Welcome to LUKSMeta! LUKSMeta is a simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header. This library is licensed under the GNU LGPLv2+.
Some projects need to store additional metadata about a LUKS volume that is accessable before unlocking it. Two such examples are USBGuard and Tang. Fortunately, there is a gap in the LUKS header between the end of the slot area and the payload offset:
| LUKSv1 header | LUKSv1 slots (8) | | Encrypted Data |
LUKSMeta uses this hole to store additional metadata.
LUKSMeta's on-disk format consists of a header block, followed by 0-8 data blocks. Each block is aligned to 4096 bytes. The LUKSMeta header contains a checksum (CRC32c) of itself and of each data block to detect data corruption. Each data block is also given a 16 byte UUID type to uniquely identify the contents of the block.
The end result looks like this on disk:
| LUKSv1 header | LUKSv1 slots (8) | LUKSMeta header | LUKSMeta blocks (0-8) | Encrypted Data |