin dings. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : De mog rap hic fe a tu res, his tory, physi cal exa mi na ti on and la bo ra tory fin dings we re ac hi e ved by scre e ning the fi les. The di ag no sis of bac te ri al me nin gi tis in ca ses cli ni cally con sis tent with sus pected me nin gi tis was do ne by mic ro bi o lo gi cal, bi oc he mi cal and se ro lo gi cal tests per for med on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samp les, by ra di o lo gi cal exa mi na ti ons of central nervous system (CNS) and the ans wers of the pa ti ents to an ti bac te ri al tre at ment. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : Of 204 pa ti ents, 96 we re fe ma les and 108 we re ma les with an ave ra ge age of 30.8 ± 13.9 ye ars. Thirty three percent of ca ses had acu te bac te ri al me nin gi tis (ABM), 44% had tu ber cu lo us me nin gi tis (TM) and 23% brucel la me nin gi tis (BrM). He a dac he was the most fre qu ent symptom in all ca ses with 80%, be ing 89.5% in ABM ca ses, 71% in TM ca ses and 74.5% in BrM ca ses. In CSF cul tu res of the pa ti ents with ABM, S. pne u mo ni a was iso la ted in 13.4% of the ca ses, nin gi ti des in 7.5% and res in 3%. In pa ti ents with TM, acid-fast ba cil li was se en in 20% of the ca ses. B. me li ten sis was grown from CSF in 10.6% of the pa ti ents with BrM and from blo od in 17.2% of the pa ti ents. Mor ta li ty ra te was 13.4% in ABM ca ses, 14.4% in TM ca ses and 2.1% in BrM ca ses. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : TM se ems to be more fre qu ent in our re gi on when compared to ot her causes of bac te ri al me nin gi tis and its high morbi dity and mor ta lity ra tes at tract the at ten ti on. Cli ni cal and la bo ra tory fin dings of BrM are va gu er than ot her forms of bac te ri al me nin gi tis. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Me nin gi tis, bac te ri al; tu ber cu lo sis, me nin ge al; bru cel la T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J M Me ed d S Sc ci i 2 20 01 10 0; ;3 30 0((5 5
PubMed, Aug 1, 1998
Three children infected with Fasciola hepatica (FH) were treated with triclabendazole (TCZ; Fasin... more Three children infected with Fasciola hepatica (FH) were treated with triclabendazole (TCZ; Fasinex). In the first two patients, firstly, albendazole (Andazole) was administered, but did not stop the excretion of FH eggs. To these two patients, TCZ was administered in a single oral dose of 10 mg/kg postprandially. Two month later, very few eggs were found in stool samples. So, the same dose of triclabendazole was secondly given to the patients. After this therapy. FH eggs have not been found in the repeated stool examinations for a follow up of one year. To the third patient, TCZ was administered in a single oral dose of 10 mg/kg together with food. This patient has remained free of complaints and stool samples were free from FH eggs for two months. In conclusion, TCZ may be used as a treatment of choice for human fasciolosis both in adults, and children.
PubMed, Jun 1, 2012
Background: Brucellosis can mimic various multisytem diseases, showing wide clinical polymorphism... more Background: Brucellosis can mimic various multisytem diseases, showing wide clinical polymorphism that frequently leads to misdiagnosis and treatment delay, further increasing the complication rates. In this study, we aimed to examine bone marrow biopsy findings in brucellosis cases presenting with hematologic abnormalities. Methods: Forty-eight brucellosis cases were prospectively investigated. Complaints and physical examination findings of patients were recorded. Patients' complete blood count, routine biochemical tests, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein and serological screenings were performed. Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration was performed in patients with cytopenia, for bone marrow examination and brucella culture, in accordance with the standard procedures from spina iliaca posterior superior region of pelvic bone. Results: Of the 48 patients, 35 (73%) were female and 13 (27%) were male. Mean age was (34.8 ± 15.4) years (age range: 15 - 70 years). Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia were found in 39 (81%), 28 (58%), 22 (46%) and 10 patients (21%), respectively. In the examination of bone marrow, hypercellularity was found in 35 (73%) patients. Increased megacariocytic, erythroid and granulocytic series were found in 28 (58%), 15 (31%) and 5 (10%) patients, respectively. In addition, hemophagocytosis was observed in 15 (31%) patients, granuloma observed in 12 (25%) and increased eosinophil and plasma cells observed in 9 (19%) patients. Conclusion: According to the results of our series, hemophagocytosis, microgranuloma formation and hypersplenism may be responsible for hematologic complications of brucellosis.
The Turkish journal of gastroenterology, 2000
Türkiye Klinikleri Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları - Özel Konular, 2018
Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2005
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Aug 2, 2013
Objectives: In the intensive care setting, Acinetobacter baumannii causes ventilator-associated p... more Objectives: In the intensive care setting, Acinetobacter baumannii causes ventilator-associated pneumonia and other nosocomial infections that are difficult to treat. Objective of this study was to investigate nosocomial A. baumannii infections and its changing antibiotic resistance. Methods: A total of 56 patients diagnosed with A.baumannii infections between January 2009 and December 2011 were included in the study. Diagnosis for nosocomial infections was established according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) criteria. Identification of the agents isolated was carried out using conventional methods and VITEK 2 automated system, while antibiotic sensitivity testing was performed through VITEK 2 AST-N090 automated system. Results: The most common infection was nosocomial pneumonia by 43%, among which 46% were ventilatorassociated pneumonia. Considering all years, the most effective antibiotics on the isolated strains were found as colistin, tigecycline, imipenem and meropenem. However resistance to imipenem and meropenem was observed to increase over years. Conclusion: The issue of increased resistance to antibiotics poses difficulty in treatment of A. baumannii infections which in turn increases the rate of mortality and cost. In order to prevent development of resistance, antibiotics must be used in an appropriate way in accompanied with proper guidance.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2008
Tifo, birçok organ ve sistemi tutabildi¤i gibi, multisistemik tutulumla da seyredebilen bir infek... more Tifo, birçok organ ve sistemi tutabildi¤i gibi, multisistemik tutulumla da seyredebilen bir infeksiyon hasta-l›¤›d›r. Bu yaz›da, fluur bulan›kl›¤›, psikoz, pansitopeni, akut pankreatit, akut kolesistit, tifoid hepatit, toksik miyokardit ve dissemine intravasküler koagülopati (D‹K) ile seyreden bir tifo olgusu sunuldu. Hasta, medikal tedavi ile sekelsiz olarak iyileflti.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2008
In this paper, we present the hematological findings of 787 cases diagnosed with acute brucellosi... more In this paper, we present the hematological findings of 787 cases diagnosed with acute brucellosis. Materials and Methods: Records of the cases seen between 1994 and 2006 were retrospectively investigated regarding hematological changes. Results: Three hundred sixty-five (46%) patients were male and 422 (54%) were female. Mean age was 32 (range: 11-78 years). Mean hematological values were as follows: Hb 12 g/dl (4-19), Htc 36% (12-56), leukocyte 6.9 × 10 9 /L (0.5-25) and platelets 213 × 10 9 /L (9-617). According to differential counts, 34% and 14% of patients had mononuclear cell and neutrophil dominance, respectively. Fifty-six percent of patients were found to have anemia, alone or in combination with leukopenia or thrombocytopenia. Fourteen percent of patients had thrombocytopenia, 12% leukopenia, 5% pancytopenia, 4% leukopenia + thrombocytopenia, 0.5% acute hemolysis, and 0.1% disseminated intravascular coagulation. Restoration of thrombocytopenia and leukopenia and improvement in clinical situation were seen within one week and recovery of anemia occurred within 3-4 weeks. Conclusions: Hematological complications such as anemia and leukopenia are more frequently seen in acute brucellosis cases. However, acute brucellosis should also be considered in the differential diagnosis in the presence of other hematological abnormalities such as severe thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, acute hemolytic anemia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2009
Özet Sıtma Türkiye&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;de Doğu Akdeniz ve Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgelerinde end... more Özet Sıtma Türkiye&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;de Doğu Akdeniz ve Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgelerinde endemik, diğer bölgelerde sporadik olarak rastlanılan önemli bir paraziter infeksiyondur. Yurdumuzda büyük bir çoğunlukla Plasmodium vivax sıtması görülmektedir. Hastanemize yüksek ateş, ...
Objectives: Monocytes (MO), macrophages, and microglia have a central role in the central nervous... more Objectives: Monocytes (MO), macrophages, and microglia have a central role in the central nervous system inflammation of multiple sclerosis (MS). During clinical activity in MS, MO activation markers increase and some interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels are elevated. Our aim was to determine levels of absolute MO count and percentage in peripheral blood of MS patients during the attacks. Methodology: We assessed the percentage of MO by examining the blood smears in 28 patients with definite MS, in 20 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and in 20 healthy control subjects. Results: The mean value of absolute MO count in MS patients, CVD and control groups were as 606.67± 170.52, 746.50±414.76 and 360.00±109.54 respectively. The mean values of MO percentage in MS patients, CVD and control group were 8.34±2.61%, 5.56±2.48% and 5.36±1.50% respectively. The mean percentage of MO was significantly elevated in MS patients compared with the both groups of CVD and control (P<0.001). Conclusion: Our results suggest a possible role of an increase in MO activation in the acute exacerbations of Multiple Sclerosis.
PubMed, Jun 1, 2012
Aim: To investigate the relationship between severity of illness and hospitalization with the pre... more Aim: To investigate the relationship between severity of illness and hospitalization with the presence of leukocyturia and bacteriuria in outpatients with heart failure (HF). Patients and methods: Four hundred three patients admitted with the diagnosis of HF to cardiology outpatient clinic were included in this study. According to New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, the patients were divided into two groups to be group A (decompensated) as stage 3 or 4 and group B as stage 1 or 2 (compensated HF). All subjects underwent standard 12-lead ECG and echocardiography. In all patients, full blood, biochemical tests as liver and kidney function tests, full urinary analysis (FUA) and thyroid function tests were analyzed. Mid-stream urine for culture was taken for the leukocytes number > or =5 mm3. Results: The mean leukocyte number (MLN) in urine of patients was 16.56 +/- 13.63 in Group A and was 3.74 +/- 5.31 in Group B (p < 0.000). The moderately positive correlation was found between the MLN and NHYA class in all patients (r = 0.526; p < 0.000). In receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, the optimal cut-off value of leukocytes in urinalysis to predict hospitalization of CHF was > or =5, with 76.1% sensitivity and 75.7% specificity (area under the curve 0.825, 95% confidence interval 0.781 to 0.862, p = 0.000). Conclusions: We found that the numbers of leukocytes in urinalysis of hospitalized patients with HF were significantly higher than non-hospitalized persons. Also, number of leukocyte in urinalysis was positively correlated with NYHA class of HF patients. Namely, leukocyturia may be an indicator of decompensations in HF patients.
Papers by Hayrettin Akdeniz