Seer (Mercury) class series

From Golden Sun Universe

The Seer (Mercury) class series is a dual-elemental class series available to the Mercury Adepts, and to a lesser extent, the Venus Adepts. Both varieties of Adepts require Venus and Mercury Djinn to become this class series.

This class series is very easily confused with the Seer (Jupiter) class series, with which it shares its statistic shifts and the name of every single class in the series. The only difference between the two is their non-Venus Psynergy series.

The class series, when at its highest stage of Oracle and compared to the other series at their highest respective stages, has very high PP, good Agility, and average Attack, but lower Defense and below average HP - the Oracle of the Seer (Jupiter) class series is the same in all of these areas. Both series' luck ratings are at the standard. Noteworthy Psynergy from an endgame perspective includes Revive, Pure Wish, Cure Poison, and Break (contrast these last three spells with the Jupiter variation's Ward/Resist and consider that this series also has the weaker Potent Cure spell that the Jupiter variation has), and the heaviest area-of-effect Psynergy it has is Froth Spiral (whereas the Jupiter variation only has the much weaker Blue Bolt that this series also has). Average stats from an endgame perspective are 148% (158% if you don't factor in Luck).

In all games, an Adept in this class series is especially likely to be affected by Sleep-inducing effects.

Statistical Influence

Seer (Mercury) class series
Class Name Djinn HP PP ATK DEF AGI LCK
Mercury Adepts Venus Adepts
Seer 1 Star venus.gif unavailable 90% 130% 90% 90% 110% 100%
Diviner 2-3 Star venus.gif unavailable 110% 140% 100% 100% 120% 100%
Shaman 4-5 Star venus.gif 6 Star mercury.gif 120% 150% 110% 110% 130% 100%
Druid 6 Star venus.gif, 1 Star mercury.gif 7 Star mercury.gif, 1 Star venus.gif 150% 170% 130% 130% 150% 100%
Oracle 7 Star venus.gif, 2 Star mercury.gif unavailable 170% 180% 140% 140% 160% 100%

Notes on Class Names

  • Hover your cursor over class names for alt-text of series' Japanese names.

Psynergy Setup

Lvl Psynergy PP Range Power
1 Star venus.gif Cure 3 Range 1.gif
2 Star mercury.gif Froth 5 Range 3.gif 28
3 Star venus.gif Growth 4 Range 1.gif 25
5 Star mercury.gif Cure Poison 2 Range 1.gif
8 Star mercury.gif Wish 9 Range all.gif
Class must be Shaman or higher.
10 Star venus.gif Cure Well 7 Range 1.gif
12 Star venus.gif Mad Growth 10 Range 3.gif 60
13 Star mercury.gif Restore 3 Range 1.gif
14 Star mercury.gif Froth Sphere 12 Range 5.gif 65
19 Star venus.gif Revive 15 Range 1.gif
Class must be Shaman or higher.
22 Star mercury.gif Wish Well 13 Range all.gif
Class must be Shaman or higher.
26 Star venus.gif Potent Cure 10 Range 1.gif
29 Star venus.gif Wild Growth 19 Range 5.gif 110
30 Star mercury.gif Break 5 Range all.gif
40 Star mercury.gif Froth Spiral 31 Range 7.gif 150
46 Star mercury.gif Pure Wish 20 Range all.gif
Class must be Shaman or higher.


The Mercury variation of the Seer class is a much better class than its Jupiter counterpart. While both classes share the same statistics, the Mercury Seer has a much better lineup. While the Jupiter class has the weaker Bolt Psynergy series, the Mercury Seer has the fairly strong Froth Psynergy series. In addition, the class has a wide range of healing abilities, possessing the Wish series, a decent single target heal in the Cure series, and Revive. This makes the Mercury Seer one of the more versatile healers, particularly when compared with other dual-elemental classes. In addition, the simple Djinn requirements mean that the class is available fairly early, and so the class can be a good option during the middle parts of the game. This is particularly true early on, as the other classes for a Mercury adept have exceptionally poor Psynergy selection prior to obtaining 4 Djinn.

Early/mid game, the required Venus djinn are a stumbling block, as you will probably already be using them to put your Mars adept(s) in the Brute class series. Once you gain access to Ninja and Samurai, however, the Mercury Seer becomes much more viable, at least in The Lost Age. In Dark Dawn you may prefer to give the Venus djinn to Sveta for her Scrapper class series, in which case Himi's Crusader class series is a good replacement for this one, trading Cure and some PP for Ply and extra durability.

If you find that you enjoy the Seer class, consider bumping one adept into the Tri-Elemental Medium class, and another into the White Mage for a combo that gives your party near unparalleled survivability. The Medium loses access to Wish, but has the strengths of both Seer classes, possessing Bolt, Froth, Cure, and Revive. When combined with the White Mage, which has both the Wish series and Revive, the two support each other well, and are excellent options for boss battles.

Class series in the Golden Sun series
Mono-Elemental (GS/TLA): Flame UserGuardMarinerSquireWater SeerWind Seer
Mono-Elemental (DD): Aqua SquireBeastlingGuardMikoPirateSquireWater SeerWind Seer
Dual-Elemental: ApprenticeBruteCurse MageHermitPagePilgrim (Jupiter)Pilgrim (Mercury)ScrapperSeer (Jupiter)Seer (Mercury)Swordsman (Mars)Swordsman (Venus)/Crusader
Tri-Elemental: DragoonMediumNinjaRangerSamuraiWhite Mage
Item-Dependent: Dark MagePierrotTamer
Psynergy-Dependent: Wild Animal