DSP Notes

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Mulfate | Signal Processing : i tele Fyto et xe be-the a that is saongled cat Fa se | x(n). ce |e sate conensin i¢to obfcin ancthes SeqUere y(n) dively trom t(n) vahich is equal to the Soonpled Values of (1) at a secord wale Fy. x(n) ‘ tinea filler yo) Fak Te h(a) ea od tye gy K Mubliscte signal poocesing it of great inlegedt becuse ina tommunicat ay system , theve isa sequisemert 4o peccess Hae ees oe at differcrt roles commensuscte with the cosvespending bandwidths ofthe signals. Muttade signal proesciy : EE Suppose, we viedt-+o combine audio and video signals (saenpled Signals) Loca ho Fille banke —> Mulli- sesolution Tnteespolation Cwavelets ) Non- sfotionasy, signal —> specleal cnawaclevishes changes with time. Ceretig : 20) is sarnpled at Fez yz wa: x(t) Tritespolation yyw: Eo ate vik) qe: kay Bt niet | “Cte If 8 rr Ww of *OSQR, then ye) =x0e) } Sample-role comension (4). Ylra= y (rity) = Zeemote ae ole: ] y= xt) £% 72K, hgreont i) ae, ne "Exe a(d(ee-»)) 1) If tyon iat seconbuchin bike is possible oon Y(o) ry (= Ct) » Psst Pilesout the fee conporerts of x(t) tihich axe abore Fy), 1D ag Fy 4 into) = 2 tenes (Kiron) opera discache tive cane eet response is, differert fer each ouput sampleas am, | chonges wth om , In Ty potcatacsineh Mie wahionl se, P the Lam Ty _ ¢ . ee, Se : and rq ae copsimes | * 4 Om b wiene Snplificahion, he. oF eg i ee OUT ave relahiely prine “1 [emp diben ve senda signal thug on all-pass res, We except dhe ouput will be same as iqput bud the output all be athe delayed versin of wput (ematt delay) me Lys ey “T(r [seh mE | > am: dy = = Carrfake Cite, ; ( ) > medulo openchss. (mo) Vvoluge 6m fakes I unique values ' ce nO} = ‘ : 4 9 (a + acrite) om occu ge edically > 9 08 on treweases. * foteL © ss A So. neve, SiN bentaker only TL unique vaes, is enaigh fo have “r" nuccherof fildea, end Lv > pally tone voy ing, rae Wee rentdisaiy ond oo x= ys, yo sia eee, : GO Fn okg a then we _upsampling by a-fader T, +e add (F-0 gens in bafwen -fwo samples of =U), Y@)= SA 2” « F2Ueb) av a0 cee = Satie =%*(2*) > Y(z)s x(2”) mite EN, gio OM, gh - U(w)= (20) “oo ate need fo have a low-pass filler faith cubofl Fee. To ate nieve the tofesrolion Spechucn, af the upSomnpling is deve by a facos T then the cutof? PF gequencly oPlow-pase files is A fey ‘d elec a ie ve re Zemns’ bbefere the low-pass flew athe. Buh afer fering the y (il, inplace Of Zens, We Can Seetne actual yalucs at those samples (sfve would have Sampled Fron xCt) A wectty, {Ls anic is due do the Speohum xecoesy of YO AID (pry 209 YOu: T ti] > Dez _-oO 3 Others pute V@: Sycaz - => _Y()- K(Lw) ae i trecigh tovorpass Plex put cutoff Frequency a c Upsampling and fitesing combinely knowin as Vheepolerhion Tolman seped wath, Sarping wale UF de "OO for oc . + OSlw} 6 See lc oeriisge C will mnake att suse grat WO) = «fol > 4(s) - W Fro dw oT sn 2 ee ae : ar [¢ e(hg do } ts. “ sa a QokHe amesKHE 241 ay) “pated ToS 4 Tsanshn ¥ejioy ’ Transition xegin is “{kHZ wthichis diFraltdo deren, Therefue, hee, UP Sewpliag tre Sigel ifue tokenlole dhe >) Fs. 44x ys” = tyke Behave a geod prachtop alla PoNSeeeR : Ae come a @)— qo) yo: (¥2) xl] =) Yl = 2(20} NOD Gunen 2ztae a4 = y¢(z'h) ax(2¥) => —— a2 7 fe y (el). 1 Sx celery (ez Mee 4 pe max (ot Ne penicaiory ow peatediarty a x(e) x(k) » When we add xe") c Ce te39) shee * ben aliasing tH Can cbsesve - Thevefoe, we need Pilercudt few Bequencies toofore foun. cargli tac-pas: ity _. ( ?. I) Gawbiobiasing Piles Filtering & tern down sapling ronbsinely knowin as decimal, Pel ptate—deaincrrple-by Since, wie ase blehng Seve tnfesrmahin the exact Ge Verlag of the campler earvct be Sen cP tne expat 02-03-2093 M-fad down Sache (HJ @> ytey “yGa- x[mo] Y@)- Sua 2” * & x[na] 2” | ff, 32 Stee) -M hn O'S Gone zen ")e fe oO y Mnes sie 3 a (KAW atmj(ze™ y@= ly@-: S xe) 4 po Y(e) is periodic vaith period omit %, FosemMoe wliaGing , x(e™) ts sedided to (4.5) =) Y(e*) = a x(e") M imac Tg & Now, vihen We hae shina! face tee Pen, - Hs wecommended to Fiset upcomnpe Ane signe by P-fad Himes B tren dovnsorple by q-fold Kersey th whirl fr Fs =n] JO) cutoff frequerey cane cavibincd bya Shgle Ler suchthed £ = min (e,D) D4 ae EE SR EE Aes | ' we . ) \ we. (ER) 00 he mF O aren B To the upsampling , wie ave tae using LPF ot Ufc Kemp, fa vole vihich is vat cost efficioth So ee hy 4 moe” dhe posihin of Ue such Inet Anesets no nee af using hajhey Sapling wale? fos LPF . Tey “4 vet - efhicies . fe cen a aed PO L@ go v(2= «@) He) ‘ t Ye2)= ued) eu bs} ao (+(e) a(n Or gos) (tu) (hind exba) = Qe ney 7 : #* Ge) xt) Tdenbig-o4 CYP aco efit x1] DLO} 0 0 LAF Oy 20 mi (De + 5 («toe 20 in) 2 y@: We)He) “Oo v9 (2)= x(2)4(2") - 1% Le ( 7 < (cB) Pare . : fe (2) LS «(SEE he Gare 2) H H()- Ze ae howe) 2 ree) > E team 06-08-2023 “Tdentites * (te) (ea atl) © @u)bea ® (1) af) pia = (3) 209 = Go Lanner ext} ee oc fie ele - eid > H@Z)= 23 ve Mt mt " We tok (G41) oreles | = | | peg sts an. tz Ta anced => rir filler H(ei)s uv tay ak “a (w(r20/2) sio( 2) u (e”) M+ C Similaw fo iene — very oxy typlement * Ifwe US dire above filter io placeok anieatsng Filer, ¥s ec U3 | pean Gr} yo) a ayene wie Fok bely antratiasng filter ¥4 Samplet 2 ROP Byes a {oF POT foves fet mea" > WG. C429 Ce #)(u5¥) a (0d Cort”) : | es abe identihes, we can first down somple andthe we the cascaded frHeas , 2 xh CG -.o9 ~~ (be wes tess complfhanthe poevinus _Ciaded tome £ ho), PERE] ae. wee i 4h) Ths can dhck used as oer Catcaded fies SroHf touchy Hla nS 4_ Ne) = ‘Paphos Reerpectin: | He)= an zh : 2 EM) 2) SB n0s an “G one such comporentt of the whale ler ; 2 Gre Sela Z apie) > A ralyphe Me a a HE h(S)+ hz encase +o HG) ) Gr) ee) (ur) 6 . oi MiG? fi Sle. én goes veer (A) ln a — Now, Pise use the identoty, vgs say t=2 => 4H6(%) —> Pho, busty — bath Holz) > [ berorh, ©, her0, by 4 We), <9 F 40 °,9 —~ 2 ‘ 10,910, 9,,0,9, _ Zz Hy ' * , Ct) e _, £0190,0,9,6,%---% gy =SThis even: ne one feking the fom Hole) and ti) RT ctbanety 9 She, Orb, 0, meow Pp : CG F 01%, © 35, 0, 3S THs similog to the atsual : 2 tpuldtine computational burden is eereased Stanific 0903-2033 pone cory fo : : eeesorig Frequoory. x fe yo) commutator . ce ; ‘) vinhe$ wey (FOP a a weaQho! 966 so Cee? © ) Pot - -aliasing Filer Conmessedas polyphae filer banks’) x) —~|H#m : Fe [H@}-@— yo) “1 a, H@)2 Sup(en)z? 3 00,206), x), x1, x33, xra, x) 266 ‘ * a) Fae (P—yo i g dnis Operahiorss daneby Mies. = os Oe Gapposes we blank 40 do a decimahin | inteapolahin by t alarge Number then the mul} 40” pruiltiocde Pikos are used, fie example, @S) is dere by 4wo Stages (o) -@ Piles banks. le may allo the hey omnca ja the Fransihio band | sap bere) bah Ine! dent allow dhe inkesference in the Pass band “FH TPie hae band pass signels instead of tow pats Se We Use band pass decimal inteed ob texo- past ear po ' ea " Consider decimals by 2 : Requived passband is ostsdp | These frequencies aye Required Stpband fs fcf andleg Feeqpencies Aoput sampling wale is £, | \ Maximum Requoncy, is sectricled do Sols j —4 ( | — aa (eta Y Lfwe want a chasp edge at IT ahenthe onder Of the filler ineseases. Thus, vue yelac the cendifin a bit and we tet aliasing, in transition 2 ep bards but notin pass band : i : ws, vie dont. vwiadt alvaging Pia SHeby was Ube Sif - W(204)4 oa) } BSect , 'e | — filme use p= AT fp pas to ae a ane 7 ws - mf) 7 ote Tons a r- a ra Nee Fie Qe now) 7 Sey an 2 Ao eae Fo ____sheticrd poy t Play . Fs : FF . | yA | GF new Saenpl wate. 3 (Mest vestrichie) , Tsansihd) wid = 21 (ge this inesease the te 2 (&-#) Peader of the fle. (most velaxed) Teansitin width = F aT — Yp > a B®) =e AIS the new=slo slop bard Frequency oP the new filer thot vesuts 99 Sore aliasing. inthe op bard « The oxdey Ltre news filkeris (ess thar the previous one. # linens phase rae filler, He -rolog,, (S528) -g3 Reet | 14 on(OF | aaa (Teansihiry va'dth) &: pate band virple ) |S; stop-band vipple F Toit? sampling epuency = Skt. Gira speech signal of f: sows Weneeddo exact the inftemahs> @s0bH2- Hor! Can We adhteve dhis ? Apps 4. Stage ieeplarerfodin: py Dacorsemphng Pachor= “Be sokn 3K = 50. ZOKR = Lik O*x104 {2H (0) — 13 sire remy tyrox_ 5 3c0cD R= stage implementahin: Dez 25) Oe hie | We need+to divtsibule -the pass- band nipple blur two #tagas and wie keepthe Stop-tand aipple some GS the eal stop- bard sipple is opting» Fiz fo _ gtoo iE = BECO _ S202 Qe aa Ta. F _ (6ottz —- = “ Otten Bitte aa ct Ve WOR Se-15y Sita!) & =164 =) by. 0lO%,9 ( tani) © 3 tre x ly fr : yy e- Fe-{ [36-- ifeeq D- re atolp: ii , qsansttion band: Feely & oD Marky atolp. 2D we doo't wart do have ani aliasing taithin Fo_ fe, Os rl Fue ay “veil the speciftcahions of fttes at a stage. > sacl a Fecbord : OS lel s Fp a qRarsilion band » tp slels fim so step band : FE ¥ lel < Oerol| oy alg Fo ; > woe) > (8) Bin Do n(enn) 7 *To D =) atu ? “ie > | WY Band Width 2 Ykite, ee akHe 4 Fee Aste Mek cieploa’nh opie Bag “NE Latch 4o isolate the components eles SoHE» es Feb 79085 OSlFl eats do be Unaliased dns. ip! axio° ieee @ JOorR , \ = 50 eo The passband sipple ic distiaudted among the Jiflese Sones of Silks echoes the, sep tad spe i kept Same fos all the stages Snce the atc)! myapletes whithisa geod Sign 1-stage implerrentahion : passband: 0 Slehs eu Tsan sthtsy band ; ASH slele Stoploand : SoHE c Je]! Me 101050 S18)-B ee tHe ‘s-) * fe. a 64, (59) -b we (50 +1 = 5150, a) : The i | Hg - ererttechin a gee geet ' 98d ' pond. OSIrl © 454g \ for band : 45H3S (pf ¢ Booo _ 90. - T5Hg SIA 240K ane s band 3 / 7 _ ser (es -») sHel = auolz spl New Sie ae M= -olos 2 (AE jy 7 + lo = OF ae 165 Bou Sa= 2 d: OSlFls F5HB : 320° eansthin band: 4543 < Ir < ae H80 ASHES IPL © SoH band = bad BR0- 50 Sel = 304g S IPL Nets f= 16? alll =< Ze 0 109,, (18°) “13 —— +} = 2 tub(_ & 7 = \ VBR) ‘ Fotalta= RQOtMI= 339 3-Stage ienplementehor > Tree eee eee Dod : Pattland ; Ostel © A5Hy, Teansitin band : a6H2 sg GP 5 IS S |p| < 15RO Hpand: 52 2 OIA New §= 107. \ Zs Dy is SSband: OS |PIS AS 9g IAS Tran Sth band: 95 SES $- meh ie Stopband » aus tl &> 4 Mg 2 -tolo%of © ) -1F (eatin 5) pps 362) =3F tb (22 | 140? | O5 is Same ag inne Q- Sige inaglerortch9 y= 820 | > Total Me 2a3> Kn a-claye and Baye, dhe onder of the Fildes ts ceyeaged in &-chage but the frequency of opeocthin of “the PUeris much highes emparcd do Q-Slage, Serdherg isa twade-ofh inthe codes and 4he cae of creation, | - — arr fe ——_ a) Lop _/ ce The asdeaok WED wyq > Q50 coofhidetS. Spletinlo (p25) ite banks. of 1. gt ae ') = 25055 ME oe, let suppose We ae ¢| e ™appng dhe Bene ety 42 84B. Then dhe op d Ff we have HIF dost, | Saonplng Pachos = hy. is increasirny Sipaificandy S MF Ane ogler yupetig do UM IK, Mawy ae from J Infeapolate 4: Plkesbachs: We use a polynomial of oxdes "L" (t= ) 4 appeczinale each Sgererit? ~ ‘ \ wt BE) of ae , up Feo Hee we inlendele each files bank with & and then fake Are (muttide of PY” samples ithe vnkeepoleded signep, Ww yCil at time ‘g 4 we use Vp Fite bank where b= (air AGIJ= ig - 22), Osh¢t ' = '6 03-22 ' (Recanfguacble) Soopling aoe torent: the exh, = oo . £, irewtaes of PA, N\ chnege NE fy. gf 1S epased filless signifcortly, Bye sf easterts _ hat lendte » [eel by = ho] hf) : hy = btd feed he = WE has, 7 as i ‘ \ ‘ ‘ f | \ bps + hop bhfep-i] i bob Joothe auputy piles =[t9) 8 . |-2) + A(i then fe is changed slightly, the val coe Mest vatuce of filer banks changes acccodinglyy The cecfhiewents\ one berg infer polaled do get tuned4o ting vers 4, ytd. & FAD) x(a] where Beco L ¥(D- Zt ah, Oshet boo iolerpolotion Plynoniak WS Bato 605 sg ye | * Seiny Sul nd) feo B-O Feats Sp cata | 2 yi oN Cl facd] whee Nptad= bell & xt ho £ to}espolatin — input ; corPhvents wien f¢ doesnt change F WE tnkepolohin forchire sireply, grout the oxigine? cecPtienls yalue \ithout alentng there eC) | — —syfi - eee a : eats 2 ( oO) 2 Ashe input sarnpling sate chacges, the iAlagpolalion coefhcion: Bemnains cave but the value of A Changespsshich indian Changes the cecfheiects ofthe, filles banke. KW one iokapating every ecluma of the lke banks do the inkemediale value hon the taca-feis hanged slightly, One. coming foo cthe.4 A The coehrcients of the filer banks phos 07 Fine cihetawe dhe cord | Megmeigane a i on 4 e . | CA val be he exact veplica of 205) peri ch CE Leadsde eral ese a ton process 9 Ro[a]as : wal §& awqnal: | Farplig & Serpiyy aoe comersin of Bord pass 99 | > secaxhuchn J, x(t) -—__y af) > Sarvpii Fislels fy ao Yee tahy 2 Bandwidth Fy-Fy : Example: speech signal —» Bandwidth = ykitz | e249 kes Fs rbig ond L- asmtts } The radios) ny quist wile Says f 7RxDity ut the, erestage. ofthe signal ¢ . ave 8 bee Toe Tip ent ” ting) deSawtes by _ Tnteger Bard posihicning: choos -f.7 199 ky HME hepa seshichin on Sy Sch teh & let ' multiple OF bard wilh hy i the rlegay > Sie 0B. V inka cat Sand- position > We saree at a wale of oon The sampling wale 5 Stara ty! il o MENS JO SktHg, "read vs ‘ . te | fre) We Can se thee iS no aliasin ret vecorshuct the signal using The rF- signal) ic not dvechy comtiled fon pe to fas-bend Bequency che ssthe wresenee of 1 J ond we con exa a lean: pass Per, p noise 10 the mines, FH vel be dowincarvested in different? Clea -fo t.. de bate-band fequency , BA band-pass signe can be corverded fo base bend by sng alonpass Lifer in the coonpled Signal Willan feos | > 4 my ttt — me4, fom A \ version of the band. poss signal . get the onyginad : i Now, fromthe Piped vegsin, reed Iwing fo . weesiy » a Cfoquores on * eeeon | ©, EI We need do’ cowole © with @ 40 gt ©. G Ween we cowl, we Sip D & ony ticle tui the impulse , we get, Bz : 29. Erpasg wamage! eS! | Caewo HM. Py ior ie ah Gs hen He cor(oreed). | f . Fras speech signe example , nz Su = 24°75 py adn a guged 5 Sine mn Iss reben indeger, we © inaeake the bandinidth eas ee fu, = 94, "Ba Yrs ky | ~ a & fee B25 KH Baseband sgnal is the [ signal that castains;)) » “Oo” Frequency feo ip it pad do creo ‘the, Sampling frequorey sudrtnat ihe 74 7 vexsior0f ve band do rat ovxtop with +e" band 4 rae anne of Cra, fi) will nob oveslop with [Fura] 1 we wail «Di < aH and Ja | k MG $2 (Fe eS (ee <2 (Fy ) ET 4 a | oo K &) & | A FMOLO, re < k(Rre), a8: 7 = ome) > KB Cg 2 Fy 4 ‘ a. Ke We -= | la \ |=} 2 Kono oe via > [otf B “ a Ss % B DS i inceases,the.acepled povhin (rot Bobid ten) fall eae More Namower This impli jl {ley socihivity of Fe be ena K increases, tte RK eplinal eaerpling Frequenay eh j L ra. ech red eo faking dhe point ¥ 9 Tesh. Po ee v Se Yee re. | Peg ats) Lt asker Lejos | ia (frmey | interns of sensitivity y : b, bard x¢q) We iohodue «the quad beard inthe passant agin Betouse when me use ap bordpuss ‘File, the transihion regi qyrnay lndude noise Mhith ali coves! ith dhe Luered Signal) TO avoid he effect P noise : ' : Paithe; wie Lo fe Lull thoi! the ‘Guaxd band vdich ides OG, the Bandwidth oflte Stal Rem 840 Beth, atc hese quesd bends ave alts usd do peat i = the inkealivenio, fren dee afhey Siynalt™ ics ' ¢ 7. pe Fs ieose > ant hour Fn ee ete ncncl on “e The higher osdew serrpe & hold ili tab stead llin value +1 the bap vaill gh Se seh ea ki te ern dine Such] we Vail Pecemethe y Sipe mt SSIS. ten | ' wide of the Spéchun “e are interested ty inn!) a F put done preserice of sinc fiinchion inthe geroth ony, \ t x decreas: Bub we viactdo hae a intactoF Anis deastieally intrested, band. \-4 (ru) gethuss instead oP a impulse wéponse we con have a Small duction pulse vihich ghes considesmble amwotof magnitude aide jothe ialeesked band, > This gies the tontiteacble * amreuntol enagrrkide inthe inleresled beard. > Ta: Fer By = iopn2a 5 kite Fs Fe- Bo = One \0,do2.5 ky, Braokta ) Fe t0, 4165 Ke re LOPS PL ne ONE 3B Keron. . % Geb Van DO-O12 KEY - 2 ck < 2 Kener Kroar-l So. 11g 55"% Fos 50. ONnegeoy KH G more Sensihve. , fe: 20, : (Avssse s F s W536) kag Ss ess seessitive conspayed to Kea ae a> There's acpsade ofl elven dra endgritutle of te Zthe Sensrhvity , “ K — YS The sensitively ofthe & as Nene by dhe cteck doleeraneg| Clock Jolesonve, ithe: dewiatios inne! Requoncy center oF the: clack signal Prom Ae dosned Requenay. eénlert: Bond: pass ditcack tie syne! with ileger-based yosiering PD we ave, aly interested inthe position of + (1) g jolene wt ce a G a =. : x0) Yay FC rps vbr) Mop(od = 4 » GAM ¢ (wisKE fo o. ' | Oo ; obhemnn'se | a Y(e a). ~ (= : Sue a) : Bo | lets fake poy and W-3. yor HoE-xdo(z) 4 NC2)ae) =O P Ho (gil) Golo) 4 rh ( elle *0) 40920 a > He(vo!) G0(u) ¢ (0-1). 4a (oi} 0, : 2 Gol) = ufo) & =z _w() pols) = Oe wey O29) Coble ~Ho(w- a) > Gdw)= H(eo-2n1) - (ws) Gi (= “-H(w-) ' Miasing is soroved by dhe ane le Ptordhe pele seenshuchn, §¢e).4 > Hole). Gol2) tHi(2). ile) = 9 > Ho(w). Gol) + HO) a (e929 => a (2)? ae G ( wan)? ="2 ‘ x = Cw) 2+ Alen This.is rot fas He in prehical sibeg iA leads Ho anor causal Flley. We ‘ le needdo deby dhe Aller oy Some untttdo anale it Cause 4 (Mole) hated s 4h (2) “ute)| _ of K> Dolan Peeled ve- conchsuchion (PR) sae em example of aresaqirn Filer ae. He{e) & diteene \ trae We WOE MEA (00) Le 7 (at We) Shod- (1-9 - 2 Ho) 2 (42! & HG) se Teta Ho(w) “ag Set : n@)- info) gil elt oy thin poset xenstauchin when, alg «wen Ea w(¥) “e = ge gas. & 8-08-2088 Ae © divided Bub bands ase again divided info ne bonds pooessed indeparsintly. ee “ted one Quodsokne Hise Va. Tiestge. Penge poly — 2otye Filer, ‘ Fier Vreagphae a Frequency - = Chasaclenictie oe ave nt good vitgood. “Jehreterse Hethed : We wast a tre filles with Wneay phase este. Badiive “take higher oxder filer then, Hee acoplik Tae 11" SE ro PR in dears of amplitude . AA as ee)= lorpe>| 2k pet secorcheuch?, > ‘ Gate * OS We cerrpeomise dhe Iineority iin phase, So we haean + opt&ok using“ Confugale Quadaakwe Filles (9). NIM order Ere files. but ndn-lineax phase sesponse to 7 enSuxe pr, “> Ap case oP ren.\ineas phase, difleaect Requency asmporents are shifled Aiflererrily, tehich can leadcedo charge to sequence of the doth K Qualechive Miowes Filles: Prprivf onalysis Puce ave beloyto gue tf , HE) Holz) > tnficy- Ho(w-r) — 7 Fes weal Sewenes, La. ae er) * He [) el i be) Hote) . ® # . | > aliasing 20 OT GB rola) 4ole) + nCA)NG)-O Az ve qakethe Solution, Goled: C2) *& Gie)-mtol-=) F Ho(2) tel 8% Ho(ws)- HCH) =) An(W2 H(A) j GolWe Moles) B-Gi(e= -Helvo7l) 7 QUA: hol-bod & WG] ~ C1) hobs) 1 oe =P" be] ge) (6) Hole), +, 1h(2) ute) ae (OOF + eae - (wea | > Afro —H(2) |= 2 Nort will jake, NPonder 2k Filer with Wreaw phase > Hele Anp(w). 6! 0H) Hee) = lrmetoaf® er? cal 4?(v0-) = tne seed) een ? wlwo-n)s Ei) * Lamefw-a))Pe sree) 9(5)- $ [tompotts (call ©) * ae(wellte | : + [tortor 2 ome | less His “We con sxe At dere ORR Jeera of ar Ae Koc file ————— ee i! Ne wactthe arplitide of Q(x) tobe cles Peat requencies, WK Fart Ip wis odd -7 pre (9les) : = LU tp(v9l*— Aco-op] > Neadd i 3 tateol?— [ea Straight awsoy Cwr . suled ait: => O((notatatl she desived outed] “=> NS -falen as even 7 Are (atin) « + [lrcol? + lon] atop =hiiy Ge ober ye closet 4 «So, ne ems needty rwemor€ the dittertins in (wv) Find we also wiont+o decrease the eresyy, eatained in the sop land tt(os) > cost-Racin = Tes T dl tsuseddo contp) _ % dhe fence ofF tus OD fooer-sfe eA Too ae A energy & 9 ~~ BB 29-03 20% decide fogs etd a forewch Pr 969) ren Cn GFF give PR? Dileces GO=L BO wre) -(ikl=d-ae ca) © oleratte, 2) fap(er- he 2) fx? Fos a. ih onder Far, (nit odd) Yee GA. asm Ho€z)- 47! e__ Guat -9(e): afar oo + Cae" “), [or alt aca] le: i " Zz ‘eu [er ae. oo 40,5 fea wget ti , a ee | NY gat Go= A fe geresed OMe 4 . ig etna ; fd > u[ot cate fas Gite -t GO ee 3 : = > Uftor Ged s— 4G, 20) [4 324-42" |-2) 2 Pu [Grgera—+ Gee] - og 0 G : Ct Caz 46, ZO) eR i ‘ Should be FIR G pithe coePhderts should An. be ‘O° except ove of them U[ Gt Pe +e") . 5 2 : a G 1 CGP — 4G EOH? Frr ty Sharld be Fre G G Pltthe cochiici ets should "oY except ove of them > only one edd cocfhicient and oe ever cebficient shold be there. FE D> & Gays edd col 2 Gren een cepRebost s(odd-4 =U > Bogs 2 D ss ) 4 sem, .z PPL S03) By eensodd- te £1 Po Prmyatworte hike > [eenrodd= ives PR. — > Pap is vey wéhicled fo hae perfect wecorttsuclion ie, rly ore exch edd Gbifenisit Shoild bevthae ® \ Ahefs Sumis equaldo “f" Com ens (crap rin Pies) gre Robe rnc, G2- Fale) dole) + an)? | | AZ) = [#ol=)0C2) 44n2)G@) | felis take Ho) as alow-pass-files H(2) > Lole)= ue) ard wife) <2 Ho(-2) Nis add. = gl nea) Tohae A(z)= 0 ne US we have faker - Giz) as ~ Hol2) & Gee) a8 HiGay ? GolZ= Ez) yy Go@)- - Cx) let's take {= —Hol-2) GiCz- HoCz) 7 2) ie | 4 | ‘ > seo. 2099) torn et Glee Hol) | G(2)2 Wz) SCe)= S| pole) 4olz) + 44(2)4iC2) | “2 [wore ao -2 Puc st) rt) Be) 1 go | *O.4B) -alayacz | [e 1G). He rat. ic 3). sey — N® 7 iS pews ype > [loo re ma “ey | poco i {neo pom pone symmomeloic t 2 ind i" (go) P+ OL tea 2 ut holo) = 2 (ne) : (coc — et Cul lz) = 224 Cz) EOD cor cea GP cay | | * Cee, eae) © 207 5 G2" om] — ie : Sen Ge BONY) es Us i axdes fieo KO hifvy_- ee} th(z)- hs! Ste Cor ae) aos Keo Ben ig “eas 2) oo) © (Sere OME) 4 7 {d= E19" ho fn-n] [a(ertny) - ioe]: Spettsn? heal, Fackinigrhin Ge "Fer Suppose, wie know dhe magnitu itude wes ponse F te Ey and non, Ke blank 4o design +e ae ee have |H(w)]2 > wisile in fears of (2). H(z). = Now, Pnddhe sasts which are ins dre unit etsdle of 2 plane \L with these scols, tune He) Bevotall be. con find the * exePhicierts, 2 Blu) isthe y 2e00- oe fi half bond filler. => bp - {2 i i nto PAL] = ren 200 8 bis! bE] Bw) = Z bt ese" : wed’ = 2 +bPgJ cos (us) a + 2. bf5) edc(3u) pre's?) +222 - ‘ at #, 2-bler 9:ot(a4 9) => Bow phate °C + 1 cn ye 4 rE 5 7 BCR) = oi -9 + ¢ > [a+ “Te make es) a Bred = (Bes + 5 Ame arse (rosie => pop « k y-w|?- 1 > B= He) +E) find We) and design the onpscpaicde files vail CEE carbs BTris BD eq peolotype Filles! fas which diflesech Filess are being designed muse ShifL the BCL S unite eS pect , 1 nes O° eee. < RH, BT) ! Pa at Ww a waatdo jnwease the ness meetin (nae mh, A aS caesar Bat cs nelfhen ee ao ell Oe ve Scale the Hire 2 w- (tto(2t-w)) We yaisthe she i 4 HF dimly ie “sale & shift Ne> $005 tft), Bel pen | Nie spoof tb, oct), Bir CF | a > vecan virile Ye asa Subsedof ty | ee congo, nr ‘6 Phile vesclutin, rT almost 3¢00 amp | CNOENCYs Cus! cy’ 5 impulse bespinse 6. No > impulse wespon, 2 contaihs Santhe -pSirals in Foe _@ eeceeibinan tan ZO R083 Hultiesolulin analysis : peo > mothey sealing KP level, ., wt) = z Poca t- ») Sxn(0= (en) % Any fucclion try fom vt, subspace. ean be wanitlen in seas vesclurhin (vp Lae and res sescluion (He) tet FD iS inv, Space, “wes Welt) ’ won wot mater Reh >) : 4 | Benlt)= 2 al) | | ai gol fooclin: din) Foseas on epthoncamal set at KM level At, aseben wicwlet farcin: P< Hen ome? Juntt) Lams on colhoresmal set at thlevel ah 7 82) Mis ® We = Niet => Nhe Dae Po, Prim7 = Sfo-a) | l. Hel), Prenlt9 T&S Koko, tepid, | > Dnsealet => Ym luk at B27 (ou) Bye Ve Ov, = Mea @ hl © le cl Oui (ene Veo go) oR oO > [Ty ar @ wi |e. fener . *K Pry foochin in LLM, carte represented ae wo K-70 Ow fe-co * taaveret eee _ a) t! o. : wwe co oe E&_ Ann WO) feo 0 : ’ ‘ niet eles OB-cu- aogs o4- Bow Crhepprolity, velabnchips D Rent) = L 5 *GE~) broly: Soe es Ee x tG): 5 2 HOA ton Cb) ne20 oe with ae => | bt) - # Snei6e5 | @ wealso hae vic y '” tetic say, => A > Vrett) canke ee Fenchins Pils L we vent)» Gs » tells sou, - Dal bool i nn vost \ — = : 1 MEO Zab NY n> > [w(b). Ws S qe dour yar” poss Filey coobiciecds eo wetaleddhtor pe - thigh pass Ailey coe Phiients. Hie Filles ¢ delle 4 (et- of) oe (4 (er) Fite Lhvl, Peol°7 > vb rondhic ° we ot (3)| : | #(20).4(2%) uz?) nee) Se wera Z with 22 : Goal sum of squaces = 3 ae a Serilesly, Od Sahishes some cxifen 7): 9 | ale) + l4 zltwny Pop >| 4e)4@+ aleyat. : | 2» | Beare i a DrClem] 0 te qtere@) - 2 tet EEA] valor} ag(ni) a Ew] -S51a bland} a 0-2 “Beil « Santon -o 7 > 4 t(z"2) +4ti(2)- oO > ala) u(zh) « @(2) alate) o ” estes cana] cheose, * (2: 3705] oat “9 $2Pu(2) n(z) yzPe n(2)-a(4) -0 K Foren, dhe equahin will le satished. ry chy Gm. +2 Puce) : : L, goa ts dhe» Plipped*, shied version of hls] => ifee know borepaiis- filer codklevieds Ahem te con 7 cekain highphss file exe fhivtent s O5-04- 808 2023 fc Scaling equaling» HOAs tow pass few cocPhiciects ql = high pass fives cooPickerts Pt)= V5. Zr Ptr) <> $65) = 4(0). (9) Poe) = vs. EGA aty <—s 1 Ovlnogannlity » Zn0g h{n-am] = S(s)) es fara) In wow)? (09: "gle. Cs) ZIV alr 20] = Shr} +> [scp . _ . 2 hf} 9 fol} - O | <5 409.0) slur) g (ow) Fz jC q(D= tz Pu (-z) 5 fos odd P i [ae + EMER] ie BP one of the. fier ceofbreients is kre.wn, then dhe other va conte Bund for 1a above, equals . melee ond 6 elakonchip 40 fier barks. O" level : volt) a(oels 4 role)» ovthogonal poojechbnof 2(t9 onto Me lat tol) = Fol Gon ayy; owthegoral paojection c of x(t) onto “4 MO= S ae $y w(t) vo Xk) conbe wailten as sun of Coarxsy xesoluhin Vy & Fres zesoluhisy m)= c Cua) z Cl dante)» SHI to netm 7 K © Dee Sn0g sora) Gee & > erty: Secjntr-rg [ eee of @ «65 L low pace flee : Gn) = Y%(v, Gym7 * Sale. < dante, Met7 Aa D7 ZA < tant, a in : 2 6 WP 405 @ S(n-t-29] ” K : : dif} = Zetaaied] oo ae righ pats few @ So festhe roadlet ranskam, da coefhicieats axe reeessony cho ke kneun and not. cs] oe Ory oa. > xs S S hin%relt) ha Can bb decaraposed inko cqtedy inthe Rrsthes sage. eo r 4 2 J i @ 4) &q@) aendot oy the coefficiers erg ere ppoosherration F Pigs Pon but 10 fr aaa" hen - 7 Peele ec eesti Synthesis ‘ Col = <7, Poym(Y 7 . < FAAP MO , Pom lt) 7 FL ZAlilbe int, Popnttr7 c GQ 2 iC) Filles lenglh Nz F hw)” qhecathagonal sestrichion we hae on h(v] is Prieantn-ral = C0] ‘ tes cay Bk > Noy » ayia 4 > m-0 —-© h Peng, Biantog « oO -s ee aes nfm +H6] He -0 @ Jos Pomrthe Conjugele Mince syemely, we hae, [Gap + [u(n-wP = 2, atw > Wor + aio. 2 oe vol Sine H(u) ia lowpass files, u(n)-0 > |woP- 2 ge 2. ; >|Snmp-2 > Pvt WF -€ oo 3 ' H(t)20 = Sree!” - "20 > ble] +h] = hi]j+ hey - Svea ‘ fon®, “e (5-8) valZ ra).o © a ‘ h(o)+ h@y- 7 ebOIth[S] - @ al® conbiely greriedo O eee ites | caleu| > ve don't have feues indepeentt equattns aha : | dwi | wr =O, fO",--, Kd alt : SF apnih@l =o ~ W820 : fos (1, “hi + 2hpy- Shi 4, @-Ob(ed =o Beng - > “hi + ET BhE3] -5 | > #hej. bit]+ abe] - Coa mea. ~© U + ubte} ane. 3 ona: (3) ct anit b{sd- (3) i ; | sible Le NOs . " : _ YN oS ae ee ee Ne ig 7 aN’ Ve WE as hE Me, bea ant 2 b> | peje 3 ney ve oe as h(JHlS + HODHEI-0 yrs Kal - Pe + pT - 2-20 g 2h > 3 3 na tee Z - eS h(zI- Ey vig wrens Be aaovrv = Ve We y hiJe=8 S21 aS uso cases of Douche ftles evar d wot cath mone dehy We wontJo -fake a minimum phase fier then the othey Ls lees is the delay L Pisces evs are paiithin [2Is.2 7 Wie)= 8 eg ee eo ug! Ueno? bOI: Se b(ae tas. ude __. “The freq ence} domai7 vill wok give infeserahon about fing S Similoaty “the-time domain ‘eiil nat grea Wfesenertion abou Requency Cheip Stina? x= sin( srt?) f > foths 7 [. hen | fien Fie Fipthe signe, 7 ae SPEHEUN remain some, ne dose the i, . f) 4 atout fime. Hadas UL bee FE Fousica basis, — ef ty peortir tine nesoluhio - i qed Spice wesolution * “Tenporol basis —' §(420) { Bed 4% e sesclurhicry i i nt totes (oI SPechsa) ase eles Sone basis 60H) ae. : ” : \ > BCO). i “ at i bwel at ~O ; [mera - # floras ‘ rjc j : i fe: , . Enensy fhe. Enh | P Ub acta Pie Tornpoxol cones (r)= E ft foeul?tt po like ereen Ly tr denokes taheae the “orken oF he del is, feenpowd width =. 7 “ \z fi f 45 Neo oe (ke fardaed hoot denoks the nae encayy sound +e. eviation Specbol entes (ge) = 4 [FloemerPar res Peso 2 MLEDE one imariocrh iit recpectto fife Seforquercy shiffs of basis fanchi®r . [bce] ~ a [bee-)| Nido 44 [eteotl] -24fo(ontre))] av te 2 AAP 5 Time Bandwidth product’ Liitis invaiast: othe sealing PLP m(tSY = fal foeny Reto « 72 de] Ute 7 Onerbit parce Dy ly 7 be pt-af = a 1 acheived by ie vt 3 trae puke ala. sPlar WH. 1 slenkltrsd fe 7 bl Erte) @ ontye jar Pte (ent) ze B(an(Pe£)) a Te fenese ference : dferasoyra a te of ot felt Eq -% Exy-2 = =) tefawy . Ee fi ee Ve Took A c Me I8 Ho) Took Ukate)is O ' > [Hefaew [tetoery- o | and also Kacy a fe Cauchy schuoost3 ihgqualty ; 4 we _ | [eoseoa - frente + [lve Fqualrty holds when x(t) =k yc) choose, 2G) =t gv) y= 7 () 0 i [zcaPde = Aye +o _fiverae- locoontrg . ony? [a {ocansr}? af = @n. ag . Qi d¢ 2 po [fees is [ fteonre af” 2 gue — A JQ freuen s dg (yrP). oe Q | (20 ycdt ge oo os a z | tage > 4 | Je 2{aej4) a7. 12 fpwy oO 5 . eo CHyeatf 2 c+) at] f " 7 | (ete oO : “7° 2 2 afer” - fiwe 4 J, If YC) Namishes -fostes than Ta 1 dt t30, +2, a4 o at 2 : 4 [tre] - [orcoae = =| [emf 10 +o fe - : and Fgrandt= 1 —> coengy i€ nearnaliged > 3) a_i 2, De. Apt “ yY S um. De Bg = mt The inequality betes equal when x(t) & Yor) are Sebty velaled, 4 P28). 6 yo ) tat) = K2'(t) lt) are V% é o ( ale) yl dt “70 Pep grer [seat Term Fastin] Yare (7) 2 [aepenenel dt -00 f, Specogpare . sorpling Fourts donain (move wesduliin in (poor wesolshin : Aeore. in time) ta E A, CZ Move vesoluhixy tn Bequency Mone veslutinn lin dieve. Compoomie in hice the xeSolrtion of fie & Repercy K Foo loves Requen cies, He need loages windauas Intime Sire the signal is Vasying slovaly Fee highes Ferjuencies, We need do hnea Smalles window fo tee since the signal i Varying wapidl HTresehie, the width of the ties inthe oho nay not be the same. gesduchty yncneaed, here Conttinsous Warelet“[Banitow | Xow (ax) - = he Pre () dt Yarlt= 1. ie (e t) The &0 pict Abtained ae is tramas Scalaysecn,

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