Papers by Mohamad Hosseini Abardeh
Series compensation of transmission lines using fixed series capacitors can cause sub-synchronous... more Series compensation of transmission lines using fixed series capacitors can cause sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) between electrical and mechanical systems. This phenomenon leads to severe damages to turbine generator shafts. Thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) is one of the FACTS devices which can be utilized to damp electromechanical and sub-synchronous oscillations. This device can perform flexible series compensation and SSR damping. The effect of different parameters of the TCSC is studied using complex torque coefficient method. Open loop and closed-loop constant current and constant power control methods are simulated using PSCAD/EMTDC software package. First IEEE benchmark model for sub-synchronous resonance studies and a complete model of TCSC is used to analyze the effect of different parameters and control structure on the SSR damping capability of the TCSC.

2019 Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG)
In this paper, the optimal operation of the energy storage system in a hybrid microgrid with resp... more In this paper, the optimal operation of the energy storage system in a hybrid microgrid with respect to load uncertainty is examined. An energy storage system such as a battery or other energy storage technologies used in hybrid microgrids with multiple distributed generations (DGs) is considered. Optimal utilization of the storage system is to select the optimum location, determine the optimum capacity and optimal charging and discharging planning. The optimal operation of the storage system used in the hybrid microgrid is challenging due to uncertainties in various system parameters. The optimization problem in this paper is a nonlinear and non-convex problem, therefore ordinary problem solving methods such as linear programming are inapplicable. On the other hand, uncertainty of load, weather conditions and energy storage system can have a significant impact on the problem of optimal operation of the storage system. Moreover, a new optimization algorithm named stochastic quasi-gradient method (SQGM) is utilized in order to optimize the nonlinear and non-convex objective function under load uncertainty. Simulation results on a typical hybrid microgrid confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 2020
As the penetration of distributed generation sources increases at the distribution level, the nec... more As the penetration of distributed generation sources increases at the distribution level, the necessity of designing microgrids is highlighted. Microgrids can operate in either islanded (separated from the utility grid) or grid-connected mode. Apart from the technical and economic benefits of microgrids, they may cause some protection issues in distribution systems. The most important of these issues is the difference between the short circuit levels in islanded and grid-connected operation modes. In this paper, an intelligent overcurrent relay that can adapt to the microgrid operation mode is proposed; that is, the relay detects the microgrid operation mode by means of an adaptive algorithm. The proposed adaptive method optimizes the accuracy and speed of the algorithm for detecting the microgrid operation mode. Then, the optimal settings that have been already stored in the relay are activated according to the microgrid operation mode. All internal processes of the relay use the voltage and current sampled at the relay location. As a result, the relay can be used in all networks without communication infrastructures. Finally, the proposed method is implemented in a sample microgrid. The superiority of the intelligent relay performance over conventional overcurrent relays is shown by numerical results.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2015
The matrix converter instability can cause a substantial distortion in the input currents and vol... more The matrix converter instability can cause a substantial distortion in the input currents and voltages which leads to the malfunction of the converter. This paper deals with the effects of input filter type, grid inductance, voltage fed to the modulation algorithm and the synchronous rotating digital filter time constant on the stability and performance of the matrix converter. The studies are carried out using eigenvalues of the linearized system and simulations. Two most common schemes for the input filter (LC and RLC) are analyzed. It is shown that by a proper choice of voltage input to the modulation algorithm, structure of the input filter and its parameters, the need for the digital filter for ensuring the stability can be resolved. Moreover, a detailed model of the system considering the switching effects is simulated and the results are used to validate the analytical outcomes. The agreement between simulation and analytical results implies that the system performance is not deteriorated by neglecting the nonlinear switching behavior of the converter. Hence, the eigenvalue analysis of the linearized system can be a proper indicator of the system stability.

Epe Journal, Mar 5, 2019
Modulation algorithms of indirect matrix converters (IMCs) are complicated and need powerful proc... more Modulation algorithms of indirect matrix converters (IMCs) are complicated and need powerful processors, such as DSP along with FPGA or CPLD for implementation. Using any extra hardware increases the cost and complexity and also reduces the reliability of the system. In this paper, a new realization for the space vector modulation (SVM) of the IMC is proposed so that it can be implemented by using a single low-cost 32-bit ARM-based microcontroller chip without any additional hardware. Therefore, due to the elimination of the extra hardware in the proposed method, the compact design in the control part of the system is provided so the reliability of the system is increased. Moreover, the cost of the system can be significantly reduced in low-power applications. This realization is based on using the timer-counter modules and the interrupt routine of the microcontroller. Therefore, the CPU burden is also minimized and the microcontroller can perform other tasks such as calculation of complex control algorithms. This feature can also be valuable in some applications. The experimental results of an IMC connected to the RL and a motor load demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Dec 3, 2010
Voltage disturbances specially voltage sags can cause significant problems and losses for electri... more Voltage disturbances specially voltage sags can cause significant problems and losses for electricity users. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is a series compensator device that can hold load voltage partially isolated from grid side disturbances. A DVR based-on matrix converter topology is proposed in this paper. A control algorithm using d-q transformation is introduced to generate the reference voltages of the

International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering, May 9, 2023
In this paper, a comprehensive statistics-based review of islanding detection methods (IDMs) in m... more In this paper, a comprehensive statistics-based review of islanding detection methods (IDMs) in microgrids (MGs) is presented. Islanding detection is the situation of isolating the MG from the main grid whether programmed as a result of load managing purposes or un-programmed due to the occurrence of faults. Islanding detection is a vital issue in MG's analyses due to the prevention of subsequent protection problems in the power system. In other words, when the MG's operation mode changes, the current passing through the protective devices changes subsequently and the protection system should be able to adapt the new settings to the protective devices. So, IDMs are vital for electrical engineers to overcome the abovementioned protection issue. This review paper surveys the existing literature in IDMs by concentration on total publications, type of publications (journal, conference paper, or book), five authors with the highest number of publications (including the affiliations), and five most published sources. Also, the five most cited publications and state-of-the-art IDMs are investigated in detail, utilizing some known and novel categorizations. This paper will be useful for the MG's researchers to know the most desirable IDMs, especially in recent years, and provides an insightful overview for future studies.

Energy Systems, Apr 30, 2020
As the penetration of distributed generation resources in distribution networks increases, the ne... more As the penetration of distributed generation resources in distribution networks increases, the need for designing micro-grids also increases. Micro-grids can operate in islanded and grid-connected modes. When a microgrid is connected to the main grid, it economically exchanges power with the upstream grid. However, in the islanded mode, the micro-grid can provide its own local demand. In addition to the technical and economic advantages due to the presence of micro-grids, there are some issues about the protection of distribution systems. The most important issue is the short circuit level in both islanded and grid-connected modes of operation. In this paper, a smart overcurrent relay is proposed that can adapt itself to the operation modes of a micro-grid. This relay detects the operation mode of the micro-grid using an adaptive algorithm. Two main features of the suggested adaptive method are the optimized accuracy and higher execution speed of the algorithm in determining the operation mode of the micro-grid. The optimal setting that is predefined in the relay is then activated based on the corresponding mode. The entire processing is performed in the relay itself by sampling the voltage and current of the relay line. Consequently, this relay can be installed and used in any location of a network without needing any communication infrastructure. Finally, the proposed method is implemented on a micro-grid. According to the numerical results, the coordination performance superiority of this smart relay over conventional overcurrent relays is proven.
Nowadays, the doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) based wind turbines (WT) are the dominant ty... more Nowadays, the doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) based wind turbines (WT) are the dominant type of WT connected to power systems having MW power range. Traditionally the back-to-back converters are used to excite the rotor circuit of DFIG. In this paper, instead an Indirect Matrix Converter (IMC) is used to control the generator. Compared with back-to-back converters, IMCs have numerous advantages such as: higher level of robustness, reliability, reduced size and weight due to the absense of bulky electrolytic capacitor. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is an important issue in wind turbines to capture the maximum power from the wind. A laboratory scale prototype of DFIG wind turbine controlled by the IMC is manufactured. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
International Journal of Power Electronics, 2020
Due to numerous advantages, in this work, the traditional back-to-back converter is substituted w... more Due to numerous advantages, in this work, the traditional back-to-back converter is substituted with an indirect matrix converter (IMC) to control the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The recent grid codes require that the wind turbines must have the low voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability. One of the main challenges of the IMC that slows down the industrial applications is the fault currents handling. In this paper, a new low cost, simple and reliable method is proposed to protect the IMC from large fault currents. This method is based on a novel crowbar structure. The PSIM simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed method in satisfying the new LVRT standards. Also, experimental results of a laboratory prototype verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering, May 29, 2021
Microgrids (MGs) are capable to work at different operation modes, namely grid-connected or islan... more Microgrids (MGs) are capable to work at different operation modes, namely grid-connected or islanded, which make a significant change in the network fault current level. These changes may lead to problems and should be detected fast to do the proper protection actions accordingly and prevent blackouts. Moreover, some island detection methods suffer from the drawbacks of high computation burden and time-consuming procedure of training data to detect the islanded mode. For this purpose, in this paper, a faster and less computation burden island detection scheme without the need for training data is proposed which detects the islanded mode by analyzing the fault current data obtained from a continuous sampling using the phasor measurement unit (PMU). The sampled data are utilized in the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to determine the network operation mode. The proposed scheme works in two phases. In the offline phase, the root mean square (RMS) of the current amplitude for islanded mode is determined, and in the online phase, the center of the measured data is compared to the RMS value to detect the MG operation mode at a decision making procedure. It is proved that the proposed island detection scheme is an applicable technique for detecting the islanded mode in MGs.
FACTS devices are used to increase the capacity, flexibility and controllability of the transmiss... more FACTS devices are used to increase the capacity, flexibility and controllability of the transmission networks. Utilizing high power switches for implementing these devices will raise their cost. On the other hand, continuous switching process may cause power quality problems. Rotary power flow controller (RPFC) is one of the FACTS devices based on rotary phase shifting transformer (RPST) configuration. In this paper, steady state operational specification of this device is analyzed using a new formulation. Its ability to control active and reactive power of transmission lines is studied and the equations for calculating the operational limitations are presented. In addition, the effects of the series transformer connection type and the angle between stator and rotor of two RPSTs on the power flow are also analyzed.

International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jul 21, 2021
Microgrid (MG) is a system of production and distribution of electrical energy that can operate b... more Microgrid (MG) is a system of production and distribution of electrical energy that can operate both in grid-connected and islanded modes. This capability leads to significant variations in the fault current level. Moreover, dynamic changes corresponding to the line outage contingencies or outages of the distributed generations (DGs) that are implemented for local generation in the MGs lead to the changes in the fault current level. These changes in the fault current level make some miscoordination between the overcurrent relays (OCRs) in the conventional protection schemes. To overcome this drawback, there is a need for an adaptive protection scheme that can adapt to both operational and dynamic changes and takes effective protection decisions accordingly. This paper first presents a statistic-based review of MG and its protection including total publications, type of publications, the ten most researchers, and the ten most sources. Finally, comprehensive remarks of the 30 most cited papers related to adaptive protection of MG are presented. This paper will help the researchers of the MG protection to learn the most desirable techniques and the concentration of studies in adaptive protection of MGs for future works.

Clean energy, Jan 4, 2022
Inverters play a significant role in the configuration of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system... more Inverters play a significant role in the configuration of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems. The perturband-observe (P&O) algorithm is a common method to derive the maximum power from grid-connected inverters; however, the possibility of losing maximum power due to sudden changes in radiation is a significant drawback of this control strategy. To overcome this barrier, the two-stage multi-string inverter using the ZETA DC-DC converter and a novel P&O algorithm has been proposed to increase the efficiency of these systems. The proposed inverter has been simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK software. To investigate the performance of the proposed inverter, technical, environmental and economic feasibility studies have been performed for the construction of a 5-kW PV power plant in a northern city of Iran (Sari) using the RETScreen software developed by Natural Resources Canada. On the other hand, most feasibility studies for power-plant construction are based on the concept of inverter peak efficiency, which leads to non-optimal system design due to the short operation duration of the inverter at this value. However, the weighted European efficiency has been used in the feasibility study for more accurate computations. Moreover, the performance of the proposed inverter is compared to that of a two-stage multi-string inverter using a conventional P&O algorithm and the single-stage (central) inverter. The simulation results indicated that the proposed inverter injects 7.6 MW of power into the grid per year. Moreover, it prevents the emission of 88 tons of CO 2 (over 20 years), which is equivalent to saving 1883.5 litres of gasoline per year.

Clean energy, Apr 1, 2022
Photovoltaic (PV) systems can be used to generate electricity due to the potential for solar ener... more Photovoltaic (PV) systems can be used to generate electricity due to the potential for solar energy in Iran. Applying floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems is a new approach to utilizing PV systems in water. Most of Iran's energy consumption is supplied from fossil fuels, especially oil and gas. In recent years, Iran has faced environmental problems and air pollution. Electricity generation using fossil fuels has led to increased environmental pollution. Accordingly, PV systems can be used to generate electricity due to the potential for solar energy in Iran. The interest in predicting the energy production of PV power plants has increased in recent years. In this regard, the techno-economic-environmental study of constructing PV power plants is a basic process to encourage people to use solar energy. A techno-economic-environmental feasibility study has been performed to construct a 5-kW FPV and ground PV (GPV) power plant in a northern city of Iran. Also, the FPV system is compared with the ground PV system using MATLAB ® Simulink and RETScreen ® software. In this study, the effects of wind and water temperature have been considered. Also, a sensitivity analysis was performed due to the uncertainty in climatic conditions and the amount of PV energy generation. The simulation results show that due to the cooling effect for panels in the FPV system, the production capacity and panels' efficiency are respectively 19.47% and 27.98% higher than the those of the GPV system. In addition, the FPV system was found to have a 16.96% increase in the annual performance ratio. Overall, using the FPV system reduces the equity payback to 6.3 years (a 22.2% reduction compared to the GPV power plant).

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Jun 4, 2020
For proper performance of protection and control systems in microgrids, an islanding event must b... more For proper performance of protection and control systems in microgrids, an islanding event must be detected as soon as possible. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed to detect the microgrid operation mode using only the voltage and current samples at the relay location. This approach can be used in all microgrids with any type of source such as synchronous or inverterbased distributed generators. An optimal method is proposed to determine the input parameters of a classification method by using local information. The goal of the optimization is to minimize the time and maximize the accuracy of microgrid connection state detection. Moreover, in the classification method, three states, that is, islanding, reconnection to the utility grid and other events are considered. The objective function of this problem is defined as the summation of the weighted time factor and detection error. The inputs of the islanding detection problem can be a large number of network parameters, such as frequency, voltage, current, power, their sequence components or rates of changes. Consequently, the variables of the classification problem are the number and the type of input parameters of the classification problem. The optimization problem is solved by using a genetic algorithm-based, and a support vector machine is used for the classification process. In order to evaluate the validity of the proposed method, different situations are considered for the operation of the grid, and in each case, different events are simulated. The results are compared with similar methods, and the advantage of the proposed method is shown.

IET Smart Grid
Energy storage and renewable sources play a unique role in the future advances of smart grids. In... more Energy storage and renewable sources play a unique role in the future advances of smart grids. In this article, the optimal scheduling of the energy storage system in a hybrid microgrid is presented considering the uncertainties of the renewable generations and the load. The optimisation problem in this article is non‐linear and non‐convex, therefore conventional optimisation methods such as linear programming (LP) are unable to solve this problem. On the other hand, because of parameters uncertainty, special considerations are required to simulate these parameters. In this regard, a new optimisation algorithm that can solve the non‐linearity and non‐convexity of the objective function is proposed based on the Stochastic Quasi‐Gradient optimisation Method (SQGM). Moreover, the uncertainties of the wind, PV generation, and the load are modelled. Different optimisation algorithms: the conventional Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP), the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) and...

IEEE Access
The increasing expansion of devices such as electric vehicle charging stations, renewable energy ... more The increasing expansion of devices such as electric vehicle charging stations, renewable energy resources, and electric subways, will cause an imbalance between load and production in the distribution network, which will lead to an increase in power losses, a decrease or increase in voltage and ultimately impose more costs on the independent system operator (ISO). In this paper, we have presented a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) optimization model to improve the distribution network performance in the presence of these devices. The proposed model is a mixed integer model including demand side management modeling, energy storage system, battery to subway (B2S) system, optimal control of on-load tap changer (OLTC), step voltage regulator (SVR), fossil generation resources, renewable energy and capacitors, and shunt reactors. The considered multi-objective function is a scenario-based stochastic model, which accurately models the uncertainties in renewable energy resources. Paying attention to the nature of the proposed model will guarantee globally optimal solutions. The proposed model runs on the standard network of 33 buses, and the simulation results guarantee the optimal and accurate performance of the proposed model. The simulation results demonstrate that the outage of three distributed generation units from the network causes an average increase of 55% in energy losses, and the outage of three renewable units leads to an increase in emissions of about 40%. Another point received from the results illustrated that with the implementation of the proposed model under any load level of the network, as well as the outage of fossil and renewable distributed generation (DG) resources, no load shedding will occur in the network during the 24 hours. Finally, due to the short execution run time, the proposed model can be used for real and online grids. INDEX TERMS Distribution system, optimization, renewable energy, storage, D-FACTS. NOMENCLATURE ISO Independent system operator. B2S Battery to subway. MILP Mixed-integer linear programming. SVR Step voltage regulator. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Huaqing Li. MIQP Mixed integer quadratic programming. OLTC On-load tap changer. ShR Shunt reactor. DG Distributed generation. EV Electric vehicle. RDG Renewable energy resources. ESS Energy storage system.
Papers by Mohamad Hosseini Abardeh