In Onedev, go to Administration > External Authentication Source > Authenticator
and Select Generic LDAP
- LDAP URL: ldap://lldap_ip_or_hostname:3890 or ldaps://lldap_ip_or_hostname:6360
- Authentication Required: On
- Manager DN:
- Manager Password: Your bind user's password
- User Search Base:
- User Search Filter:
- User Full Name Attribute:
- Email Attribute: mail
- User SSH Key Attribute: (Leave Blank)
- Group Retrieval: "Search Groups Using Filter"
- Group Search Base:
- Group Search Filter:
- Group Name Attribute: cn
- Create User As Guest: Off
- Default Group: "No Default Group"
- Timeout: 300
Replace every instance of dc=example,dc=com
with your configured domain.
After applying the above settings, users should be able to log in with their user name.