Papers by Angela Mcrobbie
Feminist Review, 1997
The article confronts two issues, first the question of women and consumption and second the fash... more The article confronts two issues, first the question of women and consumption and second the fashion industry as a feminized sector. In the first instance the argument is that recent scholarship on consumption has been weakened by an inattention to questions of exclusion from ...
The British Journal of Sociology
Angela McRobbie and Sarah L. Thornton Rethinking 'moral panic' for multi-mediated socia... more Angela McRobbie and Sarah L. Thornton Rethinking 'moral panic' for multi-mediated social worlds ABSTRACT It is now over twenty years since the well-established sociology of deviance along with the emergent sociology of mass media pro- duced the concept of 'moral panic'. The ...
Feminist Media Studies, 2011
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Estudios Culturales Y Comunicacion Analisis Produccion Y Consumo Cultural De Las Politicas De Identidad Y El Posmodernismo 1998 Isbn 84 493 0518 7 Pags 263 296, 1998
Localización: Estudios culturales y comunicación: análisis, producción y consumo cultural de las ... more Localización: Estudios culturales y comunicación: análisis, producción y consumo cultural de las políticas de identidad y el posmodernismo/coord. por David Morley, Valerie Walkerdine, James Curran, 1998, ISBN 84-493-0518-7, págs. 263-296
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 09502389300490281, Aug 23, 2006
Feminist Media Studies, 2004
This article presents a series of possible conceptual frames for engaging with what has come to b... more This article presents a series of possible conceptual frames for engaging with what has come to be known as post-feminism. It understands post-feminism to refer to an active process by which feminist gains of the 1970s and 80s come to be undermined. It proposes that through an array of machinations, elements of contemporary popular culture are perniciously effective in regard to this undoing of feminism, while simultaneously appearing to be engaging in a well-informed and even well-intended response to feminism. It then proposes that this undoing which can be perceived in the broad cultural field is compounded by some dynamics in sociological theory (including the work of Giddens and Beck) which appear to be most relevant to aspects of gender and social change. Finally it suggests that by means of the tropes of freedom and choice which are now inextricably connected with the category of "young women," feminism is decisively aged and made to seem redundant. Feminism is cast into the shadows, where at best it can expect to have some afterlife, where it might be regarded ambivalently by those young women who must in more public venues stake a distance from it, for the sake of social and sexual recognition. I propose a complexification then of the backlash thesis which gained currency within forms of journalism associated with popular feminism (Susan Faludi 1992). The backlash for Faludi was a concerted, conservative response to the achievements of feminism. My argument is that post-feminism positively draws on and invokes feminism as that which can be taken into account, to suggest that equality is achieved, in order to install a whole repertoire of new meanings which emphasise that it is no longer needed, it is a spent force. This was most vivid in The Independent (UK) newspaper column Bridget Jones's Diary, then in the enormously successful book and film which followed. 1 For my purposes here, post-feminism permits the close examination of a number of intersecting but also conflicting currents. It allows us to examine shifts of direction in the feminist academy, while also taking into account the seeming repudiation of feminism within this very same academic context by those young women who are its unruly (student) subjects. Broadly I am arguing that for feminism to be "taken into account" it has to be understood as having already passed away. This is a movement detectable across popular culture, a site where "power … is remade at various junctures within everyday life, (constituting) our tenuous sense of common sense" (Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau & Slavoj Zizek 2000, p. 14). Some fleeting comments in Judith Butler's short book Antigone's Claim (2000) suggests to me that post-feminism can be explored through what I would describe as a "double entanglement". This comprises the coexistence of neo-conservative values in relation to gender, sexuality and family life (for example, George Bush supporting the campaign to encourage chastity among young people, and
Cultural Studies, 1993
s Helmut Hartwig (1992) has described, I too feel a sense of acute A anxiety at the thought of wr... more s Helmut Hartwig (1992) has described, I too feel a sense of acute A anxiety at the thought of writing about youth. It is at once too close and too far away. I am too old. I have a daughter of fifteen who lives these experiences and in talking or writing about them I feel I am ...
Australian Feminist Studies
This article makes the case for fashion – as part of the creative industries and a major employer... more This article makes the case for fashion – as part of the creative industries and a major employer of women, as well as a significant space for self-organised work – to attract more sustained attention from feminist scholars in order to develop a stronger policy lobby for the sector with priority given to quality livelihoods. Drawing on interviews and observations carried out within the course of a three-year study which investigated working lives of fashion designers (predominantly female) in London, Berlin and Milan, the argument presented emerges from an analysis which focused on two key factors: the impact of adverse economic circumstances following the euro-crisis of 2008 and the role of urban cultural policies in the ability of designers to establish a creative practice. With the help of three provisional concepts, each of which relies on questions of space/place, we suggest that this expansive sector contains potential to become a more equitable and socially engaged field, particularly with reference to women’s working lives and through the development of regionalised centres with an emphasis on doing fashion differently.
Cultural Studies, 2000
Note portant sur l'auteur * Bonjour. Au nom du Centre Pompidou et de la Bibliothèque publique d'i... more Note portant sur l'auteur * Bonjour. Au nom du Centre Pompidou et de la Bibliothèque publique d'information, je vous souhaite la bienvenue pour cette journée d'étude consacrée aux Cultural Studies. L'idée de cette manifestation appartient à Isabelle Bastian-Dupleix. L'idée lui est venue, je crois, au cours du cycle Des femmes et des hommes qu'elle organisait en 2006-2008 et qui était consacré au féminisme, aux questions de filiation et de parentalité et aux questions de genre. Traditionnellement en France, ce type d'approche transversale, transdisciplinaire, ne rentre pas facilement dans nos catégories mentales ou académiques-ou peut-être devrais-je dire culturelles. En effet, ce courant de recherche est né en Angleterre dans les années soixante et a ouvert de nombreuses autres voies de recherche. C'est pourquoi nous avons demandé à des chercheurs anglais de se joindre à nous. Je les remercie tout particulièrement de leur présence, de même que les autres intervenants, bien entendu. Une première partie sera animée par Christophe Evans, sociologue au service Études et recherche de la Bpi. Elle sera consacrée aux origines et aux spécificités nationales des Cultural Studies. À partir de 18 h 30, la seconde partie s'intéressera davantage aux études sur la culture contemporaine. Elle sera animée par Jade Lindgaard, coauteur de La France invisible, paru aux éditions La Découverte en 2008. NOTES DE FIN *. Responsable du pôle Action culturelle et communication à la Bpi.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 15240650802117838, Jun 25, 2008
Feministische Studien, 2013
Papers by Angela Mcrobbie