Le F Minin Des Adjectifs
Le F Minin Des Adjectifs
Le F Minin Des Adjectifs
The adjective ending with “e” will remain the same for feminine
The adjective ending with “er” will change to “ère” for feminine
The adjective ending with “on” will change to “onne” for feminine
The adjective ending with “en” will change to “enne” for feminine
The adjective ending with “f” will change to “ve” for feminine
The adjective ending with “et” will change to “ette” for feminine
The adjective ending with “eux” will change to “euse” for feminine
Exceptions :
Meilleur = meilleure
Supérieur = supérieure
Un beau livre
Un bel appartement
Gros = grosse
Gras = grasse
Bas = basse
Épais = épaisse
Doux = douce
Jaloux = jalousie
Roux = rousse
Blanc = blanche
Franc = franche
Long = longue
Gentil = gentile
Fou = folle
Favori = favorite
Public = publique
Sec = sèche