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Nullpointer loading texture in LibGdx [closed]

Im trying to load a tile map created with tile. It contains a tileset which uses a png image. Loading the map throws a null pointer exception.
Matias Meroi's user avatar
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LibGDX “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION” error when recreating previously disposed Box2DLights light

I just installed the Box2DLights dependency for LibGDX and I added a cave with 2 ConeLights inside. The first time I render the cave, everything works as expected. Then when I exit the cave, I make ...
TJRC's user avatar
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How should I handle exceptions in libGDX?

I want to keep my game running as much as possible for the user, obviously. They would be dissapointed if the game suddenly quits without leaving any notice behind, and it would be difficult for them ...
Matt Y's user avatar
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Libgdx problem while converting TextureRegion to Pixmap

I'm developping a Tile base game where I have to generate transition tiles. To do so, I have a method that generate those tiles from 2 existing one and 1 "filter tile". I use this method to make a ...
QuentinR's user avatar