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-2 votes
2 answers

How to develop a PBBG?

I enjoy playing a lot of text-based PBBGs (Persisent Browsing Based Games). A good example of the style of game I'm referring to is lyrania. I would like to work on developing this style game but have ...
Shniper's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

How to set up a client-server architecture for a browser based game [closed]

I'm really curious about how to set up a game so like Hayday or Clash Of Clans, especially with regards towards the server-client architecture. How does one set up such an artitecture? What are the ...
huuloc's user avatar
  • 3
3 votes
3 answers

How does server code modify game state on the server while still accepting additional server game calls

Question first, then explanation second. How can a webservice backend to a game modify and alter the server game state while the game simultaneously accepts webservice calls from other users of the ...
pghprogrammer4's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Browser based MMO [closed]

We are a team of 4 trying to develop a browser based MMORPG. Its partially text based in a way like Might and Magic. The world map would be in 3D and actions would be automatically resolved. The game ...
maverick340's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Synchronize turn based browser game

I'm writing a browser game in php and Sql. I'm also using Javascript - Ajax and Mysql. I'm stack on the battle system because I want to Synchronize the turns of the players in the battle. What I ...
tendril89's user avatar