Papers by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO
Politiques de communication
Politix, 1997
Proprieties of Political Exchange. Birth of a TV Political Forum. Eric Darras [9-24]. The aims an... more Proprieties of Political Exchange. Birth of a TV Political Forum. Eric Darras [9-24]. The aims and failures of the first political show (Face a face, 1966-1969) on French television are far from the actual routines of interview news programs (the reverent tone, the design of the settings...). The uncertainties of these beginnings can be seen as the mutual learning — between the main political leaders, journalists and members of the government — of the politically feasible (or speakable) on television. Against the «mediacracy paradigm», this study shows the (nowadays denied) unequal interaction between political guests and journalists «putted in their place», structurally subordinated to the political field. The history of political shows appears like the history of the crystallization of a new political strategic interaction.
Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, 2017
As pesquisas comparativas sobre a mídia são bastante numerosas atualmente. Contudo, poucas abor... more As pesquisas comparativas sobre a mídia são bastante numerosas atualmente. Contudo, poucas abordam as dificuldades precisas da comparação como estratégia metodológica ou ainda as condições de produção da pesquisa comparativa. Com o objetivo de trazer pistas de reflexão sobre este último aspecto, o artigo propõe um exercício de objetificação participante de uma equipe de três pesquisadores situados em posições distintas no espaço acadêmico (um professor-pesquisador experiente, um professor-pesquisador recém-contratado e um professor-pesquisador com um contrato de trabalho temporário – o que no Brasil corresponderia ao estatuto de professor-substituto nas universidades públicas) no contexto da participação deles em uma pesquisa sobre o trabalho político dos jornalistas locais na França e nos Estados Unidos. Tendo como base a sociologia reflexiva de Pierre Bourdieu, trata-se de mostrar que a posição de cada membro da equipe no microcosmo acadêmico tem uma...
Journal of Communication, 2012
This study examines how media system differences in the form of news change or stay the same as n... more This study examines how media system differences in the form of news change or stay the same as newspapers in the United States (liberal), Denmark (democratic corporatist), and France (polarized pluralist) move from print to online. Internet technological affordances are posited to move online news toward more advertising and information (liberal model) and more opinion and deliberation (polarized pluralist model). In the liberal direction, advertising and more localized, light news increase; toward polarized pluralism, news as a whole declines while deliberation, opinion, and nonjournalistic voices increase slightly. A lesser degree of change in France may be due to greater state insulation from market pressures; some contradictory tendencies in Denmark indicate that technological influences are shaped by contextual national factors.
European Journal of Communication, 2015
This article presents key results of a comparative journalists' survey on media accountability, f... more This article presents key results of a comparative journalists' survey on media accountability, for which 1762 journalists in 14 countries had been interrogated online. The article explores how European journalists perceive the impact of old versus new media accountability instruments on professional journalistic standards – established instruments like press councils, ethics codes, ombudsmen and media criticism, but also more recent online instruments like newsroom blogs and criticism via social media. Thus, the study also adds empirical data to the current debate about the future of media self-regulation in Europe, ignited by the Leveson Inquiry in the United Kingdom as well as the European Commission's High-Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism.
This article examines the differential formation of online news startups in Toulouse, France, and... more This article examines the differential formation of online news startups in Toulouse, France, and Seattle, United States. While Seattle is home to many startups, in Toulouse there have been just 4—and only 1 continues publishing. Drawing on Bourdieu's field theory, we argue that amount and types of capital held by journalists in the 2 cities varied as a result of differences in journalism's position in the field of power. These differences shaped the extent of startup formation in each city and structured journalists' capacities to convert their capital into the resources needed to form startups (e.g., funding, credentials, partnerships). These findings are positioned in relation to literatures on journalism innovation and comparative media.
Politiques de Communication, 2015
Est-ce que des individus aux caractéristiques sociales diverses tendent à regarder et à aimer les... more Est-ce que des individus aux caractéristiques sociales diverses tendent à regarder et à aimer les mêmes séries comiques? Et lors-qu'ils le font, les regardent-ils de la même manière et por les mêmes raisons? Comment se différencient les goûts en matière de séries comiques? Les réflexions proposées dans cet article reposent sur une enquête menée à Toulouse entre 2007 et 2010 auprès de jeunes issus de milieux sociaux variés. Dans la continuité des travaux de la sociologie des pratiques culturelles, l'analyse de la réception des séries comiques permet de mettre en lumière la diversité des pratiques télévisuelles et des goûts qui s'y rapportent, ancrés socialement. La question des goûts contribue en effet à façonner l'appartenance à des groupes sociaux et leur reproduction. Le poids du capital culturel, inégalement distribué dans l'espace social, reste très important dans ces processus de réception ordinaire des séries comiques et de différenciation sociale. Il s'agit d'une part de repérer les conditions sociales qui rendent possible une certaine homologie des positions et des prises de position. D'autre part, sont étudiés les divers modes d'appropriation (socialement situés) de la réception ordinaire des séries comiques "culturellement dissonantes".
Politiques de Communication, 2015
... An Analysis of the Form of Print and Online Newspapers in Denmark, France and the US Authors:... more ... An Analysis of the Form of Print and Online Newspapers in Denmark, France and the US Authors: Rodney Benson, Matthew Powers, Sandra Vera, Ida Willig, Mark Orsten. Abstract This study examines the extent to which media system differences in print newspapers ...
Journal of Communication, 2012
This study examines how media system differences in the form of news change or stay the same as n... more This study examines how media system differences in the form of news change or stay the same as newspapers in the United States (liberal), Denmark (democratic corporatist), and France (polarized pluralist) move from print to online. Internet technological affordances are posited to move online news toward more advertising and information (liberal model) and more opinion and deliberation (polarized pluralist model). In the liberal direction, advertising and more localized, light news increase; toward polarized pluralism, news as a whole declines while deliberation, opinion, and nonjournalistic voices increase slightly. A lesser degree of change in France may be due to greater state insulation from market pressures; some contradictory tendencies in Denmark indicate that technological influences are shaped by contextual national factors.
Books by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO
À la fin des années 1980 et au début des années 1990, les magazines comme Voici lancés par le gro... more À la fin des années 1980 et au début des années 1990, les magazines comme Voici lancés par le groupe de presse Prisma ont paru suffisamment nouveaux pour que se diffuse l’expression, nouvelle, de « presse people ». Plus récemment, et en particulier autour de l’élection présidentielle de 2007, alors que des médias généralistes accordaient une place, en apparence inédite, à la vie privée de certains candidats, c’est le thème de la « peopolisation » qui s’est répandu ; il est de bon ton de s’inquiéter d’une évolution qui, en déplaçant la limite (et la séparation) entre le public et le privé, touche, certes à la « morale bourgeoise », mais aussi à un aspect important du processus par lequel l’espace politique moderne s’est constitué.
Book Chapters by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO
Journalists and media accountability. An international study of news people in the digital age. , 2014
The purpose of this chapter is to explore what field theory (Benson 1999; Benson and Neveu 2005) ... more The purpose of this chapter is to explore what field theory (Benson 1999; Benson and Neveu 2005) might add to the understanding of media accountability in a comparative manner, in order to add an additional theoretical perspective to the discussion of the MediaAct survey data.
This chapter presents a cross-national study of two local news ecosystems: Toulouse, France and S... more This chapter presents a cross-national study of two local news ecosystems: Toulouse, France and Seattle, Washington. We ask how and in what ways the news media of these two interestingly similar cities have been impacted by the economic and technological transformations of the past decade, and examine how news organizations have responded to these changes.
L'ordinaire du politique. Enquêtes sur les rapports profanes au politique. , 2016
"S'amuser, c'est être d'accord". Si l'on en croit Adorno et tant d'autres depuis, les médias domi... more "S'amuser, c'est être d'accord". Si l'on en croit Adorno et tant d'autres depuis, les médias dominants sont réputés dépolitiser à plusieurs niveaux. D'une part, ils divertissent pour faire diversion comme ils persuadent clandestinement le téléspectateur qui "s'amuse à en mourir". La thèse remonte au moins au XIXe siècle: en jouant sur les affects et les mécanismes d'identifications, le feuilleton du journal ferait passer ses messages conservateurs à l'insu du lecteur. D'autre part, les médias dominants dépolitisent ainsi parce qu'ils naturalisent l'idéologie des dominants devenant idéologie dominante.
Papers by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO
Books by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO
Book Chapters by Sandra VERA ZAMBRANO