- This is a Doctor Strange variants based platformer game made in GDevelop.
- This game have 5 levels where you fight monsters as,
- Doctor Strange
- Defender Strange
- Sinister Strange
- Supreme Strange
- Zombie Doctor Strange
- Doctor Strange character assets from PeteBits25.
- This game be played online same as installing it on your computer. Online version can be played on mobile too.
- windows
file - Mac
file - Linux
- Play on Liluo.io or play the game hosted with gh pages. I suggest you to play this game on liluo.io for better experience. you may experience some issues with mobile version.
to install this game on windows (you need a 64 bit pc to run this game)- After downloading, double click on the setup to install and run
to install this on Mac- After downloading, extract the archive and double click on the app to launch it
- If you think this game is good, support this project by starring and sharing this project with your friends
- Sure. Open an issue, point out errors and what not? wanna fix something yourself? open a PR and I really appreciate it
- If you have any doughts reguarding this project, ask any questions in discussions
- This project is licensed under MIT license
- Read more about it here.
Copyright (c) 2022 Chandula Janith
- find me on Liluo.io.