Conflict Resolution Activities for School Counseling

Helping Kids Learn to Apologize
Want to teach kids to apologize? Start with these 5 steps to help kids understand what a genuine apologize sounds like. Great for conflict resolution lessons, conflict school counseling activities, teaching kids how to apologize, teaching kids how to resolve conflict, and more in school counseling.
Helping Kids Learn to Apologize
Want to teach kids to apologize? Start with these 5 steps to help kids understand what a genuine apologize sounds like.
Helping Kids with Anger Use I Statements
Looking for kids anger management strategies? Try these calming strategies and communication tools to help kids calmly express themselves. Help kids with anger by using coping skills like breathing and progressive muscle relaxation before using I statements for anger. I statements for kids are great strategies for dealing with anger!
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
help kids learn how to identify emotions and build emotional vocabulary with this feelings classroom guidance lesson for kindergarten classroom guidance lessons and first grade classroom guidance lessons. Use these feelings task cards for school counseling centers or for SEL centers in your regular center rotations. Great for feelings group counseling lessons, self regulation lessons, identifying feelings, identifying emotions, understanding feelings, empathy and more.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills with this easy to use elementary school counseling classroom guidance lesson. How to solve conflicts with peers is introduced and students identify ways they can solve small problems. This perfect to accompany a size of the problem lesson, conflict resolution lesson, or problem solving lesson in classroom guidance lessons or small group counseling sessions. Great for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills with this easy to use elementary school counseling classroom guidance lesson. How to solve conflicts with peers is introduced and students identify ways they can solve small problems. This perfect to accompany a size of the problem lesson, conflict resolution lesson, or problem solving lesson in classroom guidance lessons or small group counseling sessions. Great for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills with this easy to use elementary school counseling classroom guidance lesson. How to solve conflicts with peers is introduced and students identify ways they can solve small problems. This perfect to accompany a size of the problem lesson, conflict resolution lesson, or problem solving lesson in classroom guidance lessons or small group counseling sessions. Great for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids friendship skills with these hands on friendship group counseling session activities. Practice think it or say it conversation skills and friendship social skills, other important friendship skills for elementary school counseling. These friendship lesson plans are perfect for elementary friendship group counseling curriculum or friendship classroom guidance lessons with the friendship lesson plans.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids friendship skills with these hands on friendship group counseling session activities. Practice think it or say it conversation skills and friendship social skills, other important friendship skills for elementary school counseling. These friendship lesson plans are perfect for elementary friendship group counseling curriculum or friendship classroom guidance lessons with the friendship lesson plans.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
help kids learn how to identify emotions and build emotional vocabulary with this feelings classroom guidance lesson for kindergarten classroom guidance lessons and first grade classroom guidance lessons. Use these feelings task cards for school counseling centers or for SEL centers in your regular center rotations. Great for feelings group counseling lessons, self regulation lessons, identifying feelings, identifying emotions, understanding feelings, empathy and more.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Talk about expected and unexpected behaviors in this classroom guidance lesson. Help kids understand appropriate behavior given the context of the location and make good choices in their behavior. These activities are great for kindergarten classroom guidance lessons, small group counseling sessions for behavior, and first grade classroom guidance lessons. Add these behavior task cards to your school counseling centers activities or SEL centers rotations.
Behavior Expectations Classroom Guidance Lesson: Rules and Expectations
Talk about expected and unexpected behaviors in this classroom guidance lesson. Help kids understand appropriate behavior given the context of the location and make good choices in their behavior. These activities are great for kindergarten classroom guidance lessons, small group counseling sessions for behavior, and first grade classroom guidance lessons. Add these behavior task cards to your school counseling centers activities or SEL centers rotations.
Keri Powers Pye, Counselor Keri (counselorkeri) on Pinterest
Teach kids friendship skills with these hands on friendship group counseling session activities. Practice think it or say it conversation skills and friendship social skills, other important friendship skills for elementary school counseling. These friendship lesson plans are perfect for elementary friendship group counseling curriculum or friendship classroom guidance lessons with the friendship lesson plans.
Friendship Group: Friendship Activities Social Skills Group Counseling Program
Teach kids friendship skills with these hands on friendship group counseling session activities. Practice think it or say it conversation skills and friendship social skills, other important friendship skills for elementary school counseling. These friendship lesson plans are perfect for elementary friendship group counseling curriculum or friendship classroom guidance lessons with the friendship lesson plans.
Problem Solving Skills Classroom Guidance Lesson for School Counseling
Problem Solving Lesson: In this classroom guidance lesson, students will learn more about positive solutions to small problems to promote independent problem solving. Help kids learn to solve problems and use problem solving skills in conflict resolution. This lesson is perfect for Kindergarten through second grade classroom guidance lessons or small group counseling sessions. Teach kids conflict resolution skills to work out problems!