Howard Zinn Audio Visual Timeline

To celebrate #HowardZinn100, we present the Howard Zinn Audio Visual Timeline that features curated audio/visual materials that are in the Howard Zinn Digital Collection. Known for his compassion, social commentary, and humor, Zinn’s words and voice are to be experienced first hand. In some cases, you can listen to or watch the material right on this slideshow. Otherwise, click the WATCH VIDEO or LISTEN TO AUDIO button to be taken to a page where you can watch or listen.

Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows [ < > ] on the side or on your keyboard or click the thumbnail images below on the date line. To start over, use the reset button also located below in the bottom left corner.

You can also view this timeline in widescreen mode on Knight Lab TimelineJS.

Have something to contribute?

Let us know if you have material to contribute through our online form.