Sensory Integration

Learn about the 7 senses and how sensory processing/integration affect children’s day to day activities. Checklists and other tools are available to ensure your child is meeting sensory milestones.
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The hearing sense allows us to recognize and locate different sounds. Babies will notice toys that make sounds and turn their heads toward noises. Children can recognize sounds and respond to questions. Watch the full video for our top tips on developing hearing for 0-3 months. Learn more about developing Baby's hearing at #babydevelopment #babysenses #milestone #sensorydevelopment
0-3 Months: Skills & Tips for Hearing Development
The hearing sense allows us to recognize and locate different sounds. Babies will notice toys that make sounds and turn their heads toward noises. Children can recognize sounds and respond to questions. Watch the full video for our top tips on developing hearing for 0-3 months. Learn more about developing Baby's hearing at #babydevelopment #babysenses #milestone #sensorydevelopment
Activities to Promote the Vestibular Sense
The vestibular sense informs us where our head and body are in space, allowing us to stay upright while we sit, stand, and walk. It's super important to track the development of this sense as Baby continues to grow! Responsible for balance and spatial orientation, this sense develops as Baby grows. Work on developing this sense for Baby through early stimulation, crawling and movement, and play and exploration. You can track Baby's vestibular sense development through our FREE app. #sensoryplay #sensoryactivities #sensorykids #sensoryplaytime #babydevelopment #babysenses
Activities to Promote Sight in Baby
Supporting Baby’s vision is essential for healthy sensory development! As babies grow, their ability to track objects, focus on details, and develop spatial awareness becomes more refined. Promoting sight development involves encouraging visual tracking, depth perception, and focus. Activities that engage Baby’s visual sense help strengthen the neural pathways needed for hand-eye coordination and visual memory. For more details on how to support Baby’s visual development, check out
Activities to Promote Interoception Sense
Consistent caregiver responsiveness is essential to helping Baby develop their senses. It helps Baby learn about their body, the immediate world, and early social relationships. The interoception sense, which senses pain, hunger, and temperature, is just one of 7 senses Baby develops in their first year. Learn more about Baby's sensory development, including what to expect and activities to help promote development at #sensorydevelopment #sensory #sensorymilestone #sensoryplay
Activities to Promote Baby's Taste & Smell
Babies are born with preferences for different smells and tastes! As baby grows, you'll see them react to different pleasant and unpleasant odors. Around 7-9 months old, they even begin to associate smells and tastes with familiar things or people. Preferences change as baby gets older, so keep these age-based taste and smell activities in mind during baby's first year. Learn more about baby's sensory development on #sensoryskills #babydevelopment #sensoryplay #sensorydevelopment
The Importance of Eye Contact: 0-7 Months
The development of a baby’s vision is very important and even affects their other senses. Throughout the first year, baby will look at you a lot, so be sure to look at them, give them a lot of attention, and make eye contact! By 7 months old, baby’s vision will be fully mature, and they will be able to follow faster movements with their eyes. Vision is part of a baby’s development, and it is important to keep track of these milestones. Learn more about baby's vision at #babytips
Sensory Fun in the Tub
Do you make sensory play a part of bath time? You can turn every bath time into a fun sensory activity to help develop your child's sense of smell, touch, vision, and hearing. Try out these easy activities the next time you give your little one a bath and see which one is their favorite! To learn how to make bath time part of your child's routine, head over to #sensoryplay #sensorydevelopment #sensoryintegration #sensorymilestones #8senses #babyplay #bathtime #parentingtips
Sensory Overload In Kids — What It Is, Symptoms, & How to Help
An in depth look at sensory overload: what it looks like and feels like, causes, prevention, and how to relieve overstimulation.
Baby Sensory Milestones 0-6 Months Old
Track your newborn to 6 month old's sensory milestones, from the types of movements they enjoy to what they see in different positions. All milestones supported by American Academy of Pediatric findings. Head to for more milestones, from motor to communication by age!
Baby's Sense of Smell
Smell is one of baby’s strongest senses when they’re born. Why is that? Find out by watching this video! #babysensory #senses #occupationaltherapy #senseofsmell #babydevelopment #infantdevelopment #baby #babyeducation #newparents #babycare
7 Tips for a Sensory Friendly 4th of July
It's Independence Day! For little ones or children with sensory needs, the holidays can provide too much stimulation - from loud fireworks to crowded barbecues. Check out these 7 tips for a sensory friendly 4th of July so kids can have fun without feeling overwhelmed. #OT #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #sensory #sensoryskills #sensoryprocessing #July4th #4thJuly #kidsactivities #holidayactivities #sensoryprocessingdisorder #parenting #spd #sensoryseeking
Possible Signs of Sensory Integration/Processing Issues
What are some possible signs of sensory integration/processing issues? Click link to view our full sensory brochure. #sensoryskills #sensorydevelopment #sensoryintegration #sensoryissues #sensoryprocessing
This may contain: a baby sitting on the floor holding a plastic cup in front of it's face
7-9 Month Sensory Milestone: Experiment with Force to Pick Up Different Objects.
Present baby with toys or objects they can easily grasp, from stackable cups to blocks and watch them learn to figure out how much force they will need to pick up these items on their own!
Sensory Table Fillers, Tools, Hacks, & Printable Planning Lists
Sensory table ideas - sensory filler list, sensory tools list plus how to make it meaningful play in your early childhood classroom