Section 6 - D.C., Kellys, Elev, Spiders

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Collar BORE OF DRILL COLLAR - in. - mm

in. 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-13/16 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4
mm 25.40 28.57 31.75 38.10 44.45 50.80 57.15 63.50 69.85 71.44 76.20 82.55 88.90 95.25 101.60 107.95
3 21 21 20 18 16 13
76.20 32 31 30 27 24 19
3-1/8 23 23 22 20 18 15 13
79.37 35 34 33 30 27 23 19
3-1/4 26 25 24 22 20 18 15
82.55 38 37 36 33 30 27 22
3-3/8 28 27 26 24 22 20 17

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85.72 42 40 39 36 33 30 25
3-1/2 30 29 28 27 24 22 19 16 13
88.90 45 43 42 40 36 33 29 24 19
3-3/4 35 34 33 32 29 27 24 21 17 16 14
95.25 52 51 50 47 44 40 36 31 25 24 21
3-7/8 38 37 36 34 32 29 27 23 20 19 16
98.42 57 55 53 51 47 44 40 34 30 28 24
4 40 39 39 37 34 32 29 26 23 22 19
101.60 60 58 58 54 51 48 43 39 34 33 28
4-1/8 41 39 37 35 32 29 25 24 21 17
104.77 61 59 55 52 47 43 37 36 31 25
4-1/4 44 42 40 37 35 32 28 27 24 20 15
107.95 65 63 59 56 52 48 42 40 36 30 22
4-1/2 50 48 46 43 41 37 34 33 30 26 21
114.30 74 72 68 65 60 55 51 49 45 39 31
4-3/4 56 54 52 50 47 44 40 39 36 32 28 23
120.65 83 81 77 74 70 65 59 58 54 48 42 34
5 63 61 59 56 53 50 47 46 43 39 34 29 24 18
127.00 94 90 87 83 79 74 70 68 64 58 51 43 36 27
5-1/4 68 65 63 60 57 53 53 50 46 41 36 31 25
133.35 101 97 94 89 85 79 79 74 68 61 54 46 37
5-1/2 75 73 70 67 64 61 60 57 53 48 43 38 33
139.70 111 108 104 100 95 90 89 84 79 71 64 57 49
Continued on page 6-2


Collar BORE OF DRILL COLLAR - in. - mm
in. 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-13/16 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4
mm 25.40 28.57 31.75 38.10 44.45 50.80 57.15 63.50 69.85 71.44 76.20 82.55 88.90 95.25 101.60 107.95
5-3/4 82 80 78 75 72 68 67 64 60 56 51 46 40
146.05 122 119 115 111 106 101 100 96 89 83 76 64 59
6 90 88 85 83 79 76 75 72 68 63 59 54 48
152.40 134 131 127 123 118 113 112 107 101 94 88 80 71
6-1/4 98 96 93 90 87 84 83 80 76 71 67 62 56
158.75 146 142 139 135 130 125 123 119 113 106 100 92 83
6-1/2 107 105 102 99 96 93 92 89 85 80 75 70 65
165.10 159 156 152 148 143 138 137 132 126 119 112 104 97
6-3/4 116 114 111 108 105 102 101 98 94 89 84 79 74
171.45 172 169 166 161 157 151 150 146 140 133 126 118 110
7 125 123 120 117 114 111 110 107 103 98 93 88 83
177.80 186 183 179 175 170 165 164 159 153 146 139 131 123
7-1/4 134 132 129 126 123 120 119 116 112 107 102 97 92
184.15 199 196 192 188 183 181 177 173 166 160 152 145 137
7-1/2 144 142 139 136 133 130 129 126 122 118 113 107 102
190.50 214 211 207 203 198 193 192 187 182 176 169 160 151
7-3/4 154 152 149 146 143 140 139 136 132 127 122 117 112
196.85 229 226 222 218 213 210 207 202 196 189 182 175 166
8 165 163 160 157 154 151 150 147 143 138 133 128 123
203.20 245 242 238 234 230 224 223 219 212 206 198 191 183
8-1/4 176 174 171 168 165 162 161 158 154 149 144 139 134
209.55 262 259 255 251 246 241 240 235 229 222 215 207 199
8-1/2 187 185 182 179 176 173 172 169 165 160 155 150 145
215.90 278 275 271 267 262 257 256 251 245 238 231 224 215
8-3/4 199 197 194 191 188 185 183 181 177 172 167 162 157
222.25 296 293 289 285 280 275 272 269 263 256 249 241 233
9 210 208 205 202 199 196 195 192 188 183 178 173 168
228.60 312 309 305 301 297 291 290 286 279 273 265 258 250
9-1/4 223 221 218 215 212 209 207 205 201 196 191 186 181
234.95 332 328 324 320 316 311 310 305 299 292 285 277 269
Continued on page 6-3

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Collar BORE OF DRILL COLLAR - in. - mm
in. 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-13/16 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4
mm 25.40 28.57 31.75 38.10 44.45 50.80 57.15 63.50 69.85 71.44 76.20 82.55 88.90 95.25 101.60 107.95
9-1/2 236 233 230 227 224 221 220 217 213 208 203 198 193
241.30 351 348 343 338 334 329 327 323 317 310 303 295 288
9-3/4 248 245 243 240 237 234 232 230 226 221 216 211 206
247.65 369 366 362 357 353 348 345 342 336 329 322 314 308
10 261 259 256 254 250 247 246 243 239 234 228 224 219
254.00 389 386 381 378 372 367 366 362 355 349 340 334 327
10-1/4 275 273 270 267 264 261 260 257 253 248 243 238 233

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260.35 409 407 402 397 393 388 387 382 379 369 362 355 348
10-1/2 289 287 283 281 277 276 274 270 266 261 254 251 246
266.70 430 428 421 418 413 410 408 402 395 389 378 374 367
10-3/4 303 301 298 296 292 289 288 285 281 277 271 266 261
273.05 451 449 444 440 435 430 428 424 418 413 404 396 390
11 317 315 313 310 307 304 303 299 295 290 285 280 275
279.40 472 470 466 461 457 452 451 445 439 432 425 417 410
11-1/4 334 331 328 325 321 319 318 314 309 306 300 295 290
285.75 497 493 488 484 478 475 473 467 459 456 447 439 433
11-1/2 348 346 343 340 336 334 333 329 325 320 315 310 306
292.10 518 516 511 506 500 497 495 489 483 477 469 462 455
11-3/4 365 362 359 356 352 349 348 345 341 336 331 326 321
298.45 543 540 535 530 524 519 518 513 507 500 493 485 479
12 379 377 374 371 368 365 364 361 357 352 347 342 337
304.80 564 562 557 552 548 543 542 537 531 524 517 509 503

Note 1 - To determine weights of drill collars not shown use the following formula:
2 2
(Area O.D. - Area I.D.) x 3.408 = Wt./Ft. OR (O.D. — I.D. ) X 2.67 = Lb./Ft.

Note 2 - The weight of a SPIRAL drill collar is approximately 96% the Wt. of a round collar the same O.D. or 4% reduction.
7.84 kg of steel will displace 1 litre of fluid
490 lb of steel displaces 1 cu. ft. 65.5 lb of steel displaces 1 gal

2747 lb of steel displaces 1 BBL 1000 lb of steel displaces .354 BBL

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
1.375 34.93 0.375 9.53 4.67 6.95 280 * 380 490 670 70,300 31,300 1.88 0.07 0.89 0.01 0.07
1.375 34.93 0.500 12.70 4.38 6.52 280 * 380 490 670 62,100 27,600 1.97 0.07 0.83 0.01 0.13
1.500 38.10 0.375 9.53 5.63 8.38 420 580 750 1,020 71,500 31,800 2.79 0.09 1.07 0.01 0.07
1.500 38.10 0.500 12.70 5.34 7.95 370 500 650 880 62,100 27,600 2.92 0.08 1.01 0.01 0.13
1.625 41.28 0.625 15.88 6.01 8.94 460 * 620 810 1,100 87,800 39,000 1.93 0.09 1.14 0.02 0.20
1.625 41.28 0.750 19.05 5.55 8.26 460 * 620 810 1,100 73,000 32,400 2.12 0.08 1.05 0.02 0.29
1.750 44.45 0.625 15.88 7.13 10.62 590 810 1,050 1,420 87,800 39,000 2.69 0.11 1.35 0.02 0.20
1.750 44.45 0.750 19.05 6.68 9.93 490 660 860 1,170 73,000 32,400 2.95 0.10 1.27 0.02 0.29
1.875 47.63 0.750 19.05 7.88 11.73 730 990 1,290 1,750 100,200 44,500 2.43 0.12 1.50 0.02 0.29
1.875 47.63 0.875 22.23 7.34 10.93 600 810 1,050 1,430 82,600 36,700 2.70 0.11 1.39 0.03 0.39
2.000 50.80 1.000 25.40 8.01 11.92 770 * 1,040 1,360 1,840 115,900 51,500 1.74 0.12 1.52 0.04 0.51
2.000 50.80 1.125 28.58 7.30 10.86 750 1,030 1,330 1,810 93,000 41,300 2.01 0.11 1.39 0.05 0.64
2.125 53.98 1.000 25.40 9.39 13.97 950 1,290 1,670 2,270 115,900 51,500 2.34 0.14 1.78 0.04 0.51
2.125 53.98 1.125 28.58 8.68 12.91 750 1,030 1,330 1,810 93,000 41,300 2.70 0.13 1.65 0.05 0.64
2.250 57.15 1.000 25.40 10.85 16.14 950 1,290 1,670 2,270 115,900 51,500 3.01 0.17 2.06 0.04 0.51
2.250 57.15 1.125 28.58 10.14 15.09 750 1,030 1,330 1,810 93,000 41,300 3.47 0.15 1.92 0.05 0.64
3.000 76.20 1.000 25.40 21.36 31.79 2,500 * 3,400 4,410 5,980 329,500 146,500 1.98 0.33 4.05 0.04 0.51
3.000 76.20 1.250 31.75 19.86 29.55 2,500 * 3,400 4,410 5,980 280,900 124,900 2.12 0.30 3.77 0.06 0.79
3.125 79.38 1.000 25.40 23.40 34.83 3,320 * 4,510 5,850 7,940 329,500 146,500 2.35 0.36 4.44 0.04 0.51
3.125 79.38 1.250 31.75 21.90 32.59 3,320 * 4,510 5,850 7,940 280,900 124,900 2.52 0.33 4.16 0.06 0.79
3.125 79.38 1.500 38.10 20.07 29.86 2,640 3,580 4,650 6,310 221,500 98,500 2.88 0.31 3.81 0.09 1.14
3.250 82.55 1.000 25.40 25.53 38.00 3,990 5,420 7,030 9,540 329,500 146,500 2.76 0.39 4.85 0.04 0.51

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3.250 82.55 1.250 31.75 24.03 35.76 3,380 4,590 5,960 8,080 280,900 124,900 2.95 0.37 4.56 0.06 0.79
Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
3.250 82.55 1.500 38.10 22.19 33.03 2,640 3,580 4,650 6,310 221,500 98,500 3.38 0.34 4.21 0.09 1.14
API NC26 2 3/8 IF 2 7/8 SH
3.375 85.73 1.250 31.75 26.24 39.05 3,580 * 4,850 6,300 8,540 408,000 181,500 1.87 0.40 4.98 0.06 0.79
3.375 85.73 1.500 38.10 24.41 36.32 3,580 * 4,850 6,300 8,540 348,600 155,000 2.02 0.37 4.63 0.09 1.14
3.375 85.73 1.750 44.45 22.24 33.09 3,580 * 4,850 6,300 8,540 278,400 123,800 2.30 0.34 4.22 0.12 1.55

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3.500 88.90 1.250 31.75 28.54 42.47 4,600 * 6,240 8,100 10,990 408,000 181,500 2.20 0.44 5.42 0.06 0.79
3.500 88.90 1.500 38.10 26.70 39.73 4,600 * 6,240 8,100 10,990 348,600 155,000 2.37 0.41 5.07 0.09 1.14
3.500 88.90 1.750 44.45 24.53 36.51 3,690 5,010 6,500 8,820 278,400 123,800 2.71 0.37 4.66 0.12 1.55
3.750 95.25 1.250 31.75 33.38 49.67 5,500 7,450 9,680 13,120 408,000 181,500 2.91 0.51 6.33 0.06 0.79
3.750 95.25 1.375 34.93 32.50 48.36 5,100 6,910 8,980 12,170 379,700 168,900 3.00 0.50 6.17 0.08 0.96
3.750 95.25 1.500 38.10 31.54 46.94 4,660 6,320 8,210 11,130 348,600 155,000 3.13 0.48 5.99 0.09 1.14
3.750 95.25 1.750 44.45 29.37 43.71 3,690 5,010 6,500 8,820 278,400 123,800 3.58 0.45 5.57 0.12 1.55
API NC 31 2 7/8 IF 3 1/2 SH
3.875 98.43 1.250 31.75 35.92 53.45 4,630 * 6,290 8,160 11,070 577,900 257,000 1.50 0.55 6.82 0.06 0.79
3.875 98.43 1.500 38.10 34.08 50.72 4,630 * 6,290 8,160 11,070 577,900 257,000 1.55 0.52 6.47 0.09 1.14
3.875 98.43 1.750 44.45 31.91 47.49 4,630 * 6,290 8,160 11,070 524,400 233,300 1.64 0.49 6.06 0.12 1.55
3.875 98.43 2.000 50.80 29.41 43.77 4,630 * 6,290 8,160 11,070 443,400 197,200 1.81 0.45 5.58 0.16 2.03
4.125 104.78 1.250 31.75 41.26 61.40 7,380 * 10,010 13,000 17,630 654,000 290,900 1.99 0.63 7.83 0.06 0.79
4.125 104.78 1.500 38.10 39.42 58.67 7,380 * 10,010 13,000 17,630 594,600 264,500 2.06 0.60 7.48 0.09 1.14
4.125 104.78 1.750 44.45 37.25 55.44 7,380 * 10,010 13,000 17,630 524,400 233,300 2.18 0.57 7.07 0.12 1.55
4.125 104.78 2.000 50.80 34.75 51.72 6,850 9,290 12,060 16,350 443,400 197,200 2.39 0.53 6.60 0.16 2.03
4.375 111.13 1.250 31.75 46.93 69.84 10,280 13,940 18,100 24,540 654,000 290,900 2.53 0.72 8.91 0.06 0.79
4.375 111.13 1.500 38.10 45.10 67.11 9,300 12,610 16,380 22,200 594,600 264,500 2.62 0.69 8.56 0.09 1.14
4.375 111.13 1.750 44.45 42.93 63.88 8,160 11,060 14,360 19,470 524,400 233,300 2.77 0.66 8.15 0.12 1.55
4.375 111.13 2.000 50.80 40.43 60.16 6,850 9,290 12,060 16,350 443,400 197,200 3.04 0.62 7.67 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 1.250 31.75 49.90 74.25 10,280 13,940 18,100 24,540 654,000 290,900 2.83 0.76 9.47 0.06 0.79
4.500 114.30 1.500 38.10 48.06 71.52 9,300 12,610 16,380 22,200 594,600 264,500 2.92 0.73 9.12 0.09 1.14

Recommended Torque Tensile

Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
API NC 31 2 7/8 IF 3 1/2 SH
4.500 114.30 1.750 44.45 45.89 68.29 8,160 11,060 14,360 19,470 524,400 233,300 3.09 0.70 8.71 0.12 1.55
4.500 114.30 2.000 50.80 43.39 64.57 6,850 9,290 12,060 16,350 443,400 197,200 3.39 0.66 8.23 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 1.750 44.45 45.89 68.29 9,030 * 12,250 15,900 21,560 716,600 318,700 1.92 0.70 8.71 0.12 1.55
4.500 114.30 2.000 50.80 43.39 64.57 9,030 * 12,250 15,900 21,560 635,600 282,700 2.03 0.66 8.23 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 2.250 57.15 40.55 60.35 9,030 * 12,250 15,900 21,560 543,800 241,900 2.22 0.62 7.70 0.21 2.57
4.750 120.65 1.750 44.45 52.07 77.48 12,270 16,630 21,600 29,280 716,600 318,700 2.40 0.80 9.88 0.12 1.55
4.750 120.65 2.000 50.80 49.56 73.76 10,820 14,670 19,050 25,830 635,600 282,700 2.54 0.76 9.41 0.16 2.03
4.750 120.65 2.250 57.15 46.73 69.53 9,200 12,470 16,190 21,950 543,800 241,900 2.78 0.71 8.87 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 1.750 44.45 58.57 87.17 12,270 16,630 21,600 29,280 716,600 318,700 2.94 0.90 11.12 0.12 1.55
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 10,820 14,670 19,050 25,830 635,600 282,700 3.11 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 9,200 12,470 16,190 21,950 543,800 241,900 3.40 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
API NC 38 3 1/2 IF 4 1/2 SH
4.750 120.65 1.750 44.45 52.07 77.48 9,980 * 13,530 17,570 23,820 803,200 357,200 1.70 0.80 9.88 0.12 1.55
4.750 120.65 2.000 50.80 49.56 73.76 9,980 * 13,530 17,570 23,820 722,200 321,200 1.77 0.76 9.41 0.16 2.03
4.750 120.65 2.250 57.15 46.73 69.53 9,980 * 13,530 17,570 23,820 630,400 280,400 1.88 0.71 8.87 0.21 2.57
4.750 120.65 2.500 63.50 43.55 64.82 9,980 * 13,530 16,680 22,610 527,800 234,700 2.07 0.67 8.27 0.25 3.17
4.750 120.65 2.688 68.26 40.96 60.95 9,410 12,760 13,990 18,970 443,800 197,400 2.28 0.63 7.77 0.29 3.66
4.750 120.65 2.813 71.44 39.12 58.22 8,310 11,270 12,070 16,370 384,400 170,900 2.49 0.60 7.42 0.32 4.01
5.000 127.00 1.750 44.45 58.57 87.17 13,940 * 18,910 24,550 33,280 803,200 357,200 2.12 0.90 11.12 0.12 1.55
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 13,940 * 18,910 23,120 31,350 722,200 321,200 2.21 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 12,900 17,500 20,110 27,270 630,400 280,400 2.35 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 10,970 14,880 16,730 22,690 527,800 234,700 2.58 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 2.813 71.44 45.63 67.90 8,310 11,270 12,070 16,370 384,400 170,900 3.11 0.70 8.66 0.32 4.01
5.250 133.35 2.000 50.80 62.91 93.62 14,650 19,860 23,170 31,420 722,200 321,200 2.68 0.96 11.94 0.16 2.03
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 12,900 17,500 20,110 27,270 630,400 280,400 2.85 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 10,970 14,880 16,730 22,690 527,800 234,700 3.13 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17

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Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
API NC 38 3 1/2 IF 4 1/2 SH
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 12,900 17,500 20,110 27,270 630,400 280,400 3.41 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 10,970 14,880 16,730 22,690 527,800 234,700 3.74 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 2.813 71.44 59.65 88.77 8,310 11,270 12,070 16,370 384,400 170,900 4.51 0.91 11.32 0.32 4.01
API NC 40 4" FH 4 1/2" DSL 4" Mod.Open
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 10,910 * 14,790 19,200 26,030 889,600 395,700 1.63 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03

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5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 10,910 * 14,790 19,200 26,030 797,800 354,900 1.71 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 10,910 * 14,790 19,200 26,030 695,200 309,200 1.83 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 2.688 68.26 47.47 70.64 10,910 * 14,790 19,200 26,030 611,200 271,800 1.96 0.73 9.01 0.29 3.66
5.000 127.00 2.813 71.44 45.63 67.90 10,910 * 14,790 18,380 24,920 551,800 245,400 2.08 0.70 8.66 0.32 4.01
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 15,280 * 20,730 26,900 36,480 797,800 354,900 2.11 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 14,960 20,290 23,430 31,770 695,200 309,200 2.26 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17
5.250 133.35 2.813 71.45 52.46 78.08 12,120 16,430 18,440 25,000 551,600 245,300 2.57 0.80 9.96 0.32 4.01
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 18,880 25,600 30,290 41,080 889,600 395,700 2.43 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 17,020 23,080 27,040 36,660 797,800 354,900 2.54 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 14,960 20,290 23,430 31,770 695,200 309,200 2.72 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 2.813 71.45 59.64 88.75 12,120 16,430 18,440 25,000 551,600 245,300 3.09 0.91 11.32 0.32 4.01
5.750 146.05 2.000 50.80 77.60 115.48 18,880 25,600 30,290 41,080 889,600 395,700 2.88 1.19 14.73 0.16 2.03
5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 17,020 23,080 27,040 36,660 797,800 354,900 3.02 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
5.750 146.05 2.500 63.50 71.59 106.54 14,960 20,290 23,430 31,770 695,200 309,200 3.22 1.09 13.59 0.25 3.17
5.750 146.05 2.813 71.45 67.15 99.93 12,120 16,430 18,440 25,000 551,600 245,300 3.67 1.03 12.74 0.32 4.01
6.000 152.40 2.000 50.80 85.44 127.15 18,880 25,600 30,290 41,080 889,600 395,700 3.37 1.31 16.21 0.16 2.03
6.000 152.40 2.250 57.15 82.60 122.93 17,020 23,080 27,040 36,660 797,800 354,900 3.52 1.26 15.68 0.21 2.57
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 14,960 20,290 23,430 31,770 695,200 309,200 3.77 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17
6.000 152.40 2.813 71.45 74.99 111.60 12,120 16,430 18,440 25,000 551,600 245,300 4.28 1.15 14.23 0.32 4.01
5.750 146.05 2.000 50.80 77.60 115.48 20,890 * 28,320 36,770 49,860 1,169,300 520,100 2.01 1.19 14.73 0.16 2.03

5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 20,890 * 28,320 36,770 49,860 1,077,500 479,300 2.08 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 16
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
4 1/2 API Regular
5.500 139.70 1.750 44.45 72.59 108.03 15,570 * 21,110 27,410 37,160 1,128,500 501,900 1.87 1.11 13.78 0.12 1.55
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 15,570 * 21,110 27,410 37,160 1,047,500 465,900 1.91 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 15,570 * 21,110 27,410 37,160 955,700 425,100 1.98 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 15,570 * 21,110 27,410 37,160 853,100 379,500 2.07 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.750 146.05 1.750 44.45 80.10 119.20 20,600 * 27,940 36,270 49,170 1,128,500 501,900 2.22 1.22 15.20 0.12 1.55
5.750 146.05 2.000 50.80 77.60 115.48 20,600 * 27,940 36,270 49,170 1,047,500 465,900 2.27 1.19 14.73 0.16 2.03
5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 20,600 * 27,940 33,550 45,480 955,700 425,100 2.34 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
5.750 146.05 2.500 63.50 71.59 106.54 19,600 26,570 29,880 40,510 853,100 379,500 2.46 1.09 13.59 0.25 3.17
6.000 152.40 1.750 44.45 87.94 130.87 25,400 34,440 40,030 54,280 1,128,500 501,900 2.60 1.34 16.69 0.12 1.55
6.000 152.40 2.000 50.80 85.44 127.15 23,680 32,110 37,020 50,200 1,047,500 465,900 2.65 1.31 16.21 0.16 2.03
6.000 152.40 2.250 57.15 82.60 122.93 21,740 29,480 33,630 45,600 955,700 425,100 2.74 1.26 15.68 0.21 2.57
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 19,600 26,570 29,880 40,510 853,100 379,500 2.88 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 1.750 44.45 96.12 143.04 25,400 34,440 40,030 54,280 1,128,500 501,900 3.00 1.47 18.24 0.12 1.55
6.250 158.75 2.000 50.80 93.62 139.32 23,680 32,110 37,020 50,200 1,047,500 465,900 3.07 1.43 17.77 0.16 2.03
6.250 158.75 2.250 57.15 90.78 135.10 21,740 29,480 33,630 45,600 955,700 425,100 3.17 1.39 17.23 0.21 2.57
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 19,600 26,570 29,880 40,510 853,100 379,500 3.33 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
5 1/2 API Regular
6.750 171.45 2.250 57.15 108.14 160.92 31,940 * 43,300 56,210 76,210 1,602,600 712,900 2.04 1.65 20.52 0.21 2.57
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 31,940 * 43,300 56,210 76,210 1,500,100 667,200 2.09 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
6.750 171.45 2.750 69.85 101.46 150.99 31,940 * 43,300 56,210 76,210 1,386,700 616,800 2.15 1.55 19.25 0.31 3.83
6.750 171.45 2.813 71.44 100.53 149.61 31,940 * 43,300 56,210 76,210 1,356,600 603,400 2.17 1.54 19.08 0.32 4.01
6.750 171.45 3.000 76.20 97.62 145.28 31,940 * 43,300 53,050 71,930 1,262,500 561,500 2.24 1.49 18.53 0.37 4.56
6.750 171.45 3.250 82.55 93.45 139.07 30,490 41,340 47,280 64,110 1,127,500 501,500 2.37 1.43 17.73 0.43 5.35
7.000 177.80 2.250 57.15 117.31 174.58 39,410 * 53,440 61,830 83,830 1,456,900 648,100 2.35 1.79 22.26 0.21 2.57
7.000 177.80 2.500 63.50 114.14 169.86 39,410 * 53,440 57,870 78,470 1,363,700 606,600 2.40 1.74 21.66 0.25 3.17
7.000 177.80 2.813 71.44 109.71 163.27 36,230 49,120 52,120 70,670 1,233,300 548,600 2.50 1.68 20.82 0.32 4.01
7.000 177.80 3.000 76.20 106.80 158.94 33,860 45,910 48,350 65,560 1,147,700 510,500 2.58 1.63 20.27 0.37 4.56

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
5 1/2 API Regular
7.000 177.80 3.250 82.55 102.63 152.73 30,490 41,340 42,990 58,280 1,025,000 455,900 2.72 1.57 19.48 0.43 5.35
7.250 184.15 2.250 57.15 126.83 188.74 42,480 57,590 62,070 84,160 1,456,900 648,100 2.67 1.94 24.07 0.21 2.57
7.250 184.15 2.500 63.50 123.65 184.02 39,860 54,050 57,910 78,510 1,363,700 606,600 2.73 1.89 23.47 0.25 3.17
7.250 184.15 2.813 71.44 119.22 177.42 36,230 49,120 52,120 70,670 1,233,300 548,600 2.84 1.82 22.63 0.32 4.01
7.250 184.15 3.000 76.20 116.31 173.09 33,860 45,910 48,350 65,560 1,147,700 510,500 2.93 1.78 22.07 0.37 4.56

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

7.250 184.15 3.250 82.55 112.14 166.88 30,490 41,340 42,990 58,280 1,025,000 455,900 3.10 1.71 21.28 0.43 5.35
7.500 190.50 2.250 57.15 136.67 203.39 42,480 57,590 62,070 84,160 1,456,900 648,100 3.02 2.09 25.94 0.21 2.57
7.500 190.50 2.500 63.50 133.50 198.67 39,860 54,050 57,910 78,510 1,363,700 606,600 3.09 2.04 25.34 0.25 3.17
7.500 190.50 2.813 71.44 129.07 192.07 36,230 49,120 52,120 70,670 1,233,300 548,600 3.21 1.97 24.49 0.32 4.01
7.500 190.50 3.000 76.20 126.16 187.74 33,860 45,910 48,350 65,560 1,147,700 510,500 3.32 1.93 23.94 0.37 4.56
7.500 190.50 3.250 82.55 121.99 181.53 30,490 41,340 42,990 58,280 1,025,000 455,900 3.51 1.86 23.15 0.43 5.35
6 5/8 API Regular
7.500 190.50 2.500 63.50 133.50 198.67 46,390 * 62,900 74,230 100,650 1,817,900 808,600 1.94 2.04 25.34 0.25 3.17
7.500 190.50 2.813 71.44 129.07 192.07 46,390 * 62,900 74,230 100,650 1,687,500 750,600 1.99 1.97 24.49 0.32 4.01
7.500 190.50 3.000 76.20 126.16 187.74 46,390 * 62,900 74,230 100,650 1,601,900 712,500 2.03 1.93 23.94 0.37 4.56
7.500 190.50 3.250 82.55 121.99 181.53 46,390 * 62,900 69,040 93,610 1,479,200 657,900 2.10 1.86 23.15 0.43 5.35
7.750 196.85 2.500 63.50 143.68 213.82 55,620 * 75,420 85,610 116,070 1,817,900 808,600 2.22 2.20 27.27 0.25 3.17
7.750 196.85 2.813 71.44 139.25 207.22 53,340 72,320 79,300 107,520 1,687,500 750,600 2.28 2.13 26.43 0.32 4.01
7.750 196.85 3.000 76.20 136.34 202.89 50,700 68,740 75,090 101,810 1,601,900 712,500 2.33 2.08 25.87 0.37 4.56
7.750 196.85 3.250 82.55 132.17 196.68 46,930 63,630 69,080 93,660 1,479,200 657,900 2.41 2.02 25.08 0.43 5.35
7.750 196.85 3.500 88.90 127.66 189.98 42,890 58,150 62,640 84,930 1,346,700 599,000 2.52 1.95 24.23 0.50 6.21
8.000 203.20 2.500 63.50 154.19 229.46 57,390 77,810 85,750 116,270 1,817,900 808,600 2.52 2.36 29.26 0.25 3.17
8.000 203.20 2.813 71.44 149.76 222.87 53,340 72,320 79,300 107,520 1,687,500 750,600 2.59 2.29 28.42 0.32 4.01
8.000 203.20 3.000 76.20 146.85 218.54 50,700 68,740 75,090 101,810 1,601,900 712,500 2.64 2.24 27.87 0.37 4.56
8.000 203.20 3.250 82.55 142.68 212.33 46,930 63,630 69,080 93,660 1,479,200 657,900 2.73 2.18 27.08 0.43 5.35
8.250 209.55 2.500 63.50 165.04 245.61 57,390 77,810 85,750 116,270 1,817,900 808,600 2.84 2.52 31.32 0.25 3.17
8.250 209.55 2.813 71.44 160.61 239.01 53,340 72,320 79,300 107,520 1,687,500 750,600 2.91 2.45 30.48 0.32 4.01

6 - 17
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 18
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
6 5/8 API Regular
8.250 209.55 3.000 76.20 157.70 234.68 50,700 68,740 75,090 101,810 1,601,900 712,500 2.97 2.41 29.93 0.37 4.56
8.250 209.55 3.250 82.55 153.53 228.47 46,930 63,630 69,080 93,660 1,479,200 657,900 3.08 2.35 29.14 0.43 5.35
7 5/8 API Regular
8.500 215.90 2.500 63.50 176.22 262.24 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,732,400 1,215,400 1.78 2.69 33.44 0.25 3.17
8.500 215.90 2.813 71.44 171.79 255.65 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,602,000 1,157,400 1.80 2.63 32.60 0.32 4.01
8.500 215.90 3.000 76.20 168.88 251.32 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,516,400 1,119,300 1.82 2.58 32.05 0.37 4.56
8.500 215.90 3.250 82.55 164.71 245.11 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,393,700 1,064,700 1.86 2.52 31.26 0.43 5.35
8.500 215.90 3.500 88.90 160.20 238.40 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,261,100 1,005,800 1.90 2.45 30.40 0.50 6.21
8.500 215.90 3.750 95.25 155.36 231.20 60,400 * 81,890 96,640 131,020 2,118,800 942,400 1.96 2.37 29.48 0.57 7.13
8.750 222.25 2.500 63.50 187.73 279.38 72,160 * 97,840 115,470 156,550 2,732,400 1,215,400 2.00 2.87 35.63 0.25 3.17
8.750 222.25 2.813 71.44 183.30 272.78 72,160 * 97,840 115,470 156,550 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.03 2.80 34.79 0.32 4.01
8.750 222.25 3.000 76.20 180.39 268.45 72,160 * 97,840 115,470 156,550 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.05 2.76 34.23 0.37 4.56
8.750 222.25 3.250 82.55 176.22 262.24 72,160 * 97,840 115,470 156,550 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.09 2.69 33.44 0.43 5.35
8.750 222.25 3.500 88.90 171.71 255.54 72,160 * 97,840 115,470 156,550 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.13 2.62 32.59 0.50 6.21
8.750 222.25 3.750 95.25 166.88 248.34 72,160 * 97,840 113,010 153,230 2,118,800 942,400 2.20 2.55 31.67 0.57 7.13
8.875 225.43 4.000 101.60 167.58 249.39 69,200 93,830 104,690 141,950 1,966,600 874,800 2.41 2.56 31.80 0.65 8.11
9.000 228.60 2.500 63.50 199.58 297.01 84,440 * 114,480 135,100 183,180 2,732,400 1,215,400 2.23 3.05 37.88 0.25 3.17
9.000 228.60 2.813 71.44 195.15 290.42 84,440 * 114,480 135,100 183,180 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.26 2.98 37.04 0.32 4.01
9.000 228.60 3.000 76.20 192.24 286.08 84,440 * 114,480 135,100 183,180 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.29 2.94 36.48 0.37 4.56
9.000 228.60 3.250 82.55 188.07 279.88 84,220 114,180 128,660 174,440 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.33 2.87 35.69 0.43 5.35
9.000 228.60 3.500 88.90 183.56 273.17 79,530 107,830 121,180 164,300 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.38 2.80 34.84 0.50 6.21
9.000 228.60 3.750 95.25 178.72 265.97 74,520 101,040 113,190 153,460 2,118,800 942,400 2.45 2.73 33.92 0.57 7.13
9.250 234.95 2.500 63.50 211.76 315.14 96,300 130,560 147,940 200,580 2,732,400 1,215,400 2.47 3.24 40.19 0.25 3.17
9.250 234.95 2.813 71.44 207.33 308.54 91,630 124,230 140,490 190,480 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.51 3.17 39.35 0.32 4.01
9.250 234.95 3.000 76.20 204.42 304.21 88,580 120,090 135,620 183,870 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.53 3.12 38.79 0.37 4.56
9.250 234.95 3.250 82.55 200.25 298.00 84,220 114,180 128,660 174,440 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.58 3.06 38.00 0.43 5.35
9.250 234.95 3.500 88.90 195.74 291.30 79,530 107,830 121,180 164,300 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.64 2.99 37.15 0.50 6.21

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
7 5/8 API Regular
9.250 234.95 3.750 95.25 190.91 284.10 74,520 101,040 113,190 153,460 2,118,800 942,400 2.72 2.92 36.23 0.57 7.13
9.500 241.30 2.500 63.50 224.28 333.77 96,300 130,560 147,940 200,580 2,732,400 1,215,400 2.73 3.43 42.56 0.25 3.17
9.500 241.30 2.813 71.44 219.85 327.17 91,630 124,230 140,490 190,480 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.77 3.36 41.72 0.32 4.01
9.500 241.30 3.000 76.20 216.94 322.84 88,580 120,090 135,620 183,870 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.80 3.31 41.17 0.37 4.56
9.500 241.30 3.250 82.55 212.77 316.63 84,220 114,180 128,660 174,440 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.85 3.25 40.38 0.43 5.35

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

9.500 241.30 3.500 88.90 208.26 309.93 79,530 107,830 121,180 164,300 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.91 3.18 39.52 0.50 6.21
9.500 241.30 3.750 95.25 203.42 302.72 74,520 101,040 113,190 153,460 2,118,800 942,400 3.00 3.11 38.60 0.57 7.13
8 5/8 API Regular
10.000 254.00 2.813 71.44 245.88 365.91 109,340 * 148,250 174,950 237,200 3,560,500 1,583,800 1.95 3.76 46.66 0.32 4.01
10.000 254.00 3.000 76.20 242.97 361.58 109,340 * 148,250 174,950 237,200 3,474,900 1,545,700 1.96 3.71 46.11 0.37 4.56
10.000 254.00 3.250 82.55 238.80 355.37 109,340 * 148,250 174,950 237,200 3,352,200 1,491,100 1.98 3.65 45.32 0.43 5.35
10.000 254.00 3.500 88.90 234.29 348.67 109,340 * 148,250 174,950 237,200 3,219,600 1,432,100 2.01 3.58 44.46 0.50 6.21
10.000 254.00 3.750 95.25 229.45 341.46 109,340 * 148,250 174,950 237,200 3,077,300 1,368,800 2.04 3.51 43.55 0.57 7.13
10.000 254.00 4.750 120.65 206.76 307.69 98,410 133,430 145,360 197,080 2,409,700 1,071,900 2.29 3.16 39.24 0.92 11.43
10.250 260.35 2.813 71.44 259.40 386.02 125,260 * 169,830 200,420 271,730 3,560,500 1,583,800 2.15 3.96 49.23 0.32 4.01
10.250 260.35 3.000 76.20 256.49 381.69 125,260 * 169,830 200,420 271,730 3,474,900 1,545,700 2.17 3.92 48.68 0.37 4.56
10.250 260.35 3.250 82.55 252.32 375.49 125,260 * 169,830 200,420 271,730 3,352,200 1,491,100 2.19 3.86 47.88 0.43 5.35
10.250 260.35 3.500 88.90 247.81 368.78 125,260 * 169,830 196,510 266,430 3,219,600 1,432,100 2.22 3.79 47.03 0.50 6.21
10.250 260.35 3.750 95.25 242.97 361.58 125,030 169,520 187,800 254,620 3,077,300 1,368,800 2.25 3.71 46.11 0.57 7.13
10.500 266.70 2.813 71.44 273.25 406.64 141,760 * 192,200 218,790 296,640 3,560,500 1,583,800 2.36 4.18 51.86 0.32 4.01
10.500 266.70 3.000 76.20 270.34 402.31 141,130 191,350 213,480 289,440 3,474,900 1,545,700 2.38 4.13 51.30 0.37 4.56
10.500 266.70 3.250 82.55 266.17 396.10 136,140 184,580 205,520 278,650 3,352,200 1,491,100 2.40 4.07 50.51 0.43 5.35
10.500 266.70 3.500 88.90 261.66 389.39 130,770 177,300 196,960 267,040 3,219,600 1,432,100 2.43 4.00 49.66 0.50 6.21
10.500 266.70 3.750 95.25 256.82 382.19 125,030 169,520 187,800 254,620 3,077,300 1,368,800 2.47 3.92 48.74 0.57 7.13

6 - 19
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 20
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
7 5/8 API Regular Low Torque Face
8.875 225.43 2.813 71.44 189.18 281.54 54,040 * 73,270 86,460 117,230 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.14 2.89 35.90 0.32 4.01
8.875 225.43 4.000 101.60 167.58 249.39 54,040 * 73,270 86,460 117,230 1,966,600 874,800 2.41 2.56 31.80 0.65 8.11
9.250 234.95 2.813 71.44 207.33 308.54 73,090 * 99,100 116,950 158,570 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.51 3.17 39.35 0.32 4.01
9.250 234.95 3.000 76.20 204.42 304.21 73,090 * 99,100 116,950 158,570 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.53 3.12 38.79 0.37 4.56
9.250 234.95 3.250 82.55 200.25 298.00 73,090 * 99,100 116,950 158,570 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.58 3.06 38.00 0.43 5.35
9.250 234.95 3.500 88.90 195.74 291.30 73,090 * 99,100 116,950 158,570 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.64 2.99 37.15 0.50 6.21
9.250 234.95 3.750 95.25 190.91 284.10 73,090 * 99,100 116,950 158,570 2,118,800 942,400 2.72 2.92 36.23 0.57 7.13
9.500 241.30 2.813 71.44 219.85 327.17 86,460 * 117,220 138,340 187,560 2,602,000 1,157,400 2.77 3.36 41.72 0.32 4.01
9.500 241.30 3.000 76.20 216.94 322.84 86,460 * 117,220 138,340 187,560 2,516,400 1,119,300 2.80 3.31 41.17 0.37 4.56
9.500 241.30 3.250 82.55 212.77 316.63 86,460 * 117,220 133,290 180,720 2,393,700 1,064,700 2.85 3.25 40.38 0.43 5.35
9.500 241.30 3.500 88.90 208.26 309.93 82,450 111,790 125,630 170,330 2,261,100 1,005,800 2.91 3.18 39.52 0.50 6.21
9.500 241.30 3.750 95.25 203.42 302.72 77,280 104,780 117,380 159,150 2,118,800 942,400 3.00 3.11 38.60 0.57 7.13
9.750 247.65 2.813 71.44 232.70 346.29 94,930 128,710 145,550 197,350 2,602,000 1,157,400 3.04 3.56 44.16 0.32 4.01
9.750 247.65 3.000 76.20 229.79 341.96 91,780 124,440 140,530 190,530 2,516,400 1,119,300 3.07 3.51 43.61 0.37 4.56
9.750 247.65 3.250 82.55 225.62 335.75 87,290 118,350 133,350 180,800 2,393,700 1,064,700 3.13 3.45 42.82 0.43 5.35
9.750 247.65 3.500 88.90 221.11 329.05 82,450 111,790 125,630 170,330 2,261,100 1,005,800 3.20 3.38 41.96 0.50 6.21
9.750 247.65 3.750 95.25 216.27 321.85 77,280 104,780 117,380 159,150 2,118,800 942,400 3.29 3.30 41.04 0.57 7.13
10.000 254.00 2.813 71.44 245.88 365.91 94,930 128,710 145,550 197,350 2,602,000 1,157,400 3.32 3.76 46.66 0.32 4.01
10.000 254.00 3.000 76.20 242.97 361.58 91,780 124,440 140,530 190,530 2,516,400 1,119,300 3.36 3.71 46.11 0.37 4.56
10.000 254.00 3.250 82.55 238.80 355.37 87,290 118,350 133,350 180,800 2,393,700 1,064,700 3.42 3.65 45.32 0.43 5.35
10.000 254.00 3.500 88.90 234.29 348.67 82,450 111,790 125,630 170,330 2,261,100 1,005,800 3.50 3.58 44.46 0.50 6.21
10.000 254.00 3.750 95.25 229.45 341.46 77,280 104,780 117,380 159,150 2,118,800 942,400 3.60 3.51 43.55 0.57 7.13
8 5/8 API Regular Low Torque Face
10.000 254.00 4.750 120.65 206.76 307.69 63,140 * 85,610 101,020 136,970 2,409,700 1,071,900 2.29 3.16 39.24 0.92 11.43
10.750 273.05 3.000 76.20 284.52 423.42 112,880 * 153,050 180,610 244,880 3,474,900 1,545,700 2.60 4.35 54.00 0.37 4.56
10.750 273.05 3.250 82.55 280.35 417.21 112,880 * 153,050 180,610 244,880 3,352,200 1,491,100 2.62 4.28 53.20 0.43 5.35

10.750 273.05 3.500 88.90 275.84 410.50 112,880 * 153,050 180,610 244,880 3,219,600 1,432,100 2.66 4.22 52.35 0.50 6.21

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
8 5/8 API Regular Low Torque Face
10.750 273.05 3.750 95.25 271.01 403.30 112,880 * 153,050 180,610 244,880 3,077,300 1,368,800 2.70 4.14 51.43 0.57 7.13
11.000 279.40 3.000 76.20 299.04 445.02 130,670 * 177,170 209,080 283,470 3,474,900 1,545,700 2.83 4.57 56.75 0.37 4.56
11.000 279.40 3.250 82.55 294.87 438.81 130,670 * 177,170 209,080 283,470 3,352,200 1,491,100 2.85 4.51 55.96 0.43 5.35
11.000 279.40 3.500 88.90 290.36 432.11 130,670 * 177,170 205,640 278,820 3,219,600 1,432,100 2.89 4.44 55.10 0.50 6.21
11.000 279.40 3.750 95.25 285.52 424.91 130,670 * 177,170 196,550 266,490 3,077,300 1,368,800 2.94 4.36 54.19 0.57 7.13

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

11.250 285.75 3.000 76.20 313.89 467.12 147,610 200,140 223,280 302,730 3,474,900 1,545,700 3.06 4.80 59.57 0.37 4.56
11.250 285.75 3.250 82.55 309.72 460.91 142,420 193,100 215,010 291,510 3,352,200 1,491,100 3.10 4.73 58.78 0.43 5.35
11.250 285.75 3.500 88.90 305.21 454.21 136,840 185,530 206,100 279,430 3,219,600 1,432,100 3.14 4.66 57.92 0.50 6.21
11.250 285.75 3.750 95.25 300.38 447.01 130,870 177,430 196,570 266,510 3,077,300 1,368,800 3.19 4.59 57.00 0.57 7.13
2 7/8 XH 3 1/2 DSL 2 7/8 Mod.Open
3.750 95.25 1.250 31.75 33.38 49.67 4,080 * 5,540 7,190 9,750 567,100 252,200 1.51 0.51 6.33 0.06 0.79
3.750 95.25 1.500 38.10 31.54 46.94 4,080 * 5,540 7,190 9,750 561,600 249,800 1.56 0.48 5.99 0.09 1.14
3.750 95.25 1.750 44.45 29.37 43.71 4,080 * 5,540 7,190 9,750 491,400 218,500 1.66 0.45 5.57 0.12 1.55
3.875 98.43 1.250 31.75 35.92 53.45 5,350 * 7,250 9,410 12,770 621,000 276,200 1.74 0.55 6.82 0.06 0.79
3.875 98.43 1.500 38.10 34.08 50.72 5,350 * 7,250 9,410 12,770 561,600 249,800 1.81 0.52 6.47 0.09 1.14
3.875 98.43 1.750 44.45 31.91 47.49 5,350 * 7,250 9,410 12,770 491,400 218,500 1.92 0.49 6.06 0.12 1.55
3.875 98.43 1.813 46.04 31.32 46.61 5,350 * 7,250 9,410 12,770 472,100 210,000 1.96 0.48 5.94 0.13 1.66
4.125 104.78 1.250 31.75 41.26 61.40 8,050 * 10,920 14,180 19,230 621,000 276,200 2.26 0.63 7.83 0.06 0.79
4.125 104.78 1.500 38.10 39.42 58.67 8,050 * 10,920 14,180 19,230 561,600 249,800 2.34 0.60 7.48 0.09 1.14
4.125 104.78 1.750 44.45 37.25 55.44 7,430 10,070 13,080 17,730 491,400 218,500 2.49 0.57 7.07 0.12 1.55
4.250 107.95 1.875 47.63 38.84 57.80 6,810 9,240 11,990 16,260 452,200 201,100 2.93 0.59 7.37 0.14 1.78
3 1/2 XH 4 SH 3 1/2 Mod. OPEN
4.250 107.95 1.750 44.45 40.05 59.60 5,160 * 6,990 9,080 12,310 615,900 273,900 1.28 0.61 7.60 0.12 1.55
4.250 107.95 2.000 50.80 37.55 55.88 5,160 * 6,990 9,080 12,310 615,900 273,900 1.34 0.57 7.13 0.16 2.03
4.250 107.95 2.250 57.15 34.71 51.65 5,160 * 6,990 9,080 12,310 586,800 261,000 1.46 0.53 6.59 0.21 2.57
4.250 107.95 2.500 63.50 31.54 46.94 5,160 * 6,990 9,080 12,310 484,200 215,400 1.65 0.48 5.99 0.25 3.17

6 - 21
4.500 114.30 1.750 44.45 45.89 68.29 8,470 * 11,490 14,920 20,230 759,600 337,900 1.69 0.70 8.71 0.12 1.55
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 22
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
3 1/2 XH 4 SH 3 1/2 Mod. OPEN
4.500 114.30 2.000 50.80 43.39 64.57 8,470 * 11,490 14,920 20,230 678,600 301,800 1.78 0.66 8.23 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 2.250 57.15 40.55 60.35 8,470 * 11,490 14,920 20,230 586,800 261,000 1.93 0.62 7.70 0.21 2.57
4.500 114.30 2.500 63.50 37.38 55.63 8,310 11,260 14,620 19,830 484,200 215,400 2.19 0.57 7.09 0.25 3.17
4.750 120.65 1.750 44.45 52.07 77.48 12,070 * 16,360 21,240 28,810 759,600 337,900 2.15 0.80 9.88 0.12 1.55
4.750 120.65 2.000 50.80 49.56 73.76 11,800 16,000 20,770 28,160 678,600 301,800 2.27 0.76 9.41 0.16 2.03
4.750 120.65 2.250 57.15 46.73 69.53 10,140 13,750 17,850 24,200 586,800 261,000 2.46 0.71 8.87 0.21 2.57
4.750 120.65 2.438 61.91 44.38 66.04 8,780 11,910 15,460 20,960 510,900 227,200 2.68 0.68 8.42 0.24 3.01
4.750 120.65 2.500 63.50 43.55 64.82 8,310 11,260 14,620 19,830 484,200 215,400 2.78 0.67 8.27 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 1.750 44.45 58.57 87.17 13,280 18,000 23,370 31,690 759,600 337,900 2.65 0.90 11.12 0.12 1.55
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 11,800 16,000 20,770 28,160 678,600 301,800 2.79 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 10,140 13,750 17,850 24,200 586,800 261,000 3.03 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 8,310 11,260 14,620 19,830 484,200 215,400 3.43 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
5.250 133.35 1.750 44.45 65.42 97.35 13,280 18,000 23,370 31,690 759,600 337,900 3.20 1.00 12.41 0.12 1.55
5.250 133.35 2.000 50.80 62.91 93.62 11,800 16,000 20,770 28,160 678,600 301,800 3.37 0.96 11.94 0.16 2.03
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 10,140 13,750 17,850 24,200 586,800 261,000 3.65 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 8,310 11,260 14,620 19,830 484,200 215,400 4.14 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17
2 7/8 API FH
4.063 103.19 1.750 44.45 35.89 53.41 4,780 * 6,480 8,410 11,400 620,300 275,900 1.72 0.55 6.81 0.12 1.55
4.063 103.19 2.000 50.80 33.39 49.68 4,780 * 6,480 8,410 11,400 539,300 239,900 1.85 0.51 6.34 0.16 2.03
4.063 103.19 2.125 53.98 32.01 47.63 4,780 * 6,480 8,410 11,400 494,700 220,000 1.94 0.49 6.07 0.18 2.29
4.250 107.95 1.750 44.45 40.05 59.60 6,930 * 9,400 12,200 16,540 620,300 275,900 2.07 0.61 7.60 0.12 1.55
4.250 107.95 2.000 50.80 37.55 55.88 6,930 * 9,400 12,200 16,540 539,300 239,900 2.22 0.57 7.13 0.16 2.03
4.250 107.95 2.125 53.98 36.17 53.83 6,930 * 9,400 12,200 16,540 494,700 220,000 2.34 0.55 6.86 0.18 2.29
4.500 114.30 1.750 44.45 45.89 68.29 9,810 13,300 17,260 23,410 620,300 275,900 2.58 0.70 8.71 0.12 1.55
4.500 114.30 2.000 50.80 43.39 64.57 8,470 11,490 14,910 20,220 539,300 239,900 2.77 0.66 8.23 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 2.125 53.98 42.01 62.52 7,740 10,500 13,630 18,480 494,700 220,000 2.91 0.64 7.97 0.18 2.29

4.625 117.48 1.750 44.45 48.94 72.82 9,810 13,300 17,260 23,410 620,300 275,900 2.85 0.75 9.29 0.12 1.55

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
2 7/8 API FH
4.625 117.48 2.000 50.80 46.43 69.10 8,470 11,490 14,910 20,220 539,300 239,900 3.06 0.71 8.81 0.16 2.03
4.625 117.48 2.125 53.98 45.06 67.05 7,740 10,500 13,630 18,480 494,700 220,000 3.22 0.69 8.55 0.18 2.29
3 1/2 API FH
4.500 114.30 2.250 57.15 40.55 60.35 6,750 * 9,150 11,880 16,110 574,200 255,400 1.82 0.62 7.70 0.21 2.57
4.500 114.30 2.438 61.91 38.20 56.85 6,750 * 9,150 11,880 16,110 498,300 221,600 1.96 0.58 7.25 0.24 3.01

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

4.500 114.30 2.500 63.50 37.38 55.63 6,750 * 9,150 11,880 16,110 471,600 209,700 2.01 0.57 7.09 0.25 3.17
4.625 117.48 2.250 57.15 43.60 64.88 8,480 * 11,490 14,920 20,230 574,200 255,400 2.04 0.67 8.27 0.21 2.57
4.625 117.48 2.500 63.50 40.43 60.16 8,480 * 11,490 14,130 19,160 471,600 209,700 2.26 0.62 7.67 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 11,430 15,500 17,400 23,600 574,200 255,400 2.76 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 9,600 13,010 14,190 19,250 471,600 209,700 3.06 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
4 1/2 API FH
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 12,970 * 17,580 22,830 30,950 1,180,600 525,100 1.58 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 12,970 * 17,580 22,830 30,950 1,088,800 484,300 1.62 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 12,970 * 17,580 22,830 30,950 986,200 438,700 1.69 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 2.813 71.44 59.65 88.77 12,970 * 17,580 22,830 30,950 842,800 374,900 1.82 0.91 11.32 0.32 4.01
5.500 139.70 3.000 76.20 56.74 84.43 12,970 * 17,580 22,830 30,950 748,700 333,000 1.94 0.87 10.77 0.37 4.56
5.750 146.05 2.000 50.80 77.60 115.48 18,110 * 24,560 31,880 43,230 1,180,600 525,100 1.90 1.19 14.73 0.16 2.03
5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 18,110 * 24,560 31,880 43,230 1,088,800 484,300 1.95 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
5.750 146.05 2.500 63.50 71.59 106.54 18,110 * 24,560 31,880 43,230 986,200 438,700 2.03 1.09 13.59 0.25 3.17
5.750 146.05 2.813 71.44 67.16 99.94 18,110 * 24,560 30,490 41,340 842,800 374,900 2.19 1.03 12.74 0.32 4.01
5.750 146.05 3.000 76.20 64.25 95.61 17,890 24,260 27,070 36,710 748,700 333,000 2.33 0.98 12.19 0.37 4.56
6.000 152.40 2.000 50.80 85.44 127.15 23,600 * 32,000 41,540 56,320 1,180,600 525,100 2.24 1.31 16.21 0.16 2.03
6.000 152.40 2.250 57.15 82.60 122.93 23,600 * 32,000 39,850 54,030 1,088,800 484,300 2.30 1.26 15.68 0.21 2.57
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 23,020 31,220 36,050 48,880 986,200 438,700 2.40 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17
6.000 152.40 2.813 71.44 75.00 111.61 19,920 27,000 30,610 41,500 842,800 374,900 2.59 1.15 14.23 0.32 4.01
6.000 152.40 3.000 76.20 72.09 107.28 17,890 24,260 27,070 36,710 748,700 333,000 2.76 1.10 13.68 0.37 4.56
6.250 158.75 2.000 50.80 93.62 139.32 27,290 37,000 43,520 59,010 1,180,600 525,100 2.61 1.43 17.77 0.16 2.03

6 - 23
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 24
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
4 1/2 API FH
6.250 158.75 2.250 57.15 90.78 135.10 25,270 34,260 39,980 54,200 1,088,800 484,300 2.69 1.39 17.23 0.21 2.57
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 23,020 31,220 36,050 48,880 986,200 438,700 2.80 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 2.813 71.44 83.18 123.78 19,920 27,000 30,610 41,500 842,800 374,900 3.02 1.27 15.79 0.32 4.01
6.250 158.75 3.000 76.20 80.27 119.45 17,890 24,260 27,070 36,710 748,700 333,000 3.21 1.23 15.23 0.37 4.56
6.500 165.10 2.000 50.80 102.13 151.98 27,290 37,000 43,520 59,010 1,180,600 525,100 3.01 1.56 19.38 0.16 2.03
6.500 165.10 2.250 57.15 99.29 147.76 25,270 34,260 39,980 54,200 1,088,800 484,300 3.10 1.52 18.84 0.21 2.57
6.500 165.10 2.500 63.50 96.12 143.04 23,020 31,220 36,050 48,880 986,200 438,700 3.23 1.47 18.24 0.25 3.17
6.500 165.10 2.813 71.44 91.69 136.45 19,920 27,000 30,610 41,500 842,800 374,900 3.48 1.40 17.40 0.32 4.01
6.500 165.10 3.000 76.20 88.78 132.12 17,890 24,260 27,070 36,710 748,700 333,000 3.70 1.36 16.85 0.37 4.56
5 1/2 API FH
7.000 177.80 2.250 57.15 117.31 174.58 32,760 * 44,410 52,410 71,070 1,767,100 786,000 1.62 1.79 22.26 0.21 2.57
7.000 177.80 2.500 63.50 114.14 169.86 32,760 * 44,410 52,410 71,070 1,673,800 744,500 1.65 1.74 21.66 0.25 3.17
7.000 177.80 2.813 71.44 109.71 163.27 32,760 * 44,410 52,410 71,070 1,543,400 686,500 1.70 1.68 20.82 0.32 4.01
7.000 177.80 3.000 76.20 106.80 158.94 32,760 * 44,410 52,410 71,070 1,457,800 648,500 1.74 1.63 20.27 0.37 4.56
7.000 177.80 3.250 82.55 102.63 152.73 32,760 * 44,410 52,410 71,070 1,335,100 593,900 1.81 1.57 19.48 0.43 5.35
7.000 177.80 4.000 101.60 88.11 131.12 29,000 39,320 40,630 55,090 908,100 403,900 2.25 1.35 16.72 0.65 8.11
7.250 184.15 2.250 57.15 126.83 188.74 40,990 * 55,580 65,590 88,930 1,767,100 786,000 1.89 1.94 24.07 0.21 2.57
7.250 184.15 2.500 63.50 123.65 184.02 40,990 * 55,580 65,590 88,930 1,673,800 744,500 1.93 1.89 23.47 0.25 3.17
7.250 184.15 2.813 71.44 119.22 177.42 40,990 * 55,580 65,590 88,930 1,543,400 686,500 1.98 1.82 22.63 0.32 4.01
7.250 184.15 3.000 76.20 116.31 173.09 40,990 * 55,580 65,590 88,930 1,457,800 648,500 2.03 1.78 22.07 0.37 4.56
7.250 184.15 3.250 82.55 112.14 166.88 40,990 * 55,580 60,560 82,110 1,335,100 593,900 2.11 1.71 21.28 0.43 5.35
7.500 190.50 2.250 57.15 136.67 203.39 49,660 * 67,330 79,450 107,720 1,767,100 786,000 2.18 2.09 25.94 0.21 2.57
7.500 190.50 2.500 63.50 133.50 198.67 49,660 * 67,330 76,620 103,880 1,673,800 744,500 2.22 2.04 25.34 0.25 3.17
7.500 190.50 2.813 71.44 129.07 192.07 47,750 64,740 70,510 95,600 1,543,400 686,500 2.28 1.97 24.49 0.32 4.01
7.500 190.50 3.000 76.20 126.16 187.74 45,190 61,260 66,420 90,060 1,457,800 648,500 2.34 1.93 23.94 0.37 4.56
7.500 190.50 3.250 82.55 121.99 181.53 41,530 56,310 60,590 82,150 1,335,100 593,900 2.43 1.86 23.15 0.43 5.35

7.750 196.85 2.250 57.15 146.85 218.54 54,510 73,910 81,290 110,210 1,767,100 786,000 2.48 2.24 27.87 0.21 2.57

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
5 1/2 API FH
7.750 196.85 2.500 63.50 143.68 213.82 51,680 70,070 76,780 104,100 1,673,800 744,500 2.52 2.20 27.27 0.25 3.17
7.750 196.85 2.813 71.44 139.25 207.22 47,750 64,740 70,510 95,600 1,543,400 686,500 2.60 2.13 26.43 0.32 4.01
7.750 196.85 3.000 76.20 136.34 202.89 45,190 61,260 66,420 90,060 1,457,800 648,500 2.66 2.08 25.87 0.37 4.56
7.750 196.85 3.250 82.55 132.17 196.68 41,530 56,310 60,590 82,150 1,335,100 593,900 2.77 2.02 25.08 0.43 5.35
6 5/8 API FH

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

8.000 203.20 5.000 127.00 104.13 154.96 38,130 51,700 52,890 71,710 1,028,200 457,300 2.26 1.59 19.76 1.02 12.67
8.500 215.90 2.500 63.50 176.22 262.24 67,780 * 91,900 108,460 147,050 2,500,800 1,112,400 1.86 2.69 33.44 0.25 3.17
8.500 215.90 2.813 71.44 171.79 255.65 67,780 * 91,900 108,460 147,050 2,370,400 1,054,400 1.89 2.63 32.60 0.32 4.01
8.500 215.90 3.000 76.20 168.88 251.32 67,780 * 91,900 108,460 147,050 2,284,800 1,016,300 1.91 2.58 32.05 0.37 4.56
8.500 215.90 3.250 82.55 164.71 245.11 67,780 * 91,900 108,460 147,050 2,162,100 961,700 1.95 2.52 31.26 0.43 5.35
8.500 215.90 3.500 88.90 160.20 238.40 67,780 * 91,900 106,710 144,680 2,029,600 902,800 2.01 2.45 30.40 0.50 6.21
8.500 215.90 3.750 95.25 155.36 231.20 67,180 91,080 99,190 134,480 1,887,200 839,500 2.07 2.37 29.48 0.57 7.13
8.750 222.25 2.500 63.50 187.73 279.38 79,540 * 107,840 127,270 172,550 2,500,800 1,112,400 2.11 2.87 35.63 0.25 3.17
8.750 222.25 2.813 71.44 183.30 272.78 79,540 * 107,840 125,620 170,320 2,370,400 1,054,400 2.14 2.80 34.79 0.32 4.01
8.750 222.25 3.000 76.20 180.39 268.45 79,540 * 107,840 121,080 164,170 2,284,800 1,016,300 2.16 2.76 34.23 0.37 4.56
8.750 222.25 3.250 82.55 176.22 262.24 76,700 103,990 114,370 155,060 2,162,100 961,700 2.21 2.69 33.44 0.43 5.35
8.750 222.25 3.500 88.90 171.71 255.54 72,100 97,750 107,030 145,110 2,029,600 902,800 2.27 2.62 32.59 0.50 6.21
8.750 222.25 3.750 95.25 166.88 248.34 67,180 91,080 99,190 134,480 1,887,200 839,500 2.34 2.55 31.67 0.57 7.13
9.000 228.60 2.500 63.50 199.58 297.01 88,580 120,100 133,300 180,740 2,500,800 1,112,400 2.36 3.05 37.88 0.25 3.17
9.000 228.60 2.813 71.44 195.15 290.42 83,990 113,870 125,980 170,810 2,370,400 1,054,400 2.40 2.98 37.04 0.32 4.01
9.000 228.60 3.000 76.20 192.24 286.08 80,990 109,800 121,200 164,330 2,284,800 1,016,300 2.43 2.94 36.48 0.37 4.56
9.000 228.60 3.250 82.55 188.07 279.88 76,700 103,990 114,370 155,060 2,162,100 961,700 2.48 2.87 35.69 0.43 5.35
9.000 228.60 3.500 88.90 183.56 273.17 72,100 97,750 107,030 145,110 2,029,600 902,800 2.54 2.80 34.84 0.50 6.21
9.000 228.60 3.750 95.25 178.72 265.97 67,180 91,080 99,190 134,480 1,887,200 839,500 2.63 2.73 33.92 0.57 7.13
9.250 234.95 2.500 63.50 211.76 315.14 88,580 120,100 133,300 180,740 2,500,800 1,112,400 2.63 3.24 40.19 0.25 3.17
9.250 234.95 2.813 71.44 207.33 308.54 83,990 113,870 125,980 170,810 2,370,400 1,054,400 2.67 3.17 39.35 0.32 4.01
9.250 234.95 3.000 76.20 204.42 304.21 80,990 109,800 121,200 164,330 2,284,800 1,016,300 2.70 3.12 38.79 0.37 4.56

6 - 25
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 26
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
6 5/8 API FH
9.250 234.95 3.250 82.55 200.25 298.00 76,700 103,990 114,370 155,060 2,162,100 961,700 2.76 3.06 38.00 0.43 5.35
9.250 234.95 3.500 88.90 195.74 291.30 72,100 97,750 107,030 145,110 2,029,600 902,800 2.83 2.99 37.15 0.50 6.21
9.250 234.95 3.750 95.25 190.91 284.10 67,180 91,080 99,190 134,480 1,887,200 839,500 2.93 2.92 36.23 0.57 7.13
9.500 241.30 2.500 63.50 224.28 333.77 88,580 120,100 133,300 180,740 2,500,800 1,112,400 2.91 3.43 42.56 0.25 3.17
9.500 241.30 2.813 71.44 219.85 327.17 83,990 113,870 125,980 170,810 2,370,400 1,054,400 2.95 3.36 41.72 0.32 4.01
9.500 241.30 3.000 76.20 216.94 322.84 80,990 109,800 121,200 164,330 2,284,800 1,016,300 2.99 3.31 41.17 0.37 4.56
9.500 241.30 3.250 82.55 212.77 316.63 76,700 103,990 114,370 155,060 2,162,100 961,700 3.05 3.25 40.38 0.43 5.35
9.500 241.30 3.500 88.90 208.26 309.93 72,100 97,750 107,030 145,110 2,029,600 902,800 3.13 3.18 39.52 0.50 6.21
9.500 241.30 3.750 95.25 203.42 302.72 67,180 91,080 99,190 134,480 1,887,200 839,500 3.24 3.11 38.60 0.57 7.13
2 3/8 SL-H90
3.500 88.90 1.000 25.40 30.04 44.70 6,250 * 8,480 10,010 13,570 399,600 177,700 2.19 0.46 5.70 0.04 0.51
3.500 88.90 1.250 31.75 28.54 42.47 5,860 7,950 9,380 12,720 355,400 158,100 2.28 0.44 5.42 0.06 0.79
3.500 88.90 1.500 38.10 26.70 39.73 4,940 6,700 7,900 10,720 301,400 134,000 2.47 0.41 5.07 0.09 1.14
3.500 88.90 1.750 44.45 24.53 36.51 3,860 5,240 6,180 8,380 237,600 105,600 2.85 0.37 4.66 0.12 1.55
3.750 95.25 1.000 25.40 34.88 51.90 6,620 8,980 10,600 14,380 399,600 177,700 2.92 0.53 6.62 0.04 0.51
3.750 95.25 1.250 31.75 33.38 49.67 5,860 7,950 9,380 12,720 355,400 158,100 3.04 0.51 6.33 0.06 0.79
3.750 95.25 1.500 38.10 31.54 46.94 4,940 6,700 7,900 10,720 301,400 134,000 3.29 0.48 5.99 0.09 1.14
2 7/8 SL-H90
4.000 101.60 1.500 38.10 36.71 54.63 8,600 * 11,660 13,770 18,670 501,300 223,000 1.92 0.56 6.97 0.09 1.14
4.000 101.60 1.750 44.45 34.54 51.41 8,260 11,210 13,230 17,930 437,500 194,600 2.04 0.53 6.56 0.12 1.55
4.000 101.60 2.000 50.80 32.04 47.68 6,830 9,260 10,930 14,820 363,900 161,800 2.27 0.49 6.08 0.16 2.03
4.000 101.60 2.250 57.15 29.20 43.46 5,220 7,080 8,360 11,330 280,500 124,700 2.72 0.45 5.54 0.21 2.57
4.250 107.95 1.500 38.10 42.22 62.83 9,520 12,910 15,240 20,670 501,300 223,000 2.50 0.65 8.01 0.09 1.14
4.250 107.95 1.750 44.45 40.05 59.60 8,260 11,210 13,230 17,930 437,500 194,600 2.67 0.61 7.60 0.12 1.55
4.250 107.95 2.000 50.80 37.55 55.88 6,830 9,260 10,930 14,820 363,900 161,800 2.97 0.57 7.13 0.16 2.03
4.500 114.30 1.500 38.10 48.06 71.52 9,520 12,910 15,240 20,670 501,300 223,000 3.15 0.73 9.12 0.09 1.14

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

4.500 114.30 1.750 44.45 45.89 68.29 8,260 11,210 13,230 17,930 437,500 194,600 3.36 0.70 8.71 0.12 1.55
Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
3 1/2 SL-H90
4.750 120.65 1.500 38.10 54.23 80.71 13,690 * 18,560 21,910 29,710 780,300 347,100 1.66 0.83 10.29 0.09 1.14
4.750 120.65 1.750 44.45 52.07 77.48 13,690 * 18,560 21,910 29,710 764,500 340,100 1.71 0.80 9.88 0.12 1.55
4.750 120.65 2.000 50.80 49.56 73.76 13,690 * 18,560 21,910 29,710 690,900 307,300 1.78 0.76 9.41 0.16 2.03
4.750 120.65 2.250 57.15 46.73 69.53 13,490 18,290 21,580 29,260 607,500 270,200 1.91 0.71 8.87 0.21 2.57
4.750 120.65 2.500 63.50 43.55 64.82 11,350 15,390 18,160 24,620 514,200 228,700 2.11 0.67 8.27 0.25 3.17

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

4.750 120.65 2.750 69.85 40.05 59.60 9,010 12,220 14,420 19,550 411,100 182,800 2.47 0.61 7.60 0.31 3.83
5.000 127.00 1.500 38.10 60.74 90.39 18,160 * 24,620 29,050 39,390 828,400 368,400 2.10 0.93 11.53 0.09 1.14
5.000 127.00 1.750 44.45 58.57 87.17 17,140 23,240 27,430 37,190 764,500 340,100 2.16 0.90 11.12 0.12 1.55
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 15,420 20,910 24,670 33,460 690,900 307,300 2.25 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 13,490 18,290 21,580 29,260 607,500 270,200 2.41 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 11,350 15,390 18,160 24,620 514,200 228,700 2.67 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 2.750 69.85 46.56 69.29 9,010 12,220 14,420 19,550 411,100 182,800 3.13 0.71 8.84 0.31 3.83
5.250 133.35 1.500 38.10 67.58 100.58 18,640 25,270 29,830 40,440 828,400 368,400 2.58 1.03 12.83 0.09 1.14
5.250 133.35 1.750 44.45 65.42 97.35 17,140 23,240 27,430 37,190 764,500 340,100 2.65 1.00 12.41 0.12 1.55
5.250 133.35 2.000 50.80 62.91 93.62 15,420 20,910 24,670 33,460 690,900 307,300 2.77 0.96 11.94 0.16 2.03
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 13,490 18,290 21,580 29,260 607,500 270,200 2.96 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 1.500 38.10 74.76 111.26 18,640 25,270 29,830 40,440 828,400 368,400 3.10 1.14 14.19 0.09 1.14
5.500 139.70 1.750 44.45 72.59 108.03 17,140 23,240 27,430 37,190 764,500 340,100 3.18 1.11 13.78 0.12 1.55
3 1/2 H-90
4.750 120.65 1.750 44.45 52.07 77.48 8,780 * 11,910 17,190 23,310 877,100 390,100 1.42 0.80 9.88 0.12 1.55
4.750 120.65 2.000 50.80 49.56 73.76 8,780 * 11,910 17,190 23,310 809,300 360,000 1.47 0.76 9.41 0.16 2.03
4.750 120.65 2.250 57.15 46.73 69.53 8,780 * 11,910 17,190 23,310 717,500 319,100 1.55 0.71 8.87 0.21 2.57
4.750 120.65 2.500 63.50 43.55 64.82 8,780 * 11,910 17,190 23,310 614,900 273,500 1.67 0.67 8.27 0.25 3.17
4.750 120.65 2.813 71.44 39.12 58.22 8,780 * 11,910 16,920 22,940 471,500 209,700 1.94 0.60 7.42 0.32 4.01
5.000 127.00 1.750 44.45 58.57 87.17 12,790 * 17,340 25,040 33,950 890,300 396,000 1.80 0.90 11.12 0.12 1.55
5.000 127.00 2.000 50.80 56.07 83.44 12,790 * 17,340 25,040 33,950 809,300 360,000 1.86 0.86 10.64 0.16 2.03
5.000 127.00 2.250 57.15 53.23 79.22 12,790 * 17,340 25,040 33,950 717,500 319,100 1.95 0.81 10.10 0.21 2.57

6 - 27
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 28
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
3 1/2 H-90
5.000 127.00 2.500 63.50 50.06 74.50 12,790 * 17,340 22,320 30,260 614,900 273,500 2.11 0.76 9.50 0.25 3.17
5.000 127.00 2.813 71.44 45.63 67.90 10,400 14,110 17,000 23,050 471,500 209,700 2.45 0.70 8.66 0.32 4.01
5.250 133.35 1.750 44.45 65.42 97.35 17,090 * 23,170 32,690 44,320 890,300 396,000 2.20 1.00 12.41 0.12 1.55
5.250 133.35 2.000 50.80 62.91 93.62 16,920 22,950 29,700 40,270 809,300 360,000 2.27 0.96 11.94 0.16 2.03
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 15,130 20,520 26,210 35,540 717,500 319,100 2.39 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 13,150 17,830 22,340 30,290 614,900 273,500 2.58 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17
5.250 133.35 2.813 71.44 52.47 78.09 10,400 14,110 17,000 23,050 471,500 209,700 3.00 0.80 9.96 0.32 4.01
5.500 139.70 1.750 44.45 72.59 108.03 18,520 25,110 32,800 44,480 890,300 396,000 2.64 1.11 13.78 0.12 1.55
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 16,920 22,950 29,700 40,270 809,300 360,000 2.73 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 15,130 20,520 26,210 35,540 717,500 319,100 2.87 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 13,150 17,830 22,340 30,290 614,900 273,500 3.10 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 2.813 71.44 59.65 88.77 10,400 14,110 17,000 23,050 471,500 209,700 3.60 0.91 11.32 0.32 4.01
4 H-90
5.250 133.35 1.750 44.45 65.42 97.35 12,590 * 17,070 24,640 33,410 1,097,400 488,100 1.46 1.00 12.41 0.12 1.55
5.250 133.35 2.000 50.80 62.91 93.62 12,590 * 17,070 24,640 33,410 1,058,400 470,800 1.49 0.96 11.94 0.16 2.03
5.250 133.35 2.250 57.15 60.08 89.40 12,590 * 17,070 24,640 33,410 966,600 429,900 1.54 0.92 11.40 0.21 2.57
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 12,590 * 17,070 24,640 33,410 864,000 384,300 1.62 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17
5.250 133.35 2.813 71.44 52.47 78.09 12,590 * 17,070 24,640 33,410 720,500 320,500 1.78 0.80 9.96 0.32 4.01
5.500 139.70 1.750 44.45 72.59 108.03 17,400 * 23,590 34,050 46,170 1,139,400 506,800 1.79 1.11 13.78 0.12 1.55
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 17,400 * 23,590 34,050 46,170 1,058,400 470,800 1.83 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
5.500 139.70 2.250 57.15 67.25 100.08 17,400 * 23,590 34,050 46,170 966,600 429,900 1.89 1.03 12.76 0.21 2.57
5.500 139.70 2.500 63.50 64.08 95.36 17,400 * 23,590 34,050 46,170 864,000 384,300 1.99 0.98 12.16 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 2.813 71.44 59.65 88.77 16,530 22,410 28,350 38,440 720,500 320,500 2.18 0.91 11.32 0.32 4.01
5.750 146.05 1.750 44.45 80.10 119.20 22,530 * 30,540 44,090 59,790 1,139,400 506,800 2.15 1.22 15.20 0.12 1.55
5.750 146.05 2.000 50.80 77.60 115.48 22,530 * 30,540 42,160 57,170 1,058,400 470,800 2.20 1.19 14.73 0.16 2.03
5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 21,710 29,440 38,440 52,120 966,600 429,900 2.28 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
5.750 146.05 2.500 63.50 71.59 106.54 19,540 26,490 34,210 46,390 864,000 384,300 2.39 1.09 13.59 0.25 3.17

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
4 H-90
5.750 146.05 2.813 71.44 67.16 99.94 16,530 22,410 28,350 38,440 720,500 320,500 2.63 1.03 12.74 0.32 4.01
6.000 152.40 1.750 44.45 87.94 130.87 25,400 34,440 45,640 61,890 1,139,400 506,800 2.54 1.34 16.69 0.12 1.55
6.000 152.40 2.000 50.80 85.44 127.15 23,670 32,090 42,260 57,290 1,058,400 470,800 2.60 1.31 16.21 0.16 2.03
6.000 152.40 2.250 57.15 82.60 122.93 21,710 29,440 38,440 52,120 966,600 429,900 2.69 1.26 15.68 0.21 2.57
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 19,540 26,490 34,210 46,390 864,000 384,300 2.83 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

6.000 152.40 2.813 71.44 75.00 111.61 16,530 22,410 28,350 38,440 720,500 320,500 3.10 1.15 14.23 0.32 4.01
6.250 158.75 1.750 44.45 96.12 143.04 25,400 34,440 45,640 61,890 1,139,400 506,800 2.96 1.47 18.24 0.12 1.55
6.250 158.75 2.000 50.80 93.62 139.32 23,670 32,090 42,260 57,290 1,058,400 470,800 3.03 1.43 17.77 0.16 2.03
6.250 158.75 2.250 57.15 90.78 135.10 21,710 29,440 38,440 52,120 966,600 429,900 3.13 1.39 17.23 0.21 2.57
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 19,540 26,490 34,210 46,390 864,000 384,300 3.29 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 2.813 71.44 83.18 123.78 16,530 22,410 28,350 38,440 720,500 320,500 3.61 1.27 15.79 0.32 4.01
4 1/2 H-90
5.750 146.05 2.250 57.15 74.76 111.26 18,010 * 24,430 35,260 47,810 1,204,400 535,700 1.61 1.14 14.19 0.21 2.57
5.750 146.05 2.500 63.50 71.59 106.54 18,010 * 24,430 35,260 47,810 1,101,800 490,100 1.67 1.09 13.59 0.25 3.17
5.750 146.05 2.813 71.44 67.16 99.94 18,010 * 24,430 35,260 47,810 958,400 426,300 1.78 1.03 12.74 0.32 4.01
5.750 146.05 3.000 76.20 64.25 95.61 18,010 * 24,430 35,260 47,810 864,200 384,400 1.88 0.98 12.19 0.37 4.56
6.000 152.40 2.250 57.15 82.60 122.93 23,680 * 32,100 46,350 62,840 1,204,400 535,700 1.94 1.26 15.68 0.21 2.57
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 23,680 * 32,100 46,350 62,840 1,101,800 490,100 2.01 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17
6.000 152.40 2.813 71.44 75.00 111.61 23,150 31,390 40,480 54,890 958,400 426,300 2.14 1.15 14.23 0.32 4.01
6.000 152.40 3.000 76.20 72.09 107.28 21,050 28,540 36,370 49,320 864,200 384,400 2.26 1.10 13.68 0.37 4.56
6.250 158.75 2.250 57.15 90.78 135.10 28,730 38,950 51,340 69,620 1,204,400 535,700 2.29 1.39 17.23 0.21 2.57
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 26,390 35,780 46,790 63,450 1,101,800 490,100 2.37 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 2.813 71.44 83.18 123.78 23,150 31,390 40,480 54,890 958,400 426,300 2.53 1.27 15.79 0.32 4.01
6.250 158.75 3.000 76.20 80.27 119.45 21,050 28,540 36,370 49,320 864,200 384,400 2.67 1.23 15.23 0.37 4.56
6.500 165.10 2.250 57.15 99.29 147.76 28,730 38,950 51,340 69,620 1,204,400 535,700 2.66 1.52 18.84 0.21 2.57
6.500 165.10 2.500 63.50 96.12 143.04 26,390 35,780 46,790 63,450 1,101,800 490,100 2.76 1.47 18.24 0.25 3.17
6.500 165.10 2.813 71.44 91.69 136.45 23,150 31,390 40,480 54,890 958,400 426,300 2.95 1.40 17.40 0.32 4.01

6 - 29
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 30
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
4 1/2 H-90
6.500 165.10 3.000 76.20 88.78 132.12 21,050 28,540 36,370 49,320 864,200 384,400 3.11 1.36 16.85 0.37 4.56
6.750 171.45 2.250 57.15 108.14 160.92 28,730 38,950 51,340 69,620 1,204,400 535,700 3.07 1.65 20.52 0.21 2.57
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 26,390 35,780 46,790 63,450 1,101,800 490,100 3.18 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
6.750 171.45 2.813 71.44 100.53 149.61 23,150 31,390 40,480 54,890 958,400 426,300 3.39 1.54 19.08 0.32 4.01
6.750 171.45 3.000 76.20 97.62 145.28 21,050 * 28,540 36,370 49,320 864,200 384,400 3.58 1.49 18.53 0.37 4.56
5 H-90
6.250 158.75 2.250 57.15 90.78 135.10 25,350 * 34,380 49,630 67,290 1,410,600 627,400 1.79 1.39 17.23 0.21 2.57
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 25,350 * 34,380 49,630 67,290 1,308,000 581,800 1.84 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 2.813 71.44 83.18 123.78 25,350 * 34,380 49,630 67,290 1,164,600 518,000 1.93 1.27 15.79 0.32 4.01
6.250 158.75 3.000 76.20 80.27 119.45 25,350 * 34,380 47,460 64,350 1,070,400 476,100 2.01 1.23 15.23 0.37 4.56
6.250 158.75 3.250 82.55 76.10 113.24 23,980 32,520 41,390 56,120 935,400 416,100 2.16 1.16 14.44 0.43 5.35
6.500 165.10 2.250 57.15 99.29 147.76 31,890 * 43,240 62,420 84,640 1,410,600 627,400 2.10 1.52 18.84 0.21 2.57
6.500 165.10 2.500 63.50 96.12 143.04 31,890 * 43,240 58,540 79,370 1,308,000 581,800 2.16 1.47 18.24 0.25 3.17
6.500 165.10 2.813 71.44 91.69 136.45 29,390 39,860 51,940 70,420 1,164,600 518,000 2.27 1.40 17.40 0.32 4.01
6.500 165.10 3.000 76.20 88.78 132.12 27,160 36,830 47,590 64,520 1,070,400 476,100 2.37 1.36 16.85 0.37 4.56
6.500 165.10 3.250 82.55 84.61 125.91 23,980 32,520 41,390 56,120 935,400 416,100 2.54 1.29 16.06 0.43 5.35
6.750 171.45 2.250 57.15 108.14 160.92 35,290 47,840 63,430 86,000 1,410,600 627,400 2.44 1.65 20.52 0.21 2.57
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 32,820 44,500 58,620 79,480 1,308,000 581,800 2.51 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
6.750 171.45 2.813 71.44 100.53 149.61 29,390 39,860 51,940 70,420 1,164,600 518,000 2.64 1.54 19.08 0.32 4.01
6.750 171.45 3.000 76.20 97.62 145.28 27,160 36,830 47,590 64,520 1,070,400 476,100 2.75 1.49 18.53 0.37 4.56
6.750 171.45 3.250 82.55 93.45 139.07 23,980 32,520 41,390 56,120 935,400 416,100 2.95 1.43 17.73 0.43 5.35
7.000 177.80 2.250 57.15 117.31 174.58 35,290 47,840 57,660 78,180 1,282,400 570,400 2.80 1.79 22.26 0.21 2.57
7.000 177.80 2.500 63.50 114.14 169.86 32,820 44,500 53,290 72,250 1,189,100 528,900 2.88 1.74 21.66 0.25 3.17
7.000 177.80 2.813 71.44 109.71 163.27 29,390 39,860 47,220 64,020 1,058,700 470,900 3.02 1.68 20.82 0.32 4.01
7.000 177.80 3.000 76.20 106.80 158.94 27,160 36,830 43,260 58,660 973,100 432,800 3.15 1.63 20.27 0.37 4.56
7.000 177.80 3.250 82.55 102.63 152.73 23,980 32,520 37,630 51,020 850,400 378,200 3.39 1.57 19.48 0.43 5.35

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
5 1/2 H-90
6.750 171.45 2.250 57.15 108.14 160.92 34,500 * 46,780 67,540 91,570 1,642,200 730,500 1.93 1.65 20.52 0.21 2.57
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 34,500 * 46,780 67,540 91,570 1,539,600 684,800 1.97 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
6.750 171.45 2.813 71.44 100.53 149.61 34,500 * 46,780 65,470 88,770 1,396,200 621,000 2.05 1.54 19.08 0.32 4.01
6.750 171.45 3.000 76.20 97.62 145.28 34,140 46,290 61,030 82,740 1,302,000 579,100 2.12 1.49 18.53 0.37 4.56
6.750 171.45 3.250 82.55 93.45 139.07 30,780 41,730 54,470 73,860 1,167,000 519,100 2.24 1.43 17.73 0.43 5.35

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

7.000 177.80 2.250 57.15 117.31 174.58 41,990 * 56,930 70,630 95,760 1,492,900 664,000 2.23 1.79 22.26 0.21 2.57
7.000 177.80 2.500 63.50 114.14 169.86 40,110 54,390 66,070 89,580 1,399,600 622,600 2.28 1.74 21.66 0.25 3.17
7.000 177.80 2.813 71.44 109.71 163.27 36,500 49,480 59,660 80,890 1,269,200 564,600 2.37 1.68 20.82 0.32 4.01
7.000 177.80 3.000 76.20 106.80 158.94 34,140 46,290 55,480 75,220 1,183,600 526,500 2.45 1.63 20.27 0.37 4.56
7.000 177.80 3.250 82.55 102.63 152.73 30,780 41,730 49,520 67,140 1,060,900 471,900 2.59 1.57 19.48 0.43 5.35
7.250 184.15 2.250 57.15 126.83 188.74 42,710 57,910 70,690 95,840 1,492,900 664,000 2.56 1.94 24.07 0.21 2.57
7.250 184.15 2.500 63.50 123.65 184.02 40,110 54,390 66,070 89,580 1,399,600 622,600 2.62 1.89 23.47 0.25 3.17
7.250 184.15 2.813 71.44 119.22 177.42 36,500 49,480 59,660 80,890 1,269,200 564,600 2.72 1.82 22.63 0.32 4.01
7.250 184.15 3.000 76.20 116.31 173.09 34,140 46,290 55,480 75,220 1,183,600 526,500 2.81 1.78 22.07 0.37 4.56
7.250 184.15 3.250 82.55 112.14 166.88 30,780 41,730 49,520 67,140 1,060,900 471,900 2.97 1.71 21.28 0.43 5.35
7.500 190.50 2.250 57.15 136.67 203.39 42,710 57,910 70,690 95,840 1,492,900 664,000 2.91 2.09 25.94 0.21 2.57
7.500 190.50 2.500 63.50 133.50 198.67 40,110 54,390 66,070 89,580 1,399,600 622,600 2.97 2.04 25.34 0.25 3.17
7.500 190.50 2.813 71.44 129.07 192.07 36,500 49,480 59,660 80,890 1,269,200 564,600 3.09 1.97 24.49 0.32 4.01
7.500 190.50 3.000 76.20 126.16 187.74 34,140 46,290 55,480 75,220 1,183,600 526,500 3.19 1.93 23.94 0.37 4.56
7.500 190.50 3.250 82.55 121.99 181.53 30,780 41,730 49,520 67,140 1,060,900 471,900 3.37 1.86 23.15 0.43 5.35
6 5/8 H-90
7.500 190.50 2.500 63.50 133.50 198.67 46,500 * 63,050 82,750 112,200 1,912,000 850,500 1.83 2.04 25.34 0.25 3.17
7.500 190.50 2.813 71.44 129.07 192.07 46,500 * 63,050 82,750 112,200 1,781,600 792,500 1.88 1.97 24.49 0.32 4.01
7.500 190.50 3.000 76.20 126.16 187.74 46,500 * 63,050 82,750 112,200 1,696,000 754,400 1.91 1.93 23.94 0.37 4.56
7.500 190.50 3.250 82.55 121.99 181.53 46,500 * 63,050 81,860 110,990 1,573,300 699,800 1.97 1.86 23.15 0.43 5.35
7.750 196.85 2.500 63.50 143.68 213.82 55,700 * 75,520 99,120 134,390 1,912,000 850,500 2.10 2.20 27.27 0.25 3.17
7.750 196.85 2.813 71.44 139.25 207.22 55,700 * 75,520 93,440 126,690 1,781,600 792,500 2.15 2.13 26.43 0.32 4.01

6 - 31
Recommended Torque Tensile
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
3 1/2 WO
5.250 133.35 2.500 63.50 56.90 84.68 15,440 20,940 19,410 26,320 609,200 270,900 3.06 0.87 10.80 0.25 3.17
5.500 139.70 1.750 44.45 72.59 108.03 22,800 30,910 28,660 38,860 884,600 393,400 3.02 1.11 13.78 0.12 1.55
5.500 139.70 2.000 50.80 70.09 104.30 20,610 27,950 25,910 35,140 803,600 357,400 3.14 1.07 13.30 0.16 2.03
4 WO
6.000 152.40 2.500 63.50 79.43 118.21 32,790 * 44,450 41,220 55,880 1,182,500 526,000 2.07 1.21 15.07 0.25 3.17

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

6.000 152.40 2.750 69.85 75.93 112.99 32,340 43,850 40,660 55,130 1,069,100 475,500 2.18 1.16 14.41 0.31 3.83
6.000 152.40 3.000 76.20 72.09 107.28 28,430 38,550 35,740 48,460 944,900 420,300 2.34 1.10 13.68 0.37 4.56
6.000 152.40 3.250 82.55 67.92 101.07 24,220 32,850 30,450 41,290 809,900 360,200 2.59 1.04 12.89 0.43 5.35
6.000 152.40 3.500 88.90 63.41 94.37 19,730 26,750 24,810 33,630 664,100 295,400 3.00 0.97 12.03 0.50 6.21
6.250 158.75 2.500 63.50 87.61 130.38 35,940 48,730 45,180 61,260 1,182,500 526,000 2.44 1.34 16.63 0.25 3.17
6.250 158.75 2.750 69.85 84.11 125.16 32,340 43,850 40,660 55,130 1,069,100 475,500 2.57 1.29 15.96 0.31 3.83
6.250 158.75 3.000 76.20 80.27 119.45 28,430 38,550 35,740 48,460 944,900 420,300 2.77 1.23 15.23 0.37 4.56
6.250 158.75 3.250 82.55 76.10 113.24 24,220 32,850 30,450 41,290 809,900 360,200 3.06 1.16 14.44 0.43 5.35
6.500 165.10 2.500 63.50 96.12 143.04 35,940 48,730 45,180 61,260 1,182,500 526,000 2.85 1.47 18.24 0.25 3.17
6.500 165.10 2.750 69.85 92.62 137.83 32,340 43,850 40,660 55,130 1,069,100 475,500 3.00 1.42 17.58 0.31 3.83
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 35,940 48,730 45,180 61,260 1,182,500 526,000 3.28 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
4 1/2 WO
6.750 171.45 2.500 63.50 104.96 156.20 50,150 67,990 63,040 85,480 1,518,100 675,300 2.24 1.60 19.92 0.25 3.17
6.750 171.45 2.750 69.85 101.46 150.99 46,220 62,670 58,110 78,780 1,404,700 624,800 2.32 1.55 19.25 0.31 3.83
6.750 171.45 3.000 76.20 97.62 145.28 41,950 56,870 52,730 71,500 1,280,500 569,600 2.43 1.49 18.53 0.37 4.56
6.750 171.45 3.250 82.55 93.45 139.07 37,340 50,630 46,940 63,650 1,145,600 509,500 2.60 1.43 17.73 0.43 5.35
6.750 171.45 3.500 88.90 88.94 132.36 32,410 43,950 40,750 55,250 999,800 444,700 2.84 1.36 16.88 0.50 6.21
6.750 171.45 3.750 95.25 84.11 125.16 27,170 36,840 34,160 46,310 843,200 375,000 3.20 1.29 15.96 0.57 7.13
7.000 177.80 2.500 63.50 114.14 169.86 50,150 67,990 63,040 85,480 1,518,100 675,300 2.59 1.74 21.66 0.25 3.17
7.000 177.80 2.750 69.85 110.64 164.65 46,220 62,670 58,110 78,780 1,404,700 624,800 2.68 1.69 21.00 0.31 3.83
7.000 177.80 3.000 76.20 106.80 158.94 41,950 56,870 52,730 71,500 1,280,500 569,600 2.81 1.63 20.27 0.37 4.56
7.000 177.80 3.250 82.55 102.63 152.73 37,340 50,630 46,940 63,650 1,145,600 509,500 3.00 1.57 19.48 0.43 5.35

6 - 41
Recommended Torque Tensile

6 - 42
Outside Inside Nominal
Make-up to Yield Strength of BSR Displ. Capacity
Diameter Diameter Weight
Torque Connection Connection
in mm in mm lb/ft kg/m N.m N.m lb daN gal/ft L/m gal/ft L/m
4 1/2 WO
7.250 184.15 2.500 63.50 123.65 184.02 50,150 67,990 63,040 85,480 1,518,100 675,300 2.96 1.89 23.47 0.25 3.17
7.250 184.15 2.750 69.85 120.15 178.80 46,220 62,670 58,110 78,780 1,404,700 624,800 3.07 1.84 22.80 0.31 3.83

1. Make Up Torque figures preceded by an astrik (*) indicate that the weaker member for the corresponding outside
diameter (OD) and bore is the box; for all other torque values, the weaker member is the pin.
2. The Recommeded Make up Torque values are based on a unit stress of 62,500 psi (87,500 psi for 2-7/8 PAC & 56,200
psi for H-90 connections).
3. Stress-relief features are disregarded for make up torque for all connections.
4. Stress-relief features are considered in the Torque to Yield and the Tensile Strength of all connections NC38(3-1/2 IF)
and larger.
5. Normal make up torque range is tabulated values plus 10%.

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved



Slip and elevator recesses eliminate the need for lift
subs and safety clamps and therefore cut drill collar
handling time. Careful machining produces smooth
radii that are free of tool marks. The radii are also
cold rolled at the upper shoulders to help strengthen
the machined areas.
A B C Elevator Top Lower Hall
Collar Elevator Slip Recess Recess Elevator Elevator
O.D. Diameter Diameter Radius Bore Bore

4-1/8 3-11/16 3-3/4 1/8 3-3/16 4-1/4

4-3/4 4-1/4 4-3/8 1/8 4-3/8 4-7/8
5-3/4 5-1/8 5-1/4 1/8 5-1/4 5-7/8
6 5-3/8 5-1/2 1/8 5-1/2 6-1/8
6-1/4 5-5/8 5-3/4 1/8 5-3/4 6-3/8
6-1/2 5-7/8 6 1/8 6 6-5/8
6-3/4 6 6-1/4 3/16 6-3/16 6-7/8
7 6-1/4 6-1/2 3/16 6-7/16 7-1/8
7-1/4 6-1/2 6-3/4 3/16 6-11/16 7-3/8
7-1/2 6-3/4 7 3/16 6-15/16 7-5/8
7-3/4 7 7-1/4 3/16 7-3/16 7-7/8
8 7-1/4 7-1/2 3/16 7-7/16 8-1/8
9 8-1/8 8-1/2 1/4 8-3/8 9-1/8
9-1/2 8-5/8 9 1/4 8-7/8 9-5/8
9-3/4 8-7/8 9-1/4 1/4 9-1/8 9-7/8
10 9-1/8 9-1/2 1/4 9-3/8 10-1/8
All dimensions are given in inches.


By eliminating unengaged threads in the
pin and box, highly stressed areas of the
drill collar joint are relieved. This produces
a flexible joint which is more resistant to
fatigue cracking. Bending in the joint
occurs in the smooth, stress relief areas.
When ordering or requesting
quotation, please state:
1. O.D. - bore-length.
2. Size and type of connection (both
ends) and special connection features.
3. Surface finish.
4. Additional features such as elevator
and slip recesses.
5. Slick or spiral grooved.
6. Type of hard metal application.

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved 6 - 43



A.P.I. kellys are manufactured in two standard lengths; (1) 40 ft.

(12.2m) overall with a 37 ft. (11.3m) working space or (2) 54 ft.
(16.5m) overall with a 51 ft. (15.5m) working space.

Guideline for Longer Kelly Life

1. Kellys should be broken in with new drive-bushing roller assemblies to
develope essentially flat wear patterns on the driving edge of the kelly.
2. Replace drive assemblies periodically to insure that clearance from
wear in minimized.
3. Use a saver sub to protect lower connection threads from excessive
wear as repeated joints of drill pipe are made up and broken out.
4. Always use supplied scabbard to protect and support kelly during
transportation or storage.
5. Periodic visual inspection is highly recommended.
6. Rebuilding of drive corners by welding is not recommended because it
creates heat affected areas.

Ordering Information
When ordering or requesting quotation, please specify:
1. Hexagonal or square kelly
2. Nominal size, length, bore
3. Size and type of top connection
4. Size and type of bottom connection
5. Top and bottom upset O.D.’s
6. If other than plain shipping scabbard is desired, (rathole drilling
scabbards available).

6 - 44 © 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved


API Top Top OD Bottom Bottom Bore Across Across Radius Radius Approx.
Nom. Connection in Conn OD Flats Corner Wt. Of
Size Std. Optional mm in 40 ft.
in (LH) (LH) mm A B C R* RC (12.2 M)
mm Std. Optional Std. (RH) Std. Length
lbs. kg.
2 1/2 2 3/8 IF 3 3/8 1 1/4 2 1/2 3.250 5/16 1 5/8 910
63.5 NC-26 85.7 31.8 63.5 82.6 7.94 41.3 413
3 2 7/8 IF 4 1/8 1 3/4 3 3.875 3/8 1 15/16 1080
76.2 NC-31 104.8 44.5 76.2 98.4 9.53 49.2 490
3 1/2 3 1/2 IF 4 3/4 2 1/4 3 1/2 4.437 1/2 2 7/32 1320
88.9 NC-38 120.7 57.2 88.9 112.7 12.70 56.4 599
4 1/4 4 IF 6 1/4 2 13/16 4 1/4 5.500 1/2 2 3/4 1820
108.0 6 5/8 4 1/2 7 3/4 5 3/4 NC-46 158.7
Reg. Reg. 196.9 146.1 4 1/2 IF 6 3/8 71.4 108.0 139.7 12.70 69.9 826
NC-50 161.9
5 1/4 5 1/2 FH 7 3 1/4 5 1/4 6.750 5/8 3 3/8 2780
NC-56 177.8 82.6 133.3 171.5 15.88 85.7 1261

6 6 5/8 FH 8 3 1/2 6 7.625 3/4 3 13/16 3710
152.4 203.2 88.9 152.4 193.7 19.05 96.8 1683
* Corner Configuration at Manufacturer's Option
** " 6" not API

API Top Top OD Bottom Bottom Bore Across Across Radius Radius Approx.
Nom. Connection in Conn OD Flats Corner Wt. Of
Size Std. Optional mm in 40 ft.
in (LH) (LH) mm A B C R* RC (12.2 M)
mm Std. Optional Std. (RH) Std. Length
lbs. kg.
3 2 3/8 IF 3 3/8 1 1/2 3 3.375 1/4 1 11/16 1018
76.2 NC-26 85.7 38.1 76.2 85.73 6.35 42.86 462
3 1/2 2 7/8 IF 4 1/8 1 7/8 3 1/2 3.937 1/4 1 31/32 1300
88.9 NC-31 104.8 47.6 88.9 99.99 6.35 50.00 590
4 1/4 3 1/2 IF 4 3/4 2 1/4 4 1/4 4.781 5/16 2 25/64 1740
108.0 NC-38 120.7 57.2 108.0 121.44 7.94 60.72 789
5 1/4 6 5/8 4 1/2 7 3/4 5 3/4 4 IF 6 1/4 3 5 1/4 5.900 3/8 2 61/64 2550
133.4 Reg. Reg. 196.9 146.1 NC-46 158.7 76.2
4 1/2 IF 6 3/8 3 1/4 133.3 149.86 9.53 75.00 1157
NC-50 161.9 82.6
6 5 1/2 FH 7 3 1/2 6 6.812 3/8 3 13/32 3360

152.4 NC-56 177.8 88.9 152.4 173.03 9.53 86.52 1524

* Corner Configuration at Manufacturer's Option

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved 6 - 45


(Drive Section)

Bore of Square Kelly
Flat 1-1/16 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-7/8 3 3-1/4 3-1/2

2-1/2 18.3 17.1

3 25.8 24.0 21.8

3-1/2 35.6 33.5 31.0 28.2

4-1/4 47.9 44.7 41.3 39.3

5-1/4 73.5 71.6 69.7 65.5

6 89.6


Bore of Square Kelly

Flat 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-7/8 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 4

3 22.3 20.5

3-1/2 30.1 27.9 25.4 22.6

3-3/4 35.3 33.2 30.7 27.9

4-1/4 39.6 36.4 32.9 31.0

4-27/32 56.4 53.3 49.8 47.9 45.9 41.7

5-1/4 60.9 59.0 57.1 52.9 48.4

6 73.2 63.2

6 - 46 © 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved


Yield Pressure At
in Minimum
Lower Pin Connection Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Bending Yield
Minimum (2) Through
Kelly Size Kelly Recomm. Lower Pin Drive Lower Pin Drive Drive Drive
and Type Bore Size and O.D. Casing O.D. Connection (3) Section Connection Section Section Section

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved

in. in. Style in. in. lb. lb. psi
2 1/2 Sq 1 1/4 NC26 (2 3/8 IF) 3 3/8 4 1/2 416,000 444,400 9,650 12,300 13,000 29,800
3 Sq 1 3/4 NC31 (2 7/8 IF) 4 1/8 5 1/2 535,000 582,500 14,450 19,500 22,300 25,500
3 1/2 Sq 2 1/4 NC38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 3/4 6 5/8 724,000 725,200 22,700 28,300 34,200 22,200
4 1/4 Sq 2 13/16 NC46 (4 IF) 6 1/4 8 5/8 1,054,000 1,047,000 39,350 49,100 60,300 19,500
4 1/4 Sq 2 13/16 NC50 (4 1/2 IF) 6 3/8 8 5/8 1,375,200 1,047,000 55,810 49,100 60,300 19,500
5 1/4 Sq 3 1/4 5 1/2 FH 7 9 5/8 1,609,000 1,703,400 72,950 99,400 117,000 20,600
3 Hex 1 1/2 NC26 (2 3/8 IF) 3 3/8 4 1/2 356,000 540,500 8,300 20,400 20,000 26,700
3 1/2 Hex 1 7/8 NC31 (2 7/8 IF) 4 1/8 5 1/2 495,000 710,000 13,400 31,400 31,200 25,500
4 1/4 Hex 2 1/4 NC38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 3/4 6 5/8 724,000 1,046,600 22,700 56,600 56,000 25,000
5 1/4 Hex 3 NC46 (4 IF) 6 1/4 8 5/8 960,000 1,507,600 35,450 101,900 103,000 20,600
5 1/4 Hex 3 1/4 NC50 (4 1/2 IF) 6 3/8 8 5/8 1,162,000 1,397,100 46,750 95,500 99,300 20,600
6 Hex 3 1/2 5 1/2 FH 7 9 5/8 1,463,000 1,935,500 66,350 149,800 152,500 18,200
All valves have a safety factor of 1.0 and are based on 110,000 psi minmum tensile yield (quenched and tempered) for connections and 90,000 psi minimum tensile yield
(normalized and tempered) for the drive section. Fully quenched and tempered drive sections will have higher values than those shown. Shear strength is based on 57.7 percent of
the minimum tensile yield strength.
Clearance between protector rubber on kelly saver sub and casing inside diameter should also be checked.
Tensile area calculated at root of thread 3/4 inch from pin shoulder. Reference RP7G Sixteenth Edition, August 1998, Table 15.

6 - 47


BJ L.Y.T. 20 Tons
BJ M.Y.T 40 Tons
BJ Type YT 75 Tons
BJ Type YC Tubing Elevators 75 Tons
BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators 7-5/8’’ 150 Tons
BJ Slip Casing Elevators 10-3/4’’ 200 Tons
BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators 13-3/8’’ 200 Tons
10-3/4’’ BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators and/or Spider 500 Tons
13-3/8’’ BJ Casing Spider 400 Tons



1.66’’ - 2-7/8’’ 175 125 75 65 45

3-1/2’’ 250 175 125 75 65 45
4’’ - 4-1/2’’ 275 225 150 100
5’’ 300 250 175 125
5-1/2’’ 300 250 175 125
6-5/8’’ - 7’’ 300 250 175 125


Rated Capacities in Tons
Size (O.D.) GC MGG RG MG

2-3/8’’ . . . . . . . . . . . - - 150 100

2-7/8’’ . . . . . . . . . . . - - 150 100
3-1/2’’ (FH & IF) . . . - 250 - 100
4’’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 250 - 100
4-1/2’’ (Reg. & FH) . 350 250 - 100
5’’, 4-1/2’’ (IF) . . . . . 350 250 - 100
5-1/2’’ . . . . . . . . . . . 350 250 - -


Rated Capacities in Tons
Side Door Type
Light Extra Double Triple
Size (O.D.) Weight Heavy Extra Heavy Extra Heavy

1.66’’ - 2-7/8’’ 35 60
3-1/2’’ 35 75
4’’- 4-3/4’’ 30 50 90
5’’ - 5-3/4’’ 35 60 100
6’’ - 7’’ 50 75 125
7-5/8’’ - 11-3/4’’ 60 90 125 150
13-3/8’’ 60 75 125 150
16’’ - 20’’ 60 90 150
21-1/2’’ - 24-1/2’’ 100

6 - 48 © 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved


Rated Capacity On Elevators And Spiders
BJ Type LYT Elevators 18000 daN
BJ Type MYT Elevators 36000 daN
BJ Type YT Tubing Elevators 67000 daN
BJ Type YC Casing Elevators 67000 daN
7-3/4 (193.7mm) BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators 133000 daN
10-3/4 (273.0mm) BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators 178000 daN
13-3/8 (339.7mm) BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators 178000 daN
10-3/4 (273.0mm) BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators and/or Spiders 445000 daN
13-3/8 (339.7mm) BJ Casing Spiders 356000 daN
13-3/8 (339.7mm) BJ Slip Grip Casing Elevators and/or Spiders 311000 daN

“A” Series Elevators - Capacities in Decanewtons

Size “AA” “MAA” “RA”
2-3/4 156000 111000
2-7/8 156000 111000
3-1/2 222000 156000 111000
4 & 4-1/2 (Reg. & F.H.) 245000 200000 133000
5 5-1/2 & 4-1/2 (IF) 267000 222000 156000
6-5/8 267000 222000 156000
7 267000 222000 156000

Size “SLA 100” “SLA 65” “SLA 35”

1.050 31000
1.315 31000
1.660 58000 31000
1.900 58000 31000
2-3/8 89000 58000 31000
2-7/8 89000 58000 31000
3-1/2 89000 58000
4 89000 58000
4-1/2 89000 58000
5-1/2 89000
6-5/8 89000
7 89000
7-3/8 89000
8-5/8 89000

“G” Series Elevators - Capacities in Decanewtons

2-3/8 156000 133000 89000 36000
2-7/8 156000 133000 89000 36000
3-1/2 156000 133000 89000
3-1/2 (FH & IF) 178000
4 200000 156000 89000
4-1/2 (Reg & FH) 200000 156000 89000
5 & 4-1/2 (IF) 311000 & 445000 178000 89000
5-1/2 311000 & 445000 178000

BJ Type “X” Side Door Elevators Capacities in Decanewtons

Light Extra Dbl. Extra Triple Extra “SX”
Size Weight Heavy (XH) Heavy (XXH) Heavy (XXXH) Series
1.660 & 1.900 31000
2-3/8 - 2-7/8 31000 53000
3-1/2 31000 67000
4 & 4-1/2 (Reg & FH) 27000 44000 80000
5,5-1/2 & 4-1/2 (IF) 31000 53000 89000
6-5/8 & 7 44000 67000 111000
7-3/8 & 8-5/8 53000 80000 111000 133000
9-5/8 53000 80000 111000 133000
10-3/4 53000 80000 111000 133000 578000
11-3/4 53000 80000 111000 133000
13-3/8 53000 67000 111000 133000 445000
16 53000 80000 133000 445000
18-5/8 53000 80000 178000
20 53000 80000 178000 222000
21-1/2 89000
24-1/2 89000

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved 6 - 49



Drill Pipe Neck Top Center E E T-250 &
Size Dia. Bore Bore T-100 T-150 T-350

2-3/8 IF 2-9/16 4-1/4 2-21/32 - - -

2-7/8 R & FH 3 4-3/8 3-3/32 - 1-5/8 -
IF 3-3/16 4-3/4 3-9/32 - 1-5/8 -
3-1/2 R & FH 3-11/16 5-1/4 3-25/32 - 1-5/8 -
IF 3-7/8 5-1/2 3-31/32 - 1-5/8 -
4 FH 4-3/16 6-1/2 4-9/32 1-1/2 1-5/8 3-3/8
IF 4-1/2 6-3/4 4-25/32 1-1/2 1-5/8 3-3/8
4-1/2 R & FH 4-11/16 6-3/4 4-25/32 1-1/2 1-5/8 3-3/8
IF 5 7-1/8 5-1/4 1-1/2 1-5/8 3-3/8
5 EIU 5-1/8 7-1/8 5-1/4 1-1/2 1-5/8 3-3/8
5-1/2 R & FH 5-11/16 7-7/8 5-13/16 - 1-5/8 3-3/8

6 - 50 © 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved




MAGNAWELD links are available for

lightweight tubing service. The
inexpensive MAGNAWELD links are
made of quality alloy steel which is
electrically welded and “magnafluxed-
inspected” to help eliminate any flaws or
defects. MAGNAWELD links have rated
capacities ranging from 50 tons per set
of two to 100 tons. Magnaweld Links


Part Per Set (2) Weight
Number Size In Tons Per Set/Lbs.

8548-5015 1-1/4’’ x 24’’* 50 40

8548-5016 1-1/4’’ x 30’’ 50 50
8548-5017 1-1/2’’ x 36’’ 60 80
8548-5018 1-3/4’’ x 30’’* 80 90
8548-5019 1-3/4’’ x 36’’ 80 110
8548-5020 1-3/4’’ x 48’’* 80 148
8548-5021 1-3/4’’ x 60’’* 80 178
8548-5025 1-3/4’’ x 84’’ 80 210
8548-5022 2’’ x 42’’ 100 176
**Links Come Only as Matched Pairs (2)

Link Size 1-3/4’’ 2-1/4’’ 2-3/4’’ 3-1/2’’
Dimension (In Inches)
A....... Length as ordered
B....... 8-1/2 14 14 17
C....... 5 8 8 9-1/2
E....... 3-1/2 5 5 6
F....... 13 10 10 12
G....... 2-3/8 3 3-9/16 4-1/2
H....... 4 5-1/2 5-1/2 6-3/4
J....... 5-1/2 8 8 9-1/2 Front View Profile of
K....... 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-3/4 3-1/2 Forged Link Forged Link

© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved 6 - 51



Forged links from a single billet of high-quality alloy steel and

carefully normalized and heat-treated to withstand the streeses and
shock of heavy service in deep drilling. The rated API capacities are
based on API Safety Factors for such hoisting equipment.


8548-5000 1-3/4" x 36" 150 132

8548-5001 1-3/4" x 48" 150 150
8548-5002 1-3/4" x 60" 150 180
8548-5003 1-3/4" x 72" 150 200
8548-5004 2-1/4" x 72" 250 470
8548-5005 2-1/4" x 84" 250 506
8548-5006 2-1/4" x 96" 250 558
8548-5007 2-1/4" x 108" 250 620
8548-5008 3-3/4" x 72" 350 570
8548-5009 2-3/4" x 84" 350 630
8548-5010 2-3/4" x 96" 350 692
8548-5011 2-3/4" x 108" 350 756
8548-5024 2-3/4" x 120" 350 821
8548-5012 2-3/4" x 132" 350 886
8548-5013 3-1/2" x 132" 500 1416
8548-5014 3-1/2" x 144" 500 1524

* Manufactured on Special Order Only.

** Links Come Only as Matched Pairs (2).

6 - 52 © 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved



© 2002 Weatherford. All Rights Reserved 6 - 53

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