This is a query builder for KwilDB, using the KwilDB's API.
You have to first create an instance for kwildb, which allows you to have multiple connections.
import KwilDBBuilder from './src/kwildb';
const secretKey = '';
const sync = false;
const kwildb = new KwilDBBuilder(secretKey, sync);
You can specify whether you want to propagate your changes with the second parameter of the KwilDBBuilder constructor.
With the instance ready, you can connect using your moat and private key:
const privateKey = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./key.json').toString());
const moat = 'luistest';
kwildb.connect({ moat, privateKey });
The values for the first parameter of connect include:
- host (optional) defaults to
. - protocol: (optional) defaults to
. - moat: (required) Your moat.
- privateKey: (required) Your private key.
This will create a connection called default
. You can give your connection a name by passing it as the second parameter. You can then change your connection using kwildb.setCurrentConnection('default')
You can access the current connection object using getConnection
const connection = kwildb.getConnection();
This should give you access to all the functionality that kwilDB supports.
By default, you specify whether or not changes will be propagated in the KwilDBBuilder constructor:
const sync = false;
const kwildb = new KwilDBBuilder(secretKey, sync);
You can change this behavior using setSync
And you can check it with isSyncing()
if (kwildb.isSyncing()) {
// do stuff...
You can create a schema using the createSchema
await kwildb.createSchema('public');
You can also drop it:
await kwildb.dropSchema('public');
You can create tables using the createTable
await kwildb.createTable('posts', {
id: 'integer',
title: 'varchar(30)',
content: 'text',
And delete them using dropTable
await kwildb.dropTable('posts');
You can do an INSERT using the insert
method, which accepts an array with a list of key-value:
const usersToAdd = [
{ id: 1, email: '[email protected]', name: 'Luis' },
{ id: 2, email: '[email protected]', name: 'Luis 2' },
{ id: 3, email: '[email protected]', name: 'Luis 3' },
const result = await kwildb.table('users').insert(usersToAdd);
console.log(result); // { affectedRows: 3 }
The update
method allows you to perform an UPDATE. It accepts a key-value for the things to set. You can specify which item to update using where
takes a field, an operator (=, <, >, like) and a value.
const result = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '=', 1).update({ name: 'luis!' });
console.log(result); // { affectedRows: 1 }
The delete
method allows you to perform a DELETE FROM.
const result = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '=', 1).delete();
console.log(result); // { affectedRows: 1 }
You can also truncate an entire table:
await kwildb.table('users').truncate();
You can list items using the get
const users = await kwildb.table('users').get();
{ id: 1, email: '', name: 'Luis' },
{ id: 2, email: '', name: 'Luis 2' },
{ id: 3, email: '', name: 'Luis 3' }
You can reduce the amount of result using the where
const users = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '=', 1).get();
const users2 = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '!=', 1).get();
const users3 = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '>', 1).get();
const users4 = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', '<', 2).get();
const users5 = await kwildb.table('users').where('id', 'like', 'contact%').get();
console.log(users, users2, users3, users4, users5);
There other functions for special comparisons:
const users = await kwildb.table('users').whereNull('id').get();
const users2 = await kwildb.table('users').whereNotNull('id').get();
const users3 = await kwildb.table('users').whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).get();
const users4 = await kwildb.table('users').whereBetween('id', [0, 10]).get();
console.log(users, users2, users3, users4);
You can limit how many results you get by using the limit
const users = await kwildb.table('users').limit(2).get();
You can sort using the sortBy
const users = await kwildb.table('users').orderBy('id', 'desc').get();
const users2 = await kwildb.table('users').orderBy('id', 'asc').get();
console.log(users, users2);
You can quickly find an id using the find
const user = await kwildb.table('users').find(1); // finds where ID = 1, returns object
You can quickly get the first result of a query using the first
const user = await kwildb.table('users').first();
There are aggregate functions to get data from your table:
const count = await kwildb.table('users').count(); // 3
const max = await kwildb.table('users').max('id'); // 3
const min = await kwildb.table('users').min('id'); // 1
const avg = await kwildb.table('users').avg('id'); // 2
const sum = await kwildb.table('users').sum('id'); // 6
console.log(find, count, max, min, avg, sum);
You can use the query
and preparedStatement
to perform custom queries.
const result = await kwildb.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM users');
const result2 = await kwildb.rawPreparedStatement('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1', [1]);
If the query is wrong, an exception will be thrown. You should always catch the exception.
try {
const result = await kwildb.table('non existing table').get();
} catch (e) {