Automated Testing of Web Applications using Selenium Tool and TestNG Framework.
Topic | Aim |
Chrome Driver | WebApps Testing using Selenium on Google Chrome Browser |
Gecko Driver | WebApps Testing using Selenium on Mozilla FireFox browser |
Amazon Test Cases | Writing Manual Test Case Suite in Excel Sheet | | WebApps Testing for Amazon E-Commerce website |
StandAlone Server | Using StandAlone Server library as sole super-library for Selenium |
GitHub | Automated GitHub Login using Selenium |
Personal Assistant | A failed but full of learning attempt to create an automated Bot for handling social media accounts |
IEDriver | WebApps Testing using Selenium on Internet Explorer Browser |
TestNG | Introduction to TestNG Framework |
Gmail Bot | Attempt for automated Email | x TestNG | Modifying Selenium testing for using TestNG Framework |
Excel Read | Using Selenium to Read Excel Documents via Apache POI Library |
Data Providers | Introduction to Annotations and Data Providers in TestNG |
- Java JDK 1.8 or above installed on local machine.
- Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer installed on local machine
- ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver and ExplorerDriver installed on local machine.
- Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE installed on local machine
- Jenkins installed on local machine
- Selenium Java 3.14 or above installed on local machine
- TestNG Framework added to Eclipse IDE
Link for TestNG Configuration
- Bots can harm the website and thus we need certifications, captchas etc. to stop them.
- Use the get command to wait for webpage to load rather than navigate().to() which runs through all commands.
Contributions in all forms are welcomed. Contribution Guidelines to be followed.
Links for reference