Papers by Linus Andersson
Nordisk Østforum
The article applies Piotr Sztompka's theory of social becoming on a discussion of media ... more The article applies Piotr Sztompka's theory of social becoming on a discussion of media change in the Baltic region. Concentrating on three recurrent categories in the literature on the transformation of the Baltic media landscape glasnost, mass media and social movements the article ...

Mobile Media & Communication
This article addresses the phenomenon of mobile bystanders who use their smartphones to film or t... more This article addresses the phenomenon of mobile bystanders who use their smartphones to film or take photographs at accident scenes, instead of offering their help to people in need or to assist medical units. This phenomenon has been extensively discussed in Swedish news media in recent years since it has been described as a growing problem for first responders, such as paramedics, police, and firefighters. This article aims to identify theoretical perspectives that are relevant for analyzing mobile media practices and discuss the ethical implications of these perspectives. Our purpose is twofold: we want to develop a theoretical framework for critically approaching mobile media practices, and we want to contribute to discussions concerning well-being in a time marked by mediatization and digitalization. In this pursuit, we combine theory from social psychology about how people behave at traumatic scenes with discussions about witnessing in and through media, as developed in media ...

Media and Communication
This article presents results from a study of online presence in activist milieus associated with... more This article presents results from a study of online presence in activist milieus associated with the radical left in Sweden discussed from a perspective of non-participation. With the aim to further the understanding of digital non-participation as communicative strategy in activism, it builds upon empirical findings and argues that the online practices and use of social media, as could be observed in milieus associated with the radical left, indicates active non-participation and that this, in turn, is related to the ambition to claim autonomy. The article draws from existing scholarship on critical perspectives on protest movements and social media as well as empirical examples of online content published by radical leftist groups. Furthermore, it analyses how these activities could be understood in terms of active and passive non-participation, abstention or adaptation to social media affordances, as well as implosion of the social in digital media. The findings suggest that muc...

New Media & Society
This article presents and discusses results from a study of radical left-wing activism online car... more This article presents and discusses results from a study of radical left-wing activism online carried out by the Swedish Media Council, a report that suggested that the Internet (i.e. the web, web 2.0, and social media) is not a prioritized arena for propaganda and recruitment for the radical left in Sweden. The purpose of this article is to re-evaluate some of these findings and add to the discussion on online activity and connectivity in political communication online, as well as to problematize simplified notions of radicalization and recruitment to pro-violent groups. Based on a hermeneutic inquiry regarding modes of communication, representations of political visions, and community, the article shows how the sites and groups studied favor one-way communication before interactivity, that political visions are limited to short-term goals in the immediate future, and that they give very little information about their activist activities to recruit supporters.
Environmental Communication

Linus Andersson (2012): Alternativ television. Former av kritik i konstnärlig TV-produktion. Öreb... more Linus Andersson (2012): Alternativ television. Former av kritik i konstnärlig TV-produktion. Örebro Studies in Media and Communication 15, Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 71, 222 pp. This dissertation analyses social critique, communication critique and aesthetical critique in television produced by artists. Theoretically it draws on research on alternative media, TV studies, especially genre analysis and narratology, and media aesthetics. It conducts a text-production study of three examples of alternative television from the period 2004-2008: Contemporary Art Center TV (CAC TV): A show produced by the CAC in Vilnius, Lithuania and aired on a commercial TV-channel; Good TV who aired video art on a local public access channel in Stockholm, Sweden; and Candyland TV, a pirate transmission from an art gallery in central Stockholm. Empirically it builds on TV-texts, web sites and documents, as well as interviews with participants. Through a study of form and stylistics, relation to conventional genres and modes of narration, it engages in a discussion about the features of a critical, alternative media text. The study shows how these televisions work in a tradition of alternative television and connects them to tactics and aesthetical forms as found in historical examples, but also how this type of formalist media critique might inform an understanding of alternative media. From the analysis of relations between social and formalist aspects of alternative television, a distinction between alternative as "alternative worldview" and as "alternative expressions" is suggested, a distinction that contributes to the development of theory in the study of alternative media.
Television Aesthetics and Style, 2013
Locus, 2006
Linus Andersson belyser relationen mellan medier och samhällets unga medborgare i denna text. Han... more Linus Andersson belyser relationen mellan medier och samhällets unga medborgare i denna text. Han menar att aktivister förhåller sig till medier på ett annat sätt idag än vad de gjorde för ett fåtal decennier sedan. Nu finns mer oberoende förhållningssätt där egna ...

Triplec Communication Capitalism Critique Open Access Journal For a Global Sustainable Information Society, Oct 10, 2012
This article was written in order to contribute to a discussion about a critical definition of al... more This article was written in order to contribute to a discussion about a critical definition of alternative media. Asking what role alternative media could play in challenging neoliberal discourse in an age where capitalism have become immune to criticism, it elaborates on the concept of "the alternative" and the media through three sections. The first section discusses neoliberalism and the connection between neoliberal doctrine and mainstream media. This connection is described as promoting "public amnesia", financialization and economization of news journalism. The second section discusses alternative media from the perspective of new social movements and symbolic resistance, claiming that the symbolic resistance framework undermines the critical potential of alternative media, it also comments on some recent critical literature on neoliberalism and capitalism. The third section takes examples from artistic explorations of capitalism and television to propose how a distinction between social and formalist aspects of "the alternative" could inform a critical notion of alternative media.
Linus Andersson (2012): Alternativ television. Former av kritik i konstnärlig TV-produktion. Öreb... more Linus Andersson (2012): Alternativ television. Former av kritik i konstnärlig TV-produktion. Örebro Studies in Media and Communication 15, Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 71, 222 pp. This dissertation analyses social critique, communication critique and aesthetical critique in television produced by artists. Theoretically it draws on research on alternative media, TV studies, especially genre analysis and narratology, and media aesthetics. It conducts a text-production study of three examples of alternative television from the period 2004-2008: Contemporary Art Center TV (CAC TV): A show produced by the CAC in Vilnius, Lithuania and aired on a commercial TV-channel; Good TV who aired video art on a local public access channel in Stockholm, Sweden; and Candyland TV, a pirate transmission from an art gallery in central Stockholm.
Papers by Linus Andersson