Sample quiz questions for Arduino development board
Sample quiz questions for Arduino development board
Answers was here: x
What is Arduino?
- a) Development card based on PIC.
- b) Open source development card.
- c) Embedded system card.
- d) Linux development card.
Which country is developing open-source Arduino development boards?
- a) Turkey b) Germany c) Italy d) England
Which company produces the microcontroller chip used in open-source Arduino development boards?
- a) AMD b) Vestel c) ATMEL e) Intel
How many digital INput/OUTput pins are on the Arduino UNO development boards?
- a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14
How many analog input pins are on the Arduino UNO development boards?
- a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
How many analog output pins are on the Arduino UNO development boards?
- a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
Which microcontroller is used in Arduino UNO development bords?
- a) ATMega328 b) ATMega2560 c) ATMel378 d) ATMega328P
What is the size of the Flash memory used by the Arduino UNO microcontroller chip to store the program?
- a) 1KB b) 2KB c) 16KB d) 32KB
What is the clock frequency of the microcontroller chip used in the Arduino UNO?
- a) 16MHz b) 32MHz c) 80MHz d) 2MHz
What is the name of the function that runs only one-time when the Arduino development card is energized?
- a) begin() b) setup() c) start() d) loop()
The Arduino development card can provide the energy it needs to work from a PC's USB port. How many volts is the energy provided from the USB port?
- a) 3V b) 5V c) 9V d) 12V
Which command is used to create a delay in the Arduino program?
- a) pinMode() b) digitalWrite() c) delay() d) for()
Which of the following delay commands causes the Arduino program to delay 1.5 seconds?
- a) delay(1.5) b) delay(15) c) delay(150) d) delay(1500)
For an Arduino C program, which one of the following is the initial value of 100, a variable named duration is defined correctly?
- a) int duration = 100;
- b) int duration == 100;
- c) int duration <= 100;
- d) int duration 100;
15. Which is wrong for the standard Arduino function setup()?
- a) It is not necessary for the Arduino's program to run.
- b) It runs once when the Arduino is energized.
- c) It runs continuously when the Arduino is energized.
- d) It will restart when the Arduino card is reset.
16. Which is wrong for the standard Arduino function loop()?
- a) It is not necessary for the Arduino's program to run.
- b) It runs once when the Arduino is energized.
- c) It runs continuously when the Arduino is energized.
- d) It will restart when the Arduino card is reset.
17. Which is wrong for the for-loop funstions?
- a) All other things are wrong.
- b) Start and end values are used to perform certain tasks.
- c) It is used to fulfill jobs that need to be repeated depending on a condition.
- d) It is used to perform a number of repetitive tasks.
18. Which is wrong with the Arduino series microcontroller development boards?
- a) It is a microcontroller produced by ATMel.
- b) It has a microcontroller with the ATMega series.
- c) It has been released to teach and love electronics and programming.
- d) It is the first and most basic development board of the Arduino series.
What expression is used to set an I/O pin as an output?
What term is used to set an I/O pin as an input?
Which of the following is wrong for the term PULLUP?
- a) Used to resolve the logic ambiguity in the I/O pin through a resistor.
- b) When a resistor is connected between the VDD/VCC and the I/O pin, it makes the pin logic-0.
- c) When a resistor is connected between the VDD/VCC and the I/O pin, it makes the pin logic-1.
- d) If the circuit used in the common CATHODE causes extra energy consumption.
Which of the following is wrong for the term PULLDOWN?
- a) Used to resolve the logic ambiguity in the I/O pin through a resistor.
- b) When a resistor is connected between the GND and the I/O pin, it makes the pin logic-0.
- c) When a resistor is connected between the GND and the I/O pin, it makes the pin logic-1.
- d) If the circuit used in the common ANODE causes extra energy consumption.
What command is used to set the INput/OUTput modes of an I/O pin in Arduino C?
- a) delay() b) digitalRead() c) pinMode() d) digitalWrite()
What is wrong with the Arduino UNO's analog pin group?
- a) There are 6 analog input pins.
- b) The resolution of each input is 10 bits.
- c) Logic (1/0) not used for input/output.
- d) Used for the digital conversion of analog values taken from external environment.
What is the main purpose of the HC-SR04 sensor?
- a) Water level sensor
- b) Sound intensity sensor
- c) Ranging sensor
- d) Temperature sensor
How many volts does the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor work with?
- a) 1.2V b) 3.3V c) 9V d) 5V
Which pin connection designation of the HC-HR04 ultrasonic sensor is given correctly?
What is the purpose of the pin named TRIG of HC-SR04 sensor?
- a) Allows the ultrasonic sound wave to be sent from the sensor.
- b) Provides the information that the ultrasonic sound wave is returned.
- c) Allows the sensor to be fed with energy.
- D) Provides the chassis connection of the sensor.
What is the purpose of the pin named ECHO of HC-SR04 sensor?
- a) Allows the ultrasonic sound wave to be sent from the sensor.
- b) Provides the information that the ultrasonic sound wave is returned.
- c) Allows the sensor to be fed with energy.
- D) Provides the chassis connection of the sensor.
Which one of the following commands is used correctly to read the value of a pin set as a logic input in Arduino C?
- a) data = analogRead(D0);
- b) data = analogWrite(D0)
- c) data = digitalRead(D0);
- d) data = digitalWrite(D0);
Which of the following is true about the command pulseIn(D0, LOW)?
- a) Measures the period of transition from logic-0 to logic-1 for D0 logic pin.
- b) Measures the period of transition from logic-1 to logic-0 for D0 logic pin.
- c) Measures the time to go to logic-1 regardless of its previous logical state for D0 logic pin.
- d) Measures the time to go to logic-0 regardless of its previous logical state for D0 logic pin.
Which of the following is the unit of the time value of the pulseIn() command returned correctly?
- a) seconds b) milliseconds c) microseconds d) nanoseconds
Which of the following is true for the Serial.begin(9600) command used in Arduino C?
- a) Begins the serial port of the microcontroller for serial communication at a speed of 12 KBytes/sec.
- b) Begins the serial port of the microcontroller for serial communication at a rate of 1.2 KBytes/sec.
- c) Begins the serial port of the microcontroller for serial communication at a rate of 1200 Bytes/sec.
- d) Begins the serial port of the microcontroller for serial communication at a rate of 96 KBytes/sec.
What is the meaning of "//loop function runs forever" Arduino C code?
- a) A command.
- b) One-line comment expression.
- c) Function description.
- d) The famous statement of Linus Torvalds.
Which of the following is true for the Arduino C code for the following Arduino UNO development board?
digitalWrite(14, HIGH);
- a) Makes digital pin-14 to logic-1.
- b) Makes digital pin-14 to logic-0.
- d) Makes digital pin-14 to 5V.
- d) All other options are wrong.
Which of the following is the Arduino C code that sets the digital pin-13 to output?
- a) digitalWrite(13, 1)
- b) pinMode(13, INPUT);
- c) pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
- d) digitalRead(13, 1);
Which of the following is the Arduino C command that reads the logic value in digital pin-13?
- a) digitalWrite(13, 1)
- b) pinMode(13, INPUT);
- c) pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
- d) digitalRead(13);
What is the resolution of the ADC included on the Arduino Uno development board?
- a) 8Bit b) 10Bit c) 12Bit d) 16Bit
What is said below for LDR (Photoresistance) is wrong?
- a) As the amount of light increases, the resistance increases.
- b) As the amount of light increases, the resistance decreases.
- c) The resistance varies according to the amount of light.
- d) A passive electronic circuit element.
How many GND pins are available with soldered on the Arduino Uno development board?
- a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Which of the following is a wearable Arduino board model?
- a) Arduino Yun
- b) Arduino Leonardo
- c) Arduino Esplora
- d) Arduino Lilypad
Which of the following Arduino board can be used as a keyboard?
- a) Arduino Leonardo
- b) Arduino Lilypad
- c) Arduino Uno
- d) Arduino Mega
How many digital INput/OUTput pins are there in the Arduino MINI?
- a) 7
- b) 9
- c) 13
- d) 14
What is the output voltage of the voltage regulator on the Arduino UNO?
- a) 5V and 2.7V
- b) 9V and 5V
- c) 5V and 3.3V
- d) 3.3V and 1.5V
Which one of the following function definitions is wrong?
- a) Serial c()
- b) void a()
- c) double d
- d) int b()
Which of the following information about the I2C data communication protocol is wrong?
- a) Master devices can send requests.
- b) Slave devices can initiate communication.
- c) Multiple slave devices can be connected in one master device.
- d) SDA pin that provides communication between master and slave devices.
What is the name of the variable defined outside the Setup and Loop functions in the Arduino programming language?
- a) Protected variable
- b) Private variable
- c) Static variable
- d) Global variable
How many UART pins are on the Arduino MEGA board?
- a) 2
- b) 3
- c) 4
- d) 5
What do the "a" and "b" values in the "lcd.createChar(a, b);" command represent?
- a) Character shape, character address
- b) LCD cursor position, character shape
- c) Character address, character shape
- d) Character shape, LCD cursor position
What happens to the function when "void" is written at the beginning of the function name?
- a) Returns a value
- b) Make the function passive
- c) Does not return a value
- d) Function works when microcontroller is running
Which bitRead(x, y) command should be used to read the underlined bit of the variable?
int a = B10101010;
- a) bitRead(a, 3);
- b) bitRead(a, 5);
- c) bitRead(a, 4);
- d) bitRead(a, 1);
Which of the following is not the Arduino variety?
- a) Arduino Lilypad
- b) Arduino Mega Adk
- c) Arduino Ethernet
- d) Arduino Pi
Which of the following is a data-communication protocol?
- a) I2C
- b) PWM
- c) Master
- d) Slave
Which of the following is the size of "Char" data in memory?
- a) 2 byte
- b) 3 byte
- c) 1 byte
- d) 4 byte
What value is digitally read when the button is pressed with the Arduino's 10th pin with PULLUP resistance?
- a) 0
- b) 1
- c) Value is not read
- d) 255
How many timers are available in the ATMega328 controller?
- a) 1 unit
- b) 2 units
- c) 3 units
- d) 4 units
When "hello" data is sent from serial port, What is the content of the incoming variable?
String incoming = Serial.readString();
- a) hello
- b) 109101114104979897
- c) null
- d) 0
What case is called serialEvent() interrupt?
- a) Serial port shuts down.
- b) When data is sent from the serial port.
- c) When data comes from the serial port.
- d) When the voltage is applied to the Arduino.
What does the AREF pin on the Arduino UNO?
- a) Used to trigger a interrupt.
- b) Reference voltage for analog inputs.
- c) To reset the microcontroller.
- d) Provides 8-bit PWM signal.
In what time is sent for the duration portion of the (tone(pin, frequency, duration)) command?
- a) second
- b) millisecond
- c) microsecond
- d) minute
Which of the following elements are available for wireless communication with Arduino?
- a) DS18B20
- b) 74HC595
- c) NRF24l01
- d) MPU6050
Which of the pins of the Arduino is connected to the 2×16 character LCD's Data5(D5) pin with the following command?
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
- a) Pin No. 5
- b) Pin No. 4
- c) Pin No. 11
- d) Pin No. 12
When measuring with the LM35 at 25 degrees, what digital value is read from the ADC pin with Arduino?
- a) 80
- a) 51
- a) 25
- a) 40
What number does "Serial.available()" return when only "hello" data is sent from the serial port?
- a) 6
- b) 7
- c) 8
- d) 9
How many pins does the ATMega328 controller have on the Arduino UNO board?
- a) 24
- b) 26
- c) 28
- d) 30
With which command is the 9th pin on Arduino set as output?
- a) int sensorValue = 9;
- b) int sensorPin = 9;
- c) digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
- d) pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
Which of the following elements support the I2C protocol?
- a) DS1307
- b) DS18B20
- c) LM35
- d) BC237
What pins can the Arduino UNO board communicate with the computer?
- a) PWM pins
- b) ADC pins
- c) I2C pins
- d) UART pins
What does the tone() command do?
- a) Reads audio input from the specified pin.
- b) Produces sinus wave at the desired frequency from the specified pin.
- c) Generates the desired freqnent square wave signal from the specified pin.
- d) Sends a "do" note from the specified pin.
Which of the following methods converts a digital value to an analog signal?
- a) analogRead()
- b) ADC
- c) PWM
- d) DAC
Which of the following information is wrong for Arduino?
- a) Software and hardware are completely open source.
- b) Unless special equipment is used, a code written in Arduino UNO will also work in MEGA.
- c) Project and prototype preparation with Arduino is faster than other microprocessors.
- d) Arduino only works on Windows based computers.
Which of the following information is wrong for Arduino?
- a) Each pin can be output 0 or 5 volts.
- b) Digital values can be read from each pin.
- c) Analog values can be read from each pin.
- d) Libraries should be defined at the beginning of the program.
Which of the following functions can be used to set the selected pin as INput/OUTput?
- a) digitalRead
- b) analogRead
- c) pinMode
- d) digitalWrite
What does the parameter in the Delay function represent?
- a) Pin to be digitally measured
- b) second
- c) minute
- d) millisecond
Which button should be used for only compiling the written codes?
- a) Program Debug
- b) Program Upload
- c) Program Compile
- d) Program Compile & Upload
Which of the following is true for the Arduino?
- a) The code is compiled first with the "Program Compile & Upload" button. It is then uploads into Arduino.
- b) To upload a new program into Arduino, the previous program must first be deleted from Arduino.
- c) The code loaded into Arduino will not be deleted even if Arduino is turned off and on.
- d) All of them.
Which library must be used to take note output from the speaker connected to pin-8 on the Arduino Uno?
- a) Wire.h
- b) Speaker.h
- c) Tone.h
- d) Mic.h
Which of the following looping commands is spelled correctly?
- a) for (pin=0; pin<=13; pin++)
- b) for (pin=0, pin<=13, pin++)
- c) for (pin=0, pin<=13, pin=pin+1)
- d) for {pin=0; pin<=13; pin++}
The base project code is copyrighted by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal and is covered by single licence.
All program code (i.e. .md, .ino, .h) is licensed under GNU v3 License unless otherwise specified. Please see the file for more information.
While this repository is being prepared, it may have been quoted from some sources;
If there is an unspecified source, please contact with me.
Please check the file for contribution instructions and naming guidelines.
ArduExams was created by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal
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