kids Beads Jewellery Billtemy Bead Designs

Designed by kids just for kids. ID and name bracelets, personalised beaded bracelets. Beaded rings, necklaces, phone cases and heaps more. 7 cousins out to make a way in the world at a young age. It is a hoot to work with them, they see everything in a different way, full of fun and colour. Check them out, they are BilltemyBeadDesigns
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Bears anyone - what little bear secrets would they be wispering in your ears when you wear these
All colour for all kids - bear earrings from the Billtemy team
Little blue teddy gummy bear earings, just for kids
Too cute to eat, so you might as well wear them!
Little blue teddy gummy bear earings, just for kids
Too cute to eat, so you might as well wear them!
Cute cow earings having a chat -"what is a cow in an earthquake called, a milkshake!"
Hmm, two little cows sitting having a chat. Imagine them having a little "shake" on your ears, fun forever!
Purple and pink pot and succulents - match match
Luckily my garden is producing exactly the colours I want for this range of pots.
Over the rainbow beaded Write and Return pen/Grandies gift/Teacher Gift/Encourage writing gift
Here is a novel idea, leave the keyboard, purchase 2 pens, write your bestie a letter and include a pen so that they can return your letter. There is nothing more special than getting something in the mail, do you remember the days? My Billtemy Team live for the "letter from Nanny". Send one to your grandies and wait for the oohhhhs, they will be itching to write you a letter back. Who would not want to write a note with a rainbow silicone beaded pen?
Kids beaded rings, teeny tiny rings. They can't get enough. Kids Beads and beaded stuff Perth
My grandies cannot get enough of these. Play and wear they are super cool. Be cool be seen be safe with beaded treasures from Billtemy Designs. See us a Canningvale Sunday Markets Sun 12 and 19 Nov
Birthstone earings for the little gems of our world, the kids
Cute little earing will sparkle for your month.
I cannot get the sparkle in the photos, but you will sparkle with these birthstone earings!
Birthstone and hearts sparkle in life but not in photos. You alone will sparkle with our new range of earings just waiting to shine your way. Come and see us at the Canningvale Sunday Markets 12 and 19 Nov Love the Billtemy Team.
Rainbows, the most magical thing in nature. Wear our new earing range and feel the magic.
Kids Jewellery Perth, the latest range of earings just bouncing around the clouds waiting to adorn your ears. Come and see us at the CanningVale Sunday markets Perth 12 and 19 Nov love the Billtemy Team. by kids for kids.
Ladybug and rainbow earings. New line from BilltemyBeadDesigns
No this business has not "gone to our head" but we hope it does to yours with our amazing, fantastic, fun range of earings. Come and see them at the Canningvale Sunday Markets 12 and 19 Nov. Love the Billtemy Team
Ladybug and rainbow earings. New line from BilltemyBeadDesigns
No this business has not "gone to our head" but we hope it does to yours with our amazing, fantastic, fun range of earings. Come and see them at the Canningvale Sunday Markets 12 and 19 Nov. Love the Billtemy Team
Ladybug and rainbow earings. New line from BilltemyBeadDesigns
No this business has not "gone to our head" but we hope it does to yours with our amazing, fantastic, fun range of earings. Come and see them at the Canningvale Sunday Markets 12 and 19 Nov. Love the Billtemy Team
Little balls of delight, stars and fruit as your latest fashion accessory
Braid necklace with cute little perspex balls of fruit and stars. Minimilistic, fun and fashionable. Come and see us at the Canningvale Markets 12 and 19 Nov. love the Billtemy Team
Funky twistable personalised key/bag chain/kids jewellery Perth
See us at the CanningVale Sunday Markeets 12 and 19 Nov