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Que faire si mon enfant refuse de se rendre chez l'autre parent ?
Toutes les deux semaines, Maître Vanessa Suied et Maître Joanne Elia du cabinet Eiffel Avocats répondent à des problématiques juridiques du quotidien. Cette semaine, focus sur l'obligation de représenter son enfant à l'autre parent.
Family woman man child problem
Family woman man child problem, mother father manipulate cartoon son, vector illustration. Flat relations cruelty, despotic parent conflict. Domination at little boy puppet children character.
"They are encouraged to be the primary caretaker of the family, emotionally and through domestic activities, even if their employment status outside of the home imposes upon those responsibilities" (York, 2011). Women are socially constructed to only be either stay at home moms or have a career. They have to pick between having a family and being a "good wife and mom" or being a business woman. Society makes it hard for woman to have both.