ETONDE NJAYOU Winnie Patricia
ETONDE NJAYOU Winnie Patricia est une Docteure (PH.D.) en Science Politique, spécialisée en socio-anthropologie dont les travaux portent sur les adaptations des chefferies traditionnelles à la gouvernance coloniale et néo-coloniale à travers le temps, l’espace et les rapports de force qui en découlent. Ses recherches et ses écrits sont enracinés dans les changements survenus au sein des sociétés traditionnelles camerounaises et traversent les domaines de l’anthropologie, de la sociologie, des études autochtones ainsi que de l’administration publique. Ses recherches récentes portent sur l’administration coloniale allemande et les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun au Cameroun.
Ses publications portent sur :
- Les chefferies traditionnelles entre tradition et modernité au Cameroun : Le cas du Royaume Bamoun (Thèse de Master - 2017).
- La continuité du colonialisme occidental au Cameroun sous le prisme des pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Bamoun et Duala ( Revue Internationale de Droit et Science Politique (R.I.D.S.P.), Vol. 2, N.11 - Novembre 2022).
- L’administration coloniale allemande et les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun (1884-1916) : Une analyse de l’histoire politique du Cameroun (Thèse de Doctorat - 2023).
Supervisors: Pr. KAPTCHOUANG Célestin and Pr. AKONO EVANG Serge
Phone: 652590305
Address: B.P. 2834
Ses publications portent sur :
- Les chefferies traditionnelles entre tradition et modernité au Cameroun : Le cas du Royaume Bamoun (Thèse de Master - 2017).
- La continuité du colonialisme occidental au Cameroun sous le prisme des pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Bamoun et Duala ( Revue Internationale de Droit et Science Politique (R.I.D.S.P.), Vol. 2, N.11 - Novembre 2022).
- L’administration coloniale allemande et les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun (1884-1916) : Une analyse de l’histoire politique du Cameroun (Thèse de Doctorat - 2023).
Supervisors: Pr. KAPTCHOUANG Célestin and Pr. AKONO EVANG Serge
Phone: 652590305
Address: B.P. 2834
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Papers by ETONDE NJAYOU Winnie Patricia
Après avoir été confrontés aux transformations induites par les colonisations allemande, française puis britannique, les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Bamoun et Duala vont se heurter aux mutations introduites par/dans l’Etat postcolonial camerounais.
La logique de continuité va se traduire par un processus de réappropriation et d’adaptation des réalités sociologiques locales telles que la tribu, les langues vernaculaires, ou encore la territorialité. Au nom de la récupération des ressources politiques nationales, il s’en suit un renforcement des divisions et des fragmentations au sein des communautés.
Mots-clés : Colonisation, Continuité, Division, Chefferies, Bamoun, Duala, Cameroun
Le présent rapport est rédigé à la suite du stage académique effectué à l’Agence Nationale de Radioprotection (ANRP) qui est une structure parapublique créée par décret présidentiel N° 2002/250 du 31 octobre 2002. Notre passage dans cet établissement nous a permis d’avoir de plus amples connaissances sur l’application de la réglementation en matière de radioprotection au Cameroun et son apport certain dans les domaines médical et industriel entre autres.
Notre rapport est structuré en deux parties. La première partie présente l’Agence Nationale de Radioprotection (ANRP) et la seconde partie a pour but de démontrer que ses performances ont été optimisées grâce au bon management des équipes de projets.
Notre rapport a été rédigé grâce aux cours de management et de gestion des projets, aux observations faites lors de notre stage et aux documents internes de l’entreprise. Celui-ci est divisé en deux parties comportant chacune deux chapitres.
This report is written following the academic internship carried out at the National Agency for Radioprotection which is a parastatal structure created by presidential decree N° 2002/250 of October 31, 2002. Our stay in this establishment allowed us to have more extensive knowledge on the application of radioprotection regulations in Cameroon ans its definite contribution in the medical and industrial fields among others.
Our report is structured in two parts. The first part presents the National Agency for Radioprotection (ANRP) and the second part aims to demonstrate that its performance has been optimized thanks to the good management of the project teams.
Our report was written thanks to management and project management courses, observations made during our internship and internal documents. It is divided into two parts, each with two chapters.
L’intérêt de notre travail exige que l’on montre au fur et à mesure comment se passe le processus d’expatriation au cours de la mobilité internationale. Ce travail propose d’analyser les différents cas d’expatriation que l’on peut rencontrer et quelles solutions peuvent etre proposées suivant des cas pratiques donnés.
Pour illustrer ce travail, le recours à une double approche méthodologique a été impératif : L’approche interactionniste dans sa mise en exergue des relations interindividuelles et l’approche culturaliste et historique, tente une description des cas pratiques de mobilité internationale sous les points de vue de l’histoire et de la psychanalyse. C’est sur cette base que notre travail a été construit en deux parties. La première partie est titrée : « Les règlements internationaux en matière de sécurité sociale » et la seconde partie quant à elle est intitulée « La protection sociale des expatriés : cas du Cameroun ».
Mots-clés : Mobilité internationale, Protection sociale, Expatriés, Sécurité sociale.
L’intérêt de notre travail exige que l’on montre au fur et à mesure les transformations subies par le royaume bamoun tant du point de vue politique, économique et social durant la période de la colonisation et celle de l’arrivée de la démocratie en Afrique dans les années 1990. Ce travail propose d’analyser les obstacles et les changements encourus par le royaume bamoun et de mettre en lumière comment la société bamoun est devenue prismatique à l’instar de la société camerounaise elle-même. Ceci s’explique par la prise en compte des besoins des populations qui se trouvaient unifiées au sein du royaume bamoun et qui tiraient aussi bénéfice de l’administration.
Pour illustrer ce travail, le recours à une triple approche méthodologique a été impératif : l’approche culturaliste et historique, tente une description de la société sous les points de vue conjugués de l’anthropologie et de la psychanalyse. L’interactionnisme, a été aussi mobilisée dans sa mise en exergue des relations interindividuelles. La troisième et dernière méthode qui est le constructivisme se fonde sur le postulat selon lequel le monde d’objets est investi de sens et de significations. C’est sur cette base que notre travail a été construit en deux parties : la première partie est titrée : « Un royaume adossé à la survivance des traditions » et la seconde partie quant à elle est intitulée « Un royaume stratégiquement réceptif au modernisme ».
Mots Clés : Chefferies traditionnelles, Tradition, Modernité, Royaume Bamoun.
Drafts by ETONDE NJAYOU Winnie Patricia
From 1884 to 1916, the traditional political powers Bamoun and Douala were subjected to the influence of the German colonial administration. This has been demonstrated by the profound restructuring of their political, economic and socio-cultural organizations. In this perspective, we went further by demonstrating that the German colonial administration has also undergone significant changes due to their exchanges with Sultan NJOYA and the Duala chiefs. We also took an interest in this socio-political phenomenon under the theme : « The German colonial administration and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun : Analysis of the political history of Cameroon ». The interest of our work demands that the degree of mutual influence between the German colonial administrators and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun be shown gradually. This work proposes to analyze the dynamics and the logics of implantation and domination that the German colonial administration had on these two traditional political entities. Moreover, the German colonial administration had to adapt to the local realities of the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun. To illustrate this work, the use of a double methodological approach was imperative : the historical approach will allow us to trace the German colonial period in Cameroon, but also through diachrony and synchrony, to appreciate the influence that German colonization had on the traditional societies Duala and Bamoun. The comparative approach will aim to highlight how the German settlers came into contact with the traditional chiefdoms raised, and how the latter participated positively or negatively in the expansion of this conquest. Second, it will allow us to ask ourselves where is the relevance of such openness for the transformation and evolution of these traditional societies over time. Finally, whether all the actors of this colonial period could be highlighted and their exact roles. It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts.
The first part is titled : « The domination of the German colonial administration over the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun » and the second part is titled : “The relative influence of traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun on the German colonial administration.”
The International Dictionary of Psychology defines the "father figure" as à man to whom a person admires and treats as a father 1 ." The APA Concise Dictionary of Psychology offers a broader definition : a substitute for a person's biological father, who performs typical paternal functions and serves as an object of identification and attachment. Father figures can include people such as adoptive fathers, stepfathers , older brothers, teachers and others." This dictionary goes on to say that the term is synonymous with surrogate father 2. The first definition suggests that the term applies to every man, while the second excludes biological fathers. As a primary caregiver, a father or father figure plays a key role in a child's life. Attachment theory provides insight into how children relate to their father and when they are looking for a distinct "father figure." According to a 2010 study by POSADA and KALOUSTIAN, how an infant models attachment to the caregiver has a direct impact on how the infant reacts to others 3. These attachment-driven responses can persist throughout life. Studies by PARKE and CLARK-STEWART (2011) and LAMB (2010) have shown that fathers are more likely than mothers to engage in chaotic play with children 4 .
Résumé : Le protectorat allemand prend officiellement fin en 1919 avec la signature du traité de Versailles et il va introduire la période du mandat francais au Cameroun. Comme toutes les autres structures traditionnelles, les pouvoirs politiques locaux Bamoun et Duala vont également être confrontées aux transformations indues à ce changement de régime.
« Na » NJAPDOUNKE is the regent, with the help of the great servant GBENTKOM NDOMBOUO.
This report follows the academic internship at the National Agency for Radiation Protection, which is a para-state structure created by Presidential Decree No. 2002/250 of 31 October 2002. Our stay at this establishment has allowed us to have more extensive knowledge about the application of radiation protection regulations in Cameroon and its definite contribution in the medical and industrial fields among others.
Our report is in two parts. The first part presents the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP) and the second part aims to demonstrate that its performance has been optimized thanks to the good management of the project teams.
Our report was written through management and project management courses, observations made during our internship, and internal documents. It is divided into two parts, each with two chapters.
International mobility can be understood as occupational change which involves a temporary establishment in a country other than the country of origin. It covers various facets. We will talk about expatriation when a Cameroonian employee is appointed abroad. We also took an interest in this social phenomenon under the theme : « The social protection of expatriates within the framework of international mobility ».
The interest of our work requires that we show as and when the process of expatriation takes place during international mobility. This work proposes to analyse the different expatriation cases that can be encountered and what solutions can be proposed according to given practical cases.
To illustrate this work, the use of a dual methodological approach was imperative :
The interactive approach in its highlighting of inter-individual relationships and the culturalist and historical approach, attempts a description of the practical cases of international mobility from the point of view of history and psychoanalysis. It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts. The first part is entitled “International Social Security Regulations” and the second part is entitled “The Social Protection of Expatriates : Case of Cameroon”.
Keywords : International mobility, Social protection, Expatriates, Social security.
Traditional chieftaincies can be understood as a tool of transmission between the central power and the local populations because they have had to face modernity and modernity and develop strategies for survival from the period of colonization to the present day, through the period of democratization in Africa since 1990. In this perspective, the Bamoun kingdom is nowadays considered as one of the most authentic traditional structures to have endured and preserved its traditions and customs while adapting to modernity. Therefore, we Also, we are interested in this socio-political phenomenon under the theme: "Traditional chieftaincies in Cameroon between tradition and modernity: the case of the Bamoun kingdom".
The interest of our work requires that we show progressively the transformations undergone by the Bamoun kingdom from a political, economic and social point of view during the period of colonization and that of the arrival of democracy in Africa in the 1990s. This work proposes to analyze the obstacles and changes experienced by the Bamoun kingdom and to highlight how Bamoun society has become prismatic like Cameroonian society. The same way as Cameroonian society itself. This can be explained by taking into account the needs of the people who were unified within the Bamoun kingdom and who also benefited from and who also benefited from the administration.
In order to illustrate this work, a triple methodological approach was used the cultural and historical approach attempts to describe the society from the combined points of view of the anthropology and psychoanalysis. Interactionism, has been also mobilized in its emphasis on inter-individual relations. The third and last method which is the constructivism is based on the postulate according to which the world of objects is invested of sense and meanings. It is on this basis that our work was the first part is titled: "A kingdom leaning on the survival of traditions" and the second part is entitled “A kingdom strategically receptive to modernism.”
Key words: Traditional chieftaincies, Tradition, Modernity, Bamoun Kingdom.
Après avoir été confrontés aux transformations induites par les colonisations allemande, française puis britannique, les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Bamoun et Duala vont se heurter aux mutations introduites par/dans l’Etat postcolonial camerounais.
La logique de continuité va se traduire par un processus de réappropriation et d’adaptation des réalités sociologiques locales telles que la tribu, les langues vernaculaires, ou encore la territorialité. Au nom de la récupération des ressources politiques nationales, il s’en suit un renforcement des divisions et des fragmentations au sein des communautés.
Mots-clés : Colonisation, Continuité, Division, Chefferies, Bamoun, Duala, Cameroun
Le présent rapport est rédigé à la suite du stage académique effectué à l’Agence Nationale de Radioprotection (ANRP) qui est une structure parapublique créée par décret présidentiel N° 2002/250 du 31 octobre 2002. Notre passage dans cet établissement nous a permis d’avoir de plus amples connaissances sur l’application de la réglementation en matière de radioprotection au Cameroun et son apport certain dans les domaines médical et industriel entre autres.
Notre rapport est structuré en deux parties. La première partie présente l’Agence Nationale de Radioprotection (ANRP) et la seconde partie a pour but de démontrer que ses performances ont été optimisées grâce au bon management des équipes de projets.
Notre rapport a été rédigé grâce aux cours de management et de gestion des projets, aux observations faites lors de notre stage et aux documents internes de l’entreprise. Celui-ci est divisé en deux parties comportant chacune deux chapitres.
This report is written following the academic internship carried out at the National Agency for Radioprotection which is a parastatal structure created by presidential decree N° 2002/250 of October 31, 2002. Our stay in this establishment allowed us to have more extensive knowledge on the application of radioprotection regulations in Cameroon ans its definite contribution in the medical and industrial fields among others.
Our report is structured in two parts. The first part presents the National Agency for Radioprotection (ANRP) and the second part aims to demonstrate that its performance has been optimized thanks to the good management of the project teams.
Our report was written thanks to management and project management courses, observations made during our internship and internal documents. It is divided into two parts, each with two chapters.
L’intérêt de notre travail exige que l’on montre au fur et à mesure comment se passe le processus d’expatriation au cours de la mobilité internationale. Ce travail propose d’analyser les différents cas d’expatriation que l’on peut rencontrer et quelles solutions peuvent etre proposées suivant des cas pratiques donnés.
Pour illustrer ce travail, le recours à une double approche méthodologique a été impératif : L’approche interactionniste dans sa mise en exergue des relations interindividuelles et l’approche culturaliste et historique, tente une description des cas pratiques de mobilité internationale sous les points de vue de l’histoire et de la psychanalyse. C’est sur cette base que notre travail a été construit en deux parties. La première partie est titrée : « Les règlements internationaux en matière de sécurité sociale » et la seconde partie quant à elle est intitulée « La protection sociale des expatriés : cas du Cameroun ».
Mots-clés : Mobilité internationale, Protection sociale, Expatriés, Sécurité sociale.
L’intérêt de notre travail exige que l’on montre au fur et à mesure les transformations subies par le royaume bamoun tant du point de vue politique, économique et social durant la période de la colonisation et celle de l’arrivée de la démocratie en Afrique dans les années 1990. Ce travail propose d’analyser les obstacles et les changements encourus par le royaume bamoun et de mettre en lumière comment la société bamoun est devenue prismatique à l’instar de la société camerounaise elle-même. Ceci s’explique par la prise en compte des besoins des populations qui se trouvaient unifiées au sein du royaume bamoun et qui tiraient aussi bénéfice de l’administration.
Pour illustrer ce travail, le recours à une triple approche méthodologique a été impératif : l’approche culturaliste et historique, tente une description de la société sous les points de vue conjugués de l’anthropologie et de la psychanalyse. L’interactionnisme, a été aussi mobilisée dans sa mise en exergue des relations interindividuelles. La troisième et dernière méthode qui est le constructivisme se fonde sur le postulat selon lequel le monde d’objets est investi de sens et de significations. C’est sur cette base que notre travail a été construit en deux parties : la première partie est titrée : « Un royaume adossé à la survivance des traditions » et la seconde partie quant à elle est intitulée « Un royaume stratégiquement réceptif au modernisme ».
Mots Clés : Chefferies traditionnelles, Tradition, Modernité, Royaume Bamoun.
From 1884 to 1916, the traditional political powers Bamoun and Douala were subjected to the influence of the German colonial administration. This has been demonstrated by the profound restructuring of their political, economic and socio-cultural organizations. In this perspective, we went further by demonstrating that the German colonial administration has also undergone significant changes due to their exchanges with Sultan NJOYA and the Duala chiefs. We also took an interest in this socio-political phenomenon under the theme : « The German colonial administration and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun : Analysis of the political history of Cameroon ». The interest of our work demands that the degree of mutual influence between the German colonial administrators and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun be shown gradually. This work proposes to analyze the dynamics and the logics of implantation and domination that the German colonial administration had on these two traditional political entities. Moreover, the German colonial administration had to adapt to the local realities of the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun. To illustrate this work, the use of a double methodological approach was imperative : the historical approach will allow us to trace the German colonial period in Cameroon, but also through diachrony and synchrony, to appreciate the influence that German colonization had on the traditional societies Duala and Bamoun. The comparative approach will aim to highlight how the German settlers came into contact with the traditional chiefdoms raised, and how the latter participated positively or negatively in the expansion of this conquest. Second, it will allow us to ask ourselves where is the relevance of such openness for the transformation and evolution of these traditional societies over time. Finally, whether all the actors of this colonial period could be highlighted and their exact roles. It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts.
The first part is titled : « The domination of the German colonial administration over the traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun » and the second part is titled : “The relative influence of traditional political powers Duala and Bamoun on the German colonial administration.”
The International Dictionary of Psychology defines the "father figure" as à man to whom a person admires and treats as a father 1 ." The APA Concise Dictionary of Psychology offers a broader definition : a substitute for a person's biological father, who performs typical paternal functions and serves as an object of identification and attachment. Father figures can include people such as adoptive fathers, stepfathers , older brothers, teachers and others." This dictionary goes on to say that the term is synonymous with surrogate father 2. The first definition suggests that the term applies to every man, while the second excludes biological fathers. As a primary caregiver, a father or father figure plays a key role in a child's life. Attachment theory provides insight into how children relate to their father and when they are looking for a distinct "father figure." According to a 2010 study by POSADA and KALOUSTIAN, how an infant models attachment to the caregiver has a direct impact on how the infant reacts to others 3. These attachment-driven responses can persist throughout life. Studies by PARKE and CLARK-STEWART (2011) and LAMB (2010) have shown that fathers are more likely than mothers to engage in chaotic play with children 4 .
Résumé : Le protectorat allemand prend officiellement fin en 1919 avec la signature du traité de Versailles et il va introduire la période du mandat francais au Cameroun. Comme toutes les autres structures traditionnelles, les pouvoirs politiques locaux Bamoun et Duala vont également être confrontées aux transformations indues à ce changement de régime.
« Na » NJAPDOUNKE is the regent, with the help of the great servant GBENTKOM NDOMBOUO.
This report follows the academic internship at the National Agency for Radiation Protection, which is a para-state structure created by Presidential Decree No. 2002/250 of 31 October 2002. Our stay at this establishment has allowed us to have more extensive knowledge about the application of radiation protection regulations in Cameroon and its definite contribution in the medical and industrial fields among others.
Our report is in two parts. The first part presents the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP) and the second part aims to demonstrate that its performance has been optimized thanks to the good management of the project teams.
Our report was written through management and project management courses, observations made during our internship, and internal documents. It is divided into two parts, each with two chapters.
International mobility can be understood as occupational change which involves a temporary establishment in a country other than the country of origin. It covers various facets. We will talk about expatriation when a Cameroonian employee is appointed abroad. We also took an interest in this social phenomenon under the theme : « The social protection of expatriates within the framework of international mobility ».
The interest of our work requires that we show as and when the process of expatriation takes place during international mobility. This work proposes to analyse the different expatriation cases that can be encountered and what solutions can be proposed according to given practical cases.
To illustrate this work, the use of a dual methodological approach was imperative :
The interactive approach in its highlighting of inter-individual relationships and the culturalist and historical approach, attempts a description of the practical cases of international mobility from the point of view of history and psychoanalysis. It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts. The first part is entitled “International Social Security Regulations” and the second part is entitled “The Social Protection of Expatriates : Case of Cameroon”.
Keywords : International mobility, Social protection, Expatriates, Social security.
Traditional chieftaincies can be understood as a tool of transmission between the central power and the local populations because they have had to face modernity and modernity and develop strategies for survival from the period of colonization to the present day, through the period of democratization in Africa since 1990. In this perspective, the Bamoun kingdom is nowadays considered as one of the most authentic traditional structures to have endured and preserved its traditions and customs while adapting to modernity. Therefore, we Also, we are interested in this socio-political phenomenon under the theme: "Traditional chieftaincies in Cameroon between tradition and modernity: the case of the Bamoun kingdom".
The interest of our work requires that we show progressively the transformations undergone by the Bamoun kingdom from a political, economic and social point of view during the period of colonization and that of the arrival of democracy in Africa in the 1990s. This work proposes to analyze the obstacles and changes experienced by the Bamoun kingdom and to highlight how Bamoun society has become prismatic like Cameroonian society. The same way as Cameroonian society itself. This can be explained by taking into account the needs of the people who were unified within the Bamoun kingdom and who also benefited from and who also benefited from the administration.
In order to illustrate this work, a triple methodological approach was used the cultural and historical approach attempts to describe the society from the combined points of view of the anthropology and psychoanalysis. Interactionism, has been also mobilized in its emphasis on inter-individual relations. The third and last method which is the constructivism is based on the postulate according to which the world of objects is invested of sense and meanings. It is on this basis that our work was the first part is titled: "A kingdom leaning on the survival of traditions" and the second part is entitled “A kingdom strategically receptive to modernism.”
Key words: Traditional chieftaincies, Tradition, Modernity, Bamoun Kingdom.
Le protectorat allemand prend officiellement fin en 1919 avec la signature du traité de Versailles et il va introduire la période du mandat français is au Cameroun. Comme toutes les autres structures traditionnelles, les pouvoirs politiques locaux Bamoun et Duala vont également être confrontées aux transformations indues à ce changement de régime.
Abstract :
The German protectorate officially ends in 1919 with the signing of the Threaty of Versailles and it will introduce the period of French Mandate in Cameroon. Like all the other traditional structures, the local political powers Bamoun and Duala will also be confronted with the transformations caused by this change of regime.
Mots-clés : Protectorat Allemand, Cameroun, Pouvoirs Politiques Locaux Bamoun et Duala.
Keywords : German Protectorate, Cameroon, Local Political Powers Bamoun and Duala.
The interest of our work demands that the degree of mutual influence between the German colonial administration and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamum be gradually shown. This work proposes to analyze the dynamics and the logics of implantation and domination that the German colonial administration had on these two traditional political entities. Moreover, this same German colonial administration had to adapt to the local realities of the traditional Duala and Bamumpolitical powers.
It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts. The first part is entitled: « The domination of the German colonial administration over the traditional political powers of Duala and Bamum » and the second part is entitled:« The relative influence of the traditional political powers of Bamun and Duala on the German colonial administration ».
Key Words: German colonial administration, Bamun and Duala Traditional Political Powers, Political History.
L’intérêt de notre travail exige que l’on montre au fur et à mesure le degré d’influence mutuelle entre les administrateurs coloniaux allemands et les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun. Ce travail propose d’analyser les dynamiques et les logiques d’implantation et de domination que l’administration coloniale allemande a eue sur ces deux entités politiques traditionnelles. Par ailleurs, l’administration coloniale allemande a dû s’adapter aux réalités locales des pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun.
C’est sur cette base que notre travail a été construit en deux parties. La première partie est titrée : « La domination de l’administration coloniale allemande sur les pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun » et la seconde partie quant à elle est intitulée : « L’influence relative des pouvoirs politiques traditionnels Duala et Bamun sur l’administration coloniale allemande ».
From 1884 to 1916, the traditional powers Duala and Bamum were subject to the influence of the German colonial administration. This was manifested in the profound restructuring of their political, economic and socio-cultural organizations. In this perspective, we went further by demonstrating that the German colonial administration has also undergone significant changes as a result of their exchanges with Sultan NJOYA and Duala chiefs. We have also being interested in this socio-political phenomenon under the theme : « The German colonial administration and the traditional powers Duala and Bamun : An analysis of Cameroon’s political history ».
The interest of our work demands that the degree of mutual influence between the German colonial administration and the traditional political powers Duala and Bamum be gradually shown. This work proposes to analyze the dynamics and the logics of implantation and domination that the German colonial administration had on these two traditional political entities. Moreover, this same German colonial administration had to adapt to the local realities of the traditional Duala and Bamum political powers.
It is on this basis that our work was built in two parts. The first part is entitled: « The domination of the German colonial administration over the traditional political powers of Duala and Bamum » and the second part is entitled: « The relative influence of the traditional political powers of Bamun and Duala on the German colonial administration ».