Papers by Zarina Charlesworth
Executive compensation has an extensive research history. Although agency theory i
De Boeck Supérieur eBooks, Sep 1, 2017
Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015, 2015
This paper presents the findings from the early sta ges of a mixed-methods, multi-phase research ... more This paper presents the findings from the early sta ges of a mixed-methods, multi-phase research project which examines the integration of Web 2.0 tools in the higher education classroom to increase student information seeking, collaborat ion, and self-regulation. Exploratory research using in-depth semi-structured faculty (n=5) interv iews and student (n=17) focus groups suggested that both faculty and students alike are looking fo r alternative methods of course delivery more in line with the connected world that we are living in . These findings informed the redesign of an undergraduate marketing course trialled throughout one full semester. In order to collect data on the student (n=85) perceptions a French version of the PPI-IvT (Lee & Tsai, 2011) questionnaire was used. The results rather surprisingly suggest that students are not as ready for change as they might purport to be. The paper closes with suggestions fo r educators who might want to head down this path
Cet article analyse la structure du secteur des PME sous-traitantes de l'industrie horlogère ... more Cet article analyse la structure du secteur des PME sous-traitantes de l'industrie horlogère franco-suisse, sa chaîne de valeur et ses acteurs-c lés. Il explore les relations des PME de la sous-traitance avec leurs grands clients en termes d'innovation, de qualité, de prix, de communication et de partenariat. Il met en lumière les pratiques de ces PME sous-traitantes selon leurs stratégies et activités en matière de m arketing et de vente. Il suggère des pistes pour améliorer ces dernières pour les PME sous-trai tantes afin d'accroître leur pouvoir de négociation face à leurs grands clients: les marque s horlogères. La méthodologie est basée sur une revue de la littérature académique en strat égie et en marketing business to business. Ensuite, une étude qualitative exploratoire est réa lisée auprès de 19 PME sous-traitantes de divers métiers et analysée au moyen d'une approche thématique. Enfin, une étude quantitative en ligne est administrée à une base de données de...
réalisé entre 2014 et 2017, les auteures, Natalie Sarrasin et Zarina Charlesworth, toutes deux pr... more réalisé entre 2014 et 2017, les auteures, Natalie Sarrasin et Zarina Charlesworth, toutes deux professeures à la HES-SO, ont choisi de publier un guide à destination de leurs pairs, afin de les inspirer à inclure des technologies numériques dans leur enseignement. L'objectif de ce guide est de vous amener à vous poser les bonnes questions pour trouver la meilleure voie afin d'intégrer des technologiques 2.0 dans votre formation. La réflexion s'initie à partir d'un besoin précis pour répondre à un objectif pédagogique, ensuite il s'agira de trouver l'outil adéquat. En avant-première, l'Agora vous offre un extrait de ce guide pratique à destination des formateurs d'adultes.
This paper presents research undertaken in three Institutes of Higher Education (HE) delivering d... more This paper presents research undertaken in three Institutes of Higher Education (HE) delivering degrees in business, hospitality and tourism management. The aim was to take a critical look at technology-enhanced learning as a vector for pedagogical innovation. Qualitative research was undertaken in order to have in-depth feedback from educators (n=16) identified as champions relative to the use of technology in their own courses. The interviews were coded and subsequently analysed in line with four dominant themes: use of digital tools and technology; changes in course delivery; success stories of adding value; and finally lessons learned. The findings were surprising in that even the champions were relatively traditional in their practice. Of importance is the confirmation that educators require additional support in terms of the use of technology in instructional design as well as in pedagogical innovation and it is at the institutional level that this change must operate
As with every decade, the 2010-2020’s are not without their buzzwords and the one making the most... more As with every decade, the 2010-2020’s are not without their buzzwords and the one making the most noise at this time is the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” [1]. So much noise in fact, that it has come to the attention of those involved in higher education. Already under pressure to embrace a paradigm change which sees education going from a more content-centred to a learner-centred position [2], educators are now being asked to take into account their other major stakeholder – industry and develop competencies on top of core subject knowledge in their students. The research presented here examines how a virtual community and can be used for collaborative learning, with a specific focus on how educators can make the leap from theory to practice successfully [3]. The methodology used was action research which, as per Dick [4], is a three-step process that can go through several iterations. These steps: intention, action, and review, were acted upon, in three iterations, over a three-ye...
This paper presents findings from a mixed-method action research study the objective of which was... more This paper presents findings from a mixed-method action research study the objective of which was to examine the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the higher education classroom to promote self-reg ulation, information-seeking and exchange, and collaborative learning. The research was carried out with 1st year (n=85) business degree students. Qualitative analysis, through observation, discussion, student feedback and class evaluation suggests that students, at least at the outset of higher education, are far from ready to shoulder the responsibility for their own learning. Quantitative results, using the Participant Perception Inventory-Internet versus Traditional Learning (PPI-IvT) (Lee & Tsai, 2011), instrument show that statistically there are few d ifferences perceived between th e two classroom situations and significant differences (p<.05) are found only in regard to information-seeking & exchange and, collaborative learning. These findings suggest that today's digital nat...
Cette recherche aborde la problématique de la coopération entre co-traitants et marques de l’indu... more Cette recherche aborde la problématique de la coopération entre co-traitants et marques de l’industrie horlogère sous l’angle du marketing rel ationnel. La méthodologie de recherche est double : qualitative par entretiens en profondeur a vec des dirigeants de PME co-traitantes (n=18-20), quantitative par un sondage en ligne réa lisé auprès d’une base de données de ces PME. Les premiers résultats de cette recherche mont rent que les traditionnels sous-traitants passifs des marques de l’industrie horlogère cherch ent à devenir plus actifs dans la chaîne de valeur. Ils veulent acquérir un statut de co-traita nts innovants qui travaillent en partenariat avec leurs clients au moyen d’outils de marketing relationnel
This paper presents initial results from an action research project examining the use of Web 2.0 ... more This paper presents initial results from an action research project examining the use of Web 2.0 tools in the higher education classroom to foster collaborat ive learning as well to permit the personalization of the learning space thus better answering to a student’s individual differences in learning. The research has been conducted at a Swiss institute of higher educa tion amongst first-year degree students (n=85) following a course in business administration. In addition to the qualitative findings which relate primarily to the course delivery and student perception thereof, the quantitative PPI-IvT (Lee & Tsai, 2011) instrument has been used to measure student perception of their ability in the areas of collabor ation, self-regulation and information-seeking. The findings suggest, perhaps surprisingly, that today’s digital natives are not all that at ease with using Web 2.0 technologies for learning and that they are more in their comfort zone in a traditional classroom. The fin...
The 21st century is one of evolution and change. The impact on education is now being felt at all... more The 21st century is one of evolution and change. The impact on education is now being felt at all levels and concerns students of all ages. Keeping in mind the changing skills set that industry expects from graduates, one that includes competencies such as creativity, flexibility, and critical thinking, it behoves educators to find ways to innovate in their classrooms in order to develop such skills. Drawing on experiential learning and principles of gamification an ongoing mixed-method’s project is currently evaluating the use of an interactive exercise as a way to impact student engagement and motivation as well as examining the creative processes brought into play and the emotions felt by the participants. An escape game was designed specifically for final-year Masters students (n=10) in answer to these objectives. An in-depth analysis was carried out using a variety of methods from observation to text analysis. Both quantitativeand qualitative results support a positive relation...
Education is moving slowly but surely into the 21st century and as it does educators in higher ed... more Education is moving slowly but surely into the 21st century and as it does educators in higher education need to look for ways in which to develop the competencies that today's students will be called upon to use in their future professional lives. Developing such competencies calls for innovation in educative practice, sometimes pushing the boundaries. This paper looks at non-digital game-based learning as a way in which this can be successful. An educational escape room was designed for third-year Bachelor students working on their final dissertations (n=20) in order to explore the process of reviewing the literature. Findings, going from the creation to the use and impact of the escape room are presented. The entire process is detailed, and the student feedback analysed. Finally, suggestions for educators interested in pursuing this path are provided
SITE Interactive Conference, Oct 26, 2021
This paper presents the results of an action resear ch project carried out in a first-year year m... more This paper presents the results of an action resear ch project carried out in a first-year year marketing course over an entire semester. The plan ning stage during which a traditional course was reviewed and a completely revised course developed are reported. The impetus for the change came from exploratory research with first-year students and Business School faculty. The change in the course was guided by the work of Lebrun (2007) and Mazur (1997) to result in an instructional style along the lines of the “flipped classroom”. Studen t reaction was gauged throughout the semester through class observation and informal feedback and measured quantitatively through a self-report questionnaire (Lee & Tsai, 2011) at the end of the semester. The follow-up reflection stage has called for a further iteration and a review of the design to be implemented in the next semester
Education and the way it is delivered is undergoing profound change. The advent of digital techno... more Education and the way it is delivered is undergoing profound change. The advent of digital technologies and their increasingly ubiquitous nature has not only educators, but students and administrators alike, on the shifting sands of paradigms in transition. In addition to this, there is a certain amount of conjecture about what is actually happening on the ground. This paper presents research that originates in the practice of sixteen digital technology "champions", all lecturers in the higher education management classroom. The main objective of the research was to explore the impact of technology on teaching practice. Qualitative inquiry, through the use of semi-structured interviews (n=16), provided the methodology for the study. The findings presented in this paper identify issues of major importance to the participants and relate them to the learner-centred paradigm of education. Directions for future paradigm change are discussed and suggestions made for the successf...
Institutes of higher education can no longer pretend that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will n... more Institutes of higher education can no longer pretend that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will not impact the way that learning is viewed, and education delivered. This article looks at changes in education from the perspective of students, educators, administrators complemented by practitioner action research in the classroom. In answer to the question of how to induce 21st century change in higher education, a meta-interpretation (Weed, 2005) of six related research studies carried out over the period 2014‒2017 was conducted. This in turn has allowed for a comprehensive analysis and the identification of key change-related findings that cut across the afore-mentioned stakeholder groups. A framework for change is put forth for administrators and examples for innovative classroom practice are provided for educators
Papers by Zarina Charlesworth