DescriciónAncient Epirus & Modern Borders (Colored).svg
English: Map of "The Ancient Greek region of Epirus and the Situation today".Approximate extent of Ancient Epirus,Epirus Vetus,Epirus Nova (Illyria Graeca) and adjoining Provinces and regions. The expansion of the Greek region of Epirus into Illyria. Anachronistic.
American journal of philology, Τόμοι 98-99,by JSTOR (Organization), Project Muse,1977,page 263, the partly Hellenic and partly Hellenized Epirus Nova
Epirus Vetus: The Archaeology of a Late Antique Province (Duckworth Archaeology) by William Bowden,2003,ISBN-10: 0715631160,2003,page 233,of Lissos in Epirus Nova
Migrations and invasions in Greece and adjacent areas by Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond,1976,ISBN-0815550472,page 54,The line of division between Illyricum and the Greek area Epirus nova
Hammond, N. G. L. A History of Greece to 322 B.C., 1986, ISBN-10: 0198730950
Triadafilopoulos, Triadafilos (November 2000). "Power politics and nationalist discourse in the struggle for 'Northern Epirus': 1919-1921". Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans,
Encyclopedia Britannica,2002,ISBN-0852297874,The Roman province of Illyricum stretched from the Drilon River (the Drin, in modern Albania) in the south to Istria (modem Slovenia and Croatia)
The Illyrians (The Peoples of Europe) by John Wilkes,1996,ISBN-9780631198079,Wilkes gives the limites of Epirus Nova at Drilon river
The Illyrians (The Peoples of Europe) by John Wilkes,1996,ISBN-9780631198079,page 208
History of the Byzantine Empire: Vol. 1, 324-1453 (Paperback) by Alexander A. Vasiliev
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