The public repository allows our community to participate in the translation of the texts of the various apps that RealT creates for the ecosystem
The language files are in JSON format
the translation must be exclusively done on the right part (value) the left part is a key, it must be modified only by the project dev
In the appropriate project folder, e.g. for the "Realtoken YAM" ./YAM/locales/
modify the file "index.ts" to add the path to the language you create, for example for Portuguese :
original file:
import en from './en';
import es from './es';
import fr from './fr';
export const resources = { en, es, fr };
file modify to add PT:
import en from './en';
import es from './es';
import fr from './fr';
import pt from './pt';
export const resources = { en, es, fr, pt };
create a sub-folder with the 2-letter code of the language, example for Portuguese "PT".
Then copy the files and file contents of the EN version (always copy this reference version) into the new folder "PT".
Modify the values to perform the translation