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865 lines (757 loc) · 37.6 KB

Changelog: Recent Changes

See also:

Note: Version numbers for stable (so marked) releases follow semantic versioning principles. Unstable releases do not.


Breaking changes:

  • loggy-intf:
    • Moved FormatUtils contents to net-util.EndpointAddress (see below).
  • net-util:
    • New classes EndpointAddress and InterfaceAddress which replace use of ad-hoc plain objects. Use sites updated across all modules.
    • Moved IP-address-related bits from HostUtil into EndpointAddress.
    • Moved interface-related bits from HostUtil into InterfaceAddress.

Other notable changes:

  • valvis:
    • BaseValueVisitor:
      • Added isInterned argument to _impl_visitSymbol().

v0.8.4 -- 2024-11-22

Breaking changes:

  • loggy-intf:
    • Improved the data model used to encode logged items, including:
      • Representing functions and classes as structured objects instead of just strings.
      • Making it possible to encode values with reference cycles.
  • webapp-builtins:
    • Simplified naming scheme for preserved log files: Names now always include a -<num> suffix after the date.

Other notable changes:

  • general:
    • Allow node version 23.
  • loggy-intf:
    • Improved "human" (non-JSON) log rendering, including:
      • Correctly rendering shared references.
      • Tweaking the styling for readability.
  • structy:
    • Started allowing any object (plain or not) to be used as the argument to the BaseStruct constructor.
    • Added the option to allow undeclared properties to be dynamically vetted instead of always getting rejected, via two additional _impl* methods.
  • valvis:
    • BaseValueVisitor:
      • Simplified detection of reference cycles.
      • Added argument isCycleHead to _impl_shouldRef(), so client code can choose to be more cycle-aware.

v0.8.3 -- 2024-11-07

Breaking changes:

  • sexp (was decon):
    • Renamed module to sexp. The old name arguably had the wrong emphasis.
    • Added forLogging argument to IntfDeconstructable.deconstruct().
  • quant:
    • Changed concrete classes to only add human-oriented bits to deconstructed results when passed forLogging === true (see above).
    • Reworked the toString() options of Moment.
  • valvis:
    • BaseValueVisitor:
      • Renamed some methods, for clarity and consistency.
      • New method visitWrap(), which has the same "synchronous if possible but async if not" behavior that is used internally.
      • Reworked (the renamed) _prot_visitWrap() to have more consistent behavior.
      • New method _prot_visitSync() to parallel the analogous public method visitSync().
    • Reworked VisitDef and VisitRef to not assume an associated visitor instance. This makes them usable in more situations.
  • loggy-intf / loggy:
    • Changed "human" (non-JSON) logs to just emit a "seconds-only" timestamp on each logged event, while adding a full timestamp as a header of sorts no more than once per minute. This makes for more available console width for the logged payloads, aiding log readability.
    • Started passing forLogging as true when calling IntfDeconstructable.deconstruct() (see above).
  • structy:
    • Changed the default property-checker method prefix from _struct_ to _prop_.
  • webapp-builtins:
    • Added ignoreCase option to HostRouter, which defaults to true. (This is a breaking change because it never used to ignore case, which was surprising in terms of usual webserver expectations.)

Other notable changes:

  • loggy-intf / loggy:
    • Improved "human" (non-JSON) rendering of arrays, symbols, bigints, undefined, and null.

v0.8.2 -- 2024-10-25

Breaking changes:

  • valvis, decon, util, and codec:
    • New module valvis ("VALue VISitor"), derived from codec:
      • New class BaseValueVisitor, along with a couple helper classes. This is an implementation of the "visitor" pattern to iterate over arbitrary JavaScript object graphs. It was extracted from the codec encoding code, and made more general.
      • Merged in the contents of util (one class).
      • Tweaked StackTrace, to make it not rely on the codec interfaces / base classes.
    • New module decon, derived from codec:
      • New class IntfDeconstructable which replaces codec.BaseCodec.ENCODE.
      • Pulled in Sexp from codec, with tweakage.
    • Deleted the remainder of codec. Farewell!
  • loggy-intf / loggy:
    • Removed IntfLoggingEnviroment.logPayload().
    • New class LoggedValueEncoder, which replaces the log-related stuff in codec.
    • Made the system logs written to stdout be a bit more colorful and a lot more readable.
  • texty: Renamed this module from text.

Other notable changes:

  • texty:
    • Added a bunch of new classes to help with structured text rendering (such as for logs).
  • webapp-util:
    • Fixed Rotator and Saver to not bother "preserving" empty files.

v0.8.1 -- 2024-09-26

Breaking changes:

  • data-values: This module was effectively several different modules in a trench coat. It has now been retired, with its former contents now in four new modules:
    • codec: value encoding / decoding.
    • quant: unit quantity classes, plus wall-time representation.
    • structy: struct-like class definition.
    • util: miscellaneous utilities (with just one class, ErrorUtil, at least for now).

Other notable changes:

  • async: Minor fixes of problems discovered while addressing a couple of unit test coverage oversights.
  • net-util: New class Base64Url.
  • Pulled in new version of sibling project Bashy-lib.
    • Made various fixes that became evident with the new version of
    • node-project lint.

v0.8.0 -- 2024-08-08

Breaking changes:

  • net-util:
    • IncomingRequest.fromNodeRequest() is now an async method, and its final argument is now a catch-all options. ("If a function has more than two arguments, you haven't yet discovered all of them." --Unknown)

Other notable changes:

  • net-util:
    • IncomingRequest:
      • Added body constructor option.
      • Made it start rejecting requests whose request method (e.g. GET) isn't defined to take a request body but where the request actually does have a body.
      • Fixed getHeaderOrNull(), which had been broken for a while.
      • fromNodeRequest() now reads the request body when present, and returns it in the constructed instance.
    • Defined a base class, BaseResponse for the two concrete response classes.
    • Added a handful of static getters to StatusResponse.
    • Various other tweaks and fixes, motivated by a downstream project.
  • webapp-builtins:
    • Make StaticFiles and SimpleResponse only respond successfully to GET and HEAD requests.
  • webapp-core / config:
    • Added NetworkEndpoint configuration maxRequestBodySize.

v0.7.8 -- 2024-07-30 -- stable release

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • Updated npm-origined dependencies for the unit test framework, motivated by a vulnerability report.
  • StaticFiles: Notice when the notFoundPath file gets changed, instead of only ever setting up the not-found response during system startup.

v0.7.7 -- 2024-06-24 -- stable release

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • configuration:
    • For all rate-limiter components, exposed the pre-existing underlying token bucket option initialBurst.

v0.7.6 -- 2024-06-04 -- stable release

Summer stability! This is the first stable release of the v0.7.* series. The current plan is to let v0.7.* be the main release series for the next several months, letting downstream projects use it more or less as-is for a while... and offer feedback, if they are so inspired, to help drive the next major round of development.

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • net-util:
    • Minor fixes to hostname / IP address parsing.
  • webapp-core:
    • Exported NetworkHost, which was supposed to have been public since day one.
  • testing:
    • Added more unit tests.
    • Fixed a handful of bugs that cropped up from the effort (all minor).

v0.7.5 -- 2024-05-30

Is it stable? Assuming no major problems in the next week or so, the next release will be a nearly-no-changes one and will be declared the first stable release of the v0.7.* series.

Breaking changes:

  • framework development:
    • Moved testing-related module exports into submodules named <name>/testing.

Other notable changes:

  • testing:
    • Added more unit tests.
    • Fixed a handful of bugs that cropped up from the effort (all minor).

v0.7.4 -- 2024-05-22

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • net-util:
    • Found a major problem with the pem module (one of our few direct dependencies). Replaced it with selfsigned, which -- bonus! -- unlike pem does not rely on an OS-installed OpenSSL, thereby simplifying our installation requirements.
  • testing: Added more unit tests.

v0.7.3 -- 2024-05-16

Breaking changes:

  • data-values:
    • Made it so that all instances of BaseStruct are frozen. This had been intended all along, but was overlooked in the implementation until now.
  • metacomp:
    • Distilled all the static make*Proxy() methods on BaseProxyHandler down to just a single options-taking makeProxy().

Other notable changes:

  • Stopped complaining if run with Node v22.
  • configuration / webapp-builtins:
    • Added dispatchLogging configuration to endpoint entries (class NetworkEndpoint).
    • DataRateLimiter: Added verboseLogging option, off by default, to make it possible to log the major stuff without getting a lot of writing(1234) type messages.
    • PathRouter: Made it possible to cut off fallback search by explicitly binding a path to null.
  • compy:
    • New method BaseComponent._prot_addAll(), for multiple children.
    • Made it possible for a component to add children before it is initialized.
  • data-values:
    • Add to Converter the ability to configure how to encode proxies.
  • testing:
    • With apologies to Goodhart's Law... Wrote a bunch of unit tests to cover notable gaps, based on the coverage report.

v0.7.2 -- 2024-05-08

This release contains most (if not all) of the breaking changes when using the system as a framework (i.e., building an app and not just running a static web server) that are currently anticipated for the v0.7.* release series. The hope is that v0.7.* will reach stability relatively soon.

Breaking changes:

  • configuration / webapp-builtins:
    • Changed MemoryMonitor to use ByteCounts for the limit configuration.
    • Changed the file rotation / preservation configurations that had been plain numbers to instead be ByteCounts.
  • compy:
    • Reworked how component classes define their configuration properties, to be way more ergonomic, avoiding a lot of formerly-required boilerplate and adding a modicum of error checking that all components get "for free." Note: While this is a breaking change for how components are built, it doesn't affect how components are instantiated. For example, this doesn't make you change your standalone config files.
    • Similarly, reworked the component lifecycle methods to all be "must call super" instead of the former "must not call super" style. The latter stopped making sense with the introduction of the template mixin classes.
    • New base class BaseRootComponent to be the superclass for root components.
    • Switched a few classes from base classes to template classes:
      • BaseThreadComponent -> TemplThreadComponent.
      • BaseAggregateComponent -> TemplAggregateComponent.
      • BaseWrappedHierarchy -> TemplWrappedHierarchy.
    • New exported classes to help with testing: MockComponent and MockRootComponent.
  • data-values:
    • Renamed Struct -> Sexp, because it's really this project's version of the "sexp" concept. And for similar reasons, renamed the type field of it to functor. This rename also makes room for the new Struct-y thing.
    • Moved BaseConfig here from compy.
    • New class BaseStruct, extracted from BaseConfig, because most of what BaseConfig did was not particularly specific to configuration, per se.

Other notable changes:

  • configuration:
    • New top-level (WebappRoot) configuration logging, to do fine-grained control over which components produce system logs.
    • New per-application and per-service configuration dispatchLogging to specifically enable/disable dispatch-related logging. These logs can be very chatty, and only rarely useful (though not totally useless).
  • compy:
    • Fixed bug in BaseComponent.CONFIG_CLASS which caused it to sometimes call base classes' _impl_configClass() multiple times (which isn't supposed to happen, ever).
  • webapp-builtins:
    • Took advantage of TemplThreadComponent in a few classes that could use it, now that it's a template (and not a direct subclass of BaseComponent).

v0.7.1 -- 2024-05-01

This release contains most (if not all) of the breaking changes to standalone configuration that are currently anticipated for the v0.7.* release series.

Note: v0.7.0 wasn't announced widely, because it was mostly just a clone of v0.6.16.

Breaking changes:

  • configuration / webapp-builtins:
    • Totally reworked rate limiting. There is now a separate class per thing that can be rate-limited -- ConnectionRateLimiter, DataRateLimiter, and RequestRateLimiter -- and configuration uses unit quantity classes for all the token bucket stuff.
  • async / webapp-util:
    • Moved TokenBucket from async to webapp-util. It was the only not-particularly-simple class in async, and its placement in that module had become the source of a module dependency cycle.
    • Renamed IntfThreadlike to IntfThread.
    • Made EventSink implement IntfThread.
  • clocky / clocks:
    • Renamed module to clocky, to harmonize with the other *y modules.
  • collections:
    • Renamed classes to be more sensible: TreePathMap -> TreeMap, and TreePathKey -> PathKey.
  • data-values:
    • Filled out the comparison methods in Moment, and made them match the ones added to UnitQuantity (see below).
    • Reworked UnitQuantity.parse(), with much more straightforward functionality, including the addition of optional unit conversions.
  • loggy-intf:
    • Removed FormatUtils.byteStringFrom() in favor of ByteCount.stringFromByteCount() (see below).

Other notable changes:

  • clocky:
    • Added waitFor() to the interface IntfTimeSource.
    • Extracted MockTimeSource from TokenBucket.test.js, for use throughout the system.
  • compy:
    • New classes BaseWrappedHierarchy and BaseThreadComponent.
  • data-values:
    • Added comparison methods to UnitQuantity.
    • New classes ByteCount and ByteRate, both unit quantities.
  • webapp-builtins:
    • New applications RequestDelay and SuffixRouter.

v0.7.0 -- 2024-04-22

This is the same source tree as v0.6.16, other than the version strings and the CHANGELOG file.

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • None.

v0.6.16 -- 2024-04-22 -- stable release

First stable release of the v0.6.* series.

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

  • compy: Tiny bit of cleanup in BaseComponent.

v0.6.15 -- 2024-04-17

Are we there yet?: This release will probably be declared stable, unless something surprising (and unfortunate) happens within a couple days of its release.

Breaking changes:

  • compy / compote:
    • Renamed module compote to compy, to harmonize with loggy and typey.
    • Combined all the config base classes into the base-base class BaseConfig. The other classes weren't really serving much of a purpose, and to the extent that they were, it didn't help that they were separate from the main base class.
    • The component hierarchy is now tracked as a unified TreePathMap, and getComponent() now takes absolute paths instead of simple names.
    • Got rid of the isReload argument to all the init() and start() (and related) methods.
    • Got rid of IntfComponent (merged its docs back into BaseComponent), as it only ever existed to break a circular dependency, but that was better achieved by using a forward-declaration @typedef.
  • host / webapp-util:
    • Moved BaseSystem from webapp-util to host.
    • Reworked the BaseSystem subclass-implementation API to be a lot simpler. This was made possible by the recent work on the compy module.
    • Reworked BaseSystem to be a root component (not just some-random-object).

Other notable changes:

  • compy:
    • New method BaseComponent._prot_addChild(), to simplify adding children.
    • New method BaseComponent.whenStopped().
    • New abstract class BaseAggregateComponent, for components that publicly allow children to be added.
  • webapp-core:
    • Used BaseAggregateComponent to simplify the classes that are in fact aggregate components.

v0.6.14 -- 2024-04-11

Nearing stability: This might (but will not necessarily) be the last unstable release in the v0.6 series, before declaring v0.6 stable.

Breaking changes:

  • async:
    • Reworked the Threadlet class to not expose its innards quite so much. As a result, the argument it passes to the thread "start" and "main" functions is now an object which has a handful of "just for the runners" methods, with said methods removed from the public API of Threadlet itself.
  • net-util:
    • Renamed OutgoingResponse to FullResponse, to allow "semantic space" for StatusResponse.
  • webapp-*:
    • Renamed the modules specifically concerned with webapp (web application) implementation to have the prefix webapp-:
      • built-ins -> webapp-builtins
      • sys-framework -> webapp-core
      • sys-util -> webapp-util
    • Renamed class Warehouse -- a name that @danfuzz never really liked -- to now be WebappRoot, which reflects both its high level role and the fact that it is the root component in its component hierarchy.
    • Removed the "filtering for free" behavior on BaseApplication. (See below.)

Other notable changes:

  • fs-util:
    • New class FileAppender, which does a modicum of buffering. This is used to moderate filesystem calls when logging.
  • net-util:
    • New class StatusResponse, to allow applications to indicate a response of just a status code, letting the main protocol implementation fill it out as necessary.
    • New typedef TypeOutgoingResponse, which covers all valid response types.
  • webapp-builtins:
    • Loosened restrictions on path component syntax in PathRouter.
    • Added bufferPeriod configuration option to AccessLogToFile and SyslogToFile.
    • New class RequestFilter to take over the duties of the former "filtering for free" behavior of BaseApplication.

v0.6.13 -- 2024-04-03

Nearing stability: Though probably not the last unstable release in the v0.6 series, this is probably one of the last before declaring v0.6 stable.

Breaking changes:

  • compote / sys-config / sys-framework:
    • Extracted the lower layer of classes from sys-config and sys-framework into new module compote. Renamed the classes for better harmony, extracted a new interface IntfComponent, and generally improved the ergonomics of the exported API.
    • Moved the higher layer of classes from sys-config to be inner classes of the things-they-are-configuring.
    • (Per the previous two items) Removed the now-empty module sys-config.
    • Added _impl_implementedInterfaces() as an overridable instance method on BaseComponent, to allow for runtime declaration and validation of component interfaces.
    • Reworked static property CONFIG_CLASS to be _impl_configClass(), to match how the project usually does overridable members.
  • net-util:
    • Made getLogInfo() an instance (not static) method, and fixed its reporting of contentLength.
  • built-ins:
    • Renamed network access log services to use the class name AccessLogTo*, instead of RequestLogger (or similar). This is to avoid confusion with the objects used to emit system logging messages, which more or less have a lock on the term name *loggger in this project.
    • Renamed SystemLogger to SyslogToFile, to match the analogous access log class name.
  • Configuration:
    • As with built-ins, renamed the service role name for access logging from requestLogger to accessLog.

Other notable changes:

  • sys-framework:
    • Made it possible to pass application and service instances into the Warehouse constructor, instead of having to pass plain objects in. This makes for much nicer ergonomics when using the system as a framework.
    • Did a major rework of how hosts and endpoints are managed, simplifying the code a lot in the process.
    • Added general event-reporting and service-calling methods to BaseService, as a way to eventually enable metaprogramming with services.
  • built-ins:
    • New service EventFan, to do parallel fan-out of events. Notably, this is useful for sending network request logs to multiple loggers.

v0.6.12 -- 2024-03-28

Breaking changes:

  • collections:
    • Removed net-related TreePathKey methods (rendering as URI paths and hostname strings).
    • Made TreePathKey.toString() less "net-centric" by default.
    • Added new method TreePathMap.findWithFallback() to replace find() with wantNextChain == true. Removed the second argument from find().
  • net-util:
    • Major rework of IncomingRequest, so it no longer has to be constructed from a low-level Node request object.
    • Split Uris into two classes, UriUtil and HostUtil.
    • Pulled uriPathStringFrom() from TreePathKey into UriUtil, renaming it to pathStringFrom() and tweaking its contract.
    • Pulled hostnameStringFrom() from TreePathKey into HostUtil.
    • Replaced DispatchInfo.{base,extra}String properties with a single combined property infoForLog, which avoids an "attractive nuisance" with the old scheme (which in fact caused a bug).
    • In harmony, renamed method IncomingRequest.getLoggableRequestInfo() to property infoForLog.
    • Likewise, renamed OutgoingResponse.getLoggableResponseInfo() to getInfoForLog() (still a method because it needs arguments).
  • sys-framework:
    • Renamed filter config maxPathLength to maxPathDepth, and made a new maxPathLength which filters based on the octet count of a path.

Other notable changes:

  • Documentation comments:
    • Cleaned up a bunch of JSDoc syntax problems. Notably, the type definitions of non-method class properties was very wrong.
    • Did a comment reflow pass over all the code, using a newly-written utility. Tidy code is happy code!

v0.6.11 -- 2024-03-22

Breaking changes:

  • built-ins:
    • Merged all the built-in applications and services into a unified module called built-ins.
    • Changed default acceptMethods in Redirector to be more sensible.
  • Configuration:
    • Stopped using a component registry to find applications and services. Instead, just let the (Node / JavaScript) module system be that. Simplifies a lot of stuff! (Doing this had become possible once the configuration file loader was expanded to allow access to framework classes.)
    • Dropped application mounting / routing setup from the endpoint configuration. Instead of mounts, the endpoint configuration just takes a single application name, for the application which is to handle all requests. If routing is needed, routing applications are now available; but if not, there's no longer a performance penalty to do what amount to no-op lookups.
  • sys-framework:
    • Reworked BaseApplication configuration acceptQueries to instead be maxQueryLength (and all that the name change implies).
    • Added new class ControlContext, which gets associated with each concrete instance of BaseControllable (the superclass of all app and service classes, among other things). This is now where an instance's logger is found, and it also keeps track of the parent/child relationships between instances. This will eventually be the key mechanism for treating a set of components holistically in a reasonably general way. (Right now there's a lot of ad-hoc arrangement.)
    • Added related new class RootControlContext, a subclass of ControlContext which specifically represents the root of a hierarchy.
    • Added new lifecycle method init() (and abstract implementation method _impl_init()) to BaseControllable, which is where the above contexts get hooked up.

Other notable changes:

  • Got rid of lodash as a dependency.
  • Logging:
    • Dropped framework as the top-level logging tag from "cohorts" of items, such as "applications" and "services."
    • Added ANSI coloring / styling to the "human" (non-JSON) logs that go to stdout, when it's a TTY.
    • Fixed request logging so that it gets a more accurate (earlier) start time for requests.
  • built-ins:
    • New class SerialRouter, which does "classic" linear-order routing to a list of applications.
    • New class HostRouter which does what you probably expect from the name.
    • Likewise, new class PathRouter. This and its buddies are the replacements for the routing implementation that used to be baked into EndpointManager.
    • Added statusCode configuration to SimpleResponse. Notably, it can now be used to define simple 404 responses.

v0.6.10 -- 2024-03-15

It's Fast(ish) Follow Friday!

Breaking changes:

  • Request logging: Stopped quoting URLs, as there was no need. (They won't have spaces or non-ASCII in them, as they are logged in url-encoded form.)

Other notable changes:

  • Development:
    • build script renamed to dev, and merged run into it.
    • Testing:
      • Simplified how the unit tests get set up and run.
      • Got coverage reporting to work.
    • Linting:
      • Added lint target to dev (see above), and removed the separate lint script.
      • Switched to the modern ESLint "flat" configuration format. (It was a pain in the butt.)
      • Enabled some rules that weren't on before, and tweaked a couple others. Fixed a couple dozen or so errors that got reported as a result.
  • Logging:
    • Squelched some of the less interesting error spew (e.g., don't bother printing stack traces when the HTTP parser encounters invalid network input).

v0.6.9 -- 2024-03-12

Breaking changes:

  • clocks:
    • New module!
    • Moved time-related classes to here from metacomp.
    • New class WallClock, extracted from StdLoggingEnvironment, so that other stuff can get sub-msec wall times.
  • loggy, loggy-intf:
    • Split out the more "interfacey" bits of loggy into a new module.
    • Extracted IntfLoggingEnvironment as the interface for BaseLoggingEnvironment.

Other notable changes:

  • builtin-services:
    • RequestLogger now logs sub-msec request durations.
  • net-util, builtin-services:
    • OutgoingResponse:
      • Changed getLoggableResponseInfo() to report errors (if any) on all the stream-like things it can get ahold of.
      • Fixed #whenResponseDone() to promptly return once the response is actually done.
      • In #whenResponseDone() added detail when it would otherwise try to double-resolve its "when-completed" promise. This seems to be happening in production, specifically when an error event is getting emitted by a socket after it has already emitted close.
    • Added a bit of logic to RateLimitedStream to try to hew more closely to the Node Streams API, specifically not attempting to do anything that would cause an error event to be emitted after a close event. The Node core library arguably should be preventing this from happening, but maybe it isn't.
  • Spring cleaning: Perhaps inspired by the semi-annual DST switch, did a consistency pass around timing-related functionality.
  • Configuration:
    • Add support to import project modules from configuration files via module names of the form @lactoserv/<name>.
    • Stop loading configuration files in separate VM contexts. Doing this would be a decent idea if inter-context "communication" were seamless, but it's not.

v0.6.8 -- 2024-03-05

This is the first release where Express is not a project dependency. This release also changes our framework to no longer have a "callback-style" model, which has several benefits, including making the system much easier to test; no mocking required! Relatedly, it makes the system easier to reason about (and hence to debug). And it opens up some great possibilities for defining new request flows, including a pattern where a request handler can be "wrapped" by another one which gets a chance to replace (including effectively modify) the response before bubbling it up further.

Breaking changes:

  • net-protocol / net-util:
    • Moved DispatchInfo, IntfRequestHandler, and Request into net-util.
    • Renamed Request to IncomingRequest, for ease of search and to avoid a conflict with the Fetch API global Request.
    • Renamed HttpResponse to OutgoingResponse to harmonize with IncomingRequest.
    • IncomingRequest:
      • Changed the constructor of to take a RequestContext instead of a WranglerContext (the latter which is a private class in net-protocol).
      • Removed all the functionality related to responding.
    • Changed the IntfRequestHandler API so that the return value is the response to send, instead of expecting the handler to do the sending. That is, it no longer uses callbacks to send responses.

Other notable changes:

  • net-protocol: Stopped using Express as a layer between the Node http* libraries and our application framework.
  • net-util:
    • Removed the small amount of remaining Express-specific code.
    • New class RequestContext.
  • sys-framework / builtin-applications: Added optional configuration of BaseApplication to filter out (not respond to) or redirect requests based on the incoming URI. Added this configuration to all of the built-in apps.

v0.6.7 -- 2024-02-29

Breaking changes:

  • Configuration:
    • Configurations that used to accept plain numbers as durations in seconds now instead take either duration strings that include a unit name (e.g., 5 min) or instances of the class data-values.Duration.
    • Likewise, the flowRate for RateLimiter is now expected to be either a frequency string (e.g., 100 per hr or 12/minute) or an instance of the class data-values.Frequency.
  • net-util:
    • MimeTypes methods that return MIME type strings now have the option charSet: 'utf-8' by default, which is about the most sensible choice these days.
  • data-values: Removed Duration.parseSec(), in the ongoing effort to use typed objects in preference to plain numbers.

Other notable changes:

  • data-values:
    • New class UnitQuantity, which generalizes over things like Duration.
    • Reworked Duration to be a subclass of UnitQuantity.
    • New class Frequency, a subclass of UnitQuantity.
  • Testing:
    • Moved to the latest version of Jest.
    • Confirmed that Jest's default test runner does in fact support modern ES modules, and so switched over to that from jest-light-runner. Notably, this means it should be much easier to get test coverage reports working.

v0.6.6 -- 2024-02-18

This release represents a major step towards (a) switching away from a callback-based control flow for the request/response cycle, and (b) dropping Express as a dependency.

Breaking changes:

  • Tweaked the contract of contentType bindings in configurations, to help avoid ambiguity and confusion. Specifically, file extensions now need to start with a dot.
  • Significant rework of the API of net-protocol.Request.

Other notable changes:

  • New integration test setup, along with a decent handful of tests.
  • Module net-util:
    • Expanded MimeTypes to handle character set stuff.
    • Extracted new class HttpConditional from net-protocol.Request, and reworked it to no longer use the npm module fresh. It handles conditional request stuff, including for conditional ranges.
    • Extracted new class HttpRange from net-protocol.Request, for range request handling.
    • New class HttpResponse to encapsulate data required to make an HTTP(ish) response and to handle much of the mechanics of actually producing a response. Notably, it does not use Express-specific functionality.
  • Changed all the built-in applications to construct HttpResponse objects instead of using higher-level response methods on Request.
  • Removed all of the response methods from Request, except for respond() which just takes an HttpResponse. Even that may go away at some point.

v0.6.5 -- 2024-02-09

Breaking changes:

  • None.

Other notable changes:

v0.6.4 -- 2024-02-08

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed app-* modules to sys-*, to avoid name confusion (because the overall system already has bits inside it called applications).
  • Renamed module network-protocol to net-protocol, to harmonize with net-util (and node:net).
  • Expanded and reworked fs-util, including moving the utility class sys-config.Files to fs-util.Paths.
  • Time stuff, which affects both APIs and configuration:
    • Settled on sec (not secs) when identifying numbers of seconds.
    • Changed almost all time-related variables and parameters to be instances of Moment or Duration instead of dimensionless numbers.
  • Removed automatic ETag generation as part of the Request API. Removed all uses of the old (and mildly problematic) etag npm package.

Other notable changes:

  • New class EtagGenerator, for generating ETags. Added configuration options to StaticFiles and SimpleResponse to (optionally) use it.

v0.6.3 -- 2024-02-02

Breaking changes:

  • We now require at least Node v20. This is so we can use the new-ish regex flag /v ("Unicode Sets").
  • Request class:
    • Split off sendNoBodyResponse() from sendContent(), and made the latter take separate body and contentType arguments instead of those being part of the options.
    • Reworked sendError() into sendMetaResponse(), giving it both a somewhat-wider purview along with the ability to control response headers. Relatedly, tweaked the other non-content response methods to accept an options object.
    • Changed .protocolName to actually be the protocol name (and not just a guess based on the port number).
  • Changed HostInfo to do its port-defaulting based on a port number (instead of a "protocol").
  • Revised the plaintext request log format.

Other notable changes:

  • Added support for sending and receiving cookies.
  • Fixed Range request edge cases.
  • Expanded the net-util package with a bunch of HTTP-related stuff.
  • Notice promptly when clients drop connections, instead of letting them time out (and end up getting a write-after-close error).
  • Cleaned up the request logging code, including details of what lands in the system log.

v0.6.2 -- 2024-01-22

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed most url-named properties on Request to instead use the term target. This represents a divergence from Node, which confusingly uses the property name url to refer to an HTTP(ish) request target, even though it isn't actually ever a URL per se except when the server is being called as a proxy (and not just a regular webserver).

Other notable changes:

  • Fixed handling of non-origin request targets. Before v0.6.1, these were treated as if they were origin requests (that is, the usual kind that specify a resource path), and in v0.6.1 they started causing crashes. Now, they're properly classified and (by and large) rejected with an error reported to clients.

v0.6.1 -- 2024-01-19

Breaking changes:

  • Changed interface of BaseApplication to use Request and DispatchInfo (see below). This breaks downstream clients of this codebase.

Other notable changes:

  • Added new application SimpleResponse, which is kind of like a one-file StaticFiles.
  • Introduced a Request class specific to this project, instead of just "absorbing" Express's Request and Response objects. Our Request holds both the underlying request and response (and other related goodies). For now, the underlying Express bits are exposed to clients, but the intention is for them to get hidden and for this project's API to be sufficient.
  • Relatedly, introduced new class DispatchInfo, to hold information about a request dispatch-in-progress (i.e., routing information, more or less). In Express, the equivalent state is represented by mutating the request object, but we're an immutable-forward shop here.
  • Got rid of direct uses of Express's Request and Response classes, other than within our Request. Most notably, the request logging code got a major rewrite.
  • Reworked most of the code in our Request class that does actually-Express-specific stuff, to instead do approximately what Express does, or just not do it at all. Notably, we no longer try to deal with reverse proxies; support will probably be added for them eventually (assuming demand).
  • Reworked StaticFiles to use our Request instead of wrapping express.static().