This project is API of Aktuel Listesi Mobile App. Developed by ASP.NET Core Web API, EF Core 2.0, Azure Storage, Cognitive Services and Azure Functions
First of all, you need to clone the project to your local machine
git clone
cd aktuel-listesi
A step by step series of building that project
- Restore the project 🔨
dotnet restore
Create appsettings.Development.json into AktuelListesi.API Project (Copy appsettings.json to appsettings.Development.json for Development Stage)
Change connection string of Database (File: appsettings.Development.json, Line: 13)
If you want to use change Database Provider to MS SQL, MySQL etc... You can change on Startup.cs File (Line: 58)
//For Microsoft SQL Server
services.AddDbContext<AktuelDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("AktuelDbConnection"), opt => opt.MigrationsAssembly("AktuelListesi.API")), contextLifetime: ServiceLifetime.Singleton, optionsLifetime: ServiceLifetime.Singleton);
- Run EF Core Migrations
dotnet ef database update
Fill Azure Cognitive Services Url and keys in appsettings.Development.json
Fill Azure Storage Account name and Key in appsettings.Development.json
Run the project and Enjoy! 💣
dotnet run
You can try it on Swagger UI. 🔫
Find source code of Aktuel Listesi mobile ppp
- .NET Core 2.0
- Entitiy Framework Core - .NET ORM Tool
- NpgSQL for EF Core - PostgreSQL extension for EF
- Swagger - API developer tools for testing and documention
- Azure Storage
- Azure Cognitive Services
- Azure Functions
- If you want to contribute to codes, create pull request
- If you find any bugs or error, create an issue
This project is licensed under the MIT License