
52 Pins
The Awakening — LISA HILLYER
Welcome to ‘The Awakening’A 12 week group coaching program where we will dive deep into each chakra as we move through the 7 energy centers of the body. We will unravel, dissect + bring each chakra into balance through various modalities bringing balance, joy, purpose + connection to your life....click the link to join. #heal
So true! #heart #guard #armor #shield #armorofGod #Christian #savedbyHim #GodsGrace #ChristianGirl #Texasgirl #Love #Bible
Cocktails 'n Fitness
WINE WEDNESDAY!!! . TAG YOUR WINO FRIENDS! . #Winequote #CocktailsNfitness . . . #instawine #winestagram #RealHousewives #Bravo #workoutforwine #PinotGrigio #SkinnyGirl #WINE #WineO #WineOclock #HappyHour #CHEERS #WineWednesday #WineOholics #BoxOwine #WineOprobs #iLoveWine #WineHumor #VINO #WineGirl #adultbeverage #DRINKIE #OMAD #balance #TreatYOself #intermittentfasting #8hourdiet
25 Ways To Say Happy Birthday; Birthday messages for the card
Having trouble coming up with the perfect birthday message? Here are 25 great ways to wish that special someone in your life a Happy Birthday. The list is filled with funny, romantic, and poetic birthday wishes to help inspire those magical words you can't seem to find.