The beloved man-elephant Lord Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Durga. Crafted by hand this necklace from Bhavesh is a modern portrait of the Hindu deity. The symbol for om surrounds him; reciting om at the beginning of a reading of the Vedas prior to prayer or meditation invokes the presence of Ganesha. .925 Sterling silver Sterling Silver Necklace For Diwali Puja, Sterling Silver Necklace For Puja And Diwali, Silver Temple Necklace Pendant As Gift, Silver Round Pendant Necklace For Diwali, White Pendant Necklace For Diwali, Silver Amulet Necklace For Diwali, Silver Spiritual Temple Necklace For Puja, Spiritual Silver Necklaces For Diwali, Sterling Silver Amulet Necklaces For Puja

Sterling silver pendant necklace, 'Modern Ganesha'

The beloved man-elephant Lord Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Durga. Crafted by hand this necklace from Bhavesh is a modern portrait of the Hindu deity. The symbol for om surrounds him; reciting om at the beginning of a reading of the Vedas prior to prayer or meditation invokes the presence of Ganesha. .925 Sterling silver


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