Wang Et Al., 2017
Wang Et Al., 2017
Wang Et Al., 2017
2.Les rendements isentropiques sont pris en compte pour les compresseurs, les turbines et
les pompes.
EUF= 01 04
2 Job Completion
Section A
Section C
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Section C
Section C
Section A
Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Section D
Section B
Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Annual summary of work
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it
Annual summary of work
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
01 KeyWord 3
detile if you need it
KeyWord 1
KeyWord 3 KeyWord 4 KeyWord 4
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it
Annual summary of work
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section C
Section A
Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Section D
Section B
Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Job Completion
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Job Completion
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section B
Section A Section C
Job Completion
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section C
Section A
Section D
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Section B
Section A
Section D
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Section B
Section E
Section C Section F
25% 18% 66%
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Deficiencies in the work
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Deficiencies in the work
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it
Section C
Section A
Se C Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the ct n
nA c tio detile if you need it
detile if you need it
n Section D
Section B B Here you could describe the
ti on
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Here you could describe the Se
detile if you need it
Work Plan for next year
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
72 82 44
54 53 64
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
detile if you need it detile if you need it detile if you need it
Work Plan for next year
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section A
Here you could describe the detile if you need it 2018 Fill in the text of the title
Section C
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section D
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Work Plan for next year
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
Section D
Section A
Here you could describe the
Here you could describe the detile if you need it
detile if you need it
Section E
Section B
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Section F
Section C
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
Here you could describe the
detile if you need it
L'article explore comment l'intégration d'un cycle de CO2
supercritique avec recompression et d'un cycle de
réfrigération par absorption double effet en parallèle peut
améliorer l'efficacité énergétique du système global, en se
basant sur des analyses énergétiques et exergétiques. Cela
pourrait avoir des implications pratiques pour la
conception de systèmes de production d'énergie et de
refroidissement plus efficaces.
Fig. 1 . Un diagramme schématique pour le
système sCO2 /DEARC proposé..