blob: 2be522cfabfc5401d62b02901ace0409a1cab845 [file] [log] [blame]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @author Kunal Mehta <[email protected]>
namespace MediaWiki\Linker;
use HtmlArmor;
use MediaWiki\Cache\LinkCache;
use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Language\Language;
use MediaWiki\Message\Message;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageReference;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Parser;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer;
use MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFormatter;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleValue;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
* Class that generates HTML for internal links.
* See the Linker class for other kinds of links.
* @see
* @since 1.28
class LinkRenderer {
public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [
* Whether to force the pretty article path
* @var bool
private $forceArticlePath = false;
* A PROTO_* constant or false
* @var string|bool|int
private $expandUrls = false;
* Whether links are being rendered for comments.
* @var bool
private $comment = false;
* @var TitleFormatter
private $titleFormatter;
* @var LinkCache
private $linkCache;
/** @var HookRunner */
private $hookRunner;
* @var SpecialPageFactory
private $specialPageFactory;
* @internal For use by LinkRendererFactory
* @param TitleFormatter $titleFormatter
* @param LinkCache $linkCache
* @param SpecialPageFactory $specialPageFactory
* @param HookContainer $hookContainer
* @param ServiceOptions $options
public function __construct(
TitleFormatter $titleFormatter,
LinkCache $linkCache,
SpecialPageFactory $specialPageFactory,
HookContainer $hookContainer,
ServiceOptions $options
) {
$options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS );
$this->comment = $options->get( 'renderForComment' );
$this->titleFormatter = $titleFormatter;
$this->linkCache = $linkCache;
$this->specialPageFactory = $specialPageFactory;
$this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
* Whether to force the link to use the article path ($wgArticlePath) even if
* a query string is present, resulting in URLs like /wiki/Main_Page?action=foobar.
* @param bool $force
public function setForceArticlePath( $force ) {
$this->forceArticlePath = $force;
* @return bool
* @see setForceArticlePath()
public function getForceArticlePath() {
return $this->forceArticlePath;
* Whether/how to expand URLs.
* @param string|bool|int $expand A PROTO_* constant or false for no expansion
* @see UrlUtils::expand()
public function setExpandURLs( $expand ) {
$this->expandUrls = $expand;
* @return string|bool|int a PROTO_* constant or false for no expansion
* @see setExpandURLs()
public function getExpandURLs() {
return $this->expandUrls;
* True when the links will be rendered in an edit summary or log comment.
* @return bool
public function isForComment(): bool {
// This option only exists to power a hack in Wikibase's onHtmlPageLinkRendererEnd hook.
return $this->comment;
* Render a wikilink.
* Will call makeKnownLink() or makeBrokenLink() as appropriate.
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param-taint $target none
* @param string|HtmlArmor|null $text Text that the user can click on to visit the link.
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param array $extraAttribs Attributes you would like to add to the <a> tag. For example, if
* you would like to add title="Text when hovering!", you would set this to [ 'title' => 'Text
* when hovering!' ]
* @param-taint $extraAttribs none
* @param array $query Parameters you would like to add to the URL. For example, if you would
* like to add ?redirect=no&debug=1, you would set this to [ 'redirect' => 'no', 'debug' => '1' ]
* @param-taint $query none
* @return string HTML
* @return-taint escaped
public function makeLink(
$target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
) {
Assert::parameterType( [ LinkTarget::class, PageReference::class ], $target, '$target' );
if ( $this->castToTitle( $target )->isKnown() ) {
return $this->makeKnownLink( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
} else {
return $this->makeBrokenLink( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
private function runBeginHook( $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query ) {
$ret = null;
if ( !$this->hookRunner->onHtmlPageLinkRendererBegin(
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgument Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
$this, $this->castToTitle( $target ), $text, $extraAttribs, $query, $ret )
) {
return $ret;
* Make a link that's styled as if the target page exists (a "blue link"), with a specified
* class attribute.
* Usually you should use makeLink() or makeKnownLink() instead, which will select the CSS
* classes automatically. Use this method if the exact styling doesn't matter and you want
* to ensure no extra DB lookup happens, e.g. for links generated by the skin.
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param-taint $target none
* @param string|HtmlArmor|null $text Text that the user can click on to visit the link.
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param string $classes CSS classes to add
* @param-taint $classes none
* @param array $extraAttribs Attributes you would like to add to the <a> tag. For example, if
* you would like to add title="Text when hovering!", you would set this to [ 'title' => 'Text
* when hovering!' ]
* @param-taint $extraAttribs none
* @param array $query Parameters you would like to add to the URL. For example, if you would
* like to add ?redirect=no&debug=1, you would set this to [ 'redirect' => 'no', 'debug' => '1' ]
* @param-taint $query none
* @return string
* @return-taint escaped
public function makePreloadedLink(
$target, $text = null, $classes = '', array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
) {
Assert::parameterType( [ LinkTarget::class, PageReference::class ], $target, '$target' );
// Run begin hook
$ret = $this->runBeginHook( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
if ( $ret !== null ) {
return $ret;
$target = $this->normalizeTarget( $target );
$url = $this->getLinkURL( $target, $query );
$attribs = [ 'class' => $classes ];
$prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
if ( $prefixedText !== '' ) {
$attribs['title'] = $prefixedText;
$attribs = [
'href' => $url,
] + $this->mergeAttribs( $attribs, $extraAttribs );
$text ??= $this->getLinkText( $target );
return $this->buildAElement( $target, $text, $attribs, true );
* Make a link that's styled as if the target page exists (usually a "blue link", although the
* styling might depend on e.g. whether the target is a redirect).
* This will result in a DB lookup if the title wasn't cached yet. If you want to avoid that,
* and don't care about matching the exact styling of links within page content, you can use
* makePreloadedLink() instead.
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param-taint $target none
* @param string|HtmlArmor|null $text Text that the user can click on to visit the link.
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param array $extraAttribs Attributes you would like to add to the <a> tag. For example, if
* you would like to add title="Text when hovering!", you would set this to [ 'title' => 'Text
* when hovering!' ]
* @param-taint $extraAttribs none
* @param array $query Parameters you would like to add to the URL. For example, if you would
* like to add ?redirect=no&debug=1, you would set this to [ 'redirect' => 'no', 'debug' => '1' ]
* @param-taint $query none
* @return string HTML
* @return-taint escaped
public function makeKnownLink(
$target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
) {
Assert::parameterType( [ LinkTarget::class, PageReference::class ], $target, '$target' );
if ( $target instanceof LinkTarget ) {
$isExternal = $target->isExternal();
} else {
// $target instanceof PageReference
// treat all PageReferences as local for now
$isExternal = false;
$classes = [];
if ( $isExternal ) {
$classes[] = 'extiw';
$colour = $this->getLinkClasses( $target );
if ( $colour !== '' ) {
$classes[] = $colour;
return $this->makePreloadedLink(
implode( ' ', $classes ),
* Make a link that's styled as if the target page doesn't exist (a "red link").
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param-taint $target none
* @param string|HtmlArmor|null $text Text that the user can click on to visit the link.
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param array $extraAttribs Attributes you would like to add to the <a> tag. For example, if
* you would like to add title="Text when hovering!", you would set this to [ 'title' => 'Text
* when hovering!' ]
* @param-taint $extraAttribs none
* @param array $query Parameters you would like to add to the URL. For example, if you would
* like to add ?redirect=no&debug=1, you would set this to [ 'redirect' => 'no', 'debug' => '1' ]
* @param-taint $query none
* @return string
* @return-taint escaped
public function makeBrokenLink(
$target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
) {
Assert::parameterType( [ LinkTarget::class, PageReference::class ], $target, '$target' );
// Run legacy hook
$ret = $this->runBeginHook( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
if ( $ret !== null ) {
return $ret;
if ( $target instanceof LinkTarget ) {
# We don't want to include fragments for broken links, because they
# generally make no sense.
if ( $target->hasFragment() ) {
$target = $target->createFragmentTarget( '' );
$target = $this->normalizeTarget( $target );
if ( !isset( $query['action'] ) && $target->getNamespace() !== NS_SPECIAL ) {
$query['action'] = 'edit';
$query['redlink'] = '1';
$url = $this->getLinkURL( $target, $query );
$attribs = [ 'class' => 'new' ];
$prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
if ( $prefixedText !== '' ) {
// This ends up in parser cache!
$attribs['title'] = wfMessage( 'red-link-title', $prefixedText )
$attribs = [
'href' => $url,
] + $this->mergeAttribs( $attribs, $extraAttribs );
$text ??= $this->getLinkText( $target );
return $this->buildAElement( $target, $text, $attribs, false );
* Make an external link
* @since 1.43
* @param string $url URL to link to
* @param-taint $url escapes_html
* @param string|HtmlArmor|Message $text Text of link; will be escaped if
* a string.
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $title Where the link is being rendered, used for title specific link attributes
* @param-taint $title none
* @param string $linktype Type of external link. Gets added to the classes
* @param-taint $linktype escapes_html
* @param array $attribs Array of extra attributes to <a>
* @param-taint $attribs escapes_html
* @return string
public function makeExternalLink(
string $url, $text, $title, $linktype = '', $attribs = []
) {
$class = 'external';
if ( $linktype ) {
$class .= " $linktype";
if ( isset( $attribs['class'] ) && $attribs['class'] ) {
$class .= " {$attribs['class']}";
$attribs['class'] = $class;
if ( $text instanceof Message ) {
$text = $text->escaped();
} else {
$text = HtmlArmor::getHtml( $text );
// Tell phan that $text is non-null after ::getHtml()
'@phan-var string $text';
$newRel = Parser::getExternalLinkRel( $url, $title );
if ( !isset( $attribs['rel'] ) || $attribs['rel'] === '' ) {
$attribs['rel'] = $newRel;
} elseif ( $newRel !== null ) {
// Merge the rel attributes.
$newRels = explode( ' ', $newRel );
$oldRels = explode( ' ', $attribs['rel'] );
$combined = array_unique( array_merge( $newRels, $oldRels ) );
$attribs['rel'] = implode( ' ', $combined );
$link = '';
$success = $this->hookRunner->onLinkerMakeExternalLink(
$url, $text, $link, $attribs, $linktype );
if ( !$success ) {
wfDebug( "Hook LinkerMakeExternalLink changed the output of link "
. "with url {$url} and text {$text} to {$link}" );
return $link;
$attribs['href'] = $url;
return Html::rawElement( 'a', $attribs, $text );
* Return the HTML for the top of a redirect page
* Chances are you should just be using the ParserOutput from
* WikitextContent::getParserOutput (which will have this header added
* automatically) instead of calling this for redirects.
* If creating your own redirect-alike, please use return value of
* this method to set the 'core:redirect-header' extension data field
* in your ParserOutput, rather than concatenating HTML directly.
* See WikitextContentHandler::fillParserOutput().
* @since 1.41
* @param Language $lang
* @param Title $target Destination to redirect
* @param bool $forceKnown Should the image be shown as a bluelink regardless of existence?
* @return string Containing HTML with redirect link
public function makeRedirectHeader( Language $lang, Title $target, bool $forceKnown = false ) {
$html = '<ul class="redirectText">';
if ( $forceKnown ) {
$link = $this->makeKnownLink(
// Make sure wiki page redirects are not followed
$target->isRedirect() ? [ 'redirect' => 'no' ] : []
} else {
$link = $this->makeLink(
// Make sure wiki page redirects are not followed
$target->isRedirect() ? [ 'redirect' => 'no' ] : []
$redirectToText = wfMessage( 'redirectto' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
return Html::rawElement(
'div', [ 'class' => 'redirectMsg' ],
Html::rawElement( 'p', [], $redirectToText ) .
Html::rawElement( 'ul', [ 'class' => 'redirectText' ],
Html::rawElement( 'li', [], $link ) )
* Builds the final <a> element
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param-taint $target none
* @param string|HtmlArmor $text
* @param-taint $text escapes_html
* @param array $attribs
* @param-taint $attribs none
* @param bool $isKnown
* @param-taint $isKnown none
* @return null|string
* @return-taint escaped
private function buildAElement( $target, $text, array $attribs, $isKnown ) {
$ret = null;
if ( !$this->hookRunner->onHtmlPageLinkRendererEnd(
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgument Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
$this, $this->castToLinkTarget( $target ), $isKnown, $text, $attribs, $ret )
) {
return $ret;
return Html::rawElement( 'a', $attribs, HtmlArmor::getHtml( $text ) );
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @return string
private function getLinkText( $target ) {
$prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
// If the target is just a fragment, with no title, we return the fragment
// text. Otherwise, we return the title text itself.
if ( $prefixedText === '' && $target instanceof LinkTarget && $target->hasFragment() ) {
return $target->getFragment();
return $prefixedText;
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @param array $query Parameters you would like to add to the URL. For example, if you would
* like to add ?redirect=no&debug=1, you would set this to [ 'redirect' => 'no', 'debug' => '1' ]
* @return string non-escaped text
private function getLinkURL( $target, $query = [] ) {
if ( $this->forceArticlePath ) {
$realQuery = $query;
$query = [];
} else {
$realQuery = [];
$url = $this->castToTitle( $target )->getLinkURL( $query, false, $this->expandUrls );
if ( $this->forceArticlePath && $realQuery ) {
$url = wfAppendQuery( $url, $realQuery );
return $url;
* Normalizes the provided target
* @internal For use by Linker::getImageLinkMTOParams()
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @return LinkTarget
public function normalizeTarget( $target ) {
$target = $this->castToLinkTarget( $target );
if ( $target->getNamespace() === NS_SPECIAL && !$target->isExternal() ) {
[ $name, $subpage ] = $this->specialPageFactory->resolveAlias(
if ( $name ) {
return new TitleValue(
$this->specialPageFactory->getLocalNameFor( $name, $subpage ),
return $target;
* Merges two sets of attributes
* @param array $defaults
* @param array $attribs
* @return array
private function mergeAttribs( $defaults, $attribs ) {
if ( !$attribs ) {
return $defaults;
# Merge the custom attribs with the default ones, and iterate
# over that, deleting all "false" attributes.
$ret = [];
$merged = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $defaults, $attribs );
foreach ( $merged as $key => $val ) {
# A false value suppresses the attribute
if ( $val !== false ) {
$ret[$key] = $val;
return $ret;
* Returns CSS classes to add to a known link.
* Note that most CSS classes set on wikilinks are actually handled elsewhere (e.g. in
* makeKnownLink() or in LinkHolderArray).
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @return string CSS class
public function getLinkClasses( $target ) {
Assert::parameterType( [ LinkTarget::class, PageReference::class ], $target, '$target' );
$target = $this->castToLinkTarget( $target );
// Don't call LinkCache if the target is "non-proper"
if ( $target->isExternal() || $target->getText() === '' || $target->getNamespace() < 0 ) {
return '';
// Make sure the target is in the cache
$id = $this->linkCache->addLinkObj( $target );
if ( $id == 0 ) {
// Doesn't exist
return '';
if ( $this->linkCache->getGoodLinkFieldObj( $target, 'redirect' ) ) {
# Page is a redirect
return 'mw-redirect';
return '';
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @return Title
private function castToTitle( $target ): Title {
if ( $target instanceof LinkTarget ) {
return Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
// $target instanceof PageReference
return Title::newFromPageReference( $target );
* @param LinkTarget|PageReference $target Page that will be visited when the user clicks on the link.
* @return LinkTarget
private function castToLinkTarget( $target ): LinkTarget {
if ( $target instanceof PageReference ) {
return Title::newFromPageReference( $target );
// $target instanceof LinkTarget
return $target;