The Swagger Playground is the easiest way to familiarize yourself with the Strava API by submitting HTTP requests and observing the responses before you write any client code. It will show what a response will look like with different endpoints depending on the authorization scope you receive from your athletes. To use the Playground, go to and change your “Authorization Callback Domain” to Please note, we only support Swagger 2.0. There is a known issue where you can only select one scope at a time. For more information, please check the section “client code” at
This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- Strava API version: 3.0.0
- Package version: 0.1.0
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivitiesApi | create_activity | Post /activities | Create an Activity |
ActivitiesApi | get_activity_by_id | Get /activities/{id} | Get Activity |
ActivitiesApi | get_comments_by_activity_id | Get /activities/{id}/comments | List Activity Comments |
ActivitiesApi | get_kudoers_by_activity_id | Get /activities/{id}/kudos | List Activity Kudoers |
ActivitiesApi | get_laps_by_activity_id | Get /activities/{id}/laps | List Activity Laps |
ActivitiesApi | get_logged_in_athlete_activities | Get /athlete/activities | List Athlete Activities |
ActivitiesApi | get_zones_by_activity_id | Get /activities/{id}/zones | Get Activity Zones |
ActivitiesApi | update_activity_by_id | Put /activities/{id} | Update Activity |
AthletesApi | get_logged_in_athlete | Get /athlete | Get Authenticated Athlete |
AthletesApi | get_logged_in_athlete_zones | Get /athlete/zones | Get Zones |
AthletesApi | get_stats | Get /athletes/{id}/stats | Get Athlete Stats |
AthletesApi | update_logged_in_athlete | Put /athlete | Update Athlete |
ClubsApi | get_club_activities_by_id | Get /clubs/{id}/activities | List Club Activities |
ClubsApi | get_club_admins_by_id | Get /clubs/{id}/admins | List Club Administrators |
ClubsApi | get_club_by_id | Get /clubs/{id} | Get Club |
ClubsApi | get_club_members_by_id | Get /clubs/{id}/members | List Club Members |
ClubsApi | get_logged_in_athlete_clubs | Get /athlete/clubs | List Athlete Clubs |
GearsApi | get_gear_by_id | Get /gear/{id} | Get Equipment |
RoutesApi | get_route_as_gpx | Get /routes/{id}/export_gpx | Export Route GPX |
RoutesApi | get_route_as_tcx | Get /routes/{id}/export_tcx | Export Route TCX |
RoutesApi | get_route_by_id | Get /routes/{id} | Get Route |
RoutesApi | get_routes_by_athlete_id | Get /athletes/{id}/routes | List Athlete Routes |
RunningRacesApi | get_running_race_by_id | Get /running_races/{id} | Get Running Race |
RunningRacesApi | get_running_races | Get /running_races | List Running Races |
SegmentEffortsApi | get_efforts_by_segment_id | Get /segment_efforts | List Segment Efforts |
SegmentEffortsApi | get_segment_effort_by_id | Get /segment_efforts/{id} | Get Segment Effort |
SegmentsApi | explore_segments | Get /segments/explore | Explore segments |
SegmentsApi | get_logged_in_athlete_starred_segments | Get /segments/starred | List Starred Segments |
SegmentsApi | get_segment_by_id | Get /segments/{id} | Get Segment |
SegmentsApi | star_segment | Put /segments/{id}/starred | Star Segment |
StreamsApi | get_activity_streams | Get /activities/{id}/streams | Get Activity Streams |
StreamsApi | get_route_streams | Get /routes/{id}/streams | Get Route Streams |
StreamsApi | get_segment_effort_streams | Get /segment_efforts/{id}/streams | Get Segment Effort Streams |
StreamsApi | get_segment_streams | Get /segments/{id}/streams | Get Segment Streams |
UploadsApi | create_upload | Post /uploads | Upload Activity |
UploadsApi | get_upload_by_id | Get /uploads/{uploadId} | Get Upload |
- ActivityStats
- ActivityTotal
- ActivityType
- ActivityZone
- BaseStream
- Comment
- Error
- ExplorerResponse
- ExplorerSegment
- Fault
- HeartRateZoneRanges
- Lap
- LatLng
- MetaActivity
- MetaAthlete
- MetaClub
- PhotosSummary
- PhotosSummaryPrimary
- PolylineMap
- PowerZoneRanges
- Route
- RunningRace
- Split
- StreamSet
- SummaryGear
- SummarySegment
- SummarySegmentEffort
- TimedZoneDistribution
- UpdatableActivity
- Upload
- ZoneRange
- ZoneRanges
- Zones
- AltitudeStream
- CadenceStream
- DetailedGear
- DetailedSegment
- DetailedSegmentEffort
- DistanceStream
- HeartrateStream
- LatLngStream
- MovingStream
- PowerStream
- SmoothGradeStream
- SmoothVelocityStream
- SummaryActivity
- SummaryAthlete
- SummaryClub
- TemperatureStream
- TimeStream
- TimedZoneRange
- DetailedActivity
- DetailedAthlete
- DetailedClub
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- read: Read public segments, public routes, public profile data, public posts, public events, club feeds, and leaderboards
- read_all: Read private routes, private segments, and private events for the user
- profile:read_all: Read all profile information even if the user has set their profile visibility to Followers or Only You
- profile:write: Update the user's weight and Functional Threshold Power (FTP), and access to star or unstar segments on their behalf
- activity:read: Read the user's activity data for activities that are visible to Everyone and Followers, excluding privacy zone data
- activity:read_all: The same access as activity:read, plus privacy zone data and access to read the user's activities with visibility set to Only You
- activity:write: Access to create manual activities and uploads, and access to edit any activities that are visible to the app, based on activity read access level
auth := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.
import ""
/ .. Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token .. //
tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)