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Easy to get, parallel 20x4 LCD, with Smoothieware

Minimal and tidy hardware for Universal Panel Adapter firmware

Smoothieware does not have an option for driving character LCD. It can only drive graphical SPI LCDs. This is probably due to lack of GPIO pins (Ethernet functionality is using a lot of GPIO…)

Smoothieboard developer offers an add-on board, that can translate the SPI bitstream for I2C LCD and (The more common) parallel LCD.
This board has a complex shape and fits only on Smoothieboard, but The firmware is open source, called Universal Panel Adapter (UPA), is available in Github and can be used with Arduino boards or a plain ATmega328 microprocessor.

On this small project prj_UPA_minimal, we deploy UPA firmware on a minimal and tidy implementation, to be used with a 3D printer controller with SPI only GLCD interface like n-PRO-3DP, SmoothieBoard and other boards driven by Smoothieware.
With the UPA minimal Board, any 20x4 LCD can be used with Smoothieware.

The Board is developed in iterations: starting with a Breadboard 1st iteration, a perforated-board 2nd iteration and a PCB 3d iteration

Block Diagram

1st iteration: with Arduino-Nano on breadboard, to be replaced with the Minimal version

2nd iteration: Minimal Schematic

2nd iteration: Minimal Perforated-Board

3nd iteration: In progress...

Notes on compilation

To have a succesful compilation with Arduino IDE 1.8.11, for the Parallel LCD, I did the following:

  • Included all dependencies in the project folder
  • Changed some instances like #include <Encoder.h>, to #include "Encoder.h"
  • Replaced all references to wiring.h with wiring_private.h


Below is the readme file from wolfmanjm firmware: universal-panel-adapter


Using a cheap Arduino mini pro, uno or nano this sketch allows you to interface a panel like Viki or a Parallel LCD with encoder via SPI.

Specifically used for running I2C and parallel panels on a Smoothie compatible board.

Prebuild bianries ready for upload to arduino are:-

  • viki_panel_adapter.hex for viki/panelolu2
  • parallel_panel_adapter.hex for parallel LCD

Default Wiring is as follows:-

Viki to Nano

SDA  -> A4
SCL  -> A5
ENCA -> D2
ENCB -> D3
Gnd  -> Gnd
+5v  -> +5v

Parallel LCD pin to Nano

 4 RS -> D9
 5 RW -> A0
 6 EN -> A1
11 D4 -> D5
12 D5 -> D6
13 D6 -> D7
14 D7 -> D8

 1 gnd
 2 +5v
 3 contrast
 15,16 backlight power (on some)
Encoder is connected to Nano
ENCA  -> D2
ENCB  -> D3
Click -> A2

Smoothie to Nano

MOSI -> D11 : 0.18
MISO -> D12 : 0.17
SCK  -> D13 : 0.15
SS   -> D10 : 0.16
BUSY -> D4  : 2.11 (or 1.30 on Azteeg X5) (And set panel.busy_pin in config to that pin)

Smoothie config

add this to your config file on smoothie

panel.enable                                true              # enable panel
panel.lcd                                   universal_adapter #
panel.spi_channel                           0                 # spi channel to use (0- MISO 0.17, MOSI 0.18, SCK 0.15, SS 0.16)
panel.spi_cs_pin                            0.16              # spi chip select
panel.busy_pin                              2.11              # busy pin NOTE 1.30 on Azteeg X5


For compiling the following Arduino libraries are needed

For Viki and I2C based panels

For Parallel panels