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Fabric8 Kubernetes Java Client Cheat Sheet

This document contains common usages of different resources using Fabric8 Kubernetes Client.

Table of Contents

Initializing Kubernetes Client

Typically, we create Kubernetes Client like this:

try (final KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
  // Do stuff with client

This would pick up default settings, reading your kubeconfig file from ~/.kube/config directory or whatever is defined inside KUBECONFIG environment variable. But if you want to customize creation of client, you can also pass a Config object inside the builder like this:

Config kubeConfig = new ConfigBuilder()
try (final KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().withConfig(kubeConfig).build()) {
  // Do stuff with client

Kubernetes Client DSL Usage

This section contains DSL usage for all the supported resources inside Kubernetes Client library. Although, it's the same for most of the resources. But still, we've added it:


Pods are available in our dsl via the client.pods(). Here are some of the common usages of Pod resource:

  • Loading a Pod from a yaml file into Pod object:
Pod myPod = client.pods().load(new FileInputStream("some-pod.yml")).item();
  • Listing all Pod objects in some specific namespace:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List all Pod objects in all namespaces:
PodList podList = client.pods().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List Pod objects containing some labels:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Get Pod from server with some specific name:
Pod myPod = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("nginx-pod").get();
  • Create a Pod:
Pod aPod = new PodBuilder().withNewMetadata().withName("demo-pod1").endMetadata()
Pod createdPod = client.pods().inNamespace("default").resource(aPod).create();
  • Apply a Pod to Kubernetes Cluster with some existing object:
  • Edit a Pod object:
  p -> new PodBuilder(p).editOrNewMetadata().addToLabels("new","label").endMetadata().build()
  • Get logs for Pod object:
String log = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("test-pod").getLog();
  • Watch logs for Pod:
LogWatch watch = client.pods().inNamespace(namespace).withName(podName).tailingLines(10).watchLog(System.out);
  • Delete a Pod:
  • Delete multiple Pod objects:
client.resourceList(pod1, pod2).inNamespace("default").delete();
  • Wait until a Pod is ready:
Pod pod = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("nginx").waitUntilReady(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
  • Wait until Pod meets some specific condition:
Pod pod = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("nginx").waitUntilCondition(pod -> pod.getStatus().getPhase().equals("Succeeded"), 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
  • Port Forward a Pod
int containerPort =  client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("testpod").get().getSpec().getContainers().get(0).getPorts().get(0).getContainerPort();
LocalPortForward portForward = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withName("testpod").portForward(containerPort, 8080);
  • Watching Pod:
final CountDownLatch deleteLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Watch podWatch = client.pods().withName("pod1").watch(new Watcher<>() {
    public void eventReceived(Action action, Pod resource) {
      switch (action) {
        case DELETED:

    public void onClose(WatcherException e) { }
deleteLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
  • Upload file into a Pod
  • Read file from a Pod
    try (InputStream is = client.pods().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName(pod1.getMetadata().getName()).file("/msg").read())  {
      String result = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
  • Add ephemeral container to a Pod
PodResource resource = client.pods().withName("pod1");
  .edit(p -> new PodBuilder(p)
    .withCommand("sleep", "36000")

resource.waitUntilCondition(p -> p.getStatus()
	.filter(s -> s.getName().equals("debugger"))
	.anyMatch(s -> s.getState().getRunning() != null), 2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (ExecWatch watch = resource.inContainer("debugger")
  .exec("sh", "-c", "echo 'hello world!'")) {
  assertEquals(0, watch.exitCode().join());
  assertEquals("hello world!\n", out.toString());
  • Using Kubernetes Client from within a Pod When trying to access Kubernetes API from within a Pod authentication is done a bit differently as compared to when being done on your system. If you checkout documentation. Client authenticates by reading ServiceAccount from /var/run/secrets/ and reads environment variables like KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT for apiServer URL. You don't have to worry about all this when using Fabric8 Kubernetes Client. You can simply use it like this and client will take care of everything:
// reads serviceaccount from mounted volume and gets apiServer url from environment variables itself.
KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build();

You can also checkout a demo example here: kubernetes-client-inside-pod


Service is available in Kubernetes client API via Here are some common usages of Service:

  • Loading a Service from yaml:
Service aService = FileInputStream("service.yml")).item();
  • Get a Service from API server:
Service service ="default").withName("some-service").get();
  • Create a Service:
Service createdSvc ="default").resource(svc).create();
  • Apply a Service object onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Service createdSvc ="default").resource(svc).serverSideApply();
  • List all Service objects in some specific namespace:
ServiceList svcList ="default").list();
  • List all Service objects in any namespace:
ServiceList svcList =;
  • List Service objects with some specific labels:
ServiceList svcList ="default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete a Service:"default").withName("some-svc").delete();
  • Watching a Service:"default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
	public void eventReceived(Action action, Service resource) {
		// Perform something depending upon action

	public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



Deployment is available in Kubernetes-Client API via client.apps().deployment(). Here are some of the common usages of Deployment:

  • Loading a Deployment from yaml into object:
Deployment aDeployment = client.apps().deployments().load(new FileInputStream("test-deployments.yml")).item();
  • Get a Deployment from API server:
Deployment deploy = client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default").withName("deploy-1").get();
  • Create a Deployment:
Deployment deployment1 = new DeploymentBuilder()
      .addToLabels("test", "deployment")
        .addToLabels("app", "httpd")

  • Apply a Deployment object onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Deployment createdDeployment = client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default").resource(deployObj).serverSideApply();
  • List Deployment objects in some specific namespace:
DeploymentList aDeploymentList = client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List Deployment objects in any namespace:
DeploymentList aDeploymentList = client.apps().deployments().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List Deployment objects with some specific labels:
DeploymentList aDeployList = client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Editing a Deployment:
// Scales Deployment to 2 replicas
Deployment updatedDeploy = client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default")
    d -> new DeploymentBuilder(d).editSpec().withReplicas(2).endSpec().build()
  • Update single container image inside Deployment:
Deployment updatedDeployment = client.apps()
  • Update multiple container images inside Deployment:
Map<String, String> containerToImageMap = new HashMap<>();
containerToImageMap.put("nginx", "nginx:perl");
containerToImageMap.put("sidecar", "someImage:someVersion");
Deployment updatedDeployment = client.apps().deployments()
  • Rollout restart a Deployment:
Deployment deployment = client.apps().deployments()
  • Pause Rollout of a Deployment:
Deployment deployment = client.apps().deployments()
  • Resume Rollout of a Deployment:
Deployment deployment = client.apps().deployments()
  • Undo Rollout of a Deployment:
Deployment deployment = client.apps().deployments()
  • Deleting a Deployment:
  • Watching a Deployment:
client.apps().deployments().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
	public void eventReceived(Action action, Deployment resource) {
		// Do stuff depending upon action

	public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {

  • Scale a Deployment:
  • Get Deployment logs:


ReplicaSet is available in Kubernetes Client using client.apps().replicaSets(). Here are some of the common examples of how to use ReplicaSet with Kubernetes Client api:

  • Load a ReplicaSet object from yaml:
ReplicaSet replicaSet = client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default")
  .load(new FileInputStream("test-replicaset.yml")).item();
  • Get a ReplicaSet from API server:
ReplicaSet rs = client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default").withName("rs1").get();
  • Create a ReplicaSet:
ReplicaSet replicaset1 = new ReplicaSetBuilder()
      .addToLabels("app", "guestbook")
      .addToLabels("tier", "frontend")
      .withMatchLabels(Collections.singletonMap("tier", "frontend"))
      .addToLabels("app", "guestbook")
      .addToLabels("tier", "frontend")

  • Apply an existing ReplicaSet:
ReplicaSet rs = client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default").resource(replicaSet).serverSideApply();
  • List ReplicaSet objects in some namespace:
ReplicaSetList rsList = client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List ReplicaSet objects in any namespace:
ReplicaSetList rsList = client.apps().replicaSets().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List ReplicaSet objects in some namespace with some labels:
ReplicaSetList rsList = client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list(); 
  • Delete ReplicaSet:
  • Watch ReplicaSet:
client.apps().replicaSets().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
	public void eventReceived(Action action, ReplicaSet resource) {
		// Do some stuff depending upon action type

	public void onClose(WatcherException e) {

  • Scale ReplicaSet
// Scale to 3 replicas
  • Update Image in ReplicaSet
ReplicaSet replicaSet = client.apps().replicaSets()
  • Update multiple Images in ReplicaSet:
Map<String, String> containerToImageMap = new HashMap<>();
containerToImageMap.put("c1", "image1");
containerToImageMap.put("c2", "image2");
ReplicaSet replicaSet = client.apps().replicaSets()


ReplicationController resource is available in Kubernetes API using the client.replicationControllers(). Here are some of the examples of it's common usage:

  • Load ReplicationController object from yaml:
ReplicationController aReplicationController = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default")
      .load(new FileInputStream("/test-replicationcontroller.yml")).item();
  • Get ReplicationController object from API server:
ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").withName("nginx-controller").get();
  • Create ReplicationController object:
ReplicationController rc1 = new ReplicationControllerBuilder()
  .withNewMetadata().withName("nginx-controller").addToLabels("server", "nginx").endMetadata()
  .withNewMetadata().addToLabels("server", "nginx").endMetadata()

ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").resource(rc1).create();
  • Apply ReplicationController object onto Kubernetes Cluster:
ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").resource(rc1).serverSideApply();
  • List ReplicationController object in some namespace:
ReplicationControllerList rcList = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List ReplicationController objects in any namespace:
ReplicationControllerList rcList = client.replicationControllers().inAnyNamespace("default").list();
  • List ReplicationController objects in some namespace with some label:
ReplicationControllerList rcList = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete ReplicationController:
  • Watch ReplicationController in some specific namespace:
client.replicationControllers().inNamespace(currentNamespace).watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, ReplicationController resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action type    

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {

  • Scale ReplicationController:
ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace("default").withName("nginx-controller").scale(2);
  • Update image in ReplicationController:
ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers()
  • Update multiple images in ReplicationController:
Map<String, String> containerToImageMap = new HashMap<>();
containerToImageMap.put("c1", "image1");
containerToImageMap.put("c2", "image2");
ReplicationController rc = client.replicationControllers()


ConfigMap resource is available in Kubernetes Client api via the client.configMaps(). Here are some examples of common usage:

  • Load ConfigMap object from yaml:
ConfigMap configMap = client.configMaps().load(new FileInputStream("configmap1.yml")).item();
  • Get ConfigMap from API server:
ConfigMap configMap = client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").withName("configmap1").get();
  • Create ConfigMap:
ConfigMap configMap1 = new ConfigMapBuilder()
      .addToData("1", "one")
      .addToData("2", "two")
      .addToData("3", "three")
ConfigMap configMap = client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").resource(configMap1).create();
  • Apply a ConfigMap object onto Kubernetes Cluster:
ConfigMap configMap = client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").resource(configMap1).serverSideApply();
  • List ConfigMap objects in some namespace:
ConfigMapList configMapList = client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List ConfigMap objects in any namespace:
ConfigMapList configMapList = client.configMaps().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List ConfigMap objects in some namespace with some labels:
ConfigMapList configMapList = client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete ConfigMap:
  • Watch ConfigMap:
client.configMaps().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, ConfigMap resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action type    

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {

  • Update ConfigMap:
ConfigMap configMap1 = client.configMaps().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("configmap1").edit(
  c -> new ConfigMapBuilder(c).addToData("4", "four").build()


Secret resource is available in Kubernetes Client api via client.secrets(). Here are some of the examples of it's common usages:

  • Load Secret from yaml:
Secret aSecret = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").load(new FileInputStream("test-secret.yml")).item();
  • Get a Secret from API server:
Secret secret = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").withName("secret1").get()
  • Create a Secret:
Secret secret1 = new SecretBuilder()
      .addToData("username", "guccifer")
      .addToData("password", "shadowgovernment")
Secret secretCreated = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").resource(secret1).create();
  • Apply a Secret onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Secret createdSecret = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").resource(secret1).serverSideApply();
  • List Secret resources in some namespace:
SecretList secretList = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List Secret resources in any namespace:
SecretList secretList = client.secrets().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List Secret resources in some namespace with some label:
SecretList secretList = client.secrets().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Edit Secret:
Secret secret1 = client.secrets().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("secret1").edit(
  s -> new SecretBuilder(s).withType("Opaque").build()
  • Delete Secret:
  • Watch Secret:
client.secrets().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, Secret resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action type

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



Job resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.batch().jobs(). Here are some of the examples of common usage:

  • Loading a Job from yaml:
Job job = client.batch().jobs().load(new FileInputStream("sample-job.yml")).item();
  • Get a Job resource with some name from API server:
Job job = client.batch().jobs().inNamespace("default").withName("pi").get();
  • Create Job:
final Job job = new JobBuilder()
    .withLabels(Collections.singletonMap("label1", "maximum-length-of-63-characters"))
    .withAnnotations(Collections.singletonMap("annotation1", "some-very-long-annotation"))
    .withArgs("perl", "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)")

  • Apply Job onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Job job = client.batch().v1().jobs().inNamespace("default").resource(job1).serverSideApply();
  • List Job in some namespace:
JobList jobList = client.batch().jobs().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List Job in any namespace:
JobList jobList = client.batch().jobs().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List Job resources in some namespace with some labels:
JobList jobList = client.batch().jobs().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete Job:
  • Watch Job:
client.batch().jobs().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
    public void eventReceived(Action action, Job resource) {
      // Do something depending upon action 

    public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



CronJob resource is available in Kubernetes Client api via client.batch().cronjobs(). Here are some of the examples of its usages:

  • Load CronJob from yaml:
CronJob cronJob = client.batch().cronjobs().load(new FileInputStream("cronjob.yml")).item();
  • Get a CronJob from Kubernetes API server:
CronJob aCronJob = client.batch().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").withName("some-cj").get();
  • Create CronJob:
CronJob cronJob1 = new CronJobBuilder()
    .withLabels(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar"))
    .withSchedule("*/1 * * * *")
    .withArgs("/bin/sh", "-c", "date; echo Hello from Kubernetes")

cronJob1 = client.batch().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").resource(cronJob1).create();
  • Apply CronJob onto Kubernetes Cluster:
CronJob cronJob = client.batch().v1().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").resource(cronJob1).serverSideApply();
  • List some CronJob objects in some namespace:
CronJobList cronJobList = client.batch().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").list()
  • List some CronJob objects in any namespace:
CronJobList cronJobList = client.batch().cronjobs().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List some CronJob objects in some namespace with some label:
CronJobList cronJobList = client.batch().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Edit/Update CronJob:
CronJob cronJob1 = client.batch().cronjobs().inNamespace("default").withName(cronJob1.getMetadata().getName()).edit(
  cj -> new CronJobBuilder(cj).editSpec().withSchedule("*/1 * * * *").endSpec().build()
  • Delete CronJob:


Namespace is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.namespaces(). Here are some of the common usages:

  • Load Namespace from yaml:
Namespace namespace = client.namespaces().load(new FileInputStream("namespace-test.yml")).item();
  • Get Namespace from Kubernetes API server:
Namespace namespace = client.namespaces().withName("namespace1").get();
  • List Namespace objects:
NamespaceList namespaceList = client.namespaces().list();
  • List Namespace objects with some labels:
NamespaceList namespaceList = client.namespaces().withLabel("key1", "value1").list();
  • Delete Namespace objects:


ServiceAccount resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.serviceAccounts(). Here are some examples of it's usage:

  • Load ServiceAccount from yaml:
ServiceAccount svcAccount = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default")
  .load(new FileInputStream("sa.yml")).item();
  • Get ServiceAccount from Kubernetes API server:
ServiceAccount sa = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default").withName("sa-ribbon").get();
  • Create ServiceAccount:
ServiceAccount serviceAccount1 = new ServiceAccountBuilder()

  • Apply ServiceAccount onto Kubernetes cluster:
ServiceAccount serviceAccount = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default").resource(serviceAccount1).serverSideApply();
  • List ServiceAccount in some specific namespace:
ServiceAccountList svcAccountList = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List ServiceAccount in some namespace with labels:
ServiceAccountList saList = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Update/Edit ServiceAccount:
ServiceAccount serviceAccount1 = client.serviceAccounts().inNamespace("default").withName("serviceaccount1").edit(
  sa -> new ServiceAccountBuilder(sa).addNewSecret().withName("default-token-uudp").endSecret()
  • Delete ServiceAccount:


Ingress resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via Here are some examples regarding its usage:

  • Load Ingress from yaml:
Ingress ingress = FileInputStream("ingress.yml")).item();
  • Get Ingress from Kubernetes API server:
Ingress ingress ="default").withName("ingress1").get();
  • Create Ingress:
Ingress ingress = new IngressBuilder()
  .withNewMetadata().withName("test-ingress").addToAnnotations("", "/").endMetadata()
  .withPath("/testPath").withNewBackend().withServiceName("test").withServicePort(new IntOrString(80)).endBackend()
  • Apply Ingress onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Ingress igx ="default").resource(ingress).serverSideApply();
  • List Ingress in some namespace:
IngressList ingressList ="default").list();
  • List Ingress in any namespace:
IngressList ingressList =;
  • List Ingress with some label in any namespace:
IngressList ingressList ="default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete Ingress:"default").withName("ingress1").delete();


StatefulSet resource is available in Kubernetes API via client.apps().statefulsets(). Here are some examples of its common usages:

  • Load StatefulSet from yaml:
StatefulSet aStatefulSet = client.apps().statefulSets()
  .load(new FileInputStream("test-statefulset.yml")).item();
  • Get a StatefulSet from Kubernetes API server:
StatefulSet ss1 = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").withName("ss1").get();
  • Create a StatefulSet:
StatefulSet ss1 = new StatefulSetBuilder()
      .withNewSelector().withMatchLabels(Collections.singletonMap("app", "nginx")).endSelector()
      .addToLabels("app", "nginx")
      .withRequests(Collections.singletonMap("storage", new Quantity("1Gi")))

StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").resource(ss1).create();
  • Apply StatefulSet onto Kubernetes Cluster:
StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").resource(ss1).serverSideApply();
  • List StatefulSet in some particular namespace:
StatefulSetList statefulSetList = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List StatefulSet in any namespace:
StatefulSetList statefulSetList = client.apps().statefulSets().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List StatefulSet in some namespace with label:
StatefulSetList statefulSetList = client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete StatefulSet:
  • Scale StatefulSet:
  • Watch StatefulSet:
client.apps().statefulSets().inNamespace("default").withName("ss1").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, StatefulSet resource) {
    // Do something on action type

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {

  • Update Image in StatefulSet:
StatefulSet statefulSet = client.apps().statefulSets()
  • Updated multiple containers in StatefulSet:
Map<String, String> containerToImageMap = new HashMap<>();
containerToImageMap("container1", "nginx:1.9");
containerToImageMap("container2", "busybox:latest");
Statefulset statefulSet = client.apps().statefulSets()
  • Restart Rollout for StatefulSet:
StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets()
  • Pause Rollout for StatefulSet:
StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets()
  • Resume Rollout for StatefulSet:
StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets()
  • Undo Rollout for StatefulSet:
StatefulSet ss = client.apps().statefulSets()


DaemonSet resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.apps().daemonSets(). Here are some examples of its common usage:

  • Load DaemonSet from yaml:
DaemonSet ds = client.apps().daemonSets().load(new FileInputStream("daemonset.yaml")).item();
  • Get DaemonSet from Kubernetes API server:
DaemonSet ds = client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").withName("ds1").get();
  • Create DaemonSet:
DaemonSet ds = new DaemonSetBuilder()
  .withNewMetadata().withName("fluentd-elasticsearch").addToLabels("k8s-app", "fluentd-logging").endMetadata()
  .addToMatchLabels("name", "fluentd-elasticsearch")
  .addToLimits(Collections.singletonMap("memory", new Quantity("200Mi")))
  .addToRequests(Collections.singletonMap("cpu", new Quantity("100m")))
ds = client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").resource(ds).create();
  • Apply a DaemonSet onto Kubernetes Cluster:
DaemonSet ds = client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").resource(ds1).serverSideApply();
  • List DaemonSet in some namespace:
DaemonSetList dsList = client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List DaemonSet in any namespace:
DaemonSetList dsList = client.apps().daemonSets().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List DaemonSet with some label:
DaemonSetList dsList = client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete DaemonSet:
  • Watch DaemonSet:
client.apps().daemonSets().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, DaemonSet resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action type

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



EndpointSlice resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices(). Here are some examples of its common usage:

  • Load EndpointSlice from yaml:
EndpointSlice es = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().load(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/endpointslice.yml")).item();
  • Get EndpointSlice from Kubernetes API server:
EndpointSlice esFromServer = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("default").withName("es1").get();
  • Create EndpointSlice:
EndpointSlice esToCreate = new EndpointSliceBuilder()
  .addToLabels("", "example")
  .addToTopology("", "node-1")
  .addToTopology("", "us-west2-a")
esToCreate = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("ns1").resource(esToCreate).create();
  • Apply EndpointSlice onto Kubernetes Cluster:
EndpointSlice es = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("ns1").resource(endpointSlice).serverSideApply();
  • List EndpointSlice in some namespace:
EndpointSliceList esList = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List EndpointSlice in any namespace:
EndpointSliceList esList = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List EndpointSlice with some label:
EndpointSliceList esList = client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete EndpointSlice:
  • Watch EndpointSlice:
client.discovery().v1().endpointSlices().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, EndpointSlice resource) {

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



PersistentVolumeClaim is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.persistentVolumeClaims(). Here are some examples of it's common usage:

  • Load a PersistentVolumeClaim from yaml:
PersistentVolumeClaim pvc = client.persistentVolumeClaims().load(new FileInputStream("pvc.yaml")).item();
  • Get a PersistentVolumeClaim object from Kubernetes API server:
PersistentVolumeClaim pvc = client.persistentVolumeClaims().inNamespace("default").withName("test-pv-claim").get();
  • Create PersistentVolumeClaim:
PersistentVolumeClaim persistentVolumeClaim = new PersistentVolumeClaimBuilder()
  .addToRequests("storage", new Quantity("500Gi"))

  • Apply PersistentVolumeClaim onto Kubernetes Cluster:
PersistentVolumeClaim pvc = client.persistentVolumeClaims().inNamespace("default").resource(pvcToCreate).serverSideApply();
  • List PersistentVolumeClaim objects in a particular namespace:
PersistentVolumeClaimList pvcList = client.persistentVolumeClaims().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List PersistentVolumeClaim objects in any namespace:
PersistentVolumeClaimList pvcList = client.persistentVolumeClaims().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List PersistentVolumeClaim objects in some namespace with some labels:
PersistentVolumeClaimList pvcList = client.persistentVolumeClaims().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete PersistentVolumeClaim:


PersistentVolume resource is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.persistentVolumes(). Here are some of the examples of it's common usage:

  • Load a PersistentVolume from yaml:
PersistentVolume pv = client.persistentVolumes().load(new FileInputStream("pv.yaml")).item();
  • Get a PersistentVolume from Kubernetes API server:
PersistentVolume pv = client.persistentVolumes().withName("test-local-pv").get();
  • Create PersistentVolume:
PersistentVolume pv = new PersistentVolumeBuilder()
  .addToCapacity(Collections.singletonMap("storage", new Quantity("500Gi")))
  .withMatchExpressions(Arrays.asList(new NodeSelectorRequirementBuilder()

PersistentVolume pvCreated = client.persistentVolumes().resource(pv).create();
  • Apply PersistentVolume onto Kubernetes Cluster:
PersistentVolume pv = client.persistentVolumes().resource(pvToCreate).serverSideApply();
  • List PersistentVolume:
PersistentVolumeList pvList = client.persistentVolumes().list();
  • List PersistentVolume with some labels:
PersistentVolumeList pvList = client.persistentVolumes().withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete PersistentVolume:


NetworkPolicy is available in Kubernetes Client API via Here are some examples of it's common usages:

  • Load a NetworkPolicy from yaml:
NetworkPolicy loadedNetworkPolicy =
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-networkpolicy.yml")).item();
  • Get NetworkPolicy from Kubernetes API server:
NetworkPolicy getNetworkPolicy =
  • Create NetworkPolicy:
NetworkPolicy networkPolicy = new NetworkPolicyBuilder()
        new NetworkPolicyIngressRuleBuilder()
        .addToFrom(0, new NetworkPolicyPeerBuilder().withNewPodSelector()
        ).addToFrom(1, new NetworkPolicyPeerBuilder().withNewNamespaceSelector()
        .addToPorts(0,new NetworkPolicyPortBuilder().withPort(new IntOrString(6379))

NetworkPolicy npCreated =;
  • Apply NetworkPolicy onto Kubernetes Cluster:
NetworkPolicy npCreated =;
  • List NetworkPolicy:
NetworkPolicyList networkPolicyList =;
  • List with labels NetworkPolicy:
NetworkPolicyList networkPolicyList =
  • Delete NetworkPolicy:"np-test").delete();


PodDisruptionBudget is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget(). Here are some of the examples of its usage:

  • Load PodDisruptionBudget from yaml:
PodDisruptionBudget pdb = client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().load(new FileInputStream("/test-pdb.yml")).item();
  • Get PodDisruptionBudget from Kubernetes API server:
PodDisruptionBudget podDisruptionBudget = client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().inNamespace("default").withName("poddisruptionbudget1").get();
  • Create PodDisruptionBudget:
PodDisruptionBudget podDisruptionBudget = new PodDisruptionBudgetBuilder()
    .withMaxUnavailable(new IntOrString("1%"))
    .withMatchLabels(Collections.singletonMap("app", "zookeeper"))

  • Apply PodDisruptionBudget onto Kubernetes Cluster:
PodDisruptionBudget pdb = client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().inNamespace("default").resource(podDisruptionBudgetObj).serverSideApply();
  • List PodDisruptionBudget in some namespace:
PodDisruptionBudgetList podDisruptionBudgetList = client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List PodDisruptionBudget in any namespace:
PodDisruptionBudgetList pdbList =client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List PodDisruptionBudget with labels:
PodDisruptionBudgetList pdbList = client.policy().v1().podDisruptionBudget().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete PodDisruptionBudget:


  • Create SelfSubjectAccessReview(equivalent of kubectl auth can-i create deployments --namespace dev):
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
    SelfSubjectAccessReview ssar = new SelfSubjectAccessReviewBuilder()

    ssar = client.authorization().v1().selfSubjectAccessReview().create(ssar);

    System.out.println("Allowed: "+  ssar.getStatus().getAllowed());


  • Create SubjectAccessReview:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
    SubjectAccessReview sar = new SubjectAccessReviewBuilder()

    sar = client.authorization().v1().subjectAccessReview().create(sar);

    System.out.println("Allowed: "+  sar.getStatus().getAllowed());


  • Create LocalSubjectAccessReview:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
    LocalSubjectAccessReview lsar = new LocalSubjectAccessReviewBuilder()
     lsar = client.authorization().v1().localSubjectAccessReview().inNamespace("default").create(lsar);


  • Create SelfSubjectRulesReview:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
    SelfSubjectRulesReview selfSubjectRulesReview = new SelfSubjectRulesReviewBuilder()

    selfSubjectRulesReview = client.authorization().v1().selfSubjectRulesReview().create(selfSubjectRulesReview);
    System.out.println("non resource rules: " + selfSubjectRulesReview.getStatus().getNonResourceRules().size());
    System.out.println("resource rules: " + selfSubjectRulesReview.getStatus().getResourceRules().size());


ClusterRole is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.rbac().clusterRoles(). Here are some of the common usages:

  • Load ClusterRole from yaml:
ClusterRole clusterRole = client.rbac().clusterRoles().load(new FileInputStream("clusterroles-test.yml")).item();
  • Get ClusterRole from Kubernetes API server:
ClusterRole clusterRole = client.rbac().clusterRoles().withName("clusterrole1").get();
  • List ClusterRole objects:
ClusterRoleList clusterRoleList = client.rbac().clusterRoles().list();
  • List ClusterRole objects with some labels:
ClusterRoleList clusterRoleList = client.rbac().clusterRoles().withLabel("key1", "value1").list();
  • Delete ClusterRole objects:


ClusterRoleBinding is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings(). Here are some of the common usages:

  • Load ClusterRoleBinding from yaml:
ClusterRoleBinding clusterRoleBinding = client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings().load(new FileInputStream("clusterrolebinding-test.yml")).item();
  • Create ClusterRoleBinding from Kubernetes API server:
List<Subject> subjects = new ArrayList<>();
    Subject subject = new Subject();
    RoleRef roleRef = new RoleRef();
ClusterRoleBinding clusterRoleBindingCreated = new ClusterRoleBindingBuilder()
ClusterRoleBinding clusterRoleBinding = client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings().resource(clusterRoleBindingCreated).create();
  • Get ClusterRoleBinding from Kubernetes API server:
ClusterRoleBinding clusterRoleBinding = client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings().withName("clusterrolebindingname").get();
  • List ClusterRoleBinding objects:
ClusterRoleBindingList clusterRoleBindingList = client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings().list();
  • List ClusterRoleBinding objects with some labels:
ClusterRoleBindingList clusterRoleBindingList = client.rbac().clusterRoleBindings().withLabel("key1", "value1").list();
  • Delete ClusterRoleBinding objects:


Role is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.rbac().roles(). Here are some of the common usages:

  • Load Role from yaml:
Role role = client.rbac().roles().load(new FileInputStream("role-test.yml")).item();
  • Create Role from Kubernetes API server:
List<PolicyRule> policyRuleList = new ArrayList<>();
    PolicyRule endpoints = new PolicyRule();
    endpoints.setVerbs(Arrays.asList("get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"));
Role roleCreated = new RoleBuilder()
Role role = client.rbac().roles().resource(roleCreated).create();
  • Get Role from Kubernetes API server:
Role role = client.rbac().roles().inNamespace("default").withName("rolename").get();
  • List Role objects:
RoleList roleList = client.rbac().roles().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List Role objects with some labels:
RoleList roleList = client.rbac().roles().inNamespace("default").withLabel("key1", "value1").list();
  • Delete Role objects:


RoleBinding is available in Kubernetes Client API via client.rbac().roleBindings(). Here are some of the common usages:

  • Load RoleBinding from yaml:
RoleBinding roleBinding = client.rbac().roleBindings().load(new FileInputStream("rolebinding-test.yml")).item();
  • Create RoleBinding from Kubernetes API server:
List<Subject> subjects = new ArrayList<>();
    Subject subject = new Subject();
    RoleRef roleRef = new RoleRef();
RoleBinding roleBindingToCreate = new RoleBindingBuilder()
RoleBinding roleBinding = client.rbac().roleBindings().resource(roleBindingToCreate).create();
  • Get RoleBinding from Kubernetes API server:
RoleBinding roleBinding = client.rbac().roleBindings().inNamespace("default").withName("rolename").get();
  • List RoleBinding objects:
RoleBindingList roleBindingList = client.rbac().roleBindings().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List RoleBinding objects with some labels:
RoleBindingList roleBindingList = client.rbac().roleBindings().inNamespace("default").withLabel("key1", "value1").list();
  • Delete RoleBinding objects:

Fetching Metrics

Kubernetes Client also supports fetching metrics from API server if metrics are enabled on it. You can access metrics via Here are some examples of its usage:

  • Get NodeMetrics for all nodes:
NodeMetricsList nodeMetricList =;
  • Get NodeMetrics for some specific nodes:
NodeMetrics nodeMetric ="minikube").metric();
  • Get PodMetrics for all pods in all namespaces:
PodMetricsList podMetricsList =;
  • Get PodMetrics for all pods in some specific namespace:
PodMetricsList podMetricsList ="default").metrics();
  • Get PodMetrics for a particular pod:
PodMetrics podMetrics ="default", "nginx-pod");

Resource API

Kubernetes Client also offers a generic API to handle different kind of Kubernetes resources. Most of the Kubernetes resources in Kubernetes Model are extending a class named HasMetadata. Resource API can work with any kind of Kubernetes Resource which extends this class. Here are some examples it it's usage:

  • Get a Kubernetes Resource from Kubernetes API server:
Pod pod = client.resource(pod1).inNamespace("default").get();
  • Apply a Kubernetes resource onto Kubernetes Cluster (Server Side Apply) :
Pod pod1 = new PodBuilder()
  .withNewMetadata().withName("resource-pod-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(6).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)).endMetadata()

  • Apply a Kubernetes resource And Wait until resource is ready:
pod1 = client.resource(pod1).serverSideApply();
Pod p = client.pods().resource(pod1).waitUntilReady(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  • Delete a Kubernetes Resource:

ResourceList API

Just like generic Kubernetes Resource API, Kubernetes client also provides a generic API to deal with Kubernetes List. Here are some examples of its usage:

  • Apply a list of Kubernetes resources onto Kubernetes Cluster:
Service service =  new ServiceBuilder()
  .addToSelector("app", "Myapp")
  .addNewPort().withProtocol("TCP").withPort(80).withTargetPort(new IntOrString(9376)).endPort()

ConfigMap configMap = new ConfigMapBuilder()
  .addToData(Collections.singletonMap("app", "Myapp"))

KubernetesList list = new KubernetesListBuilder().withItems(deployment, service, configMap).build();

// Apply
  • Delete a list of items:
client.resourceList(new PodListBuilder().withItems(pod1, pod2, pod3).build()).inNamespace("default").delete();


CustomResourceDefinition which are like templates for CustomResource objects in Kubernetes API are available in Kubernetes Client API via client.apiextensions().v1beta1().customResourceDefinitions() or client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions(). Here are some examples of it's common usage:

  • Load a CustomResourceDefinition from yaml:
CustomResourceDefinition customResourceDefinition = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions().load(new FileInputStream("/sparkapplication-crd.yml")).item();
  • Get a CustomResourceDefinition from Kubernetes APIServer
CustomResourceDefinition crd = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions().withName("").get();
  • Create CustomResourceDefinition:
CustomResourceDefinition customResourceDefinition = new CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder()

CustomResourceDefinition crd = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions().resource(customResourceDefinition).create();
  • Apply some CustomResourceDefinition:
CustomResourceDefinition crd = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions().resource(customResourceDefinition).serverSideApply();
  • List CustomResourceDefinition:
CustomResourceDefinitionList crdList = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions().list();
  • Delete CustomResourceDefinition:

Resource Typed API

Any resource, custom or built-in, is available in Kubernetes API via the client.resources(Class) method. In order to use typed API, you need to provide POJOs for your custom resource which client can use for serialization/deserialization. The base class CustomResource class, it's list class, etc. provide a good starting point for your custom resource. The resources method returns an instance of a client which you can use for your operations. In order to get some idea of how POJOs should look like. Here's an example of POJO for CronTab CustomResource specified in Kubernetes CustomResource docs


apiVersion: ""
kind: CronTab
  name: my-new-cron-object
  cronSpec: "* * * * */5"
  image: my-awesome-cron-image

For a CustomResource like this one, we should have a CronTab java class like this:

Note: Please make sure that your CustomResource POJO is implementing Namespaced interface if it's a namespaced resource. Otherwise it would be considered a Cluster scoped resource.

package io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.mock.crd;

import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Namespaced;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.CustomResource;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.model.annotation.Group;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.model.annotation.Version;

public class CronTab extends CustomResource<CronTabSpec, CronTabStatus> implements Namespaced {

Note: Null values in your custom resource will be omitted by default by the client or when directly using KubernetesSerialization, or the static Serialization methods. If you have a situation where a null value must be present in the serialized form, then mark the field with @JsonInclude(value = Include.ALWAYS).

You can find other helper classes related to CronTab in our tests. For now, we can proceed with it's common usage examples:

  • Get Instance of client for our CustomResource:
MixedOperation<CronTab, KubernetesResourceList<CronTab>, Resource<CronTab>> cronTabClient = client.resources(CronTab.class);
  • Get CustomResource from Kubernetes APIServer:
CronTab ct = cronTabClient.inNamespace("default").withName("my-second-cron-object").get();
  • Create CustomResource:
  • List CustomResource:
CronTabList cronTabList = cronTabClient.inNamespace("default").list();
  • Delete CustomResource:
  • Replace Status of CustomResource:
  • Patch Status of CustomResource:
// does not require a full instance of the updatedCronTab, will produce a json merge patch based upon what is set in updatedCronTab
  • Edit Status of CustomResource:
// generates a json patch between the passed in cronTab and the updated result.  Typically you will use a builder to construct a copy from the current and make modifications
  • Watch CustomResource:
cronTabClient.inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
   public void eventReceived(Action action, CronTab resource) {

   public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {


Resource Typeless API

If you don't need or want to use a strongly typed client, the Kubernetes Client also provides a typeless/raw API to handle your resources in form of GenericKubernetesResource. GenericKubernetesResource implements HasMetadata and provides the rest of its fields via a map. In most circumstances the client can infer the necessary details about your type from the api server, this includes:

  • client.genericKuberetesResources(apiVersion, kind) - to perform operations generically
  • client.resource(resource) - if you already constructed an instance of your GenericKubernetesResource
  • any of the load and related methods - if you have the yaml/json of a resource, but there is no class defined for deserializing it.

In some circumstances, such as an error with the logic automatically inferring the type details or when trying to use built-in mock support for the implicit generic scenario, you will need to use you will need to provide a ResourceDefinitionContext, which carries necessary information about the resource. Here is an example on how to create one:

  • Create ResourceDefinitionContext:
ResourceDefinitionContext resourceDefinitionContext = new ResourceDefinitionContext.Builder()

Once you have built it, you instead use client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext) as your api entry point.

Explicit usage examples:

  • Load a resource from yaml:
GenericKubernetesResource customResource = client.genericKubernetesResources(context).load(new FileInputStream("cr.yaml")).item();
  • Get a resource from Kubernetes API server:
GenericKubernetesResource customResourceObject = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("otter").get();
  • Create a resource:
// Create via file
GenericKubernetesResource object = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).load(new FileInputStream("test-rawcustomresource.yml")).create();

// Create via raw JSON string

String rawJsonCustomResourceObj = "{\"apiVersion\":\"\"," +
  "\"kind\":\"Animal\",\"metadata\": {\"name\": \"walrus\"}," +
  "\"spec\": {\"image\": \"my-awesome-walrus-image\"}}";
GenericKubernetesResource object = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).load(rawJsonCustomResourceObj).create();
  • List CustomResource:
GenericKubernetesResourceList list = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).list();
  • List CustomResource with labels:
GenericKubernetesResourceList list = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).withLabels(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")).list();
  • Update CustomResource:
GenericKubernetesResource walrus = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("walrus").get();
Map<String, Object> spec = (Map<String, Object>) walrus.getAdditionalProperties().get("spec");
spec.put("image", "my-updated-awesome-walrus-image");
walrus.getAdditionalProperties().put("spec", spec);
  • Delete CustomResource:
  • Replace Status of CustomResource:
GenericKubernetesResource result = client.genericKubernetesResources(resourceDefinitionContext).inNamespace("ns1").resource(objectAsGenericKubernetesResource).updateStatus();
  • Watch CustomResource:
final CountDownLatch closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
client.genericKubernetesResources(crdContext).inNamespace(namespace).watch(new Watcher<>() {
    public void eventReceived(Action action, GenericKubernetesResource resource) {"{}: {}", action, resource);

    public void onClose(WatcherException e) {
        logger.debug("Watcher onClose");
        if (e != null) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
closeLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

Resource Typed API vs. Resource Typeless API

Following examples demonstrate how to define the same context for custom resources in two different ways by example of the spark operator.

Resource Typed API:

public class SparkOperatorResource extends GenericKubernetesResource implements Namespaced { ... }

Usage with Resource Typed API by SparkOperatorResource


Resource Typeless API:

public static ResourceDefinitionContext getResourceDefinitionContext() {
    return new ResourceDefinitionContext.Builder()

Usage with Resource Typeless API:



Kubernetes Client provides using CertificateSigningRequest via the client.certificates().v1().certificateSigningRequests() DSL interface. Here is an example of creating CertificateSigningRequest using Fabric8 Kubernetes Client:

  • Create CertificateSigningRequest:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {
    CertificateSigningRequest csr = new CertificateSigningRequestBuilder()
            .addNewUsage("client auth")

  • Approve a CertificateSigningRequest:
    CertificateSigningRequestCondition csrCondition = new CertificateSigningRequestConditionBuilder()
            .withReason("Approved ViaRESTApi")
            .withMessage("Approved by REST API /approval endpoint.")
  • Deny a CertificateSigningRequest:
    CertificateSigningRequestCondition csrCondition = new CertificateSigningRequestConditionBuilder()
            .withReason("Denied ViaRESTApi")
            .withMessage("Denied by REST API /approval endpoint.")


Kubernetes Client also provides SharedInformer support in order to stay updated to events happening to your resource inside Kubernetes. Its implementation is simply list and watch operations after a certain interval of time. Here are some of the common usages:

  • Get SharedInformerFactory:
SharedInformerFactory sharedInformerFactory = client.informers();
  • Create SharedIndexInformer for some Kubernetes Resource(requires resource's class and resync period (emits a dummy update event on that interval so that the handler can act again). By default it watches in all namespaces.:
SharedIndexInformer<Pod> podInformer = sharedInformerFactory.sharedIndexInformerFor(Pod.class, 30 * 1000L);
podInformer.addEventHandler(new ResourceEventHandler<Pod>() {
  public void onAdd(Pod pod) {"{} pod added", pod.getMetadata().getName());

  public void onUpdate(Pod oldPod, Pod newPod) {"{} pod updated", oldPod.getMetadata().getName());

  public void onDelete(Pod pod, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {"{} pod deleted", pod.getMetadata().getName());
  • Create SharedIndexInformer for some Custom Resource(in our case, Dummy resource provided in our examples. By default it watches in all namespaces.
SharedIndexInformer<Dummy> dummyInformer = sharedInformerFactory.sharedIndexInformerFor(Dummy.class, 60 * 1000L);
dummyInformer.addEventHandler(new ResourceEventHandler<Dummy>() {
  public void onAdd(Dummy dummy) {
    System.out.printf("%s dummy added\n", dummy.getMetadata().getName());

  public void onUpdate(Dummy oldDummy, Dummy newDummy) {
    System.out.printf("%s dummy updated\n", oldDummy.getMetadata().getName());

  public void onDelete(Dummy dummy, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
    System.out.printf("%s dummy deleted \n", dummy.getMetadata().getName());
  • Start all registered informers:
  • Stop all registered informers:

You are not limited to just creating cluster wide informers, if you want to be informed about a particular context then use the Informable interface and inform methods.

  • Create namespaced SharedIndexInformer (informers specific to a particular Namespace):
SharedIndexInformer<Pod> podInformer = client.pods().inNamespace("default").inform(new ResourceEventHandler<>() {
    public void onAdd(Pod pod) {"Pod " + pod.getMetadata().getName() + " got added");

    public void onUpdate(Pod oldPod, Pod newPod) {"Pod " + oldPod.getMetadata().getName() + " got updated");

    public void onDelete(Pod pod, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {"Pod " + pod.getMetadata().getName() + " got deleted");
},  30 * 1000L);"Informer initialized.");
  • Create Namespaced Informer for a Custom Resource(Note: Your CustomResource POJO must implement Namespaced interface like the one used in this example: You should have your CustomResource type POJO annotated with group, version fields with respect to your CRD:
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.KubernetesResource;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Namespaced;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.CustomResource;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.model.annotation.Group;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.model.annotation.Version;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.model.annotation.Plural;

public class Dummy extends CustomResource<DummySpec, KubernetesResource> implements Namespaced { }

Then you should be able to use it like this:

SharedIndexInformer<Dummy> dummyInformer = client.resources(Dummy.class).inNamespace("default").inform(new ResourceEventHandler<>() {
    public void onAdd(Dummy dummy) {
        System.out.printf("%s dummy added\n", dummy.getMetadata().getName());

    public void onUpdate(Dummy oldDummy, Dummy newDummy) {
        System.out.printf("%s dummy updated\n", oldDummy.getMetadata().getName());

    public void onDelete(Dummy dummy, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
        System.out.printf("%s dummy deleted \n", dummy.getMetadata().getName());
},  60 * 1000L);

When using the inform methods the informers will already be started/running.

List Options

There are various options provided by Kubernetes Client API when it comes to listing resources. Here are some of the common examples provided:

  • List with pagination, comes with limit and continue parameters. The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize.
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("myproject").list(new ListOptionsBuilder().withLimit(5L).build());

podList = client.pods().inNamespace("myproject").list(new ListOptionsBuilder().withLimit(5L)
  • List resources containing some specific Label:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources containing a set of labels:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withLabels(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")).list();
  • List resources without Label:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withoutLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources without a set of Labels:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withoutLabels(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")).list();
  • List resources with labels in:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withLabelIn("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources with labels not in:
PodList podList =client.pods().inNamespace("default").withLabelNotIn("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources with field:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withField("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources with fields:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withFields(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")).list();
  • List resources without field:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withoutField("foo", "bar").list();
  • List resources without fields:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").withoutFields(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")).list();
  • List resources with ListOptions:
PodList podList = client.pods().inNamespace("default").list(new ListOptionsBuilder()

Delete Options

Kubernetes Client also provides way to delete dependents of some Kubernetes resource. Here are some examples:

  • Providing cascading() in order to either delete dependent resources or leave them orphan. By default it is true meaning it would delete dependent resources too.
  • Providing propagationPolicy(..) to specify how deletion should be performed:
  • Specifying grace period for deletion:

Watch Options

Kubernetes Client provides namely three different ways of using Watch:

  • Plain Watch without any arguments:
client.pods().inNamespace(namespace).watch(new Watcher<>() {
    public void eventReceived(Action action, Pod pod) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, + " " + pod.getMetadata().getName());
        switch ( {
            case "ADDED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got added");
            case "DELETED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got deleted");
            case "MODIFIED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got modified");
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unrecognized event: " +;

    public void onClose(WatcherException e) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Closed");

// Wait till watch gets closed
  • Deprecated : Watching with resourceVersion provided:
String resourceVersion = "20012";
client.pods().inNamespace(namespace).watch(resourceVersion, new Watcher<>() {
    public void eventReceived(Action action, Pod pod) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, + " " + pod.getMetadata().getName());
        switch ( {
            case "ADDED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got added");
            case "DELETED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got deleted");
            case "MODIFIED":
                logger.log(Level.INFO, pod.getMetadata().getName() + "got modified");
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unrecognized event: " +;

    public void onClose(WatcherException e) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Closed");

// Wait till watch gets closed
  • Watching with ListOptions object:
client.pods().watch(new ListOptionsBuilder().withTimeoutSeconds(30L).build(), new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, Pod resource) { }

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) { }

Log Options

  • Get logs with pretty output:
  • Get logs of a specific container:
  • Get logs for the previous instance of the container in a pod if it exists:
  • Only return logs after a specific date (RFC3339):
  • Get logs after a duration of seconds:
  • Get logs lines of recent log file to display.
  • Configure Maximum bytes of logs to return. Defaults to no limit.
  • Include timestamps on each line in the log output

Serializing to yaml

Resources can be exported to a YAML String via the Serialization class:

Pod myPod;

String myPodAsYaml = Serialization.asYaml(myPod);

Running a Pod

Kubernetes Client also provides mechanism similar to kubectl run in which you can spin a Pod just by specifying it's image and name:

  • Running a Pod by just providing image and name:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {"default")
  • You can also provide slighly complex configuration with withGeneratorConfig method in which you can specify labels, environment variables, ports etc:
try (KubernetesClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) {"default")
					.withLabels(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar"))
					.withEnv(Collections.singletonMap("KUBERNETES_TEST", "fabric8"))

Server Side Apply

Basic usage of server side apply is available via Patchable. At it's simplest you just need to call:"name").patch(PatchContext.of(PatchType.SERVER_SIDE_APPLY), service);

For any create or update. This can be a good alternative to using createOrReplace as it is always a single api call and does not issue a replace/PUT which can be problematic.

If the resources may be created or modified by something other than a fabric8 patch, you will need to force your modifications:"name").patch(new PatchContext.Builder().withPatchType(PatchType.SERVER_SIDE_APPLY).withForce(true).build(), service);

Please consult the Kubernetes server side apply documentation if you want to do more detailed field management or want to understand the full semantics of how the patches are merged.

OpenShift Client DSL Usage

Fabric8 Kubernetes Client also has an extension for OpenShift. It is pretty much the same as Kubernetes Client but has support for some additional OpenShift resources.

Initializing OpenShift Client:

Initializing OpenShift client is the same as Kubernetes Client. You use

try (final OpenShiftClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(OpenShiftClient.class)) {
  // Do stuff with client

This would pick up default settings, reading your kubeconfig file from ~/.kube/config directory or whatever is defined inside KUBECONFIG environment variable. But if you want to customize creation of client, you can also pass a Config object inside the builder like this:

Config kubeConfig = new ConfigBuilder()
            .build())) {
try (final OpenShiftClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().withConfig(kubeConfig).build().adapt(OpenShiftClient.class)) {
  // Do stuff with client


DeploymentConfig is available in OpenShift client via client.deploymentConfigs(). Here are some examples of its common usage:

  • Load DeploymentConfig from yaml:
DeploymentConfig deploymentConfig = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace(currentNamespace)
  .load(new FileInputStream("test-deploymentconfig.yml")).item();
  • Get DeploymentConfig from OpenShift API server:
DeploymentConfig dc = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("deploymentconfig1").get();
  • Create DeploymentConfig:
DeploymentConfig dc = new DeploymentConfigBuilder()
      .addToLabels("app", "database")

DeploymentConfig dcCreated = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace("default").resource(dc).create();
  • Apply an existing DeploymentConfig onto OpenShift Cluster:
DeploymentConfig dc = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace("default").resource(dcToCreate).serverSideApply();
  • List DeploymentConfig in some namespace:
DeploymentConfigList aDeploymentConfigList = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List DeploymentConfig in any namespace:
DeploymentConfigList dcList = client.deploymentConfigs().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List DeploymentConfig in some namespace with some label:
DeploymentConfigList dcList = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Update DeploymentConfig:
DeploymentConfig deploymentConfig1 = client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("deploymentconfig1").edit(
  dc -> new DeploymentConfigBuilder(dc).editSpec().withReplicas(3).endSpec().build()
  • Delete DeploymentConfig:
  • Watch DeploymentConfig:
client.deploymentConfigs().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, DeploymentConfig resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action    

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



BuildConfig resource is available in OpenShift Client via client.buildConfigs(). Here are some examples of it's common uses:

  • Load BuildConfig from yaml:
BuildConfig aBuildConfig = client.buildConfigs().inNamespace(currentNamespace)
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-buildconfig.yml")).item();
  • Get BuildConfig from OpenShift API server:
BuildConfig bc = client.buildConfigs().inNamespace(currentNamespace).withName("bc1").get();
  • Create BuildConfig:
BuildConfig buildConfig1 = new BuildConfigBuilder()
  .withDockerfile("FROM openshift/ruby-22-centos7\\nUSER example")
  .withScript("bundle exec rake test")

  • List BuildConfig in some namespace:
BuildConfigList bcList = client.buildConfigs().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List BuildConfig in any namespace:
BuildConfigList bcList = client.buildConfigs().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List BuildConfig in some namespace with some label:
BuildConfigList bcList = client.buildConfigs().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete BuildConfig:
  • Watch BuildConfig:
client.buildConfigs().inNamespace("default").watch(new Watcher<>() {
  public void eventReceived(Action action, BuildConfig resource) {
    // Do something depending upon action type    

  public void onClose(WatcherException cause) {



Route resource is available in OpenShift client API via client.routes(). Here are some examples of its common usage:

  • Load Route from yaml:
Route aRoute = client.routes().inNamespace("default").load(new FileInputStream("test-route.yml")).item();
  • Get Route from OpenShift API server:
Route route1 = client.routes().inNamespace("default").withName("route1").get();
  • Create Route:
Route route1 = new RouteBuilder()

  • Apply Route onto OpenShift Cluster:
Route route = client.routes().inNamespace("default").resource(route1).serverSideApply();
  • List Route in some namespace:
RouteList aRouteList = client.routes().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List Route in any namespace:
RouteList aRouteList = client.routes().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List Route in some namespace with some label:
RouteList routeList = client.routes().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete Route:


OpenShift Project resource can be found in OpenShift Client API via client.projects(). Here are some examples of its usage:

  • Get Project:
Project myProject = client.projects().withName("default").get();
  • Create Project
ProjectRequest request = client.projectrequests().create(
  new ProjectRequestBuilder().withNewMetadata().withName("thisisatest").endMetadata()
  • List Project
ProjectList projectList = client.projects().list();
  • Delete Project:


ImageStream resource is available in OpenShift client via client.imageStreams(). Here are some examples of its common usage:

  • Load ImageStream from yaml:
ImageStream aImageStream = client.imageStreams()
  .load(new FileInputStream("test-imagestream.yml")).item();
  • Get ImageStream from OpenShift API Server:
ImageStream is =client.imageStreams().inNamespace("default").withName("example-camel-cdi").get();
  • Create ImageStream:
ImageStream imageStream1 = new ImageStreamBuilder()

  • Apply ImageStream onto OpenShift Cluster:
ImageStream is = client.imageStreams().inNamespace("default").resource(imageStream1).create();
  • List ImageStream in some namespace:
ImageStreamList aImageStreamList = client.imageStreams().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List ImageStream in any namespace:
ImageStreamList isList = client.imageStreams().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List ImageStream in some namespace with some labels:
ImageStreamList isList = client.imageStreams().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete ImageStream:


CatalogSource is available for usage in OpenShift Client via client.operatorHub().catalogSources(). Here are some common examples of it's usage:

  • Load CatalogSource from YAML:
CatalogSource cs = client.operatorHub().catalogSources()
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-catalogsource.yml").item();
  • Create CatalogSource:
CatalogSource cs = new CatalogSourceBuilder()
  .withDisplayName("Foo Bar")
  • List CatalogSource in some namespace:
CatalogSourceList csList = client.operatorHub().catalogSources().inNamespace("ns1").list();
  • List CatalogSource in any namespace:
CatalogSourceList csList = client.operatorHub().catalogSources().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List CatalogSource in some namespace with some labels:
CatalogSourceList csList = client.operatorHub().catalogSources().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete CatalogSource:


PrometheusRule is available for usage in OpenShift Client via client.monitoring().prometheusRules(). Here are some common examples of it's usage:

  • Load PrometheusRule from YAML:
PrometheusRule prometheusRule = client.monitoring().prometheusRules()
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-prometheusrule.yml").item();
  • Create PrometheusRule:
PrometheusRule prometheusRule = new PrometheusRuleBuilder()
  • List PrometheusRule in some namespace:
PrometheusRuleList prList = client.monitoring().prometheusRules().inNamespace("ns1").list();
  • List PrometheusRule in any namespace:
PrometheusRuleList prList = client.monitoring().prometheusRules().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List PrometheusRule in some namespace with some labels:
PrometheusRuleList prList = client.monitoring().prometheusRules().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete PrometheusRule:


ServiceMonitor is available for usage in OpenShift Client via client.monitoring().serviceMonitors(). Here are some common examples of it's usage:

  • Load ServiceMonitor from YAML:
ServiceMonitor serviceMonitor = client.monitoring().serviceMonitors()
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-servicemonitor.yml").item();
  • Create ServiceMonitor:
ServiceMonitor serviceMonitor = new ServiceMonitorBuilder()
    .addToLabels("prometheus", "frontend")
    .addToMatchLabels("prometheus", "frontend")

  • List ServiceMonitor in some namespace:
ServiceMonitorList serviceMonitorList = client.monitoring().serviceMonitors().inNamespace("ns1").list();
  • List ServiceMonitor in any namespace:
ServiceMonitorList serviceMonitorList = client.monitoring().serviceMonitors().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List ServiceMonitor in some namespace with some labels:
ServiceMonitorList serviceMonitorList = client.monitoring().catalogSources().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete ServiceMonitor:


  • Create ClusterResourceQuota:
try (OpenShiftClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(OpenShiftClient.class)) {
    Map<String, Quantity> hard = new HashMap<>();
    hard.put("pods", new Quantity("10"));
    hard.put("secrets", new Quantity("20"));
    ClusterResourceQuota acrq = new ClusterResourceQuotaBuilder()
            .addToAnnotations("", "foo-user")
            .withQuota(new ResourceQuotaSpecBuilder()

  • List ClusterResourceQuota from server:
ClusterResourceQuotaList clusterResourceQuotaList = client.quotas().clusterResourceQuotas().list();
  • Delete ClusterResourceQuota:


  • Fetch Cluster Version:
try (OpenShiftClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(OpenShiftClient.class)) {
    ClusterVersion clusterVersion = client.config().clusterVersions().withName("version").get();
    System.out.println("Cluster Version: " + clusterVersion.getStatus().getDesired().getVersion());


EgressNetworkPolicy is available for usage in OpenShift Client via client..egressNetworkPolicys(). Here are some common examples of it's usage:

  • Load EgressNetworkPolicy from YAML:
EgressNetworkPolicy egressNetworkPolicy = client.egressNetworkPolicies()
  .load(new FileInputStream("/test-enp.yml").item();
  • Create EgressNetworkPolicy:
try (OpenShiftClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(OpenShiftClient.class)) {
    EgressNetworkPolicy enp = new EgressNetworkPolicyBuilder()
  • List EgressNetworkPolicy in some namespace:
EgressNetworkPolicyList egressNetworkPolicyList = client.egressNetworkPolicies().inNamespace("default").list();
  • List EgressNetworkPolicy in any namespace:
EgressNetworkPolicyList egressNetworkPolicyList = client.egressNetworkPolicies().inAnyNamespace().list();
  • List EgressNetworkPolicy in some namespace with some labels:
EgressNetworkPolicyList egressNetworkPolicyList = client.egressNetworkPolicies().inNamespace("default").withLabel("foo", "bar").list();
  • Delete EgressNetworkPolicy:

Tekton Client

Fabric8 Kubernetes Client also has an extension for Tekton. It is pretty much the same as Kubernetes Client but has support for some additional Tekton resources.

Initializing Tekton Client

Initializing Tekton client is the same as Kubernetes Client. You

try (final TektonClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(TektonClient.class)) {
  // Do stuff with client

This would pick up default settings, reading your kubeconfig file from ~/.kube/config directory or whatever is defined inside KUBECONFIG environment variable. But if you want to customize creation of client, you can also pass a Config object inside the builder.

Tekton Client DSL Usage

The Tekton client supports CRD API version, as well as includes the CRDs Pipeline, PipelineRun, PipelineResource, Task, TaskRun, Condition and ClusterTask. All resources are available using the DSL tektonClient.v1alpha1(). includes the CRDs Pipeline, PipelineRun, Task, TaskRun and ClusterTask. All resources are available using the DSL tektonClient.v1beta1(). In addition to the Tekton Pipelines CRDs, the client also supports Tekton Triggers. TriggerTemplate, TriggerBinding, EventListener and ClusterTriggerBinding are available using the DSL tektonClient.v1alpha1().

The usage of the resources follows the same pattern as for K8s resources like Pods or Deployments. Here are some common examples:

  • Listing all PipelineRun objects in some specific namespace:
PipelineRunList list = tektonClient.v1().pipelineRuns().inNamespace("default").list();
  • Create a PipelineRun:
PipelineRun pipelineRun = new PipelineRunBuilder()
    .addNewParam().withName("greeting").withNewValue("Hello World!").endParam()


Knative Client

Fabric8 Kubernetes Client also has an extension for Knative. It is pretty much the same as Kubernetes Client but has support for some additional Knative resources.

Initializing Knative Client

Initializing Knative client is the same as Kubernetes Client.

try (final KnativeClient client = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build().adapt(KnativeClient.class)) {
  // Do stuff with client

This would pick up default settings, reading your kubeconfig file from ~/.kube/config directory or whatever is defined inside KUBECONFIG environment variable. But if you want to customize creation of client, you can also pass a Config object inside the builder.

Knative Client DSL Usage

The usage of the resources follows the same pattern as for K8s resources like Pods or Deployments. Here are some common examples:

  • Listing all Service objects in some specific namespace:
ServiceList list ="default").list();
  • Apply a Service:
try (KnativeClient kn = new DefaultKnativeClient()) {
    // Create Service object
    Service service = new ServiceBuilder()
            .addToContainers(new ContainerBuilder()
                    .addNewEnv().withName("TARGET").withValue("Go Sample V1").endEnv()

    // Apply it onto Kubernetes Server"default").resource(service).serverSideApply();


Using logging-interceptor:

  • Configure OkHTTP logging:
  • Set logging level to trace in my file: