Papers by Nagihan Kırıkoğlu
![Research paper thumbnail of Profesyonel basketbolcuların fair play yönelimleri: Senaryo temelli nitel bir analiz](
Herkes için Spor ve Rekreasyon Dergisi, 2024
Bu araştırmada; profesyonel basketbolcuların fair playe uygun ve fair playe aykırı davranışlara d... more Bu araştırmada; profesyonel basketbolcuların fair playe uygun ve fair playe aykırı davranışlara dayalı ikilem öyküleri içeren senaryolar aracılığıyla fair play yönelimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Basketbol branşının, yakın temaslı yapısı dolayısıyla maç içerisinde adil ve adil olmayan davranışlarla sıkça karşılaşılabilir. Bu anlamda müsabaka anındaki kritik pozisyonlarda alınan kararlar, maçın gidişatını önemli ölçüde etkileyebilir. Araştırma, Türkiye Basketbol Ligi'nde mücadele eden 12 profesyonel basketbol oyuncusu katılımı ile nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan fenomenoloji deseni kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aşamasında, her bir sporcuya bireysel bilgi formu uygulanmıştır. Sporculara, araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan ve uzman görüşü alınarak hazırlanan; üçü fair playe uygun davranış ve üçü fair playe aykırı davranış içeren altı senaryo sunulmuştur. Sporculardan senaryoda verilen durumu "gördüklerinde, duyduklarında ve yaşadıklarında" ne hissedeceklerine dair oluşturulmuş yarı yapılandırılmış soruları yanıtlamaları istenmiştir. Veriler, tematik analiz tekniği kullanılarak tümdengelimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde tasarım konularına karar verilmesi, temaların belirlenmesi, kod geliştirme ve kodun doğrulanması ile kullanılması aşamaları sırasıyla uygulanmıştır. Sporcuların senaryolar doğrultusunda vermiş oldukları 99 cevabın "fair playe uygun davranış yönelimi" teması altında toplandığı, 117 cevabın ise "fair playe aykırı davranış yönelimi" teması altında toplandığı tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; fair ve fair playe aykırı davranışları içeren senaryolara verilen yanıtlar, sporcuların, böyle bir durumu gördüklerinde ve duyduklarında fair play anlayışına uygun davranış sergileme, ancak aynı durumu yaşadıklarında ise fair playe uygun olmayan davranış sergileme yöneliminde olduklarını göstermektedir.
![Research paper thumbnail of Ragbi sporcularının ragbi kavramına yönelik metaforik algıları](
Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2023
Rugby is a team sport that provides players with a social and healthy life, requires a high level... more Rugby is a team sport that provides players with a social and healthy life, requires a high level of physical fitness and is based on gaining ground, and is becoming increasingly popular among university students. The aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of athletes who play rugby discipline towards the concept of rugby with the help of metaphors. A total of 50 athletes, who participated in the Turkish Rugby League and inter-university competitions in the 2020-2021 season. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. While collecting the data of the study, a personal information form was applied to the athletes and the field athletes were given Rugby is like because was obtained by completing the sentence. The data were analyzed with content analysis technique. In the analysis of the data, naming, elimination, category development, ensuring validity and reliability, calculating the frequencies of the obtained metaphors, and interpreting stages were followed respectively. When the perspectives of the athletes are examined, it has been concluded that the majority of them have adopted the sports discipline they have done as an area of socialization and getting rid of the mental fatigue of daily life.
Acta Scientiae et Intellectus, 2023
Physical activity and sports for all people are a natural necessity for a healthy life, but it is... more Physical activity and sports for all people are a natural necessity for a healthy life, but it is a greater necessity and responsibility for disabled individuals. The volleyball branch, which is common in our country, especially in the list of preferences for girls, gains momentum with the successes achieved at the level of national teams and is one of the branches preferred for hearing impaired individuals. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of hearing impaired female volleyball players about the concept of volleyball through metaphors. 20 female athletes in the hearing-impaired national team camp participated in the research.
The Online Journal of Recreation and Sports, 2023
Referees, who have become an integral part of the soccer, which has gained significant prominence... more Referees, who have become an integral part of the soccer, which has gained significant prominence in the modern world, play a crucial role in making critical decisions and contribute significantly to the maintenance and enhancement of fair play during games. In this context, the aim of the study is to uncover the perceptions of soccer referees towards the concept of fair play and how they interpret this concept. The study involved 21 professional soccer referees actively officiating in various soccer leagues in the province of Ankara during the 2021-2022 season. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study.
![Research paper thumbnail of Havalı tabanca: Hedefte ne var?](
Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches ASUJSHR, 2021
Air pistol shooting is a sports branch that requires physical capacities as well as technical inf... more Air pistol shooting is a sports branch that requires physical capacities as well as technical infrastructure and high mental focus and complex skills. The aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of children who play
air pistol shooting sports towards the concept of air pistols with the help of metaphors and drawings. A total of 71 athletes who have license in this branch, participated of the selection for the Turkish youth national team
championship in the 2020-2021 season. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In obtaining the data, a personal information form was applied to each athlete and "air
pistol shooting ...... it is like this; because ...." and were asked to draw a picture reflecting their thoughts on the concept of air pistol shooting. The data collection tool was implemented by researchers. In addition, all
participants took part in the study on a voluntary basis. In the analysis of the data, the stages of naming, screening, category development, ensuring validity and reliability, calculating, interpreting and examining the
frequencies of the resulting metaphors were followed. As a result, when the points of view of athletes are examined, it is seen that the vast majority of them have adopted the sports branch they have made. As similar
studies in different branches increase, it is thought that it may be possible to understand the perspectives of athletes on sports more clearly and to evaluate the mental processes reflected in performance from a more
accurate point of view.
![Research paper thumbnail of Fair play perception in early adolescent sedentary children](
International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 2023
Considering that lifelong health behaviors are mostly acquired during adolescence, the participat... more Considering that lifelong health behaviors are mostly acquired during adolescence, the participation of individuals in early adolescence in games and sports activities at schools should be increased. It is socially important to raise awareness about developing behaviors that are in line with the spirit of fair play and instilling these behaviors in children at the earliest possible age, in addition to ensuring active participation. Thus, the aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of sedentary children in early adolescence towards the concept of fair play through metaphors and drawings. This study was carried out within the scope of phenomenology, one of the qualitative research designs, in order to determine the perceptions about the concept of fair play. A total of 71 students in the early adolescence period between the ages of 11-14, studying at secondary education levels in the city center of Ankara, participated in the study on a voluntary basis in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, In order to obtain the data, a personal information form was applied to children in early adolescence and the children were asked "Fair play is like ......; because ......" and draw a picture reflecting their thoughts on the concept of Fair play. The data collection tool was applied by the researchers themselves. Through content analysis, similar expressions were brought together under appropriate categories and presented, and the drawings made were examined. With the evaluation of the data, 67 metaphors were collected in 4 different categories, since the 4 metaphors that the children produced in total 71 metaphors did not contain any meaning. While it was determined that the participants developed metaphors in the "respect element" and "cooperation element" categories related to the concept of fair play, these categories were followed by the "friendship element" and "justice element" categories.
![Research paper thumbnail of Fair play perception of sports sciences students: Kazakhstan-Turkey comparison](
African Educational Research Journal, 2023
The unifying power of sport not only brings different cultures and people together but can also t... more The unifying power of sport not only brings different cultures and people together but can also transcend social, economic and political differences between people. The unifying power and health benefits of sport among people around the world are indisputable. However, it is important to provide the right sports education from an early age in order to use and manage sports properly and to prevent negative consequences. For this reason, this study aims to reveal the fair play perception of Kazakh and Turkish athlete students who grew up in different cultures and prefer sports sciences in their university education. A total of 56 student-athletes studying sports sciences participated in the study. Case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The data of the study were obtained by applying a personal information form to the athletes and asking them to complete the sentence "Fair play is like .../similar; because...". The data collection t...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Story of the Bow and Arrow: Through the Eyes of Children](
Education Quarterly Reviews
The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distri... more The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The Asian Institute of Research Education Quarterly Reviews is a peer-reviewed International Journal. The journal covers scholarly articles in the fields of education, linguistics, literature, educational theory, research, and methodologies, curriculum, elementary and secondary education, higher education, foreign language education, teaching and learning, teacher education, education of special groups, and other fields of study related to education. As the journal is Open Access, it ensures high visibility and the increase of citations for all research articles published. The Education Quarterly Reviews aims to facilitate scholarly work on recent theoretical and practical aspects of education.
![Research paper thumbnail of Metaphorical Perceptions of Esports Coaches to the Concept of Esports](
Sportive, Oct 15, 2022
Espor strateji ve planların yoğun olarak yer aldığı, fiziksel ve zihinsel çaba gerektiren, modern... more Espor strateji ve planların yoğun olarak yer aldığı, fiziksel ve zihinsel çaba gerektiren, modern spor ile önemli bir etkileşim içerisine girmeye başlayan ve çevrim içi oyunlar üzerine kurulu bir spor dalıdır. Branşın önemli parçalarından biri olan antrenörlerin espor kavramına yönelik metaforik algılarının ortaya çıkarılması bu araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya, 2021 yılında ülkemizde ilki gerçekleştirilen espor 1. kademe antrenörlük kursuna katılmış olan 40'ı erkek, 10'u kadın olmak üzere toplam 50 antrenör adayı katılmıştır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden fenomenoloji (olgu bilim) deseni kullanılmıştır. Verilerin elde edilmesinde, her bir antrenör adayına kişisel bilgi formu uygulanmış ve antrenör adaylarından "espor …… gibidir/benzer; çünkü ...…" cümlesini tamamlamaları istenmiştir. Veri toplama aracı bizzat araştırmacılar tarafından uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca tüm katılımcılar gönüllülük esasına dayanarak çalışmada yer almıştır. Veriler içerik analizi tekniğiyle çözümlenmiştir. Verilerin analizinde sırasıyla adlandırma, eleme, kategori geliştirme, geçerlik ve güvenirliğin sağlanması, elde edilen metaforların frekanslarının hesaplanması, yorumlanması ve yapılan çizimlerinin incelenmesi aşamaları takip edilmiştir. Her ne kadar bilgisayar oyunlarının sağlıksız olarak görülmesi espor için daha büyük problemlerin göstergesi olsa da bu araştırmada antrenör adaylarının çoğunun espor kavramına yönelik olumlu dönütler yaptığı görülmüştür. Yıllık takiplerle birlikte espor antrenörlerinin teknolojik gelişimlerle birlikte oluşabilecek antrenör ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi adına çalışmanın tekrarlanması önerilmektedir.
![Research paper thumbnail of Children's Perceptions of Basketball through Metaphors and Drawings](
Education Quarterly Reviews
In order to improve the performance of children, their physical needs as well as their mental nee... more In order to improve the performance of children, their physical needs as well as their mental needs should be known. The aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of basketball concepts of athletes attending basketball sports schools with the help of metaphors and drawings. A total of 57 athletes who trained in basketball sports schools in Ankara participated in this study. It was used qualitative research approach in this study. In obtaining the data, a personal information form was applied to each athlete and "basketball ...... it is like this; because …" and were asked to draw a picture reflecting their thoughts on the concept of basketball. All participants took part in the study on a voluntary basis. The data were analyzed by content analysis technique. As a result; it was seen athletes draw on the theme of basketball as “sports, being an element of gain and emotion.”
Books by Nagihan Kırıkoğlu
Özgür, 2023
This research explores the transformative impact of the integration of technology in basketball, ... more This research explores the transformative impact of the integration of technology in basketball, both on and off the court, from training and performance enhancement for athletes, coaches and conditioners, to data analytics for statistical coaches, administrators and spectator engagement. It also highlights the importance of the use of technology in player development, equipment development, injury prevention, pre-game and in-game strategies, and team-fan interaction, as well as the fact that technology not only improves the overall quality of basketball but also opens new avenues for growth and innovation in sport.
Papers by Nagihan Kırıkoğlu
air pistol shooting sports towards the concept of air pistols with the help of metaphors and drawings. A total of 71 athletes who have license in this branch, participated of the selection for the Turkish youth national team
championship in the 2020-2021 season. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In obtaining the data, a personal information form was applied to each athlete and "air
pistol shooting ...... it is like this; because ...." and were asked to draw a picture reflecting their thoughts on the concept of air pistol shooting. The data collection tool was implemented by researchers. In addition, all
participants took part in the study on a voluntary basis. In the analysis of the data, the stages of naming, screening, category development, ensuring validity and reliability, calculating, interpreting and examining the
frequencies of the resulting metaphors were followed. As a result, when the points of view of athletes are examined, it is seen that the vast majority of them have adopted the sports branch they have made. As similar
studies in different branches increase, it is thought that it may be possible to understand the perspectives of athletes on sports more clearly and to evaluate the mental processes reflected in performance from a more
accurate point of view.
Books by Nagihan Kırıkoğlu
air pistol shooting sports towards the concept of air pistols with the help of metaphors and drawings. A total of 71 athletes who have license in this branch, participated of the selection for the Turkish youth national team
championship in the 2020-2021 season. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In obtaining the data, a personal information form was applied to each athlete and "air
pistol shooting ...... it is like this; because ...." and were asked to draw a picture reflecting their thoughts on the concept of air pistol shooting. The data collection tool was implemented by researchers. In addition, all
participants took part in the study on a voluntary basis. In the analysis of the data, the stages of naming, screening, category development, ensuring validity and reliability, calculating, interpreting and examining the
frequencies of the resulting metaphors were followed. As a result, when the points of view of athletes are examined, it is seen that the vast majority of them have adopted the sports branch they have made. As similar
studies in different branches increase, it is thought that it may be possible to understand the perspectives of athletes on sports more clearly and to evaluate the mental processes reflected in performance from a more
accurate point of view.