Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) prenesena je u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo Zakonom ... more Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) prenesena je u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo Zakonom o tržistu toplinske energije („Narodne novine“ broj 80/13, 14/14 i 95/15) i Zakonom o energetskoj ucinkovitosti („Narodne novine“ broj 127/14). Zakonom o tržistu toplinske energije te relevantnim podzakonskim aktima propisano je da se u sve stambene/poslovne prostore spojene na zajednicko mjerilo toplinske energije u određenim rokovima moraju ugraditi elektronicki razdjelnici troskova toplinske energije (u nastavku teksta skraceno RTTE) ili mjerila toplinske energije i termostatski radijatorski ventili. RTTE prema normi HRN EN 834:2014 definira se kao uređaj za evidentiranje razmjernog dijela toplinske energije odane preko ogrjevnih tijela unutar samostalnih uporabnih cjelina. U ovoj studiji se analiziraju relevantni aspekti primjene odredbi Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) u Hrvatskoj.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2018
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Uslijed nedostatka odgovarajuce strucno osposobljenih radnika na hrvatskom tržistu, prepoznata je... more Uslijed nedostatka odgovarajuce strucno osposobljenih radnika na hrvatskom tržistu, prepoznata je potreba za edukacijom/specijalizacijom/usavrsavanjem radne snage (obrtnici, poduzetnici) za energetski ucinkovitu obnovu i gradnju objekata te ugradnju i održavanje tehnickih sustava, koji ce time jamciti kvalitetnu izvedbu. Time su kreirane mjere (preporuke) kojima bi se omogucilo vrednovanje kvalificirane radne snage na tržistu, kako bi građevinski sektor prepoznao svoj interes u ulaganje resursa u kontinuiranu izobrazbu svojih zaposlenika o energetskoj ucinkovitosti. U sklopu dokumenta “Analiza stanja radnika u zgradarstvu u podrucju energetske ucinkovitosti i obnovljivih izvora energije u Republici Hrvatskoj" iz veljace 2013 definirane su potreba i mogucnosti povecanja kvalificirane radne snage u građevinskom sektoru radi poboljsanja energetske ucinkovitosti u zgradama kao temelj za razvoj konacnog dokumenta - Nacionalne smjernice za kontinuiranu izobrazbu građevinskih radnika ...
Preliminary note Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with s... more Preliminary note Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum box was investigated experimentally. Two different cases of diffuser plenum box design were used: plenum box with perforated plate and plenum box without perforated plate. Air jet velocities were measured under isothermal conditions circumferentially around a diffuser. It was found that the jets in both cases were radially asymmetric. A simple method of quantifying radial asymmetry of the jet was proposed and used to compare two cases. Analysis showed that the jet issuing from the diffuser with plenum box that has a perforated plate is somewhat more symmetric. Utjecaj konstrukcije priključne kutije vrtložnog difuzora na uniformnost radijalnog zračnog mlaza Prethodno priopćenje Mjerenjem brzine zraka istraživana je asimetrija istrujavanja zračnog mlaza iz vrtložnog difuzora s priključnom kutijom i horizontalnim priključkom. Mjerenja su vršena dvjema različitim konstrukcijama priključne kutije: priključna kutija sa perforiranim limom za umirenje i priključna kutija bez lima za umirenje. Brzine mlaza su mjerene u uvjetima izotermnog istrujavanja, kružno oko difuzora. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su mlazovi u oba slučaja bili radijalno asimetrični. Jednostavna metoda za kvantificiranje radijalne asimetrije mlaza je predložena i upotrebljena za usporedbu dvaju slučajeva. Analiza je pokazala da je mlaz koji istrujava iz difuzora s priključnom kutijom sa perforiranim limom za umirenje nešto simetričniji.
Extensive analysis of flat-plate radiative panels operation using average hourly weather data for... more Extensive analysis of flat-plate radiative panels operation using average hourly weather data for a maritime climate region was performed. The panels are integrated in the spaceventilation system with air-cooling by means of a cold-water coil. Their primary function is to prepare sufficient quantity of cold water, integrating radiative and convective cooling, that is collected in the cold-water tank during the nighttime operation. That cold water is used for cooling of the air during daytime. By small modification during daytime, solar panels could be turned into collectors and used to produce the hot water that is collected in a separate tank. A simulation model for the parametric analysis of the system in summer operating conditions and influence of its components on the system’s operation was developed. The model includes the control of the system’s operation, which prevents water circulation in the periods without cooling/heating contributions. The purpose of the research was to...
Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum ... more Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum box was investigated experimentally. Two different cases of diffuser plenum box design were used: plenum box with perforated plate and plenum box without perforated plate. Air jet velocities were measured under isothermal conditions circumferentially around diffuser. It was found that the jets in both cases were radially asymmetric. A simple method of quantifying radial asymmetry of the jet was proposed and used to compare two cases. Analysis showed that the jet issuing from the diffuser with plenum box that has perforated plate is somewhat more symmetric.
Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) prenesena je u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo Zakonom ... more Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) prenesena je u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo Zakonom o tržistu toplinske energije („Narodne novine“ broj 80/13, 14/14 i 95/15) i Zakonom o energetskoj ucinkovitosti („Narodne novine“ broj 127/14). Zakonom o tržistu toplinske energije te relevantnim podzakonskim aktima propisano je da se u sve stambene/poslovne prostore spojene na zajednicko mjerilo toplinske energije u određenim rokovima moraju ugraditi elektronicki razdjelnici troskova toplinske energije (u nastavku teksta skraceno RTTE) ili mjerila toplinske energije i termostatski radijatorski ventili. RTTE prema normi HRN EN 834:2014 definira se kao uređaj za evidentiranje razmjernog dijela toplinske energije odane preko ogrjevnih tijela unutar samostalnih uporabnih cjelina. U ovoj studiji se analiziraju relevantni aspekti primjene odredbi Direktiva o energetskoj ucinkovitosti (2012/27/EU) u Hrvatskoj.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2018
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereb... more Influential factors on the energy consumption can be defined as physical and non-physical, whereby the non-physical include behavioural aspects, individual cost allocation, demographic factors, the daily use schedule of heated space and others. Previous analyses and models have predominantly taken into consideration only physical factors. In this paper, analyses of heat consumption for 6 heating seasons based on the data supplied by the district heating companies was made. Also, the influence of the calculation formula on invoicing to individual consumers with the installed heat cost allocators is analysed. This analyses is based on the measured consumption data from about 3.800 households in 56 buildings in different Croatian cities. Results show the decrease in final energy use of about 28 % in average, and indicating that there is a significant influence of the heat cost allocators.
Uslijed nedostatka odgovarajuce strucno osposobljenih radnika na hrvatskom tržistu, prepoznata je... more Uslijed nedostatka odgovarajuce strucno osposobljenih radnika na hrvatskom tržistu, prepoznata je potreba za edukacijom/specijalizacijom/usavrsavanjem radne snage (obrtnici, poduzetnici) za energetski ucinkovitu obnovu i gradnju objekata te ugradnju i održavanje tehnickih sustava, koji ce time jamciti kvalitetnu izvedbu. Time su kreirane mjere (preporuke) kojima bi se omogucilo vrednovanje kvalificirane radne snage na tržistu, kako bi građevinski sektor prepoznao svoj interes u ulaganje resursa u kontinuiranu izobrazbu svojih zaposlenika o energetskoj ucinkovitosti. U sklopu dokumenta “Analiza stanja radnika u zgradarstvu u podrucju energetske ucinkovitosti i obnovljivih izvora energije u Republici Hrvatskoj" iz veljace 2013 definirane su potreba i mogucnosti povecanja kvalificirane radne snage u građevinskom sektoru radi poboljsanja energetske ucinkovitosti u zgradama kao temelj za razvoj konacnog dokumenta - Nacionalne smjernice za kontinuiranu izobrazbu građevinskih radnika ...
Preliminary note Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with s... more Preliminary note Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum box was investigated experimentally. Two different cases of diffuser plenum box design were used: plenum box with perforated plate and plenum box without perforated plate. Air jet velocities were measured under isothermal conditions circumferentially around a diffuser. It was found that the jets in both cases were radially asymmetric. A simple method of quantifying radial asymmetry of the jet was proposed and used to compare two cases. Analysis showed that the jet issuing from the diffuser with plenum box that has a perforated plate is somewhat more symmetric. Utjecaj konstrukcije priključne kutije vrtložnog difuzora na uniformnost radijalnog zračnog mlaza Prethodno priopćenje Mjerenjem brzine zraka istraživana je asimetrija istrujavanja zračnog mlaza iz vrtložnog difuzora s priključnom kutijom i horizontalnim priključkom. Mjerenja su vršena dvjema različitim konstrukcijama priključne kutije: priključna kutija sa perforiranim limom za umirenje i priključna kutija bez lima za umirenje. Brzine mlaza su mjerene u uvjetima izotermnog istrujavanja, kružno oko difuzora. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su mlazovi u oba slučaja bili radijalno asimetrični. Jednostavna metoda za kvantificiranje radijalne asimetrije mlaza je predložena i upotrebljena za usporedbu dvaju slučajeva. Analiza je pokazala da je mlaz koji istrujava iz difuzora s priključnom kutijom sa perforiranim limom za umirenje nešto simetričniji.
Extensive analysis of flat-plate radiative panels operation using average hourly weather data for... more Extensive analysis of flat-plate radiative panels operation using average hourly weather data for a maritime climate region was performed. The panels are integrated in the spaceventilation system with air-cooling by means of a cold-water coil. Their primary function is to prepare sufficient quantity of cold water, integrating radiative and convective cooling, that is collected in the cold-water tank during the nighttime operation. That cold water is used for cooling of the air during daytime. By small modification during daytime, solar panels could be turned into collectors and used to produce the hot water that is collected in a separate tank. A simulation model for the parametric analysis of the system in summer operating conditions and influence of its components on the system’s operation was developed. The model includes the control of the system’s operation, which prevents water circulation in the periods without cooling/heating contributions. The purpose of the research was to...
Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum ... more Uniformity of the radial air jet issuing from the ceiling vortex diffuser with side entry plenum box was investigated experimentally. Two different cases of diffuser plenum box design were used: plenum box with perforated plate and plenum box without perforated plate. Air jet velocities were measured under isothermal conditions circumferentially around diffuser. It was found that the jets in both cases were radially asymmetric. A simple method of quantifying radial asymmetry of the jet was proposed and used to compare two cases. Analysis showed that the jet issuing from the diffuser with plenum box that has perforated plate is somewhat more symmetric.
Papers by Igor Balen