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212 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1998
"If only the ocean were under this bed, I wished naively. If only I could keep sinking down like this, down and down and down forever."
"This world of ours is just so colorful that we can never decide on the right one, we never know which colors are real, which colors are our own.”
"I wanted to write a novel that will allow young people who are tired of living to have a break from their own lives."She then went on to say that teenagers in Japan have such difficult lives, with a lot of pressures around education, family, culture and so on.
"What I'd thought was your average happy little family was actually a viper's nest."
"Everybody's got their own box of paints, and some of the colors are pretty and some are ugly."
“Everyone's messed up. In this world, in the afterlife, whether you're a person or an angel or whoever, that's the norm. We're all normal and messed up. Everyone's got their own box of paints, and some of the colours are pretty and some are ugly.”
“This world of ours is so colorful that we can never decide on the right one, we never know which colors are real, which colors are our own.”
“I want to write a novel that will allow young people who are tired of living to have a break from their own lives.”