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ERNIE-ViL: Knowledge Enhanced Vision-Language Representations Through Scene Graph

For technical description of the algorithm, please see our paper:

ERNIE-ViL:Knowledge Enhanced Vision-Language Representations Through Scene Graph

Fei Yu*, Jiji Tang*, Weichong Yin, Yu Sun, Hao Tian, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang (* : equal contribution)

Preprint June 2020


ERNIE-ViL is a knowledge-enhanced joint representations for vision-language tasks, which is the first work that has introduced structured knowledge to enhance vision-language pre-training. Utilizing structured knowledge obtained from scene graphs, ERNIE-ViL constructs three Scene Graph Prediction tasks, i.e., Object Prediction, Attribute Prediction and Relationship Prediction tasks. Thus, ERNIE-ViL can learn the better joint vision-language representations characterizing the alignments of the detailed semantics across vision and language.


Based on the scene graph parsed from the text using Scene Graph Parser, we construct Object Prediction, Attribute Prediction and Relationship Prediction tasks:

  • Object Prediction: We randomly select a set of the objects in the scene graph, then mask and predict the corresponding words in the sentence.
  • Attribute Prediction: For the object-attribute pairs in the scene graph, we randomly select a part of them to mask and predict the words related to the attribute nodes in the sentence.
  • Realtionship Prediction: For the object-relationship-object triplets in the scene graph, we randomly select a part of realtionship nodes to mask and predict them.

Model Architecture of ERNIE-ViL

Pre-trained Models

ERNIE-ViL adopts large-scale image-text aligned datasets as the pre-training data. We provide ERNIE-ViL models of two scale settings which are pretrained on two out-of-domain datasets, e.g., Conceptual Captions and SBU Captions.

  • ERNIE-ViL base (lowercased | 12-text-stream-layer, 6-visual-stream-layer)
  • ERNIE-ViL large (lowercased | 24-text-stream-layer, 6-visual-stream-layer)

We also provide large scale settings model which are pretrained on both out-of-domain datasets(Conceptual Captions, SBU Captions) and in-domain(MS-COCOVisual-Genome) datasets.

Downstream tasks

We finetune ERNIE-ViL on five vision-langage downstream tasks, i.e., Visual Commensense Reasoning(VCR), Visual Question Answering(VQA), Cross-modal Image Retrieval(IR), Cross-modal Text Retrieval(TR) and Region_to_Phrase_Grounding(RefCOCO+).

Code and pre-trained models related to VCR task are made public now, and those of more downstream tasks are planed to be public.


  • datasets

    • The training, validation and testing data of VCR task are provided by VCR Website.
    • Organization of visual features is modified from ViLBERT, we directly use the data from it. Data can be downloaded here.
    • Put all downloaded files under diretory "data/vcr".
  • Task pre-training: We perform task-pretraining on VCR task, which is also known as task-specific-pretraining. The trained models are as follows:

  • Performance: Results of VCR task for different scale settings of ERNIE-ViL model

    Models Q->A QA->R Q->AR
    ERNIE-ViL (task-pretrain) base 76.37(77.0) 79.65(80.3) 61.24(62.1)
    ERNIE-ViL (task-pretrain) large 78.52(79.2) 83.37(83.5) 65.81(66.3)

    Numerical results outside and inside parentheses represent the dev and test performance of VCR task respectively. Test results are obtained from the VCR leadborad.


  • datasets
    • The training, validation and testing data of VCR task are provided byVQA Website.
    • Visual features are extracted by using tools in bottom-up attention, The minimum and maximum number of the extracted boxes are 100 and 100.
    • A single training & test data is organized as follows:
      question_id, question, answer_label, answer_score, image_w, image_h, number_box, image_loc, image_embeddings
      The labels and scores of multiple answers are separated by the character ‘|’.
  • Performance: Results of VQA task for different scale settings of ERNIE-ViL model
    Models test-dev test-std
    ERNIE-ViL base 73.18 73.36
    ERNIE-ViL large 73.78 73.96
    ERNIE-ViL-Out&in-domain large 74.95 75.10


  • datasets

    • The images and captions of Flickr30k datasets can be obtailed from here.
    • Visual features are extracted by using tools in bottom-up attention. The minimum and maximum number of the extracted boxes are 0 and 36. The organization of visual features is illstruated as follows:
      image_w, image_h, number_box, image_loc, image_embeddings
    • The organization of text data can refer to our given sample, e.g., data/
  • Performance

    • Results of Image Retrieval task on Flickr30k dataset for different scale settings of ERNIE-ViL model

      Models R@1 R@5 R@10
      ERNIE-ViL base 74.44 92.72 95.94
      ERNIE-ViL large 75.10 93.42 96.26
      ERNIE-ViL-Out&in-domain large 76.66 94.16 96.76
    • Results of Text Retrieval task on Flickr30k dataset for different scale settings of ERNIE-ViL model

      Models R@1 R@5 R@10
      ERNIE-ViL base 86.70 97.80 99.00
      ERNIE-ViL large 88.70 97.30 99.10
      ERNIE-ViL-Out&in-domain large 89.20 98.50 99.20


  • datasets
    • Organization of visual features is modified from MAttNet.
    • A single training & test data is organized as follows:
      expressions, image_w, image_h, number_box, number_boxes_gt, image_loc, image_embeddings, box_label, label
  • Performance
    • Results of RefCOCO+ task for different scale settings of ERNIE-ViL model

      Models val testA testB
      ERNIE-ViL base 74.02 80.33 64.74
      ERNIE-ViL large 74.24 80.97 64.70
      ERNIE-ViL-Out&in-domain large 75.89 82.39 66.91


Install PaddlePaddle

This code has been tested with Paddle Fluid 1.8 with Python 2.7. Other dependencies of ERNIE-ViL are listed in requirements.txt, you can install them by

   pip install -r requirements.txt

Fine-tuning on ERNIE-ViL

Please update LD_LIBRARY_PATH about CUDA, cuDNN, NCCL2 before fine-tuning. You can easily run fine-tuning through configuration files. You can finetune ERNIE-ViL model on different downstream tasks by the following command:

    sh $task_name(vqa/flickr/refcoco_plus/vcr) conf/${task_name}/model_conf_${task_name} $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $pretrain_models_params

Files which are needed by fine-tuning can be found in our given download links, incluing vocabulary dictionary, configuration file and pre-trained parameters. Training details of different downstream tasks (large scale) are illstruated in the table below.

Tasks Batch Size Learning Rate # of Epochs GPUs Layer Decay rate Hidden dropout
VCR 16(x4) 1e-4 6 4x V100 0.9 0.1
VQA 2.0 64(x4) 1e-4 15 4x V100 0.9 0.1
RefCOCO+ 64(x2) 1e-4 30 2x V100 0.9 0.2
Flickr 8(x8) 2e-5 40 8x V100 0.0 0.1

Our fine-tuning experiments on downstream tasks are carried on NVIDIA V100 (32GB) GPUs. If your GPU memory is not enough, you can reduce the batch size in the corresponding configuration file, e.g., "conf/vcr/model_conf_vcr".


You can use the following command to infer fine-tuned models.


   Task Q->A: sh vcr qa $split(val/test) conf/vcr/model_conf_vcr $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $model_params $res_file
   Task Q->AR: sh vcr qar $split(val/test) conf/vcr/model_conf_vcr $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $model_params $res_file


     sh vqa eval $split(val/test_dev/test_std) conf/vqa/model_conf_vqa $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $model_params $res_file

No test labels are given in the released test samples, you can obtailed the final score by submiting the result file to the VQA website.


     sh refcoco_plus eval $split(val/test_A/test_B) conf/refcoco_plus/model_conf_refcoco_plus $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $model_params $res_file


     sh flickr eval $split(dev/test) conf/flickr/model_conf_flickr $vocab_file $ernie_vil_config $model_params $res_file

Get the accuray score by using the given tools of tools/


You can cite the paper as below:

  title={ERNIE-ViL: Knowledge Enhanced Vision-Language Representations Through Scene Graph},
  author={Yu, Fei and Tang, Jiji and Yin, Weichong and Sun, Yu and Tian, Hao and Wu, Hua and Wang, Haifeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.16934},