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Dpdl native Interface


developed by SEE Solutions © 2003

Dpdl native Interface

Dpdl allows to access native library functions of any given loaded native shared library seamlessly, in the same way as ordinary dpdl functions.

This features makes Dpdl a complete and powerful programming language to interact also with low level system components or native C/C++ libraries.

Dpdl library:


loadLib(string lib_name) return object lib
mapLib(string lib_name, object obj) return object lib



object clib = loadLib("c")

clib.printf("This message comes from native printf function: %s %d", "Hello", 23)

By loading the library 'c', the Dpdl runtime automatically selects the appropriate library, on Linux/Unix/MAC 'libc' and on Windows 'msvcrt'.

On Windows systems it's possible also to access the system library 'kernel32' and it provides COM support for accessing a wide rage of windows components.

Example Dpdl code accessing the system library 'libc' functions:


object libc = native.loadLib("c")

println("testing native interface with 'libc'...")

int uid = libc.getuid()
println("uid: " + uid)

int gid = libc.getgid()
println("gid: " + gid)

string env_java = libc.getenv("JAVA_HOME")
println("env java: " + env_java)

int page_size = libc.getpagesize()
println("page_size: " + page_size)

println("setting and getting an environment variable...")

string new_env = "MY_env"

int stat = libc.setenv(new_env, "this is env MEGA", 1)
println("status: " + stat)

println("getting env variable 'MY_env'...")

string new_env_val = libc.getenv("MY_env")
println("env value: " + new_env_val)

println("testing malloc...")

object ptr = libc.malloc(1024)

ptr.setMemory(0L, 1024L, 0x00B)


println("testing file access...")

object fcntl = getObj("Fcntl")

int fh ="./Test/TestWrite.txt", fcntl.O_RDWR)

raise(fh, "Error in opening file")

string mydata_str = "this is the content MEGA I write to my file"

object sz = loadObj("size_t")
println("data size: " + sz)

sz = libc.write(fh, mydata_str, sz)

println("data size written: " + sz)

println("testing memory copy...")

string mymem_data = "my data string to copy: MEGA"

object char_src = libc.malloc(1024)
char_src.setString(0L, mymem_data)

println("char_src is of type: " + typeof(char_src))

object char_dest = libc.malloc(1024)
char_dest.setMemory(0L, 1024L, 0x00B)

println("char_dest is of type: " + typeof(char_src))

object size = loadObj("size_t")
int comp = libc.memcmp(char_src, char_dest, size)
if(comp > 0)
	println("'*char_dest' is less than char_src")

object ptr_dest = loadObj("PointerByReference")
object ptr_content = ptr_dest.getValue()

println("before copy memory is: " + ptr_content.getString(0L))

println("copying from source buffer...")

object szm = loadObj("size_t")

object p = libc.memcpy(char_dest, char_src, szm)

println("after copy memory is: " + ptr_content.getString(0L))

comp = libc.memcmp(char_src, char_dest, size)
if(comp == 0)
	println("'*char_dest' and '*char_src' are EQUAL")


Native memory

Native memory can be allocated via the the 'libc' library function 'malloc', which returns a Pointer object.

Example in C using 'malloc':

#import <stdio.h>


void *buffer = malloc(4096 * sizeof(char));

In Dpdl, the equivalent native memory can be allocated as follows:


object clib = native.loadLib("c")

object buffer = clib.malloc(4096L)

# optionally we can also zero the memory buffer
buffer.setMemory(0L, 4096L, 0x00B)

Type mapping

The following tables lists the type mapping between C and Dpdl:

Dpdl typeNative typeSizeon Windows OS
char or bytechar8-bit integerBYTE, TCHAR
shortshort16-bit integerWORD
charwchar_t16/32-bit characterTCHAR
intint32-bit integerDWORD
boolintboolean valueBOOL
NativeLong (jna)long32/64-bit integerLONG
longlong long64-bit integer__int64
floatfloat32-bit FP
doubledouble64-bit FP
stringchar*C stringLPCSTR
Pointer (jna)void*pointerLPVOID, HANDLE, LPXXX

Unsigned types have the same mappings as signed types


Helper functions and platform specific features are available via the following API accessible with Dpdl:

Dpdl JNA base

Dpdl JNA pointer

Dpdl JNA win32



The native library to be loaded needs to be available on the default system path or it's path must be configured in the configuration file 'DpdlEngine.ini' via the 'DPDL_NATIVE_LIB_PATH' variable.

The default configuration for 'DPDL_NATIVE_LIB_PATH' is set to './lib/addon'


Dpdl provides built-in support for memory protection useful to avoid segmentation faults and unexpected crashes.

By default the protection is enabled, it can be disabled by setting the variable 'DPDL_NATIVE_CODE_PROTECTION' to 'false' in the configuration file 'DpdlEngine.ini'


The Dpdl native interface library is only available in the full registered version of 'DpdlEngine'.

A demo version with the 'native' library enabled can be requested for evaluation purposes by writing to: [email protected]