====== FRONT-END =======
- Login/Register/Logout.
- Show products with homepage, categories, brands.
- Product details.
- Search product with searchbox, tags.
- Show Product description.
- Show related products.
- Product comments.
- Add, edit to cart.
- Calculate discount code.
- Calculate feeship.
- Show notification (with Toastr.js).
- Breadcrumb navigation.
- Product sorting with characters, $price.
- Show posts with categories posts.
- Display Website's information.
- Live Chat with Facebook Messenger Plugin.
- Social share buttons for each product, each post.
- Show order history.
- Print bill for each order.
- Pagination.
======= ADMIN =======
- Login/Register/Logout.
- Show profit with some options (7days ago, month ago, this month, 365days & default: 60days).
- Show quantities of products, brands, categories.
- Show views of products, posts.
- Show quantity of orders.
- Show order details and approve order.
- Print bill for each order.
- CRUD and customize status of products and gallary product's images.
- CRUD and customize status of categories product.
- CRUD and customize status of posts.
- CRUD and customize status of categories post.
- CRUD and customize status of brands.
- Customize status and Feedback comments.
- CRUD and customize status of discount code.
- CRUD and customize status of slide carousel.
- Instant search, Multi-column ordering use Datatable.JS.
- Pagination.
- Clone the repo and cd into it
- composer install
- Rename or copy .env.example file to .env
- php artisan key:generate
- Set your database credentials in your .env file
- Set your Braintree credentials in your .env file if you want to use PayPal
- Import db file(elaravel.sql) into your database (mysql,sql)
- npm install
- npm run watch
- run command[laravel file manager]:- php artisan storage:link
- Edit .env file :- remove APP_URL
- php artisan serve or use virtual host
- Visit localhost:8000 in your browser