Papers by Ravit Alfandari
Children & Youth Services Review, 2020
Remarkably little priority is given in the literature to minority groups' perspectives vis-à-vis ... more Remarkably little priority is given in the literature to minority groups' perspectives vis-à-vis mandatory reporting legislation of child maltreatment. This study examined how mandatory reporting legislation is perceived and implemented in the ultra-orthodox Jewish population in Israel. This minority group is suspected of failing to report child maltreatment and yet remains significantly underresearched. The study focused on child sexual abuse. Thirty ultra-orthodox Jewish leaders participated in the study: 12 rabbis, 6 community activists, and 12 professionals (social workers and criminologists). All participants were well-known figures in their community for their involvement in the field of child sexual abuse. Data were collected through semistructured face-to-face interviews. The process of data analysis followed Charmaz's constructivist grounded theory approach. Two competing approaches to human nature were identified: inclusive and splitting positions. The analysis uncovered how these underlying moral standpoints were tidily linked to participants' attitudes and actions regarding child sexual abuse and compounded existing disputes about how it should be managed, including reporting. Mandatory reporting cannot be fully considered in isolation of wider social, cultural and multicultural, moral, and ethical dimensions of human life, perspectives, and philosophy.
Child Maltreatment, 2020
This study investigated child protection decision-making practices of healthcare-professionals in... more This study investigated child protection decision-making practices of healthcare-professionals in community-health-services. We examined the effect of heuristics in professional judgments regarding suspected maltreatment, as affected by the child's ethnicity, gender, and family socioeconomic-status, as well as the healthcare-worker's workload-stress, and personal and professional background. Furthermore, we examined how these variables influence judgments regarding suspected maltreatment and intentions to consult and report child-maltreatment. We used an experimental survey design including vignettes manipulating the child's characteristics. Data was collected from 412 professionals employed at various community-health-service-clinics of the largest health-management organization in northern Israel. Findings show that all subjective factors have a significant effect on suspected child-maltreatment assessment, which appears as a significant predictor of later decisions regarding consultation and reporting. This study lends support to prior research indicating that healthcare-professionals' decisions may incorporate biases, and suggests how the effects of these biases' are mediated through a sequence of decisions. Recommendations focus on providing regular consultation opportunities for practitioners.
Healthcare professionals working in community settings are well-placed to detect suspected child ... more Healthcare professionals working in community settings are well-placed to detect suspected child maltreatment cases. Yet, child maltreatment presents particular diagnostic challenges given that the assessment has to be made fast due to the potential harm to the child and under conditions of great uncertainty. The purpose of this article is to examine how healthcare professionals working in community health services clinics make judgments about the likelihood that a child's clinical condition was caused by maltreatment. The study was conducted in the largest health-management organization in Israel, across fourteen clinics in the north of the country. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 21 healthcare professionals from six occupational branches, including pediatrics, nursing, social work, physiotherapy, speech-therapy and occupational-therapy. It was found that healthcare professionals' assessment of possible child maltreatment involves the recognition of emerging vulnerability about the child's condition, interpretation of suspicions as the outcome of maltreatment, and looking for accountable, after the fact, justifications. The participants' assessment was guided by explicit knowledge and intuitive judgment, and was influenced by individual characteristics and factors in the organizational environment. According to the participants, efforts to advance practice should focus on alerting them to consider maltreatment as a possible explanation for a child's condition. Strategies such as focused training sessions, opportunities for rapid consultation, and nudges were proposed as helpful ways to achieve this function. The authors also emphasize the importance of providing healthcare professionals with a reliable and regular supply of feedback and opportunities for reflection.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2020
Background: Healthcare professionals working at community-based services have a crucial position ... more Background: Healthcare professionals working at community-based services have a crucial position in raising concerns about possible child maltreatment. Yet, barriers exist to healthcare professionals adhering to mandatory reporting rules and regulations. Objective: The current study investigated the various forms by which healthcare professionals working in community services manage mandatory reporting, their reasoning and experience with formal requirements. The study has utilized the decision-making-ecology model as a conceptual framework. Participants and setting: The study was carried out in the largest district of the largest health-management organization in Israel, across fourteen sites located at seven cities. Eighteen healthcare professionals of various occupational groups participated in in-depth semi-structured interviews. Results: The results reveal that out of the of 52 recent cases that have been suspected for possible child maltreatment, only 58 % were reported as legally required. Yet, about half were reported in delay. Practitioners were more likely to report after additional evidence accumulated and increased the level of suspicion or after failing to manage the issue by other means of support. The analysis identified multiple factors that combined to impact the decision-making regarding reporting. Those were clustered around the individual case, healthcare professional, organizational setting, and external context. Conclusions: Our results emphasize the importance of workplace-environmental conditions in promoting optimal reporting behaviors, including working in multidisciplinary teams, availability of rapid expert consultation, provision of emotional-support, and reciprocal exchange of information with child-protection-services.
Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2019
To date, cyberbullying research has been conducted without coherent, shared conceptual and operat... more To date, cyberbullying research has been conducted without coherent, shared conceptual and operational definitions and with no clear, agreed theoretical ground. Hence, there is great confusion as to how to classify, measure and analyze this phenomenon. In response, this article proposes applying the systems approach developed in safety engineering, as a possible theoretical framework for investigation into cyberbullying. Central to the systems approach is the conceptualization of the relationship between people and technology as a joint system, with the focus of exploration being on how it interacts with the wider environment. Looking at cyberbullying through the systems lens dramatically broadens the analysis of the factors that influence behavior, with greater attention paid to the social arrangements. The current article illustrates how the core systems concepts of “socio-technical systems,” “emergent,” “multiple levels of analysis,” and “local rationality” can be transferred to the context of client cyberbullying towards professionals – specifically social workers – and contribute new knowledge and understanding to what seems to be developing into a serious problem.
Society & Welfare, 2018
מחקר איכותני זה נועד להעריך את המידה שבה רפורמה ארצית בוועדות לקבלת החלטות בתחום הגנת הילד בישראל... more מחקר איכותני זה נועד להעריך את המידה שבה רפורמה ארצית בוועדות לקבלת החלטות בתחום הגנת הילד בישראל השיגה את מטרתה לחזק את שיקול הדעת המקצועי באמצעות שילוב ערכת כלים סטנדרטית חדשה בפרקטיקה. 21 חקרי מקרה של משפחות שהופנו אל הוועדות נבחנו ומצבן נבדק לאחר שישה חודשים. הנתונים נאספו מראיונות עם עובדים סוציאליים, מתצפיות בדיונים בוועדות ומסקירת מסמכים. שימוש בגישת המערכת כמסגרת מושגית אפשר חקירה של הפרקטיקה היום-יומית בתוך ההקשר הארגוני שלה. ממצא מרכזי של המחקר היה שימוש מוגבל מאוד בכלים בפועל. הממצאים לא הצביעו על ביצועים טובים יותר במקרים המעטים שבהם נעשה שימוש בכלים, שכן הם שימשו בעיקר כדי לתעד את הפרקטיקה אשר הייתה נהוגה לפני הרפורמה. נתוני המעקב סיפקו עדויות מוגבלות לשיפור בביטחונם וברווחתם של הילדים. ניתוח הנתונים חשף מספר גורמים מערכתיים שהפריעו ליישום מוצלח ומלא של הכלים, כולל: לחץ של עומסי עבודה, מיומנויות בלתי מספקות של העובדים, תמיכה מקצועית מוגבלת ותרבות ארגונית שמעכבת פרקטיקה מעמיקה. המחקר מפנה את תשומת הלב לשינויים הארגוניים הנדרשים כדי לשפר את מתן העזרה האפקטיבית לילדים ולמשפחותיהם.
Children and Youth Services Review, 2019
Based on the premise that functional, multi-professional work in the child protection process is ... more Based on the premise that functional, multi-professional work in the child protection process is crucial to the delivery of effective service, this article reports on a qualitative study carried out to evaluate inter-agency and multidisciplinary practice in Israeli decision-making committees. The investigation was directed by the systems approach and looked at practice in the context of the work environment. It examined the cases of 21 families referred to the committees of one of seven social services departments, with follow-up after six months. Data collection involved observations of the discussions and interviews with social workers. According to the findings, school representatives were the only professionals outside of the social service system to participate in the committees, and the committee chairs and senior social workers were dominant in making intervention decisions. Indication of groupthink bias was also found. The follow-up data revealed partial implementation of intervention plans and limited improvement in the children's condition. The analysis identified several systemic sources of difficulty towards achieving meaningful interagency working, including a lack of legislation and departmental organizational conditions. The study advocates an alternative, fresh, whole system approach to the delivery of services for vulnerable children and families.
There is a consensus among policymakers, professionals and researchers around the world as to the... more There is a consensus among policymakers, professionals and researchers around the world as to the importance and advantages of partnership in working with parents in child protection. Meaningful partnership enhances the quality of decisions regarding the help provided to children who are suffering or likely to suffer from significant harm from abuse or neglect and to their families, and contributes to better outcomes for them. However, the literature persistently reports difficulties in establishing partnership in everyday child protection practice. This review examines one of the ways proposed to promote partnership with parents in the decision-making process about their children, which is to allow them to be represented or supported by an independent person acting on their behalf.
The goal of the review was to provide in-depth understanding about the possibilities and outcomes of representation, by analyzing the policy and practice in different countries around the world where there is a decision-making framework similar to the one in Israel. In particular, the review examined the extent of formal regulation for representation; Who is allowed to represent the parents? What are the practical aspects of representation? And what are the implications of representation for all those involved in the decision-making process? Using the systems approach as a conceptual framework, representation in each of the countries was studied within the context of the child protection system in which it is implemented.
The process of reviewing the literature was conducted over three months in 2017. The study data were collected systematically in four stages: An initial search of the research literature using relevant key words and databases; screening the results by the key criterion of resemblance to the characteristics of the Israeli decision-making framework; gaining a broader, in-depth knowledge about relevant countries; and ending the search at saturation point. Data were taken from empirical papers published in international journals, books, government websites and personal correspondence.
The countries included in this review are: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and England. A key finding of the literature analysis is that there is great variation among countries in the decision-making process in general and, in particular, in regard to parents' representation. These differences can be seen, for example, in the characteristics and composition of the decision-making body, the type of relationship (personal or professional) between the parent and his/her representative, and the nature and timing of the representative's involvement. Another important finding is the scarcity of empirical knowledge on parental representation, particularly about its routine utilization and implications. Several possible explanations for this are presented.
In regard to formulating policy about parental representation in child protection decision-making processes, the review concludes that: (1) There is a need for structured working procedures regarding the involvement of an independent person acting for the parents in the decision-making process, that are clear to all those participating in it. These procedures should be compatible with the characteristics of the child protection system that shape the relationship between parents, social worker and agencies; (2) The person representing the parent should be sufficiently trained and knowledgeable in the field of child protection; and (3) The possibilities of representation given to the children themselves must be taken into account and must be examined to see if and how they fit in with those given to their parents. Substantial research into these issues is critical in order to develop effective policy.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2017
This qualitative research was designed to evaluate the extent to which a national reform in Israe... more This qualitative research was designed to evaluate the extent to which a national reform in Israeli child protection decision making committees was achieving its aim to strengthen professional judgment through introducing a new standard tools package into practice. Twenty-one case studies of families referred to the committee were investigated and followed up after six months. Data were collected through interviews with social workers, field observations of the committees' discussions and document review. Using a systems approach as a conceptual framework, everyday practice was studied within its organizational context. A key finding of the research was a very limited utilization of the tools in practice. Evidence showed no advanced performance in the few cases where the tools were used, and that when they were used they mainly operated to record customary practice. Follow up data provided limited evidence of improvement in the safety and well-being of vulnerable children. The analysis revealed several systemic factors that interfered with the tools being fully and successfully implemented, including pressure of workloads, practitioners' inadequate skills, limited professional support, and an organizational culture that discouraged sound practice. The research directs attention to the organizational changes needed in order to enhance the provision of effective help for children and families.
British Journal of Social Work, 2016
This research was set out to examine the extent to which a national reform in the Israeli child p... more This research was set out to examine the extent to which a national reform in the Israeli child protection decision making framework of formal committees is achieving its aim for strengthening partnership with parents. The research employed a qualitative method of inquiry and a case study design. The cases of 21 families brought before the committees were investigated and followed up after six months. Data were collected through interviews with social workers and parents and observations of the committees' discussions. A systems approach was undertaken as a conceptual framework in order to study practice within its organisational context. Based on the relatively small sample, the key finding is a very limited realisation of partnership with parents in terms of allowing them power to influence decisions. This is suggested to have come in the way of improving outcomes for children and families. Evidence showed that mechanisms of coercion and control were used in the discussions in order to enforce agreements. The analysis identified several systemic factors that were obstacles to good partnership working, including: heavy caseloads, lack of time for building relationships, insufficient skills in communicating effectively with parents and paternalistic organisational culture. Implications are discussed in terms of whole-organisational changes.
Social Security, 2016
רפורמה ארצית בתחום הגנת הילד בישראל תוכננה, בין היתר, כדי לחזק את השתתפות ילדים בהחלטות על תוכנית... more רפורמה ארצית בתחום הגנת הילד בישראל תוכננה, בין היתר, כדי לחזק את השתתפות ילדים בהחלטות על תוכנית ההתערבות המתקבלות בוועדות רשמיות, הנקראות ועדות תכנון, טיפול והערכה (ות"ט). כדי להעריך עד כמה הושגה מטרה זו, נערך מחקר איכותני במודל של חקר מקרה שבחן 21 משפחות שהופנו לוועדות ועקב אחר מצבן כעבור שישה חודשים. הנתונים נאספו מראיונות עם עובדים סוציאליים, מתצפיות בוועדות ומניתוח מסמכים. כדי לאפשר הבנה כלל ארגונית של אופן ההתנהלות בשדה וגורמיה, אומצה כמסגרת מושגית גישת המערכות. הממצא העיקרי של המחקר שמטרת הרפורמה הושגה באופן חלקי מאוד. רק שבעה ילדים השתתפו בוועדות, והשפעתם על ההחלטות היתה מעטה. נראה שעקב כך הם פחות שיתפו פעולה ביישומן. בנוגע לילדים אשר לא השתתפו בדיונים, רק לעתים נדירות העבירו העובדים הסוציאליים שלהם את נקודת מבטם לחברי הוועדה. אי הצלחתה של הרפורמה מוסבר באי התאמתה לסביבת העבודה הארגונית ולתרבות הארגונית. בניתוח הנתונים זוהו מספר גורמים מערכתיים שהשפיעו על אי ההצלחה לתת עדיפות גבוהה יותר לנקודת מבטם של ילדים: חוסר מיומנות וזמן; המסר הארגוני בנוגע לסדרי העדיפויות בפרקטיקה; אידיאולוגיה פטרנליסטית.
Child & Family Social Work, 2016
A national reform of child protection practice in Israel includes the ambition of strengthening c... more A national reform of child protection practice in Israel includes the ambition of strengthening children’s participation in intervention decisions carried out in formal committees, called planning, intervention and evaluation committees. A qualitative study was conducted of how well this was being achieved by following 21 case studies of families referred to the committees over 6months. Data were collected from interviews with social workers, field observations of the committees and a document review. A systems approach was undertaken as a conceptual framework in order to allow a whole-organizational understanding of what is happening in the field, and why. The key finding was a very limited realization of the reform’s aim.Only seven children attended the committees, and they had little influence on decisions, which appears to have made them less co-operative in implementing them. Those who did not attend rarely had their views conveyed to the committee by their social workers. The reform’s lack of success is explained by being ill suited to the organizationalworking environment and culture. The analysis identified a number of systemic factors influencing the failure to give greater priority to children’s views, including lack of skill and time, organizational messages about practice priorities and paternalistic ideology.
Violence: An Israeli Journal, 2009
This study deals with the phenomenon of interpersonal violence among adolescents in Israel. Its m... more This study deals with the phenomenon of interpersonal violence among adolescents in Israel. Its main purpose is to explore the contribution of environmental factors to the tendency to behave violently within this population. The study explores the role of belonging to a certain socioeconomic status and exposure to violence in one’s residential environment, in encouraging or preventing violent behavior, utilizing Social Learning theories as its theoretical frame. This study also focuses on analyzing the function of social goals in violent conflicts. In addition, the study attempts to deepen the understanding regarding gender’s impact over confrontational interactions among adolescents, while distinguishing between inter-gender aggressive interactions and intra-gender ones.
The study includes 259 boys and girls between the ages of 15-19, who filled out an aggressive behavior questionnaire. 59.85% of the respondents were adolescents belonging to a high socioeconomic status, while 40.15% were adolescents belonging to a low socioeconomic status. The research findings indicate that belonging to a low socioeconomic status, exposure to excessive violence in one’s residential environment and of social goals supportive of the use of violence, are correlated with higher involvement of adolescents in violent conflicts. Also, as far as gender’s effect on involvement in conflicts, it was found that boys’ behavior was a result of their opponent’s gender, while girls’ behavior was not affected by their opponent’s gender. The uniqueness and theoretical
contribution of this study lie within the application of a situational and interactional approach to analyze the violence phenomenon, according to which, the violent action is not merely an isolated event, but rather a part of a dynamic interaction of conflict, undergoing escalation processes. This approach allows for a fuller, more realistic understanding of this phenomenon, within the social context in which it takes place.
Talks by Ravit Alfandari
This research evaluates the impact of the recent reform in the
Israeli child protection practice... more This research evaluates the impact of the recent reform in the
Israeli child protection practice, aimed at achieving high-quality
decisions in regards to safeguarding children.
These system-wide changes are towards a more analytical
framework of reasoning through the utilisation of standardised
tools and guidelines.
This research follows a mixed-methods design.
30 cases of children alleged to have suffered abuse and/or
neglect who were referred to Social Services Departments,
will be rigorously investigated, using observations in
professional committees; interviews with social workers and
parents; and case records review.
This research has practical and theoretical significance which
crosses national boundaries.
Books by Ravit Alfandari
Social Work and the Making of Social Policy. Bristol: Policy Press , 2019
This chapter presents a qualitative study that was conducted to investigate the implementation an... more This chapter presents a qualitative study that was conducted to investigate the implementation and outcomes of recent child protection reform in Israel. Using the ‘systems approach’ as conceptual framework allowed to understand the impact of the working conditions on every-day child protection practices. The key finding of the research – that the reform’s aims of strengthening practice and improving the safety and well-being of vulnerable children have not been entirely achieved – is explained by the organisational working environment and culture acting as barriers to the expected change. Findings touch on in particular: heavy workloads and an organisational culture that seeks opportunities to shortcut procedures and processes; inadequate professional supervision and support; insufficient training and qualifications; and lack of strong organisational leadership. It is concluded that organisations’ underlying problems need to be resolved if effective delivery of services for children and families is to be achieved.
Social Work and the Making of Social Policy. Bristol: Policy Press., 2019
This chapter presents a qualitative study that was conducted to investigate the implementation an... more This chapter presents a qualitative study that was conducted to investigate the implementation and outcomes of recent child protection reform in Israel. Using the ‘systems approach’ as conceptual framework allowed to understand the impact of the working conditions on every-day child protection practices. The key finding of the research – that the reform’s aims of strengthening practice and improving the safety and well-being of vulnerable children have not been entirely achieved – is explained by the organisational working environment and culture acting as barriers to the expected change. Findings touch on in particular: heavy workloads and an organisational culture that seeks opportunities to shortcut procedures and processes; inadequate professional supervision and support; insufficient training and qualifications; and lack of strong organisational leadership. It is concluded that organisations’ underlying problems need to be resolved if effective delivery of services for children and families is to be achieved.
Papers by Ravit Alfandari
The goal of the review was to provide in-depth understanding about the possibilities and outcomes of representation, by analyzing the policy and practice in different countries around the world where there is a decision-making framework similar to the one in Israel. In particular, the review examined the extent of formal regulation for representation; Who is allowed to represent the parents? What are the practical aspects of representation? And what are the implications of representation for all those involved in the decision-making process? Using the systems approach as a conceptual framework, representation in each of the countries was studied within the context of the child protection system in which it is implemented.
The process of reviewing the literature was conducted over three months in 2017. The study data were collected systematically in four stages: An initial search of the research literature using relevant key words and databases; screening the results by the key criterion of resemblance to the characteristics of the Israeli decision-making framework; gaining a broader, in-depth knowledge about relevant countries; and ending the search at saturation point. Data were taken from empirical papers published in international journals, books, government websites and personal correspondence.
The countries included in this review are: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and England. A key finding of the literature analysis is that there is great variation among countries in the decision-making process in general and, in particular, in regard to parents' representation. These differences can be seen, for example, in the characteristics and composition of the decision-making body, the type of relationship (personal or professional) between the parent and his/her representative, and the nature and timing of the representative's involvement. Another important finding is the scarcity of empirical knowledge on parental representation, particularly about its routine utilization and implications. Several possible explanations for this are presented.
In regard to formulating policy about parental representation in child protection decision-making processes, the review concludes that: (1) There is a need for structured working procedures regarding the involvement of an independent person acting for the parents in the decision-making process, that are clear to all those participating in it. These procedures should be compatible with the characteristics of the child protection system that shape the relationship between parents, social worker and agencies; (2) The person representing the parent should be sufficiently trained and knowledgeable in the field of child protection; and (3) The possibilities of representation given to the children themselves must be taken into account and must be examined to see if and how they fit in with those given to their parents. Substantial research into these issues is critical in order to develop effective policy.
The study includes 259 boys and girls between the ages of 15-19, who filled out an aggressive behavior questionnaire. 59.85% of the respondents were adolescents belonging to a high socioeconomic status, while 40.15% were adolescents belonging to a low socioeconomic status. The research findings indicate that belonging to a low socioeconomic status, exposure to excessive violence in one’s residential environment and of social goals supportive of the use of violence, are correlated with higher involvement of adolescents in violent conflicts. Also, as far as gender’s effect on involvement in conflicts, it was found that boys’ behavior was a result of their opponent’s gender, while girls’ behavior was not affected by their opponent’s gender. The uniqueness and theoretical
contribution of this study lie within the application of a situational and interactional approach to analyze the violence phenomenon, according to which, the violent action is not merely an isolated event, but rather a part of a dynamic interaction of conflict, undergoing escalation processes. This approach allows for a fuller, more realistic understanding of this phenomenon, within the social context in which it takes place.
Talks by Ravit Alfandari
Israeli child protection practice, aimed at achieving high-quality
decisions in regards to safeguarding children.
These system-wide changes are towards a more analytical
framework of reasoning through the utilisation of standardised
tools and guidelines.
This research follows a mixed-methods design.
30 cases of children alleged to have suffered abuse and/or
neglect who were referred to Social Services Departments,
will be rigorously investigated, using observations in
professional committees; interviews with social workers and
parents; and case records review.
This research has practical and theoretical significance which
crosses national boundaries.
Books by Ravit Alfandari
The goal of the review was to provide in-depth understanding about the possibilities and outcomes of representation, by analyzing the policy and practice in different countries around the world where there is a decision-making framework similar to the one in Israel. In particular, the review examined the extent of formal regulation for representation; Who is allowed to represent the parents? What are the practical aspects of representation? And what are the implications of representation for all those involved in the decision-making process? Using the systems approach as a conceptual framework, representation in each of the countries was studied within the context of the child protection system in which it is implemented.
The process of reviewing the literature was conducted over three months in 2017. The study data were collected systematically in four stages: An initial search of the research literature using relevant key words and databases; screening the results by the key criterion of resemblance to the characteristics of the Israeli decision-making framework; gaining a broader, in-depth knowledge about relevant countries; and ending the search at saturation point. Data were taken from empirical papers published in international journals, books, government websites and personal correspondence.
The countries included in this review are: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and England. A key finding of the literature analysis is that there is great variation among countries in the decision-making process in general and, in particular, in regard to parents' representation. These differences can be seen, for example, in the characteristics and composition of the decision-making body, the type of relationship (personal or professional) between the parent and his/her representative, and the nature and timing of the representative's involvement. Another important finding is the scarcity of empirical knowledge on parental representation, particularly about its routine utilization and implications. Several possible explanations for this are presented.
In regard to formulating policy about parental representation in child protection decision-making processes, the review concludes that: (1) There is a need for structured working procedures regarding the involvement of an independent person acting for the parents in the decision-making process, that are clear to all those participating in it. These procedures should be compatible with the characteristics of the child protection system that shape the relationship between parents, social worker and agencies; (2) The person representing the parent should be sufficiently trained and knowledgeable in the field of child protection; and (3) The possibilities of representation given to the children themselves must be taken into account and must be examined to see if and how they fit in with those given to their parents. Substantial research into these issues is critical in order to develop effective policy.
The study includes 259 boys and girls between the ages of 15-19, who filled out an aggressive behavior questionnaire. 59.85% of the respondents were adolescents belonging to a high socioeconomic status, while 40.15% were adolescents belonging to a low socioeconomic status. The research findings indicate that belonging to a low socioeconomic status, exposure to excessive violence in one’s residential environment and of social goals supportive of the use of violence, are correlated with higher involvement of adolescents in violent conflicts. Also, as far as gender’s effect on involvement in conflicts, it was found that boys’ behavior was a result of their opponent’s gender, while girls’ behavior was not affected by their opponent’s gender. The uniqueness and theoretical
contribution of this study lie within the application of a situational and interactional approach to analyze the violence phenomenon, according to which, the violent action is not merely an isolated event, but rather a part of a dynamic interaction of conflict, undergoing escalation processes. This approach allows for a fuller, more realistic understanding of this phenomenon, within the social context in which it takes place.
Israeli child protection practice, aimed at achieving high-quality
decisions in regards to safeguarding children.
These system-wide changes are towards a more analytical
framework of reasoning through the utilisation of standardised
tools and guidelines.
This research follows a mixed-methods design.
30 cases of children alleged to have suffered abuse and/or
neglect who were referred to Social Services Departments,
will be rigorously investigated, using observations in
professional committees; interviews with social workers and
parents; and case records review.
This research has practical and theoretical significance which
crosses national boundaries.