an awesome list of free SaaS (software as a service) for you. 一份很棒的免费 SaaS(软件即服务)清单。
- Docs
- Design
- HR
- VideoConferencing
- Cloud Services
- Data Analysis
- Project & Team Management
- Marketing
- CostControlReimbursement
- Low & No Code
- AI
- VR
- Online Coding & Code Share
- Discussion
- CMS & Website
- Log Analysis
- Information
- Draw
- Craft - Built for digital devices from the ground-up, Craft brings back the joy to writing.
- DrawOnPDF - Draw on PDF documents online with the best free PDF editor.
- 轻雀文档 - 企业级智能在线协作文档
- MySlide - 一个类似于 SlideShare 和 SpeakerDeck 的 PPT 分享网站.
- 腾讯文档 - 腾讯官方出品文档
- Hipa - Redefined table.
- Prezi: 画布 PPT.
- 幕布: 极简大纲笔记,一键生成思维导图.
- 一起写 - 耳目一新的云端 Office
- Confluence wiki software - Connect people, content, and ideas all in one place so you can spend less time hunting things down, and more time making things happen.
- Figma - the collaborative interface design tool.
- 蓝湖 - 蓝湖是一款产品文档和设计图的共享平台,帮助互联网团队更好地管理文档和设计图
- 墨刀 - 在线协作,原型设计,协作平台
- Zeplin - Handoff designs and styleguides with accurate specs, assets, code snippets—automatically.
- 图怪兽 - 作图神器.
- uizard - Transform your hand-drawn wireframes into digital design files and front-end code – automatically!
- proto - Create fully-interactive high-fidelity prototypes that look and work exactly like your app should.
- 纷享销客 - CRM SaaS , 连接型 CRM 优质服务商
- 销售易 - CRM SaaS
- 有谱 - 涵盖企业经营管理的各项领域,打造符合企业需求的个性化软件
- zoho - 修复知识库废弃新手引导覆盖 toolbar 的 bug
- 外勤 365 - 提升企业线下销售效率
- 小满 - 随时随地都可以让工作简单轻松 卓有成效
- 销帮帮 - 客户全生命周期数字化管理
- 云客 - 专注销售过程管理
- 指掌天下 - 连接企业内部协同和外部营销
- 亿客 crm - 帮助销售人员完整记录客户信息,了解客户的喜好
- 爱客 crm - 解决中小企业找客难、转化低、管理混乱的问题
- 亿达互联 - 专注于为金融企业、事业单位、中小企业、小微企业提供软件技术服务
- 华邦云 - 智能化销售客户管理系统
- 普丘 - 帮助更多零售企业实现新零售环境下的业务增长
- 八百客 - 领先专业的 SaaS 模式和企业云计算开发平台
- 兑吧 - 为您建立全面、有效的用户运营体系
- 快启 - 专注于小微企业的移动 CRM 和协同工具
- 腾讯会议 - 享受灵活扩容、使用便捷的一站式云会议解决方案
- Zoom - modern enterprise video communications
- 轻雀会议 - 开箱即用的云会议,致力于为新一代知识工作者提供服务,协助个人和团队提升协作效率,大幅解放生产力。
- ucloud - UCloud(优刻得)是中国知名的中立云计算服务商,专注于提供可靠的企业级云服务
- 神策数据 - 大数据分析和营销科技服务商
- Baremetrics - Metrics, dunning, and engagement tools for SaaS & subscription businesses.
- GrowingIO - 一站式数字化增长整体方案服务商。为产品、运营、市场、数据团队及管理者提供客户数据平台(CDP)、广告分析、产品分析、智能运营等产品和咨询服务。
- BDP - Data analysis platform.
- Notion - One tool for your whole team. Write, plan, and get organized.
- 轻雀协作 - 服务新一代工作知识工作者,项目管理软件
- KissFlow - Digital Workplace designed for minimal disruption of work. Built for the modern workplace.
- Teambition - 包括 项目空间、网盘、文档、待办、日历 等新一代工具,帮助你把想法变成现实,让创作过程充满愉悦.
- Ones - 整合敏捷开发与 DevOps 的研发管理工具,助力企业员工进行有序的需求及任务管理、测试用例管理、知识沉淀,促进团队良好协作,提高工程质量.
- XDeveloper - 帮助企业基于研发度量构建起高效交付体系。
- Taskade - Map out your workflow, from ideas to action.
- PingCode - 新一代研发管理平台,让研发管理自动化、数据化、智能化,帮助企业提升研发效能.
- tapd - 一站式敏捷研发协作云平台
- ones - 整合敏捷开发与 DevOps 的研发管理工具
- tower - 团队协作工具
- Airtable - Low-code platform for building collaborative apps. Customize your workflow, collaborate, and achieve ambitious outcomes.
- Qing Flow - 通过“无代码”技术重塑系统开发方式
- Huozige - Low code platform.
- Treelab - Treelab 是一款新一代生产力工具能让非技术人员像 Excel 一样创造不同任意业务系统
- 纷享销客 PaaS - Paas 平台能力支撑,轻松满足企业差异化业务定制需求
- Donna - A plug-in for Microsoft Word that highlights and links relevant information.
- Lobe - Helps you train machine learning models with a free, easy to use tool.
- Frame - A space for immersive presentations and meetings right from a browser.
- Codepen - An online code editor, learning environment, and community for front-end web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets, projects, and web applications.
- Disqus - Disqus offers the best add-on tools for websites to increase engagement. We help publishers power online discussions with comments and earn revenue with native advertising.
- Webflow - Empowers designers to build professional, custom websites in a completely visual canvas.
- Sentry - Application monitoring platform helps every developer diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of their code.
- loggly - Log analysis & monitoring in the cloud.
- 日志易 - 自助在线日志分析平台
- Meetup - Discover events for all the things you love.
- Owler - Hard-to-find company data, and strategic news alerts for savvy executives, marketers and sales professionals.
- RemoteClub - Find remote jobs for Developers, Designers, Customer Service, Management, Marketing and Sales. Work from anywhere. Hire remote workers!
- processon - 免费在线作图、实时协作
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