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Filippo Baldinucci's Notizie de' Professori del Disegno, Da Cimabue in qua, Secolo V. dal 1610. al 1670. Distinto in Decennali (or Notice of the Professors of Design, from Cimabue to now, from 1610-1670) was a major art biography of Baroque painters. Written by the erudite florentine professor of the Accademia della Crusca, it is often verbose and rife with factual errors; however, it is a broad compendium of stories about generally contemporaneous Baroque painters. It is interesting to note dozens of Flemish and Dutch, including Rembrandt, painters were known to Baldinucci. The posthumous edition (1681) includes (in order of appearance in the text) and expanding list of artists:

Decennale II

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p. 121

Decennale III

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Decennale IV

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Decennale V

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Painters from the low countries

Decennale VII and Part II

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  • (en) Filippo Baldinucci, Notizie de' Professori del Disegno, Da Cimabue in qua, Secolo V. dal 1610. al 1670. Distinto in Decennali (or Notice of the Professors of Design, from Cimabue to now, from 1610-1670), Stamperia S.A.R. per li Tartini, e Franchi (Googlebooks entry), (lire en ligne)

en:Category:Italian art historians en:Category:Italian painters en:Category:Italian sculptors en:Category:Italian architects en:Category:Art history books Baldin