Exercising With Herniated Discs

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WORST Exercises For L4-L5 & L5-S1 Disc Bulge/Herniation | Do These Instead!!
Avoid these exercises if you're trying to exercise pain-free with an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc injury! Have you been trying to exercise your way out of chronic low back pain after an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc injury diagnosis? Maybe the exercises you're doing feel okay at the moment but leave you in pain and frustrated soon after. If that's you, there are specific exercises you MUST AVOID early in your pain relief and recovery journey, and which ones you should do instead!
Safe Lower Body Exercises For Herniated Discs
If you ever want to overcome the sensitivity your herniated discs are causing, you have to learn to train smarter. One of the most frustrating things when it comes to exercising with herniated discs is picking the right exercises that doesn't cause more pain or flair-ups. In this post I am going to share with you 3 of my favorite lower body exercises safe for disc herniations.
Core Exercises For Disc Herniation: My TOP 5 CORE EXERCISES safe for herniated discs!
Finding the right core exercises for disc herniations can be tough. The majority of what you see on core exercises for disc herniations is what you CAN'T do. Nobody likes being told what they can't do so let's talk about what you can! In this video, I'm going to give you my top 4 core exercises that are safe for disc herniations!
Training Legs With Herniated Discs (Top 3 Exercises)
Training legs with herniated discs can be painful, frustrating and an uphill battle of symptoms and zero progress if you approach it the wrong way. I want to share with you 3 of my best lower body exercises that are gentle on the lower back and build strength without the negative feedback you are used to. Disc herniations shouldn't hold you back from training your legs you just need to train smarter!
Reverse Herniated Discs With This Core Exercise: Front Rack Carry
One of the essential tasks you have when it c omes to reversing a herniated disc is to build strength and stability around the spine. Now, this is not the only thing you have to do, but it's a solid start. IN this video, I'll break down one of my new favorite core exercises that are great for sensitive low backs and can seriously help reverse a herniated or bulging disc if applied appropriately.
Best Reverse Lunges For Herniated Disc & Fusions
Training legs with a herniated or bulging disc is both scary and frustrating if not done correctly. The key is to blend both reversing the disc herniation with building strength and resilience around the spine to keep it from getting worse or happening again. Both of these take time and one of the components to making this happen is exercise. In today's video, I want to show you two lunge variations that are great for herniated or building discs and even post-fusion warriors.
Herniated Disc & Fusion Friendly Lower Body Workout
A lot of lower body workouts can leave you reaching for the Tylenol bottle and heating pad within minutes of finishing up. Training your lower body with pain from a herniated disc or spinal fusion recovery should not make your symptoms worse if you’re doing it right. In today’s video, I’ll walk you through the exact process I use to prep my body for the leg day, prime my core to stabilize and protect my spine, and minimize any unnecessary irritation by picking the wrong exercises.
Core Exercises For Herniated Discs: STOP DOING THESE!
It's important that you pick the right core exercises if you are dealing with a herniated disc. Believe it or not, there are alot of core exercises you can do safely but today I want to show you 7 core exercises that are TERRIBLE for herniated discs, bulging discs or any disc injury. Check out my list of 7 exercises NOT TO DO with a herniated disc!
How To Exercise With A Disc Injury (Disc Herniation, Disc Bulge or Disc Rupture)
Exercising after a disc injury or diagnoses such as a disc herniation, disc bulge or even a disc rupture can feel like an uphill battle. There is a lot of junk on the interwebs supporting those with disc herniations and the like so I wanted to share with you the 3 rules I follow myself (along with my clients) for exercising after a disc injury. P.S I personally ruptured my L5-S1 disc.
Weight Lifting After Disc Herniation | AVOID THESE 3 MISTAKES!
You've been diagnosed with a herniated disc, bulging disc or have had a spinal fusion surgery and now you're scared to death of exercising because you don't want to make the pain worse or cause more damage. That's an honest and healthy fear. What makes all the difference is what you choose to do once that fear has crept into your head. In today's video, I am going to break down 3 big mistakes I see a lot of people with disc injuries and post fusions making in the gym.
Leg Exercises Safe For Disc Herniations - My Top 3!
When it comes to leg exercises safe for disc herniations you are only usually given things you shouldn't do. If you are suffering from any type of disc injury whether its disc herniations, disc bulges or disc ruptures. This post is for you! These are my top 3 leg exercises that are safe for anyone with disc herniations.
How To Modify Exercises For Back Pain | Simple strategies for back pain relief
If your current workouts are making your back pain worse OR seem not to be helping BEAT your chronic back pain, this video is for you! The most common tip most people will give someone with back pain is to go exercise. But what happens when doing all of those things just makes your pain worse or the pain always comes back? If that's you, I'm going to reveal precisely how you should be using exercise as a pain relief tool and not something that's simply causing more damage.
How To Bend Forward With A Herniated Disc
If you've been diagnosed with a herniated disc, bulging disc or any type fo disc injury you';re going to want to make sure your beding forward correctly. While you recover from your herniated disc bending over will be a challange but if done correctly you can continue to live life confidently knwoing you're not causing more damage to yoru spine. Try these 3 ways of bending over if you have any type of disc injury.
Exercising With Herniated Discs - 3 Rules You Must Follow (2020) - Fitness 4 Back Pain
There are 3 rules you must follow if you're looking to exercise with a history of disc issues. Most common issues but not limited to: ==> Disc Herniation ==> Disc Bulge ==> Disc Rupture ==> Any previous disc issue that has been surgically fixed All exercise is not created equal and if you are venturing out on your own to build a stronger more confident body and support structure around your spine with exercise it's critical you follow these 3 rules.